PAGE TWO The Mount Joy BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Published Weekly on Wednesdays Except Fourth of July Week and Christmas Week (50 Issues 11 EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 17552 In the heart of fabulous Lancaster County. Richard A. Rainbolt Editor and Publisher Subscription Rate - $2.50 per year by mail. Advertising Rates upon request. Entered as the post office ond class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Per Year) at Mount Joy, Penna., as sec LANDISVILLE - SALUNGA NEWS Mrs. John F. Wilhelm of the Lancaster League of Wo- men Voters was the guest speaker at the recent meet- ing of the Hempfield Wom-' an's Club held at the Landis-' ville Fire Hall at 8 p.m. The Influence of One Vote—Does your Vote Count?” Mrs. John Kuehne introduc- ed the speaker. Mrs. John Da- | vidson is hospitality chairman | Club members are cur- rently working on articles for! the group’s annual bazaar to | be held November 19 at the Landisville Fire Hall. | * * * | The Hempfield Community Ambulance Assoc. moved clo-| ser at a recent meeting for ambulance service for East | and W. Hempfield townships, | by appointing three commit- tees to bring about a formal charter. They are as foliows: Charter and By-laws, Charles | Grove, Walter Ayars, Barry Reheard. Fund-Raising, | Richard Shaak and Lester Ad- | ams. Membership Committee, Jay Smith, Ronald Arndt, Norman Sauder. The service would solicit | members, who would receive | free service within a ‘15- -mile | wide area. Non-members ed be charged $15 for the | 15-mile service. An annual! membership fee of three dol-| | lars a family was agreed on | * * A Halloween Party spon- sored by the Salunga Picnic Committee will be held Fri-| day, Oct. 28 at 7 p.m. at the Salunga Pavilion. Over $50. in prizes will be awarded. Re- | freshments will be sold. Ev- eryone is welcome. | * # * The Hempfield Sertoma | Club met Wednesday evening October 19 at 6:30 pm. at| the Mount Joy Legion Home. Richard Snyder, republican | candidate for reelection for | State Senator, was the guest | speaker. * * * Mu Alpha Theta, the hon- orary mathematics club at] Hempfield high school has el- | ected officers for the current | year. They are Samuel Ney, pres- | ident, Audrey Getz, vice pres- | ident, Ann Lehman, secretary | and Alice Noll, treasurer, Miss FElgie Miller is faculty advisor. Planned for this year are a | discussion on computer pro-| gramming led by member | John Althouse and a field trip in the spring. * 3 * A pig roast held recently bv the Hempfield Sertoma | Club netted the club approxi- | mately $300 to $350 and the | club will use the money for | community service projects. | Eight pigs were roasted by! the club. The pigs were pur-| chased about 3 months ago | by the club and fattened for! the event. One of the eight] was donated to the Eliza-| b~thtown Crippled Children’s Hospital and another to the’ Waters Street Mission in Lan- | They are, dy Bishop, Lois Woodring, | Miles Harriger, Audrey Getz, ‘Linda Eby, Jeff Hunt, Sue and Harvey Fenstermacher. | Audit Dept. Supt.; | izabeth Diem, | Mrs. a garage and the splattering of a red car with blue paint. the full process of | cluding finger prints and po- | be in any other month of the “FIRE CO. AUXILIARY caster, * * * The Couples Club of Zion Lutheran church, Landisville, held a Halloween Square dance on Sunday, Oct. 23 from 8 to 11 p.m. in the social room of the church. Bert Wit- tenberg was the caller. * * * Steering committees have been named for the senior rcall throughout class at Hempfield high school Scotty Wilkerson, Bonnie Reheard, Maureen Mec- | Guire, Sue Mumma, Mike | Siepietowski, Jim Hohenstein Sue Diehl, George Gard, Cin- Harry, Suzanne Smith, Peggy: Keagy, Rich Miller, Rick Dar- ‘renkamp, Barbara Charles | Miss Mary Lee Forney and Robert Wenrich will act as Committee | members organize class func- tions and serve to nominate students for class officers. * * * The Landisville Church of | God has elected the follow- ing officers: Samuel. Bender, general supt.; John Kraybill, Mrs. Anna secretary; Jas. secretary; pianist; El- Mary Miller, Snavely, financial Mrs. Janet Burgess, { Elwood Miller, Chorister; librarian. The following superintend- ents were also elected: Mrs. Frank Denlinger, home dept. Richard Bryson, cradle roll; John Ruhl, youth dept.; Miss Irene Heisey. children’s dept.; and Mrs. Gilbert Liv- ingston, nursery department. ® Main Sireet (From page 1) tween Halloween mischief and actual criminal activity? ® © eo It may be a mite difficult at times to distinguish but last weekend “Halloween” ac- tivity included use of a bar or some other stout ment to pry off a padlock on ® o @ Now, that we class as crim- inal activity which demands law, in- lice investigation with vigor, The case is one of “breaking and entering’ and is no differ- ent in October than it would year. The Ladies Auxiliary of Friendship Fire company met in- the fire hall for their monthly meeting on Oct. 20. Twenty-one members atten- ded. Dolly Maxwell gave a report on community council. Nomination of officers will be held at the Nov. meeting. It’s not the minutes you instru- I spend eating — it’s the sec- onds. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1966 Name United Fund Campaign Leaders Four chairmen to head ac- tivities of the United Funds in two local areas have been announced. Mrs. J. Richard Gerberich and Lester Hostetter are ser- ving as chairmen in Mount Joy and Miss Dorothy J. Eng- le and Miss K. Louise Hous- eal, both of Maytown, are heading the drive in the southern area of East Done- gal township. Workers who are making the Mount Joy borough include: Mrs, Stanley R. Landis. Mrs, R. F. Hallgren, Jr., Mrs. Kenneth W. Good, Mrs. J. Bruce Grei- ner, Mrs. Harold Hall, Mrs. Charles H. Zeller, Mrs. Char- les Ricedorf, Mrs, Bernerd Grissinger, Mrs. Baxter Wells Mrs. Earl Koser, Mrs, Harold Zimmerman, Jr., Mrs. John I. Myers, Mrs. Ray Byle, and Mrs. Warren Foley. To cover the remainder of the area, the solicitors are: John Weidman, Mrs. Mrs. Frank Mrs. Donald Straub, Mrs, Paul L. Stoner, Jr., Mrs. Richard F. Divet, Mrs. Asher Neiss, Mrs. Charles Shoemaker, Mrs. Irvin Smith Jr., Mrs. Richard L. Divet, Mrs. Floyd Bowden, Mrs. Jos- eph Coover, Mrs, Newton Kendig and Mrs. LeRoy C. Bates, Included with the workers who are making calls in the southern area of East Donegal township are: Mrs. Glenn Arnold, Mrs. Hazel Crankshaw, Wilson Penwell, William Earhart, Misses Lou Ann Hess, Nadyne Hiestand, Deborah Hollen- baugh, Linda Houseal and Ruth McConnell, Other volunteer from the Marietta R1 area are: Mrs. John Gibble, Mrs. Ray Burris, Mrs. Paul Hoff- ines, Mrs. Kenneth Johns and Miss Nancy Frey. Mrs. Gerald Miller, Walters, Jr. solicitors PROMOTED Peter H. Koder, son of Rev. and Mrs. W. Lester Ko- der of 43 West Main Street, has been promoted to staff sergeant in the U. 'S. Air Force. Sgt. Koder is a supply. in- ventory specialist at | Sey- mour Johnson AFB, N.C. He is a member of the Air Command which: pro- vides battlefield fire power, precision jet photo reconnais- isance and air mobility for the nation’s ground forces. His wife, Grace, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E, L. Tyndall of Kingston, N. C. Try Classified fr Quick results WHO CARLS? THE HIGHWAYS ARE UNFIT FOR HUMAN TRANSPORTATION — A COUPLE ARE DEATH TRAPS WHO CARES? OUR CHILDREN ARE FACED WITH RISING EDUCATION COSTS BEYOND ALL REASON. WHO CARES? OUR GREAT RESOURCES IN NATURAL BEAUTY AND HUMAN TALENT REMAIN VIRTUALLY UNTAPPED IN THE PROMOTION OF TOURISM WHO CARES? JOHN SPICER CARES HIS OPPONENT AND THE PARTY HE REPRESENTS HAVE TREATED - 88th DISTRICT SEAT AS A REWARD FOR FAITHFUL PARTY Ditmas Bf oi a A—~— — “SERVICE. HE HASN'T EVEN SEEN FIT TO CAMPAIGN TO ANY EXTENT THIS YEAR. HE MUST FEEL HE DOESN'T HAVE TO. HE MUST FEEL THAT HE DOESN'T HAVE TO EVEN PRESENT HIMSELF TO YOU FOR YOUR APPROVAL OR REJECTION. THIS MAN, WHO HAS DONE LITTLE OR NOTHING FOR THE DISTRICT IN HARRISBURG, APPARENTLY FEELS HE DOESN'T HAVE TO CARE ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS. They Are Taking You For Granted They Just Don’t Care. Well-We Do. and we think You do too. vore JOHN SPICER ov ss A Full Time Legislator For The 98th District. CARES. Spicer for Legislature Cemmittee, Ruth Mackley., Chairman, Walter Roye, Treasurer. Tactical & b) rR AE A nr oe ——— i ve.