The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 04, 1967, Image 3

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Ph oped ad DD 7

tient in St. Joseph's hospital
since last Friday.
Mrs. Harry Frank was re-
moved from Intensive Care
Jast Saturday and is in Room
409. She is slowly improving.
Ray Frye, Marietta Rl, is
a patient in the General hos-
The Women’s Guild of the
United Church of Christ will
hold a food sale Saturday at
Mrs. Hicks’ public sale. Pies
vegetable soup, sandwiches
and candy will be on sale.
A Fellowship Covered Dish
luncheon was held in the
Social room of Saint John’s
church last Saturday evening
Hiram Engle is a patient
in St. Joseph's hospital. He
is suffering from pneumonia.
Holy Communion will be
obesrved in United Church
of Christ on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huntz
inger and grandson Scott
Lowery visited in Maryland
last Saturday.
Terry Arnold, a student at
Brandywine Junior College,
spent the weekend at her
The Church Council of the
Church of God held a re-
organization meeting last
Monday evening.
The Fire company held its
first fall meeting last Thurs-
day evening.
The Bainbridge - Maytown
Rotary enjoyed a delicious
trout dinner at the Ed Mohr
restaurant last Thursday eve-
ning. The president Lawrence
Barnhart was in charge of
the meeting.
Mrs. George Waller spent

1Sunday, Sept.

several days
the Wilmer Dicks at Millers-
evening, Oct. 9 at the Legion


The Hempfield Jaycee-ettes
will sponsor a bus trip to
Allentown on Saturday, Oc-
tober 7. Busses will leave
from the Salunga Church of
the Brethren at 8 a.m. Mrs.
Ronald Myers of Salunga is
chairman of reservations, as-
sisted by Mrs. Marvin Mill-
house and Mrs. Larry Siegler.
# * *
The first fall missionary
program of Landisville
Church of God was held on
24 at 7:30 p.
m. Charles Sload presented
an illustrated lecture of his
trip and of the work and
conditions in Haiti.
% w 4
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koser,
Landisville, celebrated their
30th anniversary recently
with an unusual visit.
Kosers had an interview
with General Dwight Eisen-
hower, Mrs. Koser’'s second
cousin, at his office in Gettys-
burg on the day of their an-
niversary, September 18.
The Kosers were married
September 18, 1937 in Beth-
any Evangelical church, in
Lancaster, with the Rev. M
S. Mumma officiating. Mrs.
Koser is the former Ann
Lentz of Lancaster. The
couple have three children,
Theodore, at home; Jerome
is a medical student in Phil-
The |
adelphia, and Annette, a stu-
dent at Elizabethtown col-
lege. Mr. Koser is a funeral
* * #
The Landisville Lions
Club held its third annual
Ox Roast on Saturday, Sept.
23, at the Salunga Fire Co.
pavilion, with servings from
4 to 7:30 p. m. Co-chairmen
were Art Ulrich and Char-
les Long.
* * *
The East Hempfield Twp.
Board of Adjustment met on
Monday evening, Sept. 25th
and approved two requests.
Petition of Morris Adams, of
290 Broad Street, Landis-
ville, for expansion of his
bicycle repair shop.
Petition of William Dyer,
285 Broad St., Landisville
for construction of a 24'x24’
single structure in variance
of side yard restrictions.
The structure will replace
another that was owned by
Dyer but condemned for the
Rt. 230 access.
The Hempfield Sertoma
Club met Wednesday even-
ing, Sept. 27 at 6:30 o'clock
at the Mount Joy Legion
home. Dale Dissinger from
the Dept. of Labor & In-
dustry was the guest speak-

' Daringly new!
Chevrolet’s new line of
Super Sports for 68.
out. You'll appreciate all the proved safety
Computer-tuned suspension systems. Improved.
shock absorbers. New double-cushioned rubber
body mounts. They all team up to bring you the
smoothest, most silent Chevrolet ride ever. A fresh
new idea in ventilation comes standard on every
1968 Camaro and Corvette. It's Astro Ventilation,
a system that lets air in, but keeps noise and wind

Corvette Sting Ray Convertible
Be smart!
Be sure!
features on the '68 Chevrolets, including the
GM-developed energy-absorbing steering
column and many new ones. More style.
More performance. More all-around value. One
look tells'you these are for the man who loves
driving. One demonstration drive shows why!
Chevelle SS 396 Sport Coupe
Buy now at your
West Main Stéeet; Mount Joy

Camaro SS Sport Coupe
nary spoke on “The Pill”.
Mrs. Hershey Groff was the
chairman of hostesses, assist-
ed by Mrs. Charles Miller,
Mrs. Earl Mummel and Mrs.
Donald Vogtman.
* * *
Officers of Walter S. Eb-
ersole Post 185 of Mt. Joy
American Legion, were in-
stalled recently by Mrs. Am-
brose Plummer installing of-
Mrs. Ruth Overly was in-
stalled for her second term
as president. Other new of-
ficers are: Mrs. Thelma Rin-
eer, vice president; Mrs. Ro-
— — ville, The Landisville - Salungaj
Donna Ray has transferred | Auxiliary to the Lancaster] @ Of This 'n That
MAYTOWN NEWS NOTES to West Chester State Col. | General hospital opened its 1
lege this year. She had been|season on Monday, Sept. 25, (From page 1)
: a student at Millersvillefat 8 pm. at Zion Lutheran|gsionaries in Nicaragua, and
Miss Grace Henderson State college. church, Landisville. Rev.|{o0k the Mount Joy people
M : rs The American Legion Aux-(Paul E. Irion, professor at|on a tour of the area. Miss
rs. Jack Frank is a pa- last week with|iliary will meet on Monday | Lancaster Theological Semi-{ Anna Wolgemuth told us: “It
is unbelievable how they live
—in shacks witr grass roofs
and mud floors—doing their
cooking over improvised fire-
places. Everyone goes bare-
footed, and clothing is al a
minimum. Almost everyone
wears white—and it is really
snowy white, too—which is
amazing, considering their
washing methods!’ ’
She continued: ‘One of the
women, through our interpre-
ter, begged us to take her
back to Pennsylvania with
us! We told her that they
were having pretty cold wea-
ther up there right now, and
that in the winter it gets

maine Cooper, secretary;
Mrs. Ruth Mateer, chaplain;
Mrs. Estella Kline, sergeant-!
at-arms; Mrs. Marian Mont-
gomery, publicity; A citation
was presented to Mrs. Ruth
Mateer, Unit 185 member-
ship chairman, for her efforts
in collecting dues and meet-
ing 1866-67 goals. Unit 185
received a department cita-
tion for its activities and a
certificate in recognition of
volunteer service in VA
hospitals, both presented by
Mrs. Plummer.
The Ladies Auxiliary of
the Mount Joy Legion Post
185, will meet Thursday eve
ning, Oct. 3 at the Post
home, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Bet-
ty Overly will preside and
Mrs. Guenevive Stumpf wili
be hostess.
The auxiliary expresses its
freezing cold and snows a
“She said, ‘Then I think I
stay here!’ ”
%k %* *
Last fall we mentioned a
dozen or so homes in Mount
Joy where the petunias were
outstanding. This fall we will
mention only one—the Arth-
ur Wolgemuth home on Don-
egal Springs road. It has a
window box of brown, with
plantings of dark shades of
petunias growing down over
the front of the box in a par-
ticularly pleasing and artistic
At many other Mount Joy
homes, the petunias are beau-
tiful, too—but there are so
many that we hesitate to try
to enumerate them!
This weekend, on Saturday
and Sunday, are the annual
autumn Craft Days at Landis

thanks to all who made their
recent desert-card party a

GM |

Valley Museum. It’s a rare
privilege we have, living so
close that we can take advan-
tage of this fascinating event.
We can smell the apple
butter simmering, the bread
baking in the outdoor ovens,
and see the “smithy”, the
candlemaker, and all the
other old-time craftsmen at -.°
J work. : {fs
Then the next week end is :.%%
National = > -
: Fw
Harrisburg ~
—and the hext weeReAd@{Oct, ==
the Pennsylvania
Show arena at
21) the Lancaster County _
Day Tour, with seven
eight of its homes in the Mt
Joy area. "1
Truly, it's a fabulous are
in which we live!
To Show Pictures
Howard Witmer will show
pictures of his recent trip
to Europe and the Holy Land + *
at 7:30 Saturday evening,
Oct. 7, at the Manheim Cen-
tral senior high school audi-
torium. The public is invited.

This attractive cardigan
sweater features a yoke
neckline and three-quarter
sleeves. It is simple to cro-
chet with Pattern No. 824.
Same style in knitting is No.
Send 50 cents for the Néw
Needlework Book. Contains
free stole pattern and ém-
proidery and a coupon for
free pattern of your choice.
Send 30c plus 5¢ postage
in coins for this pattern to
MARTHA MADI (caré of

Phone 653-4821
_ class mail.
this paper), Morris Plaifis,,
N. J. 07950. Add 15¢ for first
Horse Show _in t he "Farm 3

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