EE ———— WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1968 ° Deaths RINT RR JAMES EARL HOFFER James Earl Hoffer, 17, Mt. Joy, Rl, died at 7:30 p. m. Friday, July 19, at. Lancaster General hospital from injur- ies suffered in a motorcycle - car accident several days earlier on the Manheim-Mt. Joy Road in Rapho Twp. Hoffer was thrown from his cycle when it crashed in- to a car driven by William Hougendobler, Mount Joy R1, about 3 miles north of Mount Joy. He was the son-of Mrs. Dorothy Shenberger Hoffer Rose and the late Abram 8S. Hoffer. He was employed at Rimar Corp, Mt. Joy R2, and was in the Manheim Central high school graduating class of 1968. Surviving besides his mo- ther are two sisters, Susan Mae, wife of Barry L. Bliem, Sohren, Germany; two bro- thers, Abram S., Jr. and Rob- ert Eugene, both at home; and his paternal grandmoth- er, Mrs. Irene Z. Sippling Hoffer, Manheim R4. Funeral services were held from the Keech funeral home, Manheim, on Tuesday, July 23, and burial was made in Ruhl’'s cemetery. ROY M. SPAHR Roy H. Spahr, 70, formerly of Landisville, died Tuesday, July 16, at 2:30 p.m. in Del- aware hospital, Wilmington, Delaware., after an illness of three weeks. Born in Landisville, a son of the late Clayton A. and Anna Mary Mumma Spahr, he was a retired employe of the Burnham Corp., Lan- caster, and was a member of Chiques United Methodist Putnam ‘Manor, kler Spahr, died in 1961. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. John Kitner, Landisville; and two brothers, Clayton M., N. J.; and Russell M., New Castle, Del. PHARES K. RAY + Phares K. (Bud) Ray, 59, husband of Ethel Spangler Ray, died unexpectedly at his home, 3616 Horizon Drive, at 9:30 p.m. Saturday. He had been under a doctor’s care for the-past year. Born in West Hempfield Twp., the son of, Uriah J. Ray, and the late Suie Kah- ler Ray, he attended Saint Mark's United Methodist church, Mount Joy. A resident of Lancaster County his entire life, he was employed as a heavy equipment operator at the J. Miller Eshleman Quarry, Landisville. He was a member of the Loyal Order of Moose, Eliza- bethtown, The Foresters of America, Columbia, and the American Automobile Asso- ciation, Lancaster, and held social memberships at the Mount Joy Legion and the Mountville Veterans of For- ein Wars. Surviving, in addition to his father, Shiremanstown, and his wife, are a son, Rodney, Mountville, and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday, July 23, from the Nissley ‘funeral home and burial was made in the Sil- ver Spring cemetery. ROY M. SPAHR Roy M. Spahr, 70, formerly of Landisville, died Tuesday July 16, at 2:30 p.m. in Dela- ware hospital, Wilmington, Del., after an illness of three weeks. Born in Landisville, a son of the late Clayton A., and Anne Mary Mumma Spahr, he was a retired employe of church. His wife, Ruth Fac-the Burnham Corp., Lancast- We have no er, and was a member of the Chiques United Methodist Church. His wife, Ruth Fack- ler, died in 1961, Surviving are a sister, Mrs. John Kitner, Landisville and two brothers, Clayton M., Putnam Manor, N. J.; and Russell M., New Castle, Del. Funeral services were held from the Koser funeral home Saturday, July 20, and bur- ial was made in the Salunga Mennonite cemetery. DAISY W. KLINE Mrs. Daisy W. Kline, 64, of Columbia R1, died at 11:40 a.m. Friday, July 19, at the General hospital, following an illness of one month. She was a native of Conestoga Township, the daughter of the late George K. Warfel and Ida Benedict Warfel and the wife of Lloyd Kline. She had been a Columbia resident for 26 years, and was the proprietor of Kline's Gift Shop, Columbia, and a member of the Salem Adult Bible Class and Women's Guild of that church. She is survived by her husband; two daughters, Viv- ian, wife of Nathan E. Spiese of East Petersburg, and Eve- lyn, wife of John Rodkey, Jr., Columbia; one son, Lloyd W., Landenberg, Pa.; seven grandchildren, and three sis- ters, Mrs. Mabel Clark and Mrs. Grace F. Young, both of Lancaster, and Mrs. Kathryn Mumper, Mount Joy. Funeral services were held from the United Church of Christ, Columbia, Tuesday, July 23, and burial was made in Laurel Hill Memorial Gar- dens. One hundred years ago, there were 74 acres of farm land available to each person. Now there are less than 3 acres of arable land per per- son. Patronize Our Advertisers “=e + rey service charges for personal checking accounts that maintain a $200 minimum balance. Open an account today. LANCASTER COU NTY FARMERS NATIONAL Lancaster * Quarryville * Mount Joy ® Christiana ® Columbia . .. Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation + i + + » + {sa didi 1d THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. The Mount Joy BULLE PAGE THRER 1 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Published Weekly on Wednesdays Except Fourth of July Week and Christmas Week (50 Issues Per Year) 11 EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 17552 In the heart of fabulous Lancaster County. Richard A. Rainbolt Editor and Publisher Subscription Rate - $2.50 per year by mail. Advertising Rates upon request. : Entered at the post office at Mount Joy, Penna., as second class mail under the Aet of March 3, 1879. MAYTOWN NEWS NOTES Mrs. Ada Frank was a pa- tient in St. Joseph’s hospital last week. She is now con- valescing at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wil- son, Arvada, Colorado, an- nounce the birth of a son. The Robert Gibble family and Mrs. Bobby Reoaten and three sons vacationed at Wellsboro last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cle- ments and sons John and Robert, New Castle, Del., spent last weekend with Mrs. John Wolfe. Bobby Frank York Junior summer. Marcia and Marilyn Strom- inger are spending the sum- mer months at their home. They are both students at Messiah College. The Golden Age Club held its July meeting at the Dil- linger cottage at Landisville last Tuesday. Each one brought a box lunch and the host and hostesses served homemade ice cream, coffee, iced tea, cookies and snacks After lunch several games were played and Hiram May- ers the president, eonducted the business meeting. Thirty- one members and two guests had a very enjoyable after- noon. St. John’s Lutheran church picnic will be held Sunday, July 28 at the Legion grounds. Games at 3 p.m. and supper will be served at 5 p.m. Bring your favorite cov- ered dish. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Yor- dy attended the Yordy re- union at Ashland last Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lowy and Miss Jane Fryberger en- tertained their parents, Mr. is attending College this and Mrs. Ray Fryberger last Saturday at Groff’s banguet hall. The occasion was the Fryberger’s 45th wedding anniversary. Guests were Mrs. Elizabeth McKain, Mari- etta; Dr. and Mrs. Richard Allbright and daughter, Kim, Quarryville; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Henderson, Elizabeth- town; Miss Grace Henderson of Maytown; John Dillinger, Mount Joy; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lowy, Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiggins, son John and daughter Car- ol, Quarryville and Joel Lowy, Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hou- seal and children visited the Ephrata Cloister last Satur- day. Scott Lowery spent last week in Lancaster with his mother and sister. David Blake returned to his home from Philmont Boy Scout Ranch, New Mexico, last Monday morning. Singing Family To Give Concert The Simpson family, a well-known vocal group from Philadelphia which has been in the community many times, will give a concert at the Landisville Camp Greund on Saturday night July 27, beginning at 7:30 o’cloek. The public is invited. There will be no admission but an offering will be taken. The Simpsons have given concerts at the Chiques Meth- odist chureh for the past five years. When in neeo o! printing remember The Bulletin. ‘James A. Martin ‘Tips from a Pro» NATIONAL TRUCK DRIVER OF THE YEAR IN CASE OF BREAKDOWN GET YOUR CER AND YOURSELF
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