SD nD ee wu wi A a WI V4 « Pp AY ve ot pd Ud a NOP 1 NL BN CT... NE Le es ». N.Y . make hollandaise sauce. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1968 THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Everybody Reads The Classifieds FOR SALE ‘Blue Lustre not . only rids carpets of soil but leaves pile soft and lofty. Rent electric shampooer $1. Cassel & Gra- ham, 20 Market Square, Man- heim, Pa. , 24-1¢ Apt., 3 rms & private bath. Central Manheim. Write P. 0. Box 475, Lancaster, Pa. 23-3c¢ -Notice: Anyone desiring to purchase a lot in Florin Heights. Call Bob Kline 653- 1291 or call Collect (814) 766- 3413. Howard Bernhard. 24-tfc 215 acres of Corn for silage. Contact Melvin M. Graybili, Mount Joy, 653-5612. 24-2¢ English setter Puppies, six weeks old, registered. Excel- lent hunting stock. Call 663- 4509 after 5 p.m. 24-1c Two Yorkshire Hogs, ready to butcher. Raymond Shoe- maker, RD 2, Mount Joy, 653-4931. 24-1c Sofa and chair, $15; two lamps, $15. Call 898-8223. 24-2¢ Cobbler Potatoes, 75¢c a to- mato basket, field grown. Bring container, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Edna Hoffer, Manheim R3, phone 665-3055. 24-3¢ '65 Honda Motorcycle, 160cc. Also Wringer Washer and set of tubs. Call 505-5408 3 24-1¢ Seasoned fireplace wood. oak, apple and cherry. Ph. 665- 6246. 24-3¢ One set new plastic Seat Covers, split front, Blue and white. Sell for $7. Ph. 665- 4101. 24-1p SINGER ZIG ZAG Late model, slightly used. Five-year parts and service guarantee. No attachments necessary to sew button- holes, fancy designs, blind hems and straight stitches. Unpaid Balance $56.30 or pay payments of $4.86 per mo. Call Capitol Credit manager until 9 p.m. 392- 4341. If toll, call collect. 16-tfc ‘UNCLAIMED LAYAWAY Late model, cabinet model, slightly used. Five-year parts and service guarantee. No attachments necessary to sew buttonholes, fancy designs, blind hems and straight stitches. Unpaid balance $38.20 Or make payments of $4.90 per month. Call Capital Credit manag- er until 9 p.m. 392-4341. If toll call, collect. 16-tfc IT'wo amplifiers. Can be used separately or together. Will sell one or both. Call 653- 1230. 23-2p WHITE ZIG ZAG sewing machine. Used very little. Monograms, fancy stitches, overcasts, blind hems, makes buttonholes without attachments. Parts guaranteed and free service within 25 miles. $29.00 or $5. monthly Call dealer ’til 9 p.m. 397- 2301. Out of town, call col- lect. 17-tfe SECOND IN ROOFING. Three tab shingles $1 - $1.35 per bundle. Also roll roofing and building paper. In large amounts. ‘David H. Koser, Elizabethtown R3. Call 367- 3384. 23-6¢ Sewing machine. Famous make, chip and scratch sale. Makes fancy stitches, makes buttonholes, overcasts and sews blind hems. Paint dam- aged in shipment, but mech- anically perfect. SPECIAL PRICE $21 Call dealer ’til 9 p.m. 397- 2301. Out of town, call col- lect. 17-tfc SINGER TOUCH & SEW Due to recent divorce, must . # Every good cook should learn a simple yet satisfactory way to More than just a classic trimming for {Rely On This Hollandaise Recipe ps ea asparagus, broccoli and other vegetables, hollandaise serves as the basis for Béarnaise and other famous sauces. It’s also essential for numerous great dishes such as eggs Benedict; it’s an ideal ac- companiment to many fish dishes; and it may be used to mask foods that are to be glazed or browned under a broiler. : + Offered here is a new, fret-free method for making hollandaise, one that features the powdered creamer, Pream, as a surprise ingredient. This nearly disaster-proof Pream method results in a sauce of perfect flavor and of extra rich, satiny texture. It’s a sauce, too, that can be felvife rated for 2 or 3 days, then beaten in a bowl or pan over hot, not Serve it warm, not oiling, water until warm and smooth. hat, as too high heat can spell grief for any sauce based on an emulsion of butter and egg yolks. Wrote nv 3 Easy Hollandaise - 34 cup butter 3 tablespoons powdered ¥ Pream ' 4 egg yolks ; Heat top until just melted. 1, teaspoon salt 14 cup lemon juice V4: cup water - — of double boiler over hot (not boiling) water Beat together. Pream, egg yolks, salt, lemon Juice and water. Stir egg mixture into melted butter; continue to cook over hot water, beating with wire whip until thick. Makes, about 114 cups. 665-5003. 1968 ZIG ZAG chine complete with instruc- tions. Free service and sew- ing course. $65.00 CASH ~ or $5. monthly Call dealer ’til 9 p.m. 397- 2301. Out of town, call col- lect. 17-tfe sell 6 month old Singer ma- TYPEWRITERS, add. mach. cash reg., check inter-coms., safes, files, off. furn.,, new & used. At Roots Sale Tuesday, “Worth trip” ENGLE, 20 South Market St., E-town. 32-tfe ANTIQUES Bought, Sold, Appraised Closed Sundays & Evenings HART'S 151 North Charlotte Street MANHEIM, PA. dress; DOMESTIC ZIG ZAG Slightly used. Fancy stitches, sews on buttons, makes but- tonholes. No attachments needed. Five year parts and service guarantee. Unpaid Balance $33.40 or pay payments of $4.30 per mo. Call Capitol Credit manager until 9 p.m. 392- 4341. If toll call, collect. 16-tfc FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS INVESTIGATE ACCIDENTS Earn to $1000 monthly part or full time, Pick own job location. Car furnished, Ex- penses paid. No selling. No college education necessary. We train you at home spare time. Keep present job untii ready to switch. Men urgent- ly needed now. Free place- ment assistance into this booming field. All Facts Free. Write. National Insurance Adjusters School, Dept. 13B, P.O. Box 16148, Memphis, Tenn. 38116. Include age, ad- phone, present em- ployment. 24-tfc TREE SERVICE Cutting and Trimming EARL M. GOSHORN 653-4363 24-1c Lenhert’s Cabinet Shop, Mari- etta, Pa., Antiques restored, refinished. Cabinet and for- mica work. Phone 426-7591. 22-tfc NOTICE Farmers — Home Owners Now is the time to fix that chimney and mend that walk We do all kinds of mason work. Call 665-5793 after 5 p.m. 21-4c TRAILER SPACE FOR RENT Near Manheim. Call S33tes 23-2¢ FOR RENT: Business or pro- fessional office, 2 rooms and lavatory, on east Main St., Mount Joy. Call 653-5664 af- ter 5 p.m. 23-2¢ HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED: Housekeeper for elderly couple, to live in. Small apartment with pri- vate bath, furnished or un- furnished as desired. Nice residential area. References required. Apply Box 1222, Lancaster, Pa. 24-3c Housekeeper. Must take full charge of house and small child. To live-in preferred. Must furnish reference. Call 939-9333 9 - 5 p.m. only 24-tfn Woman for part-time work, 6 to 9 p.m. five evenings per week. Must be high school graduate and willing to meet and serve public. Sec- retarial type work. Write Box LBC, c¢/o Mount Joy Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa. 23-2d HELP WANTED Male Factory workers. H. Roy Nissley and Co. Inc. South Market Ave. and Wood Sts., Mount - Joy, Pa. 6B3B2N0 21-4c Help Offered —_— I will keep a pre-school age child at our home Monday through Friday, 32 W. Ferd- inand St., Manheim. Phone 665-6131. Mrs. W. L. Starr. 24-3p Will do babysitting in my home. Call 665-6212. 23-2¢ I will do babysitting, any age child, in my home. So -&C I will keep a pre-school age child at - our home, Mondays thru Fridays. Mrs. W. L. Starr, 32 W. Ferdinand St., Manheim, Ph. 665-6131. 23-3c CARDS OF THANKS — With our deep appreciation, we want to thank all our rel- atives, our neighbors and our other friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and other kindnesses to us in our sorrow at the death of Mr. Edward M. Mutzer. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur M. Mutzer and Mrs. Esther K. Buller 24-1c ITCHING - LIKE MAD? Get this doctor's formula! Zemo speedily stops torment of externally caused itching... of eczema, minor skin irritations, non- poisonous insect bites. Desensitizes nerve endings. Kills millions of sur- face germs. ‘“‘De-itch” skin with Zemo—Liquid or Ointment. PAGE FIVE YOU CAN GET RELIEF FROM HEADACHE PAIN STANBACK gives you FAST relief from pains of headache, neuralgia, neuritis, and minor pains of arthritis, rheumatism. Because STANBACK contains several medically-approved and jrasciibed ingredients for fast relief, you can take STANBACK with confidence. Satisfaction guaranteed! Test Swap Bock wih STANBACK against any preparation you've ever The worst thing about re- tirement is having to drink coffee on your own time. Patronize Our Advertisers — 2 ere Lami, 3100 Cenfer-Pleat Dress Here's a swingy style. Brights en up your life with a gay pring, or make this in a new Fall dark, Why not make it both ways? No. 3100 comes in sizes 10 ta 18, 42, 44, 46. Size 12 (bust 34), sleeveless, takes 2% yards of 44e inch fabric. Send 40¢ plus 6¢ postage fog this pattern to IRIS LANE (care of this newspaper), Morris Plains, N.J. 07950. Add 15¢ for firsts class mail and special handling, Free pattern is waiting fop you. Send 50 cents for our new Fall-Winter Pattern Book which contains coupon for pattern of your choice. > 4 JFruit—Bacoa—'n’—Cheese Snacks™_ Ca However you decide to serve “Fruit-Bacon-'n’-Cheese Snacks,” you've got a culinary winner working for you. Bite-size pieces of popular canned fruit cocktail are added to a tasty mixture of cream cheese, mayonnaise, chipped bacon and sliced green onion tops. From that point on, the way to enjoy this appetizing filling is up to you. Fruit-Bacon-’n’ 1 can (11b.1 oz.) fruit cocktail ! 1 package (8 0z.) cream cheese 2 tablespoons mayonnaise 4 slices crisp-cooked bacon MN -Cheese Snacks 2 tablespoons sliced green * onion tops Small cucumber or celery ’ sticks or canned Boston "brown bread i Drain fruit cocktail. Cream together cheese and mayonnaise. Chip bacon and stir into creamed mixture along with fruit cocktail . and onion. Serve as stuffing for cucumber “boats” or celery sticks or as spread for round slices of bread—er with all three. (To prepare “boats,” pare cucumber; cut lengthwise into halves, then cross- wise into quarters, removing seeds.) Accompany with ehoice of juices for snacks or serve with salad course, , Makes about 2 cups. ,
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