The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 04, 1967, Image 1

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by R. A. R.

Don’t think that someone
‘“‘goofed” if you notice that
the flood lights have not been
removed from Memorial

The “Christmas” lighting
committee will leave the
spots on the Memorial for a
while and will be glad to
hear comments about wheth-
er or not it would be suitable
and appropriate to have them
there on a more or less per-
manent basis.
® oO o
Some people already have
expressed the opinion that
floodiighting the memorial
all year ‘round would be

® Oo o
In the meantime the Main
Street Christmas lights are
being removed this week.
&® ® ®
They were disconnected on
Tuesday and workmen will
take down the wreaths this
week and move them to the
Clint Eby barn, where they
will be stored until next
® © eo
As always, the Christmas
lights were “more beautiful
than ever”,
® © ©
Engineering plans for the
construction of the new Na-
tional Cash Register plant,
east of the borough, are re-
ported to be progressing.
® © o
The project will be off the
engineer's drawing boards
soon, it is expected by those
who have responsibilities lo-
cally for providing utilities.
® oo ©
A York firm is doing the
architectural planning.
@ » @®
One of the matters which
will come before the Borough
Council Monday night will
be an appointment to fill the
unexpired term of the late
Bill Mateer as tax collector.
® oo ©
"Twas nice to have Christ-
mas on Sunday. How often
does this happen; Since 1900,
there have been ten times —
1904, 1910, 1921, 1927, 1932,
1938, 1949, 1955, 1960 and
(Turn to page 2)
Mount Joy's ONLY Newspaper
The Mount Joy
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Devoted to the Best Interest and Welfare of Mount Joy

VOL. 66. NO. 30.

Masons Elect
And Induct
New Officers
Rollin C. Steinmetz, Man-
heim R2, has been elected
and installed Worshipful Mas-
ter of Casiphia Lodge No.
551, Free and Accepted Ma-
sons, Mount Joy.
He succeeds Charles
Brooks, Elizabethtown
who was elected Representa-
tive in the Grand Lodge, suc-
ceeding Oliver K. Snyder, Jr.,
Mount Joy. Other officers el-
ected were:
Leonard - G. Snyder, 150
James St., Landisville, Sen-
ior Warden;
Donald R. Forney, 210
Cooper Ave., Landisville, Jr.
Dr. Thomas W. O'Connor,
Mount Joy, Treasurer, re-el-
C. Bernerd Grissinger,
Mount Joy, Secretary, re-
Clifford L. Coleman, Wil-
liam D. Batzel and Christ
Walters, Trustees, all re-el-
Steinmetz announced the
following appointive officers:
(Turn to page 4)

‘Of This and

The Christmas season
brings many things to many
The Christmas of 1966,

just past, is no exception.
For some of us, it brought
a time by the fireside, a time
for enjoying our family and
the snugness and coziness of

“snowbound” evenings by
candlelight and firelight.
For others, it meant a

trek to the Big City.
To two young couple of
the area, it brought an inter-
lude of leaving the young-
sters at home and having a
wonderful weekend in New
York City.
They had tickets for the
Radio City Christmas Show
and two Broadway plays,
“Hello, Dolly” and ‘Dinner
at Eight.” Sunday morning
they attended the Marble
Collegiate church to hear Dr.
Norman Vincent Peale.

As they sat in the pew,
watching people come into
the church, all of a sudden

Two Sections

by the editor's wife
one of them said, ‘Isn’t that
Richard Nixon just now sit-
ting down up front?”
Sure enough, it was. He
had his two pretty daughters
and a friend of one of them
with him.
After the services, the Mt.
Joy folks kept an eye on the
Nixons, watched which door
they used to leave the church
and then followed them out
side. There the party stood,
talking informally with well-
wishers. Our friends joined
them, and shook hands with
the former vice-president and
erstwhile presidential candi-
date and wished him a ‘“Mer-
ry Christmas.”
In the ‘“small world de-
partment,” our four young
Mount Joy people saw six
OTHER Mount Joy folks dur-
ing their stay in the Big City
— two couples who were
walking in Times Square, and
two young women at the ele-
vator in their hotel!
* * H
The latter two young mus-
ic lovers were spending a
few days before Christmas in
New York City attending
piano concerts at the new
(Turn to page 2)

Authority Studies Water
How much will Mount Joy
be premitted to pump from
its newly-acquired Florin
That is a question now fac-
ing the Mount Joy Borough
Authority as it learned at its
Tuesday night meeting that
the state is withholding an
allocation permit.
A permit is necessary un-
develop its Florin spring, it
requested a daily allocation
of 800,000 gallons from that
source. However, the permit
was not forthcoming and an
investigation was made.
This week it was revealed
that the state fish commission
is blocking the permit. It
was reported to the Author-
ity by its consulting engineer
_ der rules and regulations of that a stern objection has
the Department of Forests been filed by the Donegal
and Rivers. Anglers, a group of local
As the Authority moved to sportsmen who make use of
some of the water issuing
from the Florin spring.
Former owners of the
spring — the Florin Water
company — had an allocation
of 200,000 gallons.
What steps the Authority
will take was not immediate-
ly determined but a three-
man committee was set up to
investigate the situation.
The permit was withheld
on the action of Samuel W.
Hall of East Petersburg, fish
(Turn to page 4)

Week cf Prayer
Series Planned
Four services will be held
in Mount Joy during Univer-
sal Week of Prayer under the
sponsorship of the Ministerial
The program follows, in-
cluding speaker and location:
January 17 — Rev. Benja-
min Thuma Trinity E. C.
January 18 — Rev. C. E.
Ulrich - Mount Joy Church
of God.
January 19 — Rev. Charles
Wolfe - Trinity Lutheran
January. 22 — Rev. H. A.
The Mount Joy Joycee-ettes
will sponsor a Sweetheart
Baby Photo contest for chil-
dren from 0 to 3 years of
age whose parents live in
Mount Joy or have a Mount
Joy mailing address. Proceeds
will go to the Donegal Dental
Any size phootgraph may
be submitted, except snap-
shots. Ten girls and ten boys
will be selected as finalists,
and a King and Queen will
be chosen from this group.
Two weeks prior to Valen-
tine’s Day, the finalists’ pic-
Plan Baby Photo Contest
tures will be displayed in lo-
cal stores, and voting will be
a penny-a-vote, by the pub-
lic, for the candidate of their
choice. The children having
the most votes will be win-
ners, and prizes will be a-
Photographs, with name
and address of the child on
back, should be sent to Mrs.
Gene Newcomer, 115 South
Market St., Mount Joy, or
Mrs. William Bitzer, 333 W.
Donegal street. Those desir-
ing further information may
call 653-5701 or 653-1702.

Freebairn - Florin Church of
the Brethren.
Rotarians Hear
Henry Carpenter
Henry G. Carpenter spoke
to his fellow Rotarians Tues-
day at their first meeting of
the new year, held at Hostet-
The Mount Joy Jaycees are
laying plans for the annual
observance of Jaycee week
January 15 through January
21. The week’s activities in-
clude Jaycees anda families
attending President Wiliiam
Grove’s church on Sunday,
Using an inspirational January 15. Monday will be
theme, he entitled his ad- Bosses Night under the chair-
James Nissley.
Tuesday is set for a special
celebration for tae Mount
Joy Leisure club marking
their 1st anniversary. This
group was formed by the
Jaycees on Jan. 1C, 1966. On
Wednesday, Jan. 18 plans
are made for a Mount Joy
Library gift Night.
Thursday will be proclama-
tion day and the week will
be topped off with the 10th
dress, ‘Thoughts, Words and manship of
Communication.” He asked
the question, “What is Ro-
tary;” and “What Does Ro-
tary Mean to You?’ and di-
rected a series of observa-
tions and philosophies.
“It is better,” he added,
“for a man to have the first
thought than to have the last
Carpenter, one of the char-
ter members of the local
club, is a past district gover-
nor of Rotary and is sought
widely as a Rotary speaker.
The program was arranged

Driven from Home
and the speaker introduced .
by Clair Gibble, vice-presi- On Christmas Day
dent. Two families were driven
from their apartments early
Christmas morning — about
DECLARE DIVIDEND 2 o'clock — as fire virtually
The board of directors of
Bachman Chocolate Manu-
facturing company declared a
quarterly dividend of $1.25
per share on the 5% prefer-
red stock, payable Jan. 3 to
stockholders on record as of
destroyed their house at 139
Manheim street. Mr. and Mrs.
Michael L. Randler, owners
of the house, occupied an
apartment on the lower floor
and the Donald Eichler fami-
ly lived on the second floor.
Dec. 19, 1966. This is the
103rd consecutive quarterly Occupants escaped with
dividend paid by the com- practically none of their be-
pany on its preferred stock. longings.
rn The Eichlers are living
BOROUGH COUNCIL with her parents, Mr. and
TO MEET Mrs. Edward Murphy, in
The Mount Joy Borough Rheems and the Randlers are
Council will hold its January in an apartment on west
meeting on Monday night, Main street.
the fire hall, Thursday night, Dec. 29,
January 9, in
beginning at 7:30 o'clock.
Close your eyes to the
faults of others, and you op-
cn the doors of friendship.
firemen were called to the
Lester Gehman farm, north-
east of Mount Joy, operated
by Mr. and Mrs. J. Marlin
A large poultry barn and
3500 chickens were destroyed
at a loss estimated at $45,000.
A tractor and other farm
machinery also were lost.
Six fire companies were

“Price ceilings are back —
when you hear the price you
hit the ceiling.”

The Good Old Days:
a high school took
space than its p-
To Observe Jaycee Week
D.S.A. (Distinguisited Service
Award) banquet on Saturday
night. D.S.A. speaker will be
Bud Mearig, whose topic for
the evening will be “Let’s
take a look at ourselves”.
Chairmen for the banquet
are Leo Moore and Don
Yingst. General Chairman
for Jaycee week is Gerald
Heavy Fire Loss
On Nearby Farm
Loss estimated at 15,000
was suffered when a fire de-
stroyed a farm building on
the Owen Mummau property
in Mount Joy Tuesday night,
Dec. 27.
The blaze, discovered at
7:15 p.m., destroyed the buil-
ding, a self-unloading wagon,
side rake, harvester, plows
and cultivator. Mummau said
the structure contained three
floors plus a basement.
Mount Joy Friendship Fire
company, Rheems and Florin
companies answered the fire
call and battled the fire un-
der the direction of Brady
Hess, assistant Florin fire
chief. Water was pumped
from a farm pond and fire-
men saved the Mummau farm-
house, which was only 75 ft.
away and in the direct path
of the flames. Mummau said
the house began to get a lit-
tle warm and firemen spray-
ed it with water.
The Florin fire company
was called back to the farm
later the same night when
embers flared up.
Fifty boys and girls from
Springfield high school in
Delaware county will come
to Donegal high school Sat-
urday morning, Jan. 7, from
9 am. to 12 noon for a gym-
nastic clinic. Donegal stu-
dents will serve as clinic in-
structors, under the direction
of Warren Hayman, high
school physical education in-