66 WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1966 _—_—— EE Aaa TE “ ‘e Deaths FRED B. BUCHER Fred B. Bucher, 69, Ever- ett, Pa., died unexpectedly on Sunday, July 24, at Allegh- eny General Hospital, Pitts- burgh. Born in Wrightsville, he was a son of the late Dr. Fred C. and Estella Brandt Bucher. He was a former resident of Mount Joy as is his wife, the former Ethel MacDannald. He was engaged in the in- surance business in Pitts- burgh and was a deacon in the Everett Grace Brethren Church. Besides his wife, he is sur- vived by two daughters; Mrs. THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, Fun On The Donegal Area Playgrounds Mount Joy The third week of total enrollment stands at 230, lighted by a Bingo party, hat show, dress up show, stuffed animal show, coloring con- test, and cootie tournament. At the Bingo party, Walter Pennell won a free swim, Kim Beach won a sundae at the Lincoln, Steve Stark won a free coke, and Barbara Ben- der won a free golf game at the Dairy Bar. The cootie tournament win- ners were Carol Fackler and Dave Brubaker while Kathy Beach and Laurie Martin won the coloring contest. Ethel Eschennann, Clarkes- burg, West Va.,, and Mrs. Mary Wallace, Everett R3; one son, F. Wiliam Bucher, | Santa Ana, Calif., and eleven grandchildren. Also surviving is a sister, Mrs. Martha Lease, of Long Island, N. Y. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at Ever- ett, Pa., and burial was made in the Henry Eberle cemetery | in Mount Joy. Advertising Doesn’t Cost — IT PAYS! Ha BORN IN JULY i W/ / “ DONT . A A "_~ FORGET TO == RENEW YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE ~ THIS MONTH! Ii | Bill Martin and Joel ‘Debbie Sylvester the In the stuffed animal show, Gelt- macher had the best displays; Vicky Williams and Marilyn Wolgemuth, the most unusual animals; Rick Hopple and most comical; and Billy Zimmer- man and Philip Martin had the largest stuffed animals. The hat show found Char- les Grimsey and Debbie Gain- er with the most unusual hats: Rick Hopple and Sandy Stahl with the best fitting; Bill Martin and Scott Hal- stead with the most comical; Howard Mott and Mark Hal- stead with the best job done on a single theme; and John Hayman and Gary Heisey with the most work involved in their hats. The winners of the dress up show were Billy Blantz and Jim Flowers with the most unusual; Laurie Martin and Susie Bender with the prettiest; Donald Flowers and Roger Flowers with the ugli- Seo od tooo oto IiddId2I22222222s cot oooo tio tooo iI re2e2ee rote does, EE AAC C20 0000000000000000900000000000000000000000000090000000000000000000000200000000000004 Wonder where yo gone? It would be produce receipts t here will enable y AS i9%211220494000202000400 3 Sees 33333822222 open your checkin ; —don't put it off! ade > * MAIN OFFICE: 23 EAST KI TY Open ‘til € P.M., Mon. thr RATER Member Federal Deposit A Trustee for The Lancos TITTLE: Spend it? veo OF lOSE it? knew, and especially if you could expenses. A checking account You'll find that canceled checks help you manage your money. They supply you with proof that you've paid your bills. And there's never a risk of losing cash when you pay by check. To pay bills the safe, sure way, LANCASTER COUNTY FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 12 Convenient Offices to Serve You : LANCASTER Fak MOUNT JOY : QUARRYYILLE BANK CHRISTIANA, : *¥ ur money has a big help if you o account for your ou to do just that, $ » 4 4 pd * pS y ‘ ho p+ 4 * : * * p4 4 * > 4 4 p4 4 : p4 pd $ * 4 * 3 ps 4 4 bs p4 pe * he pM * M po . 4 4 pe 4 : 3 : : : : p 4 he 4 : 4 4 » be 4 : : 4 b4 t } : * * 4 p4 ps 4 : Ho : 4 : ¥ 4 by 4 4 p4 * 4 pe: M4 + M : # 4 » $ $ rH 4 4 4 * + p4 p4 pi M 4 g account here a dire itt tteai iii NG STREET, LANCASTER ‘til a Counry u Thurs. — ‘til 8 P.M., Fri, ESiRTY Insurance Corporation NATENNAL ter County Foundation TIE play- ground is already over. The The past week was high- est; Todd Shank and Ronald Flowers with the funniest, and Vicky Williams and Keith Barninger with the most colorful costumes. The Begniner point leaders are Laurie Martin, Kathy Beach, Carol Fackler, Susie Bender, Billy Zimmerman, Scott Halstead, and Philip Martin. Intermediate point leaders are Debbie Gainer, Suzanne Mateer, Ella Gainer, Debra Brubaker, Billy Martin Michael Shank, and Mark Halstead. Senior point lead- ers are Sandy Stahl, Debbie Perry, Carol Wolgemuth, Rick Hopple, Donald and Roger Flowers. This week there will be a softball game between Mari- etta and Maytown teams for the girls, a hobby show, a pet show, bike rodeo, and an over-night hike for the boys. An over-night for the girls is being planned. ® * * Working with gimp fascin- ates all ages. This could easi- ly be seen this past week as the Florin and Mount Joy playgrounds created many in- teresting things. For the be- ginners this was a special thrill because it was the first time most of them attempted working with gimp. Many fingers were stiff at first, but after a little practice and pa- tience, the youngsters were off on their own. Many even came back for a second try. Whistle chains, bracelets, cov- ered hangers, and the ever- popular shark string are just a few things made. This week will find the youngsters building creative items out of popsicle sticks. * 3 * Maytown Playground The Maytown Playground completed its third week of operation with an enrollment of 140. The girls’ softball team de- feated the Marietta girls on July 20 at the Maytown field by a score of 16-15. The boys played Marietta on Thursday, July 21 and lost 12-1 at the Marietta playlot. The Mariet- ta boys plan a return game on Wednesday. The girls’ softball team will travel to Mount Joy for a game this week. A tinkertoy contest was held for the beginners on July 18. First place winners was Loris Raber; second was Tim Good, and third place, a tie between William Landis, Randy Houseal and Terry Haines. The beginners also partici- pated in a checker tourna- ment this week. Gordon Nell won the contest and Jay Long was runner-up. Winners of the intermedi- ate and senior nok-hockey tournament. were Gary Heis- ey, first; Connie McNaughton, second; and Tom Houseal, was third. On Friday afternoon a bubble gum blowing contest and a doll show were Those youngsters blowing the largest bubbles in the various | groups were: beginners, Deb- bie Hay; intermediates, Jas. Good; seniors, Debbie Mec- McLain. Winners at the doll show were prettiest, Jayme Shank, | first, Julie Kanoff, second, Smith, third; prettiest hair, Jayme Shank, first, Connie McNaughton, second, Linda Hoffman, third; best collect-! ion, Eva Glattacker, first, Debbie Hay, second; Joan Kendig, second; largest, Eva Glattacker, first, LuAnn Ear- hart, second, most unusual, Jean Kendig, first, Portia Hossler, second, Susie Rupp, third; most lifelike, Donna McNaughton, first; Joni Shank, second, Terry Haines, third. A pet show and parade will be held at the play- ground this week. A treasure hunt and several tournaments PA are among the activities plan- ned for the week. An night hike is also for the older boys. * Marietta The Marietta playground now has an enrollment of 247 children. Richard Baker was the winner of the Intermediate checkers tournament held on Tuesday morning. On Tuesday afternoon, a hobby show was held at the playground. The winners re- ceived 10 points and a free popsicle. These winners were Jean Flowers, most unusual; Chris Herr, largest collection Cecelia Miller, most original; Stephanie Smeltzer, neatest collection; Carolyn Cover, oddest collection; and Cheryl Smith, most scientific. Wednesday afternoon the girls’ softball team was de- feated by the Maytown team 16 to 15. Thursday the girls were again defeated by the Janson’s of Columbia 25 to 2. Next week the girls meet Maytown again on the Mari- held. | etta field. Tuesday morning they will travel to Mount Joy for a game with their team. The Marietta boys defeated Maytown 12 to 1 in 12 innings. The extra innings were played for fun and the experience. Winners of the hat show held Friday afternoon were Cheryl Smith, prettiest; Jeff Smith, funniest; and William |, Frick, most original. On Wednesday, July 27, an overnight hike is planned for the boys. The boys must be nine years or older to parti- cipate. * * * Marietta & Maytown Arts & Crafts Winners in the cut art work at Maytown were: Debbie Hay, first; Sheree Milo, second; and Patricia Brown, third. Winners in the cut art work at Marietta were: Joseph Mezaros, first; Clar- ence Cramer, second, Brian Smith, third. Craft work for the week of July 25 to 29 will be for beginners who will be mak- ing letter holders from card board plates. Intermediates and senior classes are engag- ed in numerous projects with popsicle sticks. * * * Florin Last Tuesday morning 52 children brought their “own creations” to the Hat Show. The winners were fanciest, Susie Rolfs; smallest, Carl Heilman; largest, Billy Ober; prettiest, Yvonne Robinson; tallest, Mike McMullen, spor- tiest, Allan Brooks, most real- istic, Julie Holmes, second, Judy Stoltzfus; most unusual Sandy Johns, 2nd, Janice Rogers, most original, Patty Perry, 2nd, Kenny Henny, 3rd, Carol Henny, most com- ical, Sheri Zerphey, theme, Georgeanne Fitzkee, the oddest, Hazel Rogers, the cardiest, battiest, Mark Buller. Pets of every size, shape and color were brought to the playground on Thursday mor- | ning. Winners were: most un- usual pet, lamb, Rodney Her- shey; Dogs, largest, Karen & Dawn Greider, youngest, Kim |: Whalen, best groomed, Deb-|: bie & Mitchell Nissley, 2nd, |: Julie Holmes, Saddest eyes, Sandy & Michael Johns, long- est hair, Scott Brightbill, best theme, Susie Rolfs, best be- haved, Cindy Emenheiser; Cats, youngest, Cindy, Mary Jane & Steve Robinson; pret- tiest,, Vicki Herman, 2nd, Judy Stoltzfus, cutest dressed Nancy & Greg Gusler. Rab- bits, youngest, Joe Baltozer, Longest ears, Keith Waltz; prettiest, Emlen Buller. Birds - prettiest, Maureen Jones. Fish, most attractive fish over- | planned | ,ards, bicycles, 7 1to look like a beetle PAGE THRER bowl, Kathy & Eileen Jones. Thirty four children enter- ed the “Decorate Anything on Wheels Contest” last Fri- |day. They brought such things as roller skates, skate doll coaches, toy cars and trucks. The main attraction on the playground that morning was a Volks- wagen automobile decorated bug. Ju- lie entered the car in the contest and won first prize for the “Most Clever Idea’. Other winners were, prettiest bicycle, Tena Waters, second, Mary Jane Robinson, most unusual bicycle, Alan Arm- old; most original® truck, Ja- mie Robinson; cutest theme, Ernie Braun, most work in- volved, Susie Rolfs; cutest idea, Debbie Warfel; pret- tiest coach, Carol Henny; most original theme, Kenny Henny, 2nd, Peter Fitzkee, the battiest, Debbie Sarbaugh most comical, Georgeanne Fitzkee; craziest, Debbie Fitz. kee and Judy Stoltzfus. Winners of the girls hop- skotch tournament were, Be- ginners, Cindy Mackinson; Intermediates, Heather Mum- ma; Seniors, Julie Holmes. Chinese checkers winners were: Beg., Wendy Beamen- derfer; Inter., Debbie Nissley and Seniors, Don Musser. Horseshoe tournament win- ners were: Inter., Bill Sutter; { Seniors, Keith Gish. Nok Hockey winners were Beginners, Rory Mackinson, Inter., Douglas Mueller, and (Turn to page 7) cutest | § Steve Coleman, the | FEMME FATALE. oT are part of the:costume. Next week she learns how to inhale. a ET Smokes because he thinks it's:good - for:his ‘image.’” Coughs a lot, too. BT CE ERT FIAT A Le [oF ites " know whether he likes it 6r not. >, Cigarettes can kill you. Keep smoking ‘em and they may. * We'll miss ya, baby. american |, : cancer -— society