WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1967 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Convenient Reference To Firms Ser Vir Com mit nity _— ® AUTO REPAIR . FURNITURE STALEY'S GARAGE Eberly General Repairs Furniture & Floor Used Cars - Inspections Covering MOUNT JOY 653-5951 CHARLEY'S PAINT & BODY SHOP COMPLETE AUTO & TRUCK PAINTING GLASS INSTALLED 234 S. Market Ave. 653-5828 MOUNT JOY, PA. tates a DAIRY PRODUCTS ELWOOD MARTIN PENSUPREME PRODUCTS MILK & ICE CREAM R.D.2, Ph. Mt. Joy 653-4891 ® DRUG STORES PRESCRIPTIONS WHEEL CHAIRS - WALKERS Sale or Rent Kreamer Pharmacy Elizabethtown 367-1262 ® EXCAVATING C. ROBERT FRY GENERAL EXCAVATING ® Residential ® Industrial R.D. 2, MANHEIM, PA. Phone Mount Joy 653-1253 GILLETTE Foamy Gilad saving cream 79°. saving SUPER-SATURATES YOUR BEARD! I — ———————————— = et mee a A ITCHING LIKE MAD? Get this doctor's formula! Zemo speedily stops torment of externally caused itching... of eczema, minor skin irritations, non- poisonous insect bites. Desensitizes nerve endings. Kills millions of sur- face germs. ‘‘De-itch” skin with Zemo—Liquid or Ointment. THERE ARE REASONS WHY -MAIL FOR JAMESTOWN, ALA, CAN BE MISSENRT. .. ¥% Jamestown, Ark, % Jamestown, Calif, * Jamestown, Colo. <% Jamestown, Ind. ¥ Jamestown, Kans, * Jamestown, Ky. * Jamestown, La. *% Jamestown, Miche <%¢ Jamestown, Mo. &% Jamestown, N. Y, *% Jomeostown, N. C, ! ¥% Jamesiown, N. Dak, *% Jamestown, Chie * Jamestown, Pa. * Jamestown, R. I. &% Jamestown, S.C, &% Jamestown, Tenn, *% Jamestown, Ya. When you use ZIP Code in your address, your corres spondence is more likely to ELIZABETHTOWN R.D. 3 I1¥2 Mi. East along Manheim Road Call 367-5468 ® HOME IMPROVEMENT ROOFING — SIDING SPOUTING — AWNINGS RALPH F. KLINE Over 20 yrs. experience Mount Joy 653-5771 Lititz 626-7474 Ephrata 733-1224 We're particular about our work. ®* LOANS Instalment Loan Service Inc. (LOANS TO $600) Instalment Consumer Discount Co. (LOANS TO $3500) 23 Cent. Sqr., Elizabethtown PHONE 367-1185 ® MASONRY LESTER P. ESHELMAN MASONRY Brick - Block - Stone Silicone Masonry Waterproofing Donegal Springs Road 653-5325 ® OIL SERVICE HOLLINGER OIL SERVICE MOUNT JOY, PA. 653-4484 ATLANTIC PETROLEUM PRODUTS Oil Burner Sales & Service ® PAINT & BODY WORK wind up in the right James- town. ZIP Code adds ace curacy to.your mail. Carriger Paini & Body Shop Cars painted, Wrecks re-built Wheel Alignment Services Rheems 367-6450 ® PLUMBING H. S. MECKLEY & SON PLUMBING HEATING OIL BURNERS Sales and Service 15 W. Main St.,, Ph. 653-5981 Leo Kob, Inc. Heating — Plumbing Air Conditioning “Since 1904” 24 South Market Street Elizabethtown, Pa. ® SEPTIC TANKS & CESSPOOL CLEANING OLIVER SAGER & SON. INC. SEPTIC TANK AND CESSPOOI. CLEANINC Phone 367-1256 11 Sager Rd.. Flizabethtown ® SERVICE STATION NEY’'S CITIES SERVICE Phone 653-1104 Florin Ward MOUNT JOY JEL, Henry J. Rutherford ® CHURCH NEWS ‘From page 6) New Members. St. Mark's E.U.1 B. Charen Mount Joy C. E. Ulrich, Miniszer Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m, Worship Service (Harvest Home Service) 6:00 p.m, Youth Work Council 7.00 p.m. Family Night Service. Address by the Rev. Festus O. Ogunbango of Ni geria and Associate Minister at St. James Episcopal Church, Lancaster. Monday 7:30 p.m. Bible Study Les-! son #81. Mrs. Norman Sprec- her, teacher. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Mid-week Prayer and Bible Study . Thursday 7:00 and 8:00 p.. Choir Rehearsals. Mt. Pleasant Brethren in Christ Church J. Earl Martin, Jr,, Pastor Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday School Owen Mummau, Supt. 10:15 a. m. Morning Wor ship. Message by the pastor. 7:30 p.m. Communion Ser- vice. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Trinity Luthes«:s: Church The Rev. W. L. Koder Sunday 9:15 a.m. Sunday Church - School 10:45 a. m. Morning Wor- ship. Wednesday 1:00 pm. Circle 1, L.CW. at the home of Mrs. Theda Young. I Thursday 4:00 p.m. Confirmation Class Meeting. Donegal Presbyterian Church Mount Joy R. D. Harry A. Freebairn Pastor Thursday 8:00 p.m. Nominating Com- mittee Sunday 9:00 a.m. The Church Wor ships Sermon: ‘To Tell The Truth’ 10:10 a.m. Church School Tuesday 8:00 p. m. Elective Study Course: ‘Presbyterian Basics’ LEGAL NOTICE | | EXECUTORS NOTICE Estate of Barbara Shelly, | dec’d., late of West Donegal | Townghip, Lancaster County, | Penna. Letters testamentary on said estate having been gran- ted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ite payment and those hav- ing claims or demands a- gainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement to the 1indercigned RUFUS E. SHELLY 320 Snyder Avenue, Elizabethtown. Pa. and MILDRED BRUBAKER, R. D. 1. Box 209, Mount Joy, Pa. Executors Henry J. Rutherford Attorney 31-3c ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Estate of Grace H. Leibfried, dec’d., late of East Donegal Township, Lancaster County, Penna. Letters testamentary on said estate having been grant- ted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate pavment and those hav- ing claims or demands a- vsainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement tn the undersigned, FTHEL STARK, R.D 1. Mount Jov. Pa. DONALD LEIBFRIED. RD. 1. E’izabethtown, Pa Administrators Attorney | patient in St. | bill THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA PAGE SEVEN Miss Grace MAYTOWN NEWS NOTES Henderson Mrs. Wilson Penwell re- turned from the hospital last week, Mrs. Ivan Hess entered the hospital last week be- cause of a torn ligament in her leg, Mrs. is a hos- Clayton Sprout Joseph's pital. Miss Anna Mary Werner of Manchester, Md. spent the past weekend with Miss Sa- die Earhart. Mrs. C. R. Hostetter, Pal merton, spent several days last week with her sister, Miss Marie Harter. Mr. Sipe, the barber, his shop closed because illness. Miss Elizabeth Fletcher, of Coatesville, spent last week- end with the Harold Engles. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood New- comer have moved back {to Maytown, Miss Ruth Newcomer, Mrs. Carl Shenk and Mrs. Joseph Keener visited Mrs. Wilbur Allison at Gettysburg last Wednesday. has of Mrs. and spent and Mr. and ris, Jr. Pittsburgh, end with Mr. Morris, Sr. Mrs. Norman Blottenberg- er celebrated her girthday anniversary on Tuesday. George Mor- children of last week- Mrs. Geo. Barry White celebrated his birthday anniversary last Thursday. Mrs. North Loucks, Eliza- bethtown, visited Miss Helen Sioad and Mrs. Mildred Wolfe last Sunday. The Golden Age Club will meet Tuesday, Nov. 21. The meeting day has been chang- ed to Tuesday instead of Wednesday. Revival services are held at the Church of this week at 7:30 p.m. C and bring a friend. Mr. and Mrs. James Grove and children, New Holland visited Miss Helen Hollen- baugh and mother on Sunday Approximately 350 persons visited Mrs. May Hicks’ home during the Lancaster County Day Tour. being God ome WASHINGTON REPORT A Congressman Edwin D. 16th District—Pennsylvania The Congress of the United states is much like any busi- ness or industry in needing a review and major overhaul of its own internal operations from time to time, Such an overhaul within { the Congress is needed now. It has been more than twen-| ty years since this task was last undertaken through the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946. In the meantime, the number and complexity of problems facing the Con- gress have grown by leaps and bounds. There is an obvious to simplify Congressional op-| erations and make them more efficient—and also, as I see! it, to provide a faster flow of | comprehensive and at same time concise informa- tion to better help Members form their own judgments! on legislation. A study aimed at doing] these things was initiated in March of 1965 when a Joint Committee on the Organiza- tion of the Congress was es- tablished. In March of this year, the Senate passed a including many of that committee's recommenda- tions. Since majority leadership House has kept this legisla-| toin bottied up in the Rules Committee. Its major object- ions reportedly are against certain procedural reforms, in the standing committees of the House. | While I do not presume, from my limited experience to know all of the ins and outs of Congressional com- mittee procedures, it certain- ly seems to me this bi ought to be brought to the Floor in' need however, the in the then, SISTER READER and ADVISOR and HEALER She will he’p you on ALL problems of life LOVE - BUSINESS - She is a Special Consultant to the lonely and depressed received great results problem mav he che wi’l heln vai Many have No matter what your DON'T FAIL TO SEE HER SOON know where to turn, you've seen other visit with this GIFTED woman will convince you that If you're lost & don’t this genius: although you are somebody again There’s no problem so Bring your problems to her Never fails to reunite the happy marriages. Open daily 8 am. - 9 pm. Appointment NOT Ne=ded — Reading HALF PRICE with this ad — rand providing means to fc the | other Guarantees Results in 3 davs. + FREE PRAYERS & BLESSINGS - RY DONATION Located in her Private Home at 2209 COLUMBIA AVE. Next to Twin Kiss Drive-In LANCASTER, PENNA. Eshleman the near future so thai the full House membership can have an opportunity to work its will on it. Too much time has been lost already since the joint committee made ito recommendations over: a year ago. Most of the reforms zug- ‘gested in the bill have my support. These include those of a general nature affecting the committees—such as en- couraging more open meet- ings, assuring adequate staff help for the minority Jay stubborn committee ct? ad a 'man to report out a bill once it has been approved by a ma’ority of members. There is also a proposal {0 sp it the House Bdveation % Labor Committee, on which I serve, into two committee Ee one on education and the other on labor and public welfare. There is not neces- ‘sarily any logical connection between education matters and labor matters. But on the hand, I do fear a separ- ate Committee on Educaiion would place far too much emphasis on the government's role in this field and could lead to even more Federal in- volvement and control over education. One of the small but sig- nificant recommendations is that commitiee reports on bills be available to all mem- bers at least three days be- fore the House votes on those bills, These reports are of great value in presenting all sides of controversial is- sues. I am told that too often at certain times in the past, the majority leadership has rushed bills to the Floor {or (Turn to page 8) ANNA HEALTH - DIVORCE See one come readers, great she can’t soive. today. She wi’l help you separated, cause speedy, Opp. the A&P Sunday 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Telenhone 392-9480