The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 27, 1966, Image 1

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by R. A. R.
We hear by the grape vine
that one of the community's
day of the
patriotic organizations
taken kindly to the idea
having American flags
kiddies on the
Memorial Day parade.
® © o
The plan is
several hundred

to distribute
small flags,
The Mount Joy

Mount Joy's ONLY Newspaper — Devoted to the Best Interest and Welfare of Mount Joy
VOL. 65. NO. 46
encourage the youngsters to
wave them and to take them
home as patriotic souvenirs
of the day.
Probably the “hottest” item
going around town this past
week has been the discussion
ong the students named
dation scholarships.
They are:
SICO Gives
Two girls from this section
of Lancaster County are am-
receive the 1966 SICO Foun-
Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, April 27, 1966
Band Parents
Elect Officers
Officers elected for the ’'66-
67 term of the Donegal Band
Parent club Monday night at
the high schoool were: presi-
dent, Lloyd Cooke; vice pres-
ident, Mrs. Snyder; secretary,
Mrs. John Presto and treasur-
Charles Shoemaker.
The group viewed the sample
er, Mrs.
Plans for Memorial Day
At least a dozen different
program shows that
ity, beginning
Plans are beginning to take
shape and an outline of the
will be a wide variety of ev-
ents throughout the commun-
Friday night,
May 27, and running through
An outline of the program
activities are planned for of events now slated is as
Mount Joy’s Memorial Day follows:
Weekend. FRIDAY (MAY 27)
Miss Mount Joy Contest
Memorial Day Parade
Lions Chicken Barbecue
Art Show
Musical Potpourri
about the proposed route for [,orraine S. Dombach, sen- uniform for the new band Monday, May 30, Memorial Church Memorial Service
the Memorial Day parade. jor in Donegal high school, Suits and chose accessories Day, Swimming Pool Opens
9 oo daughter of Mrs. Earle Dom. for the costume. Uniforms The big event, as in most Season
After an announcement pach, Mount Joy R2; and will be purchased by the years, is the parade, which Sportsmen’s Club Trap
was made several days ago, Roberta L. Shearer, Eliza- school board and should be has been set for Saturday Shoot
there was plenty of talk a- pethtown high school senior available for the fall term. put, if weather is not suit MONDAY (MAY 30)
bout the matter, including a gaughter of Mr. and Mrs. I I Bal Irvin 2Ple, will be staged Monday. Memorial Service
lot of unhappy remarks about Ropert C. Shearer, Elizabeth- f jpiler NAN The program is staged by Ox Roast
bringing the line of march yun Ri. Smith, a representative of , .""nount Joy Community Trap Shoot.
from Florin to Market street the Walter 8. Ebersole Dos, Council. Street Dance
and turning north.
® oo ©
Tuesday night there was
that night there were other
“official” talk and by
plans afoot.
® © o
Actually, it still is
early to announce
be handled.
® ® ®
The real problem in Mount
Joy when parades are being
planned is to figure out how
to handle the detour for the
ordinary through traffic.
® ee ©
On holidays
trucks and buses
not the same story it was
just a very few years ago.
® oe o
To handle a
the detours
thing like 50 men.
® ® ©
Holding a parade in Mount
Joy—and including the Flor-
in area—will be greatly sim-
plified when the new Rt. 230
bypass is completed.
how the parade is going to
the usual
time for parades — the traf-
fic is especially heavy and ar-
rangements for sending cars,
over back
streets is pretty tough. It is
parade and
requires some-
amount of $1,200, given
ents chosen on the basis
scholarship, participation
extra curricular
and financial need.
Each scholarship is in the
$300 yearly grants to recipi-
American Legion,
an eagle also was
with the gift.
Those chosen are among a
and Cumberland
who expect to
mentary school teachers.
list of young people in Lan-
caster, York, Lebanon, Dau-
phin, Chester, Adams, Berks
become ele-
will be eligible to
the club with a new Ameri-
can Flag. The colors are the
same size as the schoool flag
and an aluminum pole with
Six remaining majorettes
twirlers camp this summer it
announced and a com-
mitte was named to arrange
a trip for the band members.

A 53-year-old Mount Joy
man was Killed instantly in a
headon crash on Rt. 30 about

A delightful bit
as “Candy” McGrath
present. about this area is the warm
Participating in a student Welcome she has had. Al-
exchange program, “Candy” though she had expected, she
came to Lancaster county admitted, to be homesick, she
last fall and has been a sen-
Manheim Township
making her
Clarence C.
ior at
school while
home with the
Newcomer family.
With poise, dignity
of New
Zealand visited Mount Joy
Rotary meeting Tuesday noon
to the group, showed pictures
of her home land and captur-
ed the hearts of all the men

Baseball Indians Drop Two
Donegal’s Indians dropped
a pair of baseball decisions
this past week—to Hempfield
and to Elizabethtown.
Tuesday afternoon, in the
home opener, the Tribe gave
up a 3-2 battle to E’'town.
The Bears pushed across
a run in the top of the ninth
to turn the trick after the
game had gone 2 - 2 since the
Epler gave the winners six
hits and two walks and fan-
ned nine. Railing gave five
blows, struckout 16 & walk-
ed three.
Donegal’s safe hits were
by R. Gohn, Reuter, Stehman
(3), and Hean.
Scoring in all but the first

To Plant
two innings, the
Thursday afternoon,
the trick.
Epler did the hurling {for
the Indians but he was tag-
ged for a home run, a three
bagger and a double. He fan-
ed five but gave no walks.
R. Gohn had two hits, one
a double and Reuter and
Stehman had singles to total
four blows off McMinn, who
whiffed six and walked four.
Next Tuesday, May 3 the
Tribe plays on the home dia-
mond, meeting Manheim Cen-
tral. On Thursday, the 5th,
Columbia comes here.
Dr. David E. Schlosser will
present an organ recital Sun-
day afternoon, May 1, at 4
p.m. on the new organ at the
Mount Joy Church of God.
Dr. Schlosser is organist at
St. Luke’s Episcopal church
and a member of the Ameri-
can Guild of Organists. The
public is invited to attend
the concert.

Two Sections
Knights tripped Donegal on
21. by a count of 4 to 1, col-
lecting only five hits to turn
Hear Foreign Student
ability much
coming to Lancaster,
Later, during a
was not and has felt
pletely at
new family.
On the other hand, she ad-
Frequently, they do not say
what they mean and at times
say exactly the opposite, she
mitted, it has been hard
understand exactly
Americans mean,
pointed out. ;
Americans, too, she
istic society. She lives, she
reminded in a socialistic state.
This difference in methods,
she said, probably explains
the fact that American ap-
proaches do differ from New
The speaker was introduce-
ed by Clarence S. Newcomer.
Chorus Musical
“The Lowland Sea” by Al-
ec Wilder, will be presented
by the senior chorus of Don-
egal high school on April 29
and 30 at 8 p.m.
The spring musical, with
the setting in a New England
coastal fishing village, de-
scribes the conflict which ar-
ises when a sailor’s wife re-
marries assuming that her
first husband has died at sea.
What takes place when her
husband returns provides the
plot interest of the produc-
Appearing in lead roles
are Lucy Eshelman as Dorie;
Ted Fellenbaum as Johnie:
Michael McDowell as Nathan-
iel. Kieth Brightbill will por-
tray Captain Jesse. Terrie
Gemberling and George
Broske will accompany the
Also to be heard are selec-
tions by the ninth grade chor-
us also under the direction of
RoAnn Lau.
beyond her
she told of her home-
land, her family and of her
and answer period, she said
that one of the nicest things
home with her
Lancaster ‘parents’ and her
are very materialistic, a trait
she attributed to our capital-
suffering a fractured
chest and internal injuries.
State Police
Melvin K. Wade,
taining a broken neck
ty Coroner
the scene of the accident.
235 Vine St.
was taken to the
car involved in the crash was
admitted to the York hospital
right eye injury, and possible
at York said
202 West
Donegal St., Mount Joy, was
believed killed instantly, sus-
internal injuries. York Coun-
Dr. H. M. Read
pronounced the man dead at
Richard Myers, twenty-one,
Osteopathic hospital, and then
transferred to the York hos-
Dies In Automobile Crash
State Police said the Myers
car, which was traveling east,
apparently veered into the
three miles east of York passing lane of the three-lane
about 8:10 p.m. Saturday highway and collided with
night, April 23. the left front section of the
The driver of the second Wade car. Both cars were de-
molished in the accident.
Born in West Hempfield
Twp., Wade was a son of Gal-
en Wade, Mount Joy Rl, and
the late Lillian Kneisley
Wade, He was a resident of
Mount Joy 24 years.
A veteran of Word War 17,
he was employed by Arm-
strong Cork Co. 25 years and
wa a member of the AFL-
CIO labor organization at
the plant.
In addition to his father
and his wife, the former Ar-
lene Horst, surviving are two
daughters: Shirley, wife of
Robert Miller, Baltimore, Md.
pital by the Springettsburg and Wannette, wife of Theo-
amubulance. His condition. dore Greiner, Columbia Rl.
was listed as critical. Both Also surviving are four grand
drivers were alone when the
accident occured.
The accident took place in
front of the Brownstone pitch
a half
and putt golf course,
mile west of the Sword and
Shield restaurant.
children and a brother, Ches-
ter Wade, Sandusky, Ohio.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday afternoon, April 286,
from Nissley funeral home
and burial was made in the
Silver Spring emetery.

Register for Kindergarten
Registration of children
living in the Donegal School
District who will enter Kkin-
dergarten classes for . the
school year 1966-67 will be
held according to the follow-
ing schedule:
Marietta Tuesday and
Wednesday, May 3 and May
4 rom 9 to 11:30 am. and 1
to 3 pm,
Maytown — Monday, Tues-
day, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, May 2 to May 6, from
9 to 3.
Washington Thursday,
May 5, from 9 to 12.
Grandview — —Tuesday,
May 3 from 9 to 4.
Seiler — Monday, May 9
from 9 to 4.
There may be considerably
less ‘“‘waiting in line” at Seil-
ers and Grandview schools if
children whose last name be-
gin with the letters A thru I
would be registered in the
morning and those whose last
names begin with J thru Z
were registered in the after-
Children must be five years
of age on or before January
31, 1967, to be eligible to en-
ter the kindergarten in Sep-
tember of 1966.
Birth certificates will be re-
quired at the time of regis-
tration. Vaccination -certific-
ates, if available, should be
submitted at registration time
or before the beginning of
school. A listing of the pu-
pil’s childhood diseases and
immunization program also
would be helpful.

Recognition To
School Paper
The “Tribe News”, the
Donegal high school newspa-
per, has received a second
class rating in the 74th all-
American Newspaper Critical
Service of the National Scho-
lastic Press Association
More than 1,000 student
publications from high schools
schools all over the nation
are judged by NSPA in
groups divided by enroll-
ment, frequency of publica-
tion and method of printing.
Second class ratings are
average in quality. Entries
are judged in all areas of
production from coverage
through writing and makeup.
Editor of the “Tribe News”
is Marilyn Baker, of Marietta
daughter: of Mr; :and Mrs.
James R. Baker.