The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 16, 1968, Image 3
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, e Deaths FRANK G. BOGGS Funeral services for Frank G. Boggs, 82, who for seven years handled Mount Joy's emergency telephone -. radio system, were held Saturday, Oct. 12, from the Boyer fu- neral home in Elizabethtown. Burial was made in the Mt. Tunnel cemetery. Death came early Thursday morning, Oct. 10, at the home of his niece and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. John O. Baker, 610 Groff avenue, Elizabethtown. He was a retired metal- smith. Although in , poor health for some time, he had continued his duties at the . radio trailer in Apple alley until about two weeks ago, when he asked the Friend- ship Fire company to help him move. Born in Elizabethtown, a son of the late George D. and Hester Gish Boggs, he was a member of Christ Lutheran church, Elizabethtown; and Friendship Fire Co. 1, Mount Joy. His wife, Helen Henry Boggs, died in 1965. Surviving are two sons, Russell, Tallmadge, Ohio; and Bruce, Ohio; and two grandchildren. He was the last of his immediate family. Casket bearers were Mount Joy friends made since he and his wife moved to the borough. They were: Frank Good Jr., Earl Geltmacher, Harvey Stoner, Mike Good, Jim Markley and Sam Dock. VADA E. SHOWALTER Mrs. Vada E. Showalter, 59, wife of Roy D. Showalter, Mount Joy R1, died Monday, Oct. 14 at 9 p.m. in the Fair- view Manor Convalescent . Home; Columbia, after an illness of six months. How's The worl Treafing you? 1968 Born in Harrisonburg, Va., a daughter of the late Thom- as and Annie Wood Webb, che resided in the Mount Joy R1 area for ten years. She had been employed by the A. Werman and Son, and the Tri R. Shoe Co., Marietia, and was a member of the Harrisonburg United Metho- dist church. In addition to her husband, f she is survived by a daugh- ter, Lois M., wife of John M. Gohn, Marietta; five grand- children; a sister, Mrs. Beu- lah Hess, Harrisonburg, Va.; and a brother, Joseph Webb, Columbia R2. Funeral services were set for Thursday afternoon from the Smedley funeral home, Marietta, with burial in the Mount Joy cemetery. MAYTOWN NEWS NOTES Miss Grace Henderson Sgt. Donald Mayers, Platts- burg, N. Y. spent last week- end at his home. Mrs. Pauline Bowman and Mrs. Helen Brauer, Lancast- er, called on your correspond- ent last Sunday afternoon. The Rev. and Mrs. Edward Buller, New York, spent last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. John Buller. Mr. and Mrs. Rob’t Lowry and son, Joel, of Pittsburgh, spent last weekend with the Ray Frybergers. Mrs. Lowry attended her -25th class re- union Saturday evening. It was the reunion of the 1943 East Donegal high school class and was held at the Rheems Fire Hall. Twenty- five members and guests at- tended. Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Haines and sons, Newtown Square, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haines. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lowry of Lancaster, were dinner guests of the Ray Frybergers last Sunday. Mrs. Pat Hoffman is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's hospital. Mrs. Joseph Keener re- turned to her home after be- ing hospitalized at the Lan- caster General hospital and Temple University hospital. Harold Fryberger is a pa- tient at St. Joseph’s hospital. Mrs. George Waller, Mrs. Lawrence Barnhart and Mrs. Myrtle Warner are still hos- pitalized. John Sweitzer is a patient in St. Joseph's hospital. Mrs. Curtis Pierce has been a patient in St. Joseph’s hos- pital for several weeks. Mrs. Martin Hoffman, Mil- lersville, called on Mrs. Marguerite Culp, Miss Helen Sload and Mrs. John Wolfe last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Feath- erolf and daughters, Schuyl- kill Haven visited Mrs. John Wolfe last Sunday. Edward W. Allen, Execu- tive Director of the Urban League of Lancaster County will speak at the Sunday School service at St. John’s Lutheran Church on Sunday. Harvest Home will be cele- brated in the above church on Sunday at the morning worship service. The Excelsior Class of the Church of God met Tuesday evening in the church base- ment. Mrs. Dorothy Singer was hostess. Revival Servicés will be held in the above church No- vember 3 to November 10. Pastor Paul W. Moore of the Edgewood Church of God, Frederick, Md. will preach. The following women of the Lutheran church visited v "Getting nowhere fast? Worrying whether you're making “the most of your money? Stop wondering, You can fix all that, Establish a closer relationship ‘with your full service banks the Key Bank, One that can handle all your money needs, We lend it, We help you handle it. We pay you to save it, The more ways you use a full service bank like ours, the better we get to know you, That’s of full service banking! Knowing you better, the big advantage THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. The Mount Joy PAGE THREE BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Published Weekly on Wednesdays Except Fourth of July Week and Christmas Week (80 Issues Per Year) 11 EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 17552 In the heart of fabulous Lancaster County. Richard A. Rainbolt Editor and Publisher Subscription Rate - $2.50 per year by mail. Advertising Rates upon request. Entered at the post office at Mount Joy, Penna., as second class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. Donegal Schools Menus HIGH SCHOOL & JR. HIGH Friday, October 18 Fishburger on buttered heated roll Peas/butter sauce Oven brown potatoes Peanut Butter Bar Milk Alt: Ham Barbecue Monday, October 21 Beef Barbecue on buttered heated roll French Fries Pineapple Upside Down Cake Milk Tuesday, October 22 Steak Sandwich Succotash in butter sauce Lettuce wedges Dutchie Dressing Apricot halves Milk Wednesday, October 23 Frankfurter on buttered heated roll Baked beans Pepper slaw Peach Cobbler Milk Thursday, October 24 Turkey & Gravy Filling ball Mixed Vegs. in buttered Sauce Roll & butter Fruited Jello Milk Me * W ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Friday, October 18 Fishburger on buttered heated roll French Fried Potatoes Peas/butter sauce the County Home last Satur- day and treated the guests: Mrs. Ivan Hess, Mrs. Milton Brown, Mrs. Hazel Crank- shaw, Mrs. Ruth Newcomer, Mrs. John Warfel and Vicki Blake. Mrs. George Morris and Miss Helen Hollenbaugh at- tended the Consistorial Din- ner meeting at Heller's Unit- ed church at Leacock Thurs. evening, Oct. 10. Mr. and Mrs. James Grove and sons, of Leola, called on Miss Helen Hollenbaugh and her mother last Sunday after- noon. Ranger cookie Milk Alt.: Grilled Cheese Sand- wich Monday, October 21 Beef Barbecue on buttered heated roll French Fries Pineapple Upside Down Cake Milk Tuesday, October 22 Steak Sandwich Succotash in butter sauce Lettuce wedges Apricot halves Milk Wednesday, October 23 Frankfurter on buttered heated roll Baked beans Pepper slaw Peach Cobbler Milk Thursday, October 24 Turkey & gravy Filling ball Mixed Vegs. in buttered sauce Roll & butter Fruited Jello Milk Florin Auxiliary Holds Meeting The Ladies Auxiliary of the Florin Fire company held its regular meeting on Mon- day, Oct. 7, at 7:30° pm. in the fire house. All members present agreed to purchase a new stove and refrigerator for the new kitchen, to be completed soon. Two new members—Bev- erly Zink and Margaret Me- Garvey — were accepted in- to the auxiliary. A rummage sale will be held on Friday evening, No- vember 8 from 4 to 8 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 9, from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Everyone interested is invited to par- ticipate. The auxiliary will hold its annual Christmas party Dec. 11 at 6:30 o'clock at Groff’s farm. Dinner will be family style. All members are invit- ed. They should contact Hel- en Mateer. Patronize Our Advertisers “we can act faster when a financial need arises, Your credit rating goes up. You can accomplish more for yourself and your family, Put your dollars where they will do the most good. In a full service bank like ours. ~ See if the world doesn’t treat you just a little bit better, Love at First Flight in Airline Jobs ¥ Free travel is only one of the many exciting ‘fringe benefits'’ of a career in the Airlines, Travel & Transportation Field. If you are a high school grad 17; to 35, you can train for the best of everything—good pay, stimulating : duties, interesting people PLUS world-wide free or reduced-rate travel. Be a Reservationist, Ticket Agent, Tra Secretary, Communications Operator, Etc.—rapid advancement. FREE Aptitude’ Test tells if you can qualify. Training need not interfere with work or school. Proven National Placement Service Accredited Member NHSC. Veteran approved. Airline Personnel Training, 2201 Blais- dell Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404. AIRLINE PERSONNEL TRAINING Mr. Roy Keefer, Box 2502, Harrisburg, Pa. 1711@ Send me, without obligation, test to see if | can qualify for Careers in the Airlinegl LANCASTER COUNTY FARMERS NATIONAL . Lancaster ® Quarryville * Mount Joy ® Christiana * Columbia & Transportation field. ov Blember of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Name Age - . : Address pa City. State Zip i HOME PHONG eee | f Under 17 check here for special booklet OF 9 ® 62-1