The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 13, 1966, Image 7

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® Church News
(From page’ 6)
July 21 - 25
General Y. F. Convention,
Estes Park, Colo.
Sat., July 23
Golf Tournament at Indian
Saint Mary's
Roman Catholic Church
« Father Frederick J. Vaughn
8:00 a.m. Mass
Church o! God
Mount Joy. Penna.
Ralph C. Warner, Pastor
9:30 a.m. Bible school
10:30 a. m. Morning Wor-
ship Service.
6:45 p.m. Young Peoples

7:30 p.m, Evening Worship
7:30 p.m. Bible Siudy
Church oi i:.e Srethren
Elizabethtown, Pa,
Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor
9:30 a.m. Church School
classes for adults and youth;
and children,
Extended Sessions for all
children through Grade 5.
(Two hours.)
10:00 a. m. Morning wor-
ship; Consecration of Vaca-
tion Church School Workers;
sermon, “Faith With Works
Becomes Alive,” by Pastor
July 18 to 29.
9 to 11 a. m. — Vacation
Church School, each weekday

Miss Grace

Bill Smith and Lawrence
Barnhart are convalescing at
their homes after recent hos-
Jack Frank Jr. celebrated
his birthday anniversary on
June 27 and his mother, Mrs.
Margaret Frank celebrated
hers on June 28.
Mr. and Mrs. Hap Houseal
celebrated their birthday an-
niversaries last week.
Mrs. Mabel MNrayers
brated hers last Friday.
met his buddy in World War
The Shirk families vaca-
tioned at Wildwood last week
Mrs. Elizabeth Strausbaugh
spent several days at Atlantic
City last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Johns
spent part of their . vacation
at Wildwood last week.
The Michael Gratch family
recently returned from a trip
abroad. They visited in Italy
and France. They were much
impressed with the city of
Naples. “Dr. Mike” called on
one of his college buddies
while in Italy. They hadn’t
seen each other for about 28
Mrs. Margaret Brandt
visiting in Glenside.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clem-
ents and sons, New Castle,
Del., visited Mrs. Mildred
Wolfe last weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grove
accompanied Dr. and Mrs. J.
W. Bingeman on a tour to the
Gaspe Peninsula.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fee-
mont and sons, visited friends
"in New Jersey last weekend.
Ted Roaten and friends, of
New Jersey, called on Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Roaten and
sons on Saturday afternoon.
Bobby Roaten, Jr., celebrat-
ed his birthday anniversary
on Monday.
Mrs. Hazel Crankshaw
Bowman visited her mother
and grandmother last Friday.
She left Saturday for Mexico
where she will manage an In-
ternational Camp.
A recent letter from Air-
man Donald Mayers from
Fairbanks, Alaska stated that
when we were sweltering the
temperature there had drop-
ped from 90 to 34 degrees
and it was snowing.
St. John’s Lutheran church
will hold a morning worship
service on Sunday at 10:30 at
the Legion grounds. At noon
a covered dish luncheon will
be served and in the after-
noon there willebe games for
the children.
There serms to be a lot of
people whe do not know
there is goir~ to be a parade
In our towr Saturday. The
occasion is th~ dedication of
the new Mavtown Fire Hall.
Don’t miss this parade.
Clair Nell, Portugal, called
on the Ray Frybergers and
Miss Anna Albright last Fri-
day. Other guests of theirs
. were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Lowry and son Joel who just
returned from a tour to the

west coast.
Mr. and Mrs. David Shafer
and children, Ambler, spent
the weekend with Mrs. May
The Reverend and Mrs.
Marsteller, Alexandria, Pa.,
visited Mrs. Ella Haas last
Mrs. Mildred Wolfe is visit-
ing in New Castle, Del.
® Of This n That
(From page 1)
20,000-year-old “antiques” to
our collection—some lovely,
pearly black shells said to
have been excavated from a
depth of 35 feet under a san-
dy beach and rocky ledge in
Florida, found and given to
us by an 86-year-old gentle-
man who had washed and
cleaned them himself, An
“antique” of some 20,000
years makes our 100-year-old
pressed glass goblets and
“snowflake’ china blush for
Also, we would have mis-
sed seeing this same 86-year-
old gentleman jump upon the
back of our daughter's brown
and white pinto pony, trot a-
way blithely and come can-
tering swiftly back in a few
moments! It was a memora-
ble time!
* * *
Shortly after our return
home, we had a week-end vis-
itor from South Carolina, a
friend of 20 years standing, a
Colonel in the U. S. Army
Reserves, who was having an
“active duty’ assignment at
Indiantown Gap.
It was interesting to us
that the four members of his
family—he, his wife, and two
sons, one a high school sen-
ior and one a sophomore in
college, were all separated
by at least 500 miles during
the time he will be at Indian-
town Gap.
Though normally they lead
a calm and close-knit life in
Aiken, S. C., this summer
‘they are all four in four dif-
fenent states, doing four dif-
ferent, interisting things!
As we have said, Ed is a
Colonel in the Army in Penn-
sylvania. When at home, he
is manager of a huge electric
“co-op’’ that serves a big sec-
tion of Sounth Carolina.
Mabel, his wife, is in Lex-
ington, Ky., working on her
master’s degree in Home Eco-

nomics, preparatory to accept-
ing a job teaching this fall

in a vocational school
their home in Aiken,
Jim, the high school senior
is in Norman, Okla., attend-
ing an eight-weeks
student in his class.
Bob, a sophomore at Clems-
(son college, is holding down
his first factory job, in Aiken,
on the “swing shift” for the
National | experience, and preparatory
Science Institute at the Uni-|to going back to college this
versity of Oklahoma,
keeping with his interest
Who says people don’t do
science and his position as #1'interesting things?

Summer Reading Project
With an enrollment of
more than 230 and an aver-
age daily attendance of morc
than 200, the Donegal Sum-
mer reading program is un-
der way at Maytown and
Grandview schools.
Teachers held a week's
workshop, including a one-
day session at the Lancaster
County Reading Center in
East Petersburg.
This is the second week of
actual classes. Mrs. Dorothy
Wenger is director. Other
personnel includes:
Teachers: Miss Mary Jane
Hoffer, Mrs. Rhoda Kaylor,
Miss Ada Mae Loump, Mrs.
Sarah Lutz, William Lutz,
Mrs. Mary Martin, Mrs. Zella
Rehrer, Warren Rupp, Rob-
ert Schwert, Mrs. Esther
Weaver, Mrs. Leona White
and J. Richard Yohn.
Librarians: Mrs. Lorraine
Singer and Mrs. Mary Emma
Guidance Counselor: Miss
Lily Martin.
Nurses: Mrs. Sadie Brooks,
Mrs. S. Jeanette Germer and
Mrs. Dorcas Knorr (all on a
divided time basis).
Teacher's Aide: Miss Becky
Kling, Miss Virginia Nix, Al-
len Acri and Walter Rolfs.

When in need of printing
remember The Bulletin.

Chevrolet Division


Mr. and Mrs. Maurice D.
Marsales at 34 West Main St.,
Mount ‘Joy will celebrate
their tenth wedding anniver-
sary on Thursday, July 14.
Reuben Shellenberger spent
two days last week in York
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold
When cooking with cheese,
keep the heat low to let the
cheese melt completely and
spread through the whole
dish. Cooking at high heat
makes cheese tough and
stringy. To speed up melting
and blending, Louise Hamili-
ton, Penn State extension
foods and nutrition specialist,
suggests slicing cheese into
small pieces or grating it be-
fore heating. Where possible,
mix the cheese into a sauce
before adding it to other in-
Most people are quite near-
sighted when it comes to see-
ing the handwriting on the
Read The


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