ee ce we WU WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, e Deaths a a i.e HAROLD S. FRYBERGER Harold S. Fryberger, 43, of Center Square, Maytown, died in St. Joseph’s hospital at 6 a.m. Friday, Oct. 18, af- ter a lengthy illness. He is survived by his wife at home. Born in Marietta, he was the son of Harold and Eliza- beth = Siple Fryberger. He was the proprietor of the Wagon Wheel Hotel, May- town American Legion. A 1943 graduate of Marietta high school, he served in the Navy during World War II. Besides his wife and par- ents, he is survived by two daughters, Jo Ann Fryberger of Philadelphia, and Sharon, wife of Jack Linard, Mariet- ta; and a granddaughter. Funeral services were held Monday morning from the Smedley funeral home and burial was made in the Mari- etta cemetery. JOSEPH HOLLENBAUGH Joseph G. Hollenbaugh, 82, husband of the late Anna Heisey Hollenbaugh, Hum- melstown R11, died at 9:15 a. m. Wednesday, Oct. 16, in Harrisburg hospital. He had been in ill health but death was unexpected. Born in Andersonburg, . Perry County, Pa., he was a son of the late Calvin and Alice Swartz Hollenbaugh and was a music store opera- tor in Elizabethtown for 20 . years before retirement. Be- fore living in Hummelstown, he had resided in the May- town area. He was a member of the United Church of Christ, in Maytown, a trustee emeri- tus of the church; the Loyal Orded of Moose, Elizabeth- How's The world Treating 1968 . THE BULLETIN. MOUNT JOY, PA. town Hunters and Anglers Assn. Suvivors include these children, Theodore, Colum- bia; Marie, wife of Robert Black, Neffsville; William H., Ephrata; John Roberts, May- town and six grandchildren. Funeral services were held from the Smedley funeral home, Marietta, Saturday af- ternoon, Oct. 19, and burial was made in United Church of Christ cemetery, Maytown. % Halloween Parade (From page 1) 1 - 8, individual only. Second Division — Marsh- all, Bob Eshleman — Floats - Best appearing non-commer- cial float - $75, $50 and $25. Best appearing non-commerc- ial float entered by youth groups or organizations. - $50 and $25. Third Division — Marshall Frank Shreve - 5 prizes in each category - Most original, most comical, and fanciest. Fourth Division — Marsh- all - Lloyd Myers — 4 prizes each category - Most original couple and Most comical couple. 3 prizes each category - Fanciest group (3 or more), Most comical group, and larg- est group in costume. This Division is open to all ages. Following the parade, priz- es will be awarded at W. I. Beahm Jr. high school with parade chairman, Henry Zer- phey, acting as M.C. March- ers must be present to claim their prizes. Following the awards program each child in the 8th Grade and under that marched, costumed, in the parade will receive a prize in addition to other prizes he may have been a- warded when he turns in the number issued to him when the parade formed. The various Committee Chairman for the parade are as follows: Prizes, John Presto; School, Samuel Harn- ish; Fund Drive, Bill Eby; Parade Route, Charles Shoe- maker and Alvin « Bigler; King and Queen, Robert Schroll; Judges, Harry Stumpf; Convertibles, Jim Hollinger; Traffic, Reuben Goodling. The General Com- mittee is Henry Zerphey, Chairman; Bill Eby, Charles Ricedorf, and Bernell Heisey. The Parade route is as fol- lows: Form on South Market Street at Memorial Park. From there it will move west on Marietta Ave. to New Ha- ven Street, north to Main St. east to Barbara St. south to Columbia Ave., west to Pop- lar St., and then south to the W. I Beahm School. Resi- dents living along the parade route are asked to light up the area in front of their homes where possible. STANDS AT PARADE The Mount Joy Business & Professional Women’s Club will have five stands along Main Street, selling coffee & doughnuts before and during the Mount Joy Halloween parade on Saturday evening, October 26. The five stands will be lo- cated in front of Hess’s Food Store, Jack Horner's Shoe Store, Lester Roberts & Son, Heilig Fneral Home and Carl Germer’s residence at 68 W. Main Street. AUXILIARY MEETS The Ladies Auxiliary of the Mount Joy Fire Company met in the Fire Hall October 17. The President presided, with 23 members present. Birthday greetings were ex- tended to Mary Hank and Geraldine Williams. A White Elephant Party will be hela at the November meeting. Nominations of officers will be held also at the No- vember meeting. When in need of printing remember The Bulletin., —— "Cletting nowhere fast? Worrying whether you're making the most of your money? Stop wondering, You can fix all that, Establish a closer relationship ‘with your full service bank: the Key Bank, One that can handle all your money needs, We lend it, We help you handle it, pay you to save it, The more ways you use a full service bank like ours, the . That’s the big advantage of full service banking! Knowing you better, “we can act faster when a financial need arises, Your credit rating goes up. You can accomplish more for yourself and your family, Put your dollars where they will do the most good. In a full : service bank like ours, See if the world doesn’t treat you just a little bit better, LANCASTER COUNTY FARMERS NATIONAL Lancaster ® Quarryville ® Mount Joy ® Christiana * Columbia Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , The Mount Joy PAGE THREE BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Published Weekly on Wednesdays Except Fourth of July Week and Christmas Week (50 Issues Per Year) 11 EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY, PENNA., 17552 In the heart of fabulous Lancaster County. - Richard A. Rainbolt Editor and Publisher Subscription Rate - $2.50 per year by mail. 3 Advertising Rates upon request. ’ Entered at the post office at Mount Joy, Penna., as second class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. ig 3. Donegal Schools Menus HIGH SCHOOL & JR. HIGH Friday, Oct. 25 Seafood Submarine Green beans in buttered sauce Celery & carrot strips Homemade cake Milk Monday, Oct. 28 Chili Con Carne Steamed buttered rice Peas in buttered sauce Chilled peaches Milk Tuesday, Oct. 29 Meat Peek a Boos Oven browned potatoes Celery & carrot sticks Roll & butter Milk Peanut butter bars Wednesday, Oct. 30 Ham & Green beans Parslied buttered potatoes Cornbread & buttter Chilled fruit cup Milk Thursday, Oct. 31 Donegal Meat Loaf and gravy Whipped potatoes Joycee-ettes Hold Meeting The Joycee-ette monthly meeting was held Oct. 15 at the VFW building. The board members entertained on the sixteenth anniversary of the club by taking them to Ha- waii via music, flowers, re- freshments and colorful dres- ses. Mrs. Richard Gyer, who recently returned from a week’s stay in Hawaii, show- ed slides and gave an inter- esting talk about the people, landscape and customs of the island. Mrs. Donald Yingst was in charge of arrange- ments, along with the follow- ing board members: Mrs. Jer- ry Lutz, Mrs. Tom Moran, Mrs. Bonnie Wise, Mrs. Leo Moore, Mrs. Wm. Grove, Mrs. Richard Lesher, Mrs. Wm. Bitzer, Mrs. Richard Gyer and Mrs. Gene Newcomer. Mrs. Wm. Bitzer reported 106 girls registered for the baby sitting courses which began Saturday, Oct. 19 with the first speaker, Mrs. Leo Moore, an elementary teach- er. This was the first of four sessions being offered for teen-age girls to prepare them for the responsibilities of baby sitting. Coloring posters are being distributed to all the Done- gal District el e m entary schools on- the importance of safety at home & school. Two guests attended, Miss Delores Diebler and Mrs. Jno: Harnish. ITCHING LIKE MAD? Get this doctor's formula! Zemo speedily stops torment of externally caused itching... of eczema, minor skin irritations, non- poisonous insect bites. Desensitizes nerve endings. Kills millions of sur- face germs. “De-itch” skin witls Zemo—Liquid or Ointment, Corn in buttered sauce Hard Roll Jello with topping Milk * * * ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Friday, Oct. 25 Cr. of Tomato soup Meat or peanut butter sandwich Green beans/butter saue Applesauce . Homemade cookie Milk Monday, Oct. 28 Grilled cheese sandwich Peas in butter sauce Buttered bread Chilled peaches Milk Tuesday, Oct. 29 Meat Peek a Boos Oven browned potatoes Celery & Carrot sticks Roll & butter Milk Peanut butter bar Wednesday, Oct. 30 Ham & green beans - Parslied buttered potatoes Cornbread & buttex k Chilled fruit cup Hd Milk Log Thursday, Oct. 31 3 Donegal Meat Loaf El: and gravy 4 Whipped potatoes a Corn in butter sauce 4: : Rusk & butter a Jello with topping _ 27 Milk “| tt | Vv 7 A iy ut V mm at Reversible Coat : This reversible coat is easy to make. Just seam up each side, then seam them together. You may like to match one side to a dress. No. 3238 comes in sizes 10 to 18. Size 14 (bust 34) takes 2% yd. of 54-in, fabric for each side. Send 40¢ plus 6¢ postage for this pattern to IRIS LANE (care of this newspaper), Morris Plaias, N.J. 07950. Add 15¢ for first- class mail and special handling. Free pattern is waiting for you. Send 50 cents for our new Fall-Winter Pattern Book which contains coupon for pattern of your choice, tor
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