WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1968 LANDISVILLE - SALUNGA NEWS A tea for parents of chil dren registered for the pre- school nursery to be opened this fall in the East Peters. burg United Church of Christ will be held Friday, Sept. 6 at 10 a.m. at the church. Mrs. Richard Stout will be teacher of the four-year-olds, who will attend Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Three year. olds will attend Tues- day and Thursday and will be taught by Mrs. Donald Ringer. * * * Christine Chryst 17, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Free- land Chryst, 3130 Cochran Drive and a recent graduate of Hempfield high school is attending the 25th annual National Junior Achievers Conference held at Indiana University. Miss Chryst will be competing for the Nation- al title of Miss J.A. In the Fall, Miss Chryst will enter Millersville State College. More than 2000 delegates from all parts of the U. S. and three foreign Countries are attending the week-long teenage business conference. * %* a Miss Betsy Eileen Snavely, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. William Snavely, W. Silver Spring Rd., Landisville and Richard Tomlinson II, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tom- linson, 2511 Marietta Ave., were united in marriage re- cently in the Landisville Church of God. The bride, a graduate of Hempfield High School, at- tended Findlay College and Indiana University of Penn- sylvania, and will be a jun- ior at the Penn State Univer- sity. A graduate of Hempfield high school, the bridegroom will be a junior at Penn State. The couple will reside in State College. *® *® *® The Hempfield Sertoma Club held their annual family picnic on Wednesday, Aug. 28 at 6 p. m. at the Legion Park Pavilion. : After picnic supper, games ~ were played. : ne % EJ a - Hempfield school opened with a full day of school to- day, (Wednesday, Sept. 4.) The staff reported Tuesday, Sept. 3. A group of 41 new teach- ers met 5,568 elementary and secondary students. The marriage of Miss Lin- da Louise Lichty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lichty, East Petersburg, to James Rohrbaugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rohr. baugh, Belleville, took place recently. The bride, a graduate of Hempfield high school and Penn State University, is em- ployed, by Danks and Co. State College. . Centrai A graduate of Cambria high school, the bridegroom is a student at Penn State U, The couple will reside in Belleville. * oe The Auxiliary to Walter S. Ebersole Post 185 of Mt. Joy hold their meeting on Thurs- day, Sept. 5, at the Post Home, Mrs. Philip Stumpf is pres- ident. Mrs. Robert Overly, Salun- ga, will receive the Depart- ment of the Army Zero De- fects Achievement Award from the East Petersburg branch of Hamilton Watch Company. The award is for the prevention and elimina- tion of mistakes in defense contracts. MAYTOWN NEWS NOTES Miss Grace Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hou- seal and sons vacationed last week at Stone Harbor, N.J- Mrs. Clair Cochran called on the Ray Frybergers last Wednesday. J. P. Dohner, a former teacher at East Donegal high school, called on your cor- respondent last Monday. Miss Margaret Trout, Up- per Darby, a former teacher at Mount Joy Elementary School, spent last Thursday with your correspondent. Miss Trout and I called on Mrs. John Grosh at Mt. Joy the same afternoon. Mrs. Grosh celebrated her 92nd birthday anniversary on Fri- day, Aug. 30. When we taught in Mount Joy we liv. ed with the Groshes. At that time teachers were not per- mitted to commute, they had to live in Mount Joy. Mrs. Dorothy Greiner, Eli- zabethtown R.D., and Miss Jennifer Jolly, Australia, cal- led on Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sprout last Friday. Miss Jolly was a pen pal of Mrs. Greiner's mother, Mrs. Tru- man. Sprout. Miss Sally Glass, Baltimore spent Labor Day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George . Morris. . Mr. and Mrs.- David Greer have returned to their home "in Macon, - Georgia. Miss Linda Houseal, Miss Dottie Engle and Jack Frank Jr. will be enrolled at Mil- lersville State College this week. However this is not Jack’s first year. Mrs. Mabel Johnstin is a patient in St. Joseph's hos- ' James A. Martin NATIONAL TRUCK DRIVER OF THE YEAR Tips from a Pro. Bi UE ml Y o hs 7 8 oll 2 rm pital. (Intensive Care). Lieut. Robert Morris ex- pects to return to the states the latter part of this month. Kathy Leas, a nurse at Washington, D. C. spent the - past weekend at her home. The Rev. and Mrs. John W. Graybill, missionaries from Japan, will speak and show slides about their work at the Brethren in Christ Church this evening (Wed.) at. 7:30. A vocal ensemble from Messiah College sang at the above church on Sunday eve- ning. PP&L to Rebuild System Property The entire distribution line system from the Prince Substation in Lancaster is being reconstructed by the Pennsylvania Power & Light Company. The project is es- timated at $275,000. The project area is bound- ed by West Orange and Christian streets, Lancaster Avenue and Manheim Pike at the city line. Richard H. Light, PP&L’s Lancaster community service manager, said the project is designed to provide addition- al capacity, thereby strength- ening the reliability of ser- vice to the area. “By reconstructing the lines from Prince 12,000 - 4,000-volt substation,” Mr. Light said, ‘the Company will be able to increase their voltage from 4,000 to 12,000 so the circuit can operate di- rectly from the high-capacity system.” Part of the project involves the replacement of 200 trans- formers, 155 poles, various pole hardware and some sec- tions of line. Pole line con- struction and street lighting supply facilities in the area will be modernized. Event- ually, the 12,000 - 4,000-volt substation now supplying the area will be removed. Brooks Attends Parley in Japan August 6 - 9, Harry F. Brooks, the son of Mrs. Thel- ma M. Bowman, of 739 West Main Street, attended the International Youth Hostel Rally held in Tokyo, Japan. He was one of 13 Americans attending although he didn’t have to make the journey across the Pacific as he is in the U.S. Air Force, stationed in Misawa, Japan. Enrollment at the national Youth Hostel Inter- Rally was 3,583 and included Youth Hostellers from Australia, Belgium, England, France, Germany, India, New Zeal- and, Scotland, U.S.A., Korea- Okinawa, Sweden and Japan. HAT BOX HELP To avoid taking down sev- eral hat boxes before locat- ing the one you want, cut holes in the sides of the box- es and back with clear see- through plastic wrap. student . THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Grilled Chicken . . . Sure-Fire Fun There’s fun in the sun all summer long with barbecued chigken. PAGE THREE bo pe End / far For the great summer holiday feast or for a “just-family” back- va the National Broiler rd supper, chicken is always welcome. For your next barbecue, Council suggests you try the following . method for the Tastiest Barbecued Chicken. Sprinkle the chickens with Ac’cent to wake up all the sweet, delicate taste and make the chickens seem juicier, too. Ac’cent adds no flavor of its own, brings out all the taste of the chicken. Serve with potato salad, refreshing glasses of iced tea, brownies with ice cream for dessert +. . and there you have the makings of a memorable cookout. Tastiest Barbecued Chicken 3 broiler-fryer chickens, halved 3 isaspoons Ac’cent |, t and pepper 1: cup butter / 1, cup catchup’, _ 1/4 cup lemon juice . 2 tablespoons soy sauce ? 14 teaspoon Tabasco 2 Sprinkle each chicken with 1 teaspoon Ac’cent, salt and pepper, Melt butter in saucepan; stir in remaining ingredients. Bring te a boil. Place chicken, skin side up, on grate; brush with sauce. Cook until tender, Saniag minutes to 174 hours tota and brushing occasionally. Allow 45 cooking time, depending on wei t of chicken and distance from heat. To test for doneness, leg should twist easily out of thigh joint and pieces should be fork tender. YIELD: 6 servings. Donegal Schools Menus HIGH SCHOOL & JR. HIGH Friday, Sept. 6 Orange Juice Hoagie Sandwich Peas & Carrots in Butter Sauce Peanut Butter Bar Milk Monday, Sept. 9 Spaghetti with Meat Sauce & Cheese Green Beans/Butter Roll & Butter Fresh Fruit Milk Tuesday, Sept. 10 Wiener Wink Home Baked Beans Vegetable Slaw 1 Bread & Butter Fruit Crumble Milk Sauce Wednesday, Stpt. 11 Donegal Meat Loaf and Gravy Buttered Rice Carrot Rings in Parslied Butter Sauce Roll & Butter Cantaloupe Milk Thursday, Sept. 12 Hot Pork Sandwich Whipped Potatoes Tossed Salad with Choice Dressing Harvest Cake Milk ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS RE Ea sn haskell Friday, Sept. 6 Orange Juice Hoagie Sandwich Peas & Carrots in Butter Sauce Peanut Butter Bar Milk — wr s a Monday, Sept. 9 Spaghetti with Meat Sauce & Cheese Green Beans/Butter Sauce Roll & Butter Fresh Fruit Milk Tuesday, Sept. 10 Wiener Wink Home Baked Beans Celery-Carrot Straws Fruit Crumble Milk Alternate: Frank Sand. Wednesday, Sept. 11 Donegal Meat Loaf and Gravy Buttered Rice Carrot Rings in Parslied Butter Sauce Roll & Butter Cantaloupe Milk Thursday, Sept. 12 Hot Pork Sandwich Whipped Potatoes Steamed Buttered Cabbage Harvest Cake Milk If your wife wants to learn to drive, don’t stand in her way! Patronize Our Advertisers to MOUNT JOY tf Take one phone call (or coupos £8 below), add hostess with baskets EB of gifts and information about the #8 city, stir In genuine hospitality, i and you'll have a generous and delightful welcome. Just phone fi Welconé jad | Yr aionct 653-4251 | PHONE TW a Sh Gn S—— #8 WELCOME NEWCOMERS! i % Use this coupon to let us know you're 5 ere. “ Name. i Re Address | City. i [J Please have the Welcome Wagon | Hostess on me [J 1 would like to subscribe to the i 8 [J 1 already subscribe to. the i Fill out coupon and mail fo Circulation § Dept.,
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