PAGE EIGHT Emergency Medical Calls Sunday Dr. David Schlosser will be available on Emergency calls only, it family physician can nol be contacted. will Attend Library Conclave Marjorie Aurick, Donegal high school senior, accompan- jed by Mrs. Mary Emma Llewellyn, high school librar- jan, will go to the Penn State campus Sept. 24, to attend the Pennsylvania State Li- brary Asstistants Association conference. : She is a member of the state organization’s executive committee. She serves as the ireasurer. The Donegal contingent will be accompanied by two representatives from Hemp- field Union School District. Marbeth King, a senior at the state library association. She will represent her school and will be accompanied by Miss Emily Carrigan, Hemp- field librarian. The fall conference will be devoted entirely to a business meeting. One of the projects of the state organization has been the provision of a $200 scholarship which is made available to a deserving high school graduate who plans to enter the field of library sci- ence. It was awarded last year to a student from Wash- ington County who will en- roll this fall at Mansfield State College. Braggart: one who leaps to his feats. ‘HE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Hold Flower Show at Seiler Fourth grade pupils at the Seiler elementary school held a Flower Show Friday morning, Sept. 16, of ar- rangements which they had made themselves. They were Farm Women 8 Meet at Park Farm Women Society #8 met Saturday afternoon at Chiques Park, Mount Joy. A covered dish dinner was en- joyed by all present. Mrs. John Keener, president, was in charge of devotions. The group will go to Embreeville Sept. 30 by bus. A program is planned for the patients, and refreshments will be ser- ved. The bus will leave John- son bus station at 5:30 p.m. The group will serve Oct. 18 at the General hospital, and will fold seals the week of Nov. 17. New officers elected are Mrs. Harold Frey, president, Ms. Harold Ney, vice presi- dent; Miss Ruth Eby, treasur- er. The next meeting will be held Oct. 22 at the home of Mrs. John Warfel. Mrs. War- fel will speak on “My Hob- bies.” ® Main Street (From page 1) approximately $15,000. ® @® ® Old Market street was the first section of the work to be begun. ® oo ©o Others will be on the list as the fall season unfolds. Junior Executive: smile turned on at half pressure— while letting off steam. Se ——— NOW 7 8th Series of Installment Shares Mount Joy Building & Loan Association Vemma * After x 5 Days a Week APPLY IN PERSON AT Mount Joy Bulletin ' MOUNT JOY, PA. BOY WANTED MOUNT JOY i i 1 § OPEN | | i i . School given instruction previously in the art by Mrs. Harold ‘Krall. Teachers of the two rooms are Mrs. Irene Heisey and Mrs. Emma Good, and the juages for the show weie Charles Heaps, building prin- cipal, and Mrs. Beryl Hahn, elementary art instructor. First place winner in Mrs. Good’s room was Selisa Staul- fer. Second place went to James Gerberich and third to Judith Morton. Honorable mention was awarded Rose Groff, Elizabeth Godshall, and Pamela Drace. In Miss Heisey’s room Charles Groff won first prize, David Schlosser, sccoud; and third, Thomas Edwards. Hon- orable mentions went to Ab- ram Koser, Mildred Valle and Pamela Horst. 'To Love -- And Also To Share’ The age-old marriage Vow “to love, honor, and obey” is undergoing an important re- vision in the minds of thought ful young college-age couples on the threshhold of marriage As they see it, the vow might better pledge both bride and groom ‘to love, honor, and share.” This is one of the striking changes noted by Mrs. Ethel Nash, assistant professor of preventive medi- cine at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston- Salem, N. C. Mrs. Nash, who is also president of the Am- erican Association of Mar- riage Counselors, has for the past 10 years led a three-day seminar for engaged couples at Duke University in Dur- ham, N. C. “Over the years,” Mrs. Nash says ‘there has been a dis- tinet trend toward the ‘col- league’ marriage.” Both men and women, she explained, no longer see the woman's role solely as wife, mother, housekeeper. Nor do they consider the woman solely as helpmeet during that short period when she works to help put her husband through graduate school or through the first years of his career. Instead, both men and wo- men increasingly recognize that some women have tal- ents and skills which can best be fulfilled in work out- side the home. “The most striking change in this area,” says Mrs. Nash, “is among the men. + They take enormous pride in their future wives’ attain- ments in college and are in- creasingly encouraging them to develop themselves further after marriage.” the role of the woman plies a somewhat different role for the man, as well, Mrs. Nash noted. If wives and husbands both assume ec- onomic responsibilities out- side the home-—with the wife working full time—both must expect to share responsibili- ties in the home, as well. The husband must be wil- ling to take on such previous- ly all-female chores as help- ing with the dishes or sort- ing laundry without consider- ing it an affront to his mas- culinity. The wife must genu- inely consider her household responsibilities as important as her job and perform them with as much grace and skill. | When this happens, both will be fulfilled and:the marriage is likely to be a successful one. When both or either as- sume roles they don’t really i want, the marriage is headed | for trouble, Mrs. Nash ob- | served. The largest islands in the | world are Greenland, 840,000 square miles; New Guinea, 32,232 Borneo 282.418; Baffin Island, 231.000; Madagascar, 223,707 and Sumatra, 164,165 square miles. | Patronize Our Advertisers - | Naturally such a change in g im- ® | i WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1963 * DONEGAL FOOTBALL SCHEDULE September 24 - October 1 — Solanco October 8 — Warwick .. October 15 — Cocalico ........ October 22 — Conestoga Valley Hempfield Away Home Away Home Homecoming October 29 — Columbia November 5 — Manheim Central November 19 — Manheim Township or 4 ayia . Away .. Home Away * — Night Game at 8 p.m. All other games begin at 2 p.m. DONEGAL BRAVES’ SCHEDULE September 25 — St. Anne's October 2 — Elks October 9 — Presidents Oltober 16 — Hempfield October 23 — Ephrata .. October 30 — Bye November 6 — Elizabethtown All games at 1:30 p.m. Tribe Wins Moral Victory Donegal Indians climbed the Mountain Friday night, Sept. 16, at Ephrata and planted a moral victory flag. The ‘“victory’” was actually a tie game—12 - 12—but it represented a big gain over the shutout the Tribe suffer- ed a week earlier in the seas- on’s opener. The Ephrata Mountaineers were hard put to stay in a tie, obliged to come from be- hind twice to remain even. And—there is no one to dis- pute the possibility that a couple more minutes might have spelled another touch- down. Donegal was on the move and Indian fans were better pleased than a week earlier. The tie game sends Done- gal Saturday afternoon at two o’clock against the invad- ing Hempfield eleven in one of the chief rivalry games of the season. The Tribe’s first touchdown came in the first period with the game not very old when an intercepted pass by Ken Weber took the ball 60 yards to the three. On last down, quarterback May pushed the ball over. In the third, after Ephrata had evened the count at 6-6 in the second, Donegal moved methodically down field and Wagner then hit Weber with a touchdown pass. The Mounts evened the count in the fourth period. COIN CLUB The Mount Joy-Florin Coin club will hold its next meet- ing on Thursday, Sept. 22, at the Mount Joy restaurant be- ginning at 8 p.m. When in need or printing remember The Bulletin. Apple Pickers Wanted BARTLETT PEARS & PRUNE PLUMS HOME GROWN SWEET CORN ‘CANTALOUPES AND IRISH COBBLER POTATOES FRESH SUPPLY OF BACHMAN CHOCOLATES Including Chips For Baking EGGS DIRECT FROM OUR FARM HOME GROWN CELERY AND TOMATOES WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MARKET a MILE WEST OF FLORIN Store Hours—8-8; Except Wed & Sat., 8-6 Closed Sun. PHONE 653-5661 NESE IESE EN ESN AEN ENSAE ANNE EAN ENE a Large Enough To AENEENENEEEN I ENNNEEE EEE GENAEEE MOUNT JOY NENEEEN COIN & STAMP COLLECTORS : —~NOTICE — WE HAVE JUST INSTALLED 63 NEW Safety Deposit Boxes and Plastic Coin and Stamp Folders STOP IN AND SECURE YOURS TODAY! UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK AND Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Accomodate Blue MAYTOWN ANENNENENENE SEEN NNENEE ANNENGNEEEEE HENENNEEREER NENENEE 25-2¢ IS bud od OY IN bed ed hd Noe IO yt