Zz, Sup ! WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1966 @® Church News (From page 6) 9:30 a.m. Church School classes for adults and youth; two hour sessions for al pre-school children, 7:30 p.m. Service of Music by the three choirs of the church. Holy Week Services: Thursday 7:30 p. m, vice. Friday 7:30 p.m. Good Friday Wor- ship; “What Happened To Your Cross,” meditation by Pastor Zuck. Baptismal Ser- Florin Church of Brethren Rev. Howard Bernhard wmloaerator Sunday 9:00 a.m. Church School 10.00 a.m. Worsiip Service Sermon, Rev. Jas. Eshelman. 7:30 p.m, Easter Musical Program, Jr. & Sr. Choirs. Everyone is invited. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Exanimation Ser- vice. Thursday 7:00 p.m. Love Feast Communion Service. The guest speaker for these services is Rev. Paul Noll, pastor of the Shippensburg church. and Trinity Evangelical Congregational Church David R. Wolfe, Pastor Lane Shank, S. S. Supt. Sunday 9:15 a.m. Sunday School. 10:30 a.m. Morning Wor- ship. Holy Communion. Ser- mon theme: “When the Cock Crows” 6:00 p.m. Junior Christian Endeavor. 6:00 p.m. High Schonl C.E 7:00 p.m. Evening Gospel Service, Holy Communion. Sermon theme: ‘Hierarchy of Hell” Monday 7:30 p.m. Steward Board 7:00 p.m. Girl Scouts Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Holy Week Ser- vice. Sermon theme: “Man of Expediency” 8:30 p.m. High School CE.! Business meeting, Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Holy Week Ser- vice. Sermon: “Two Men with a Choice” 8:40 p.m. Senior Choir Re- hearsal. Thursday 7:30 p.m. Holy Communion . | Service. Sermon, ‘‘Cross-Bear- | er for Christ” Friday 12:00 Noon Community 3-| Hour Service. St. Mark's E.| 1..B. church, 7:30 p. m, Holy Week Ser-! vice. Sermon, “Convinced by Crucifixion” Saint Mary's Roman Catholic Church Father Frederick J. Vaughn Pastor Sunday 8:00 a.m. Mass Chiques Methodist Church U.S. 230 Fast of Mount Joy Menno E. Good, Minister Sunday 9:15 a. m. Sundav School GC Walter Sloan. Supt. 10:30 a. m. Morning Wor ship. (Nursery) | | Trinity Lutheran Church The Rev. W. L. Koder Pastor Sundav 9:15 am. Sundav Schnol 10:45 am. Morning Wor- ship and Confirmation. | Holy Wee's Services 7:30 Monday thru Friday Thursday 7:30 pm, Hnly Communion Chur ~f God Mount T--- Penna. Ralph C. Warner, Pastor 9:30 am. Bible school 10:20 a. m. Morning Wor shin Service. 6:45 p.m. Young Peoples Service, . Our Fvangelistic Services will continue each evening throush Anril 8 at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Donald Cohick speaking mother, lins, Mrs. Irene Gosnell, cous- callers to see Mrs. Bessie in of Maude Tredway, Miss | Hayles. Dollie Shu, niece of Maude | ee Tredway and Mrs. Myrtle vi | Rexroth, all from York,! &T you SER Ce Westminster Presbyterian ~~ MADAS, ; % 'nesday, THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, ¥ The will Schedule Holy Week Services “His Last Words” will be the theme of Holy Week Ser March 31 and April 1, Pastor Rev. Warner speak April 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Vocal selections each eve- ning. Thursday, March 31 Mixed Quartet Hiay) Spe) : vices at Chiques Methodist Sattirday gy " Rath church, U.S. 230 East, Mount p ay, Apri Joy. Rev. Reeves Havens, Gospel Tones Quartet. Sunday, April 3 Combined Choir (Jr. & Sr.) Ladies Sextet Monday, April 4 Pastor of Broad Street Meth odist church, will be guest missioner, The Rev. Mr. Havens is a former missionary to Alaska. Mr and Mrs. Charles Her-|{ He also served as Chaplain Shey of the Methodist Hospital in Tuesday, April 5 Girls Trio Wednesday, April 6 The village four Quartet. Philadelphia for six years, prior to the beginning of his pastorate in Lancaster in '63. Thursday, April 7 . 1} . On Palm Sunday evening, Communion Service. his topic will be ‘Father, Forgive Them’; Monday, ‘To- St. Luke's Eplscopa: day shalt thou be with me in Church Paradise’; Tuesday, “Woman Mount Joy Behold Thy Son’; Wednes- The Rev. Donald H. Feick |day, My God, My God, why?” Rector Thursday, “I Thirst” with the Sunday Pastor of the church, Rev. Palm Sunday Menno E. Good, conducting 8.00 am. The Holy Com-|the Tenebrae Holy Commun- munion. ; ion Service; Friday, “It is 9:30 am. Morning Prayer | finished”: and Saturday, and Church School “Father, into Thy hands I 11:00 am. The Holy Com-|commend My spirit”. munion and Sermon (Blessed The services will begin Palms distributed at all ser-feach evening at 7:30 p.m. The | vices) choirs of the church will pro 6:30 p.m. Jr. Youth Fellow-|yide special music nightly, ship. The public is invited to at- Tuesday tend. 7:00 p.m. Jr. Choir Re- hearsal 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir Re- I T B.P.W. Planning Wednesday vids 9:00 am. The Holy Com- Two Activities munion. The Mount Joy Business & Thursday, Apr. 7th - ‘Maundy | Professional Women’s Club Thursday’ will hold a public dessert - 7:30 pm. The Holy Com-|card party and summer fash- munion. jon show in the Mount Joy American Legion Home on Monday, April 18 at 7:30 p. m. The theme for the show Presb yferian will be “Summertime”. Fashions will be modeled - Home News * |by club members, daughters of ciub members, “Girls of by Bessie U. Hayles the Month” and friends thru r of Parker|the courtesy of Kitty ’s Dress Home wrote this last week; ghoppe. that her new guest had be-| The finance committee is longed to a Bird Clique when | iy charge. The following are she lived in New Mexico and! committee = members: Mary Arizona. She has interested gprecher, Ruth Balsbaugh, other guests and they have gyth Sinegar, Helen Meckley spotted 20 species. “Absence Helen Wells, Floy Gilbert, of occupation is not rest, a] Theda Young, Yvonne Koser, mind quite vacant is a mind| jean Pricio and Helen Schrei- distressed.” Robert Lewis| per. Stevenson wrote, “This world | is full of interesting Sings, EANT BAPTISM and all in our grasp.” |ON EASTER SUNDAY Mrs. Sara Waite and her ppfant Baptism will be ad- sister (with whom she often’ pinistered at Chiques Metho- visits) belong to the “Happy | dist church, Route 230 East Hour Club,” which meets the Mount Joy, on Easter Sunday 4th Thursday of the month, ' morning in’ the 10:30 a.m. at the First Presbyterion worship service. The Pastor, church, Lancaster. During the Rev. Menno E. Good will year they take bus trips t0 preach on “What We Are interesting places. | Asked to Believe”. In the af- Mrs, C. M. Dixon, Harris- ternoon the Pastor and mem- burg, came Saturday to take pers of the congregation will Miss Ethel Henry for an out- jead the worship at the Coun- ing and dinner. 'ty Prison. Mrs. Lester Harnish and; Miss Clara Brenneman, Lan- MUSICAL PROGRAM caster, were callers 10 see; The senior choir of Florin The supervisor Mrs. Mary Sales. Church of the Brethren will Last Tuesday Rev. W. Jer- present the Easter cantata, vell and son from Bethany ‘Crown After Cross,” by Presbyterian church, Lancas- Fred B. Holton on Sunday ter, made a pastoral call on geyening, April 3 at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Emily Cranford |The junior choir will also Mrs. Emily Cranford’s «ing under the direction oi daughter, Mrs. Edward Kirt- Nps. Paul Stauffer. Miss Flor- ner and husband and two ence Geib will be organist. great -grandchildren, Carrie The public is invited. Kirtner and Peter Scoefield re et were Wednesday callers, to ger and son Ross, Enola. Mr. see Mrs. Cranford. | and Mrs. Harvey Keck, New- Rev. C. F. Collins and his ville, and Mrs. Charles Eshle- Mrs. Glenn A. Col- man, Lancaster, were Sunday Church. called on Miss Tred- way and Miss Emswiler Wed- Mrs. Herbert Anderson, of Lancaster, came to visit with Miss Mary Gregg. Mrs. Clara Wallick and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nonemaker, York, were Miss Sarah Ems- wiler’s callers. Mrs. Annie Williams, Mr. and Mrs. O. Seidel, Middle- town called to visit with Mrs. Margaret Koerting and take her for a spin in a new car. Mr. and Mrs. H. M, Denlin- PAGE SEVEN A, MUSICAL AT ST. A service of anthems hymns on our Savior's suffer- ing and death will be pre sented by the Chancel and Celestial Choirs of St. Mark's EUB church on Palm Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. ————————————————————— JOHNSON MARKS and Forney as tenor soloist. Clifford M. Schmid wil! di- rect the choirs, with George Broske at the organ. The de- votional part of the service will be led by the Rev. C, E. Ulrich, pastor of St. Mark's. The two choirs will join in singing “The Palms”. The Celestial choir will render “A King In His Glory”, “Near the Cross’ and “Just As I Am. BUS SERVICE The Chancel choir will of: fer “Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled”, “Go to Dark Geth- semane’ “He Was Alone”, “The Accursed Tree’, and “Jesus, Word of God Incarn- ate”. “The Condemnation’, from the Atonement, by Peters, will also be sung by the Chancel choir with Glenn BUSES FOR ALL OCCASIONS FLORIN, PA. Phone 653-0321 PUBLIC SALE ——OQ Fe VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 301 North In the Borough of Elizabethtown, at Hanover Street. SAT., APRIL 9, 1966 A lot of land 35’x151’, more or less, thereon erected HALF of a 2% Stery FRAME DWELLING covered with brick shingle, containing 6 rooms & bath. Large modern kitchen with walk-in closet; laundry ad- joining kitchen; ceramic tile shower and bath; 3 bed- rooms: concreted basement; automatic gas hot water heat; gas water heater; insulated; storm doors and win- dows: 2 air conditioners; TV antenna. Storage shed on rear of lot. This is a very desirable living place and in goo< condition. Arrangements to view property may be made by calling Elizabethtown 367-6454 after 5 P. Bb TO BE HELD ; Sale to start at 1 P. M., when conditions will be made known by Jack W. Westafer HENRY F. GINGRICH, ATTORNEY WALTER DUPES, AUCTIONEER PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE and PERSONAL PROPERTY SAT., APRIL 2, 1966 AT 12:30 P.M. Just ouiside the Borough along the road leading from Flizabethtown to Brandistown, at the end of Bor- ough limits on Route 743. Lot of Land, 100’x300'x50’ thereon erected a 1v Story Concrete Block Bungalow consisting of 5 rooms and bath, and a 1-CAR BLOCK GARAGE. Central hot air heat; electric water system; large living room with fireplace; hardwood floors throughout; storm doors and windows; 2nd floor can be finished for two additional rooms. Also at the same time and place a lot of household goods consisting of: GE Refrigerator with freezing compartment; Cold- spot Deepfreeze; G.E. push button stove, apartment size: 3-burner New Perfection white enamel oil stove; kitchen utility cabinet; open utility cabinet; kitchen utility table; stepladder chair; maple dining room suite, 4 chairs: living room suite; kneehole desk and chair; sewing cabinet; drophead Singer Sewing Machine; El- ectrolux Sweeper; Bissell Sweeper; library table, enc tables. other small tables; electric table & floor lamps; mirrors; pictures & picture frames; throw rugs; clothes trees; metal bed, spring & mattress; iron bed; bureau; chest of drawers with glass knobs; pine bedroom suite; ‘ [He 1-3c in rear, more or less, pine washstand; small pine table with drawer; cane seated chair; plank bottom chair; high chair; other chairs: blanket chests; cherry huteh; sideboard; jelly cupboard, shelf clock; doll baby; porch swing; hand lawn mower: large fish aquarium; Westinghouse Laun- dermat: clothes hamper; cake stands; milk glass; iron- stone; glass etched tumblers; some antique dishes; oth- er dishes; cooking utensils; and a lot of articles too nu- merous to mention. Sale to start at 12:30 P.M. Real Estate to be offered at 2 P.M., when conditions wiil be made known by Mrs. Simon H. Landis ALFRED C. ALSPACH, ATTORNEY DUPES & GERBERICH. AUCTIONEERS GARMAN & S. KRAYBILL, CLERKS 50-3¢