The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 05, 1967, Image 1

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Time to enlarge your Mount Joy's ONLY Newspaper — Devoted to the Best Interest and Welfare of Mount Joy
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street vocabulary!
© © o VOL. 66. NO. 43 MOUNT JOY. PENNA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5. 1967

Can you tell me where
Waynesboro street is located
in this community? Where is
Willow Lome Mount Joy Faces Garbage, Trash Collection Problem
® oO oo
The former is the short
stretch of roadway near 1hat old problem is back something like this “Either put into motion the wheels tractor be asked to handle
Donegal high school which a8ain! Mount Joy advertises for which will grind out some all refuse as the city has
runs from Marietta pike Mount Joy Borough Mon- bids to allow a private con- kind of contract with a pri
westward to Union School day night was issued an ulli- tractor to haul the borough's vate organization.
- been doing in the past?
Too, the borough is faced
road. Maybe you call Union Matum concerning disposal trash and garbage or we will Series of steps now must with the problem of what
School road Angle street ex- Of trash and garbage. not allow you to dispose of include formulation of speci- charges to make for what
tended. So, here we go again in an your refuse on our property. fications setting out - exactly special services — like busi-
® oo o attempt to solve the riddle of And—you must do it imme- what service the borough nesses and industry.
Willow Lane is a very Where and how to dispose of diately. We will not wait 60 wants, checking them with At the same time, council
short strip of roadway ex- mountains of refuse which days.” legal counsel, advertising as faces the realistic matter of
tending south of Donegal the borough continually pro- Mount Joy, according to required by law and then costs.
Springs Road about halfway duces, council at its April meeting receiving and awarding of Although there is a vari-
between Cross Roads church Not many months ago the on Monday night, April 3, in bids. This entire process, ance of opinion among the
and Spookey Hill. borough purchased an expen- Friendship fire hall, has only which normally requires sev- members of council, it ap-
® oo oo sive compacting garbage two immediate alternatives— eral weeks must, apparently, pears that the borough now
If you thing that the lack truck and since that time 1. Advertise for bids, ask- be done in something less
of talk about the new vo- has been hauling Mount Joy ing that a private contractor than 60 days.
tech school, which is sched- garbage and trash to a priv- provide the vital service for One of the tough problems
uled to be built in Mount ately-owned landfill operation the community, or is the laying out of the speci-
Joy, means that nothing is West of Elizabethtown. : 2—Make an arrangement fications. For example, the
happening—hear this. There have been price in- with the Lancaster city land- very first question is “What
®e © o creases and price negotia- fill and haul to the site, loca- is to be collected?” Shall the
Spring weather brought tions between the owners ted about double the dis- borough ask for bids to col-
surveyors, who have been on and Mount Joy borough. tance the borough has been lect garbage only and let
the site. But, recently the owners— hauling to the Elizabethtown citizens make their own ar-
® © eo United Disposal, Inc.—issued dump area. rangements for trash dispos-
That should indicate that an ultimatum which sounds Thus, council Monday nite al? Or, shall the private con-
something is being done.
Present plans call for a
building with about 60,000 DELARE DIVIDEND
square feet of floor space. Twenty-Six in Science Fair At
An interesting item from Twenty-six Donegal H. S. ert Waters, Robert Graybill, morning the board of direct
Monday night’s borough students are among the Kathy Ney and Alice Klein- ors of the Lancaster County
council meeting—During the ‘cream of the crop” at the er. Farmers Nat'l bank declar-
first quarter of 1967, the 1967 county Science Fair, Chemistry & Physics—Wil- ed a regular quarterly divid-
Friendship Fire company held this week at Warwick liam Sprecher, Lynn Jenkins end of 40c per share, to be
ambulance answered 57 calls, high school in Lititz. Karen Bricker, Mitchell Al- paid May 1 to shareholders
traveled 1842 miles and was Exhibits which were judg- bert and George Berryhill. as of April 4, 1967.
in service 75 hours, accord- ed tops in the local fair last
its meeting Tuesday

ing to Fire Chief Jno. Myers. month were set up Wednes-
® oo o day and judged.
One thing which did not Projects are to be removed To Buy New Police Cr uiser
happen at the same council from the exhibit hall at 9:00
meeting was conspicious by p.m. Friday night after pub- Machinery was placed in inance were ordered laid
is spending between $12.000
and $15,000 per year for gar-
bage collection.
What price private con-
tractors may ask is not
However, one ‘“guestimate”
tossed out for conideration
was $30,000 to $35,000. What
service that would include
was not mentioned.
(Turn to Page 7)
7s r—
Roy Armold, assistant to
the Donegal high school
principals and head of the
high school business depart-
ment, has been serving this
week on a school evaluation
committee at Southern Le-
high senior high school! at
Coopersburg, Pa.
John Stachura, former
Donegal high school head
football coach, has been
named varsity football coach
at Cumberland Valley H, S.
Stachura, who guided the
Indians between 1960-62, has
been head grid coach at To-
wanda H. S., Bradford coun-
ty, for the past two years.

its absence was any move to lic display. operation Monday night at down by the borough attorn-
get the 1967 summer street The Donegal young scien- {he April meeting of the ey.
program underway. tists who are showing their Borough Council, held in the —Issued an order that
3 9 9 work are: Friendship fire hall, for pur- some member of the Board
Elsewhere in this issue of 7th grade — Scott Albert, chasing a new police cruiser. of Health attend each meet-
the Bulletin is a story about Martin Heisey and Alan Se- ing of the council or forget
Donegal high school moving crest. Mount Joy in recent years, ,,,nhthly pay.
into another sport—track. 8th grade— Regina Baker, has been operating on a sch-
® © © Gail Kendig, Nancy Kopp eule which calls for pur- id
There also is a move on and Carol Zimmerman, purchase of a new car an-
foot which may add golf to 9th grade — Barry Gem. nually. Awards Given At Banquet
the DHS list of athletic ac- berling, Craig Gainer, Rob- The council's property
tivities. A survey is being ert Sentz, Mike Wolfe, Tom committee was authorized t¢ At an installation banquet
taken to determine if there Spangler and Steve Irvin. begin negotiations. held Saturday at the Mount
would be any interest among Biology — Kathy Zimmer- In other business Monday Joy restaurant the following
boys and girls in forming a man, Mike McDowell, Phil night, attended by eight of joycee-ettes were given a-
team. Wade, Janine Eshelman, Rob- the nine members, council—- wards: Mrs. Wm. Grove, out-
Br — —Voted to conform 10 standing chairman, Mrs. Ron-
daylight saving time on the 314 McClellan, outstanding
’ ° ’ same basis as it will be ob- joycee-ette, Mrs. Donald Gib-
if / his and That served in Lancaster ny. ble, outstanding board mem-
Next month's meeting ber, Mrs, Leo Moore, merit
following officers: Mrs. Wm.
Grove, first vice Pres., Mrs.
Richard Lesher, second vice
pres., Mrs. Thomas Moran,
Secretary, Mrs. Ronald Me-
Clellan, Treasurer, Mrs. Rich-
ard Geyer, Editor, Mrs. Chas,
Wise, director, Mrs. Donald
Yingst, Orphans, and Mrs.
James Gingrich, Historian.
Past president, Mrs. Ron-
ald McClellan, installed the
new president, Mrs. Gerald
Lutz. The club presented a
gift to Mrs. Patrick Moran
for her service as president
during the past year.

. r . council will be at 8 Pp. m. ward for performance of
by the editor's wife (D.S.T.) duties, Mrs. William Bitzer,
Word came to The Bullet- kites flying . . . purple gracc —Was informed that ‘the merit award - for publicity,
in this week from Elam Lon- kles and robins, back in annual, spring street sweep- and Mrs. James Thorbahn, a-
genecker, Manheim R2, that quantity. ing operation of the borough ard for service.
“the daffodils will be at their ¥ #* * is scheduled to begin April Retiring president, Mrs.
peak this weekend,” and that : ; 10, weather permitting at 8 patrick Moran, installed the
“visitors are welcome.” A sight we will always re- am, on Main street. Ee
member: golden daffodils —Accepted the resignation
The daffodils are planted : : : : .
by the thousands along the blooming in Amanda Darren- of Franklin Eichler from the
; : kamp’s back yard, almost borough Board of Adjust- D | T
is Ea a greek covered by the 2 or 3 in- ment. He resigned to accept onega o
and are beautiful to behold ches of heavy, wet snow an appointment to the Bor- within a few days, per-
at this time of the year. Which we Jad not dong ago! ough Auman. tule haps on Friday, Donegal H.
a i —Declined to take any ac- a sla ique step.
pull ase you want to drive Interesting things happen tion to hire the single appli- Giginy into the school boy
ed about 34 miles from Mt to Mount Joy people: cation for the position Of {5010 arena of Lancaster
Joy — out Yoni 290 east io Mrs. Russel Deardorff, the policeman. One applicant, county!
Big “Chigques creek ; hen local Welcome Wagon host- age 57, had successfully pas- It may be a faltering step
’ .. ess, had luncheon with Penn- sed the physical examination RG Sites
north along the creek until sylvania’s governor's wife but failed to reach a passing Ay estan a
you see signs saying ‘Daffo- 1 ; } in-
dils.” The farm is about 1%% Rot long ago’ f £ mark oh the Wwrilien examin step is being taken to launch
miles north of Salunga. She was one o 8 group > sion. tpted. +E) For- 2 track and field eam for
it * ten hostesses who gave e —Appointe mer or- the Donegal Indians.
informal little luncheon for wood, S. Market avenue, as
Other signs of spring: lit- Mrs. Shafer to “welcome” a member of the Zoning
her to her new home in the board. He replaced Wes Swei-
governor’s mansion! gert, who has moved to Eliz- Arrangements have been
It was a snowy morning, abethtown. made to use Glatfelter field
and there was some doubt as —Held a hearing concern- in Columbia during the
to whether or not the gover- ing the closing of a 16 foot spring season and already
nor’'s wife would be able to alley between north Market crews of young workers are
make it to the luncheon, ar- and Concord streets along busy putting the area in or-
Warren Hayman will be
tle colts at the Mumma farm the boy's team coach.
along Route 230 . . . boys
floating a home-made raft in
the little stream just below
the Ollie Holmes house on
Donegal Springs road . ... .

- ranged for a well-known res- the old Pennsylvania rail- der.
THIS ISSUE -- taurant between Hershey and road There were no object- Plans are to transport the
Harrisburg. But Mrs, Shafer ions to the proposal and the young athletes to (Columbia
Two Sections did not “cancel out” — she petition was accepted. De- by school bus, leaving DHS
24 PAGES _. (Turn to page 2) tails of an appropriate ord- at 3:40 p.m. and returr:-

Begin Track
5:30 p.m.
Competition, at least for
this year, will be confined to
the joining with two or
three other schools for ({tri-
angular meets. At present it
is anticipated that Donegal
will not be host at the Col-
umbia field this season.
However, plans at present
are fluid and arrangements
will be made as the season
Donegal district element-
ary schools will issue report
cards for the fifth grading
period of the school year on
Thursday, April 6.
Harry K. Hinkle, spent
~= #+ime in Millsburg, Pa.