The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 23, 1966, Image 3

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lw eed Wm
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Mrs. William K. Risser

Miss Lynn Liddell, daugh-
ter of
Liddell, 1720 Linwood Ave.
Lancaster, has received a
special honor certificate for
high scholastic achievement
at the Denver university.
Miss Liddell, a '64 graduate
of Hempfield Union H. S., is
a sophomore majoring in arts
and science.
* LJ *
Wm. T. Johnson, of Hemp-
field high school is one of
two Lancaster county seniors
who placed among the top
100 scores in the Pennsylvan-
ia State competitive Scholar-
ship examination held last
November 4.
He is eligible for the state-
wide awards which are val-
ued at $1,000 or $250 per
year for four years, and can
be used only in institutions
of higher learning located
within the Commonwealth.
Johnson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen Johnson, East
Petersburg, is also a Nation-
al Honor Society member,
Mr a A ini
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. | medicine,

and he intends to major in
His school activi-
ties include: president of the
math club, theater arts club,
Armstrong Explorers Post
member, Associate editor of
the Hempfield annual and a
member of the tennis team.
* * *
The Willing Workers class
of the Landisville Church of
God met Tuesday, Feb. 15 at
7:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs.
Viola Eshleman, with Mrs.
Minerva Rowe serving as as-
istant hostess.
* * *
Officers and committee
chairmen for the year have
been elected by the Church
Council of Zion Lutheran
church, Landisville, as fol-
lows: Jack Le Clair, vice
president, lay president, and
evangelism chairman, Gene
Weiksner, secretary and Fred
Hamor,, financial secretary &
finance committee chairman;
and Harry Glassmyer, treas-
urer. The Rev. Gerald Krum,
pastor, is president.

Nelson Albright, Ray Fer-
guson and Scott Stoner were
elected by the congregation
as councilmen for a 3-year
term. Committee chairmen
named include: J. Carl Nolt,
worship; Matthew Harrison,
parish education; Richard
Covey, stewardship; Roy Wa-
ters, social ministry; and Cal-
vin Ross, property.
* ¥ ®
The Hempfield Sertoma
Club presented copies of the
Declaration of Independence
to the 9th graders of the
Hempfield Schools and to the
Tenth grades at Donegal H.
H. on Monday, Feb. 21 at a
12:35 assembly at Donegal
and at a 2:30 assembly for
* # *®
Cub Pack 37, of Landis-
ville, recently presented the
following awards: Wolf
badge with gold arrow, Dav-
id Steele; wolf badge, Hersh-
ey Groff, Eric Muench, John
Barrett, Dennis ‘Ginder, Ben-
jamin Hertzler; bear badge
with gold and silver arrow,
Daniel Shipley, Kenneth Le-
wis, Wayne Clarke, Mark
Hatch; bear badge with gold
arrow, Michael Grube; bear
badge, Steven Newell.
Two silver arrows were

DEPOSIT, minimum

Stop at County Farmers Bank today . .
Plan at the new high rate of interest . . .
12 Convenient Offices to Serve You
(Open “til 6 P.M. Monday thru Thursdoy—'til 8 P.M, Friday) coun
ey |
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Lea
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Effective Immediately
NOW — County Farmers Certificate of Deposit purchasers
receive higher than ever earnings on th eir savings.
You, too, can earn interest at the GUARANTEED RATE of
~ $500.
and start your Savings

presented to Bruce Barto Buch, Linda Bulson, David
with one year pins to David | Haag, Ellen Sue Royer, Don-
Baer, Scott Casey, Steven |na Royer and Susan Siepiet-
Shelley and Michael Nunn. |owski.
* * * * » *
Students from Hempfield| The'East Hempfield Guild
who participated in the |of the Lancaster Osteopathic
Southern District Orchestra [hospital met Thursday, Feb.
Festival held at Red Lion 17 at 7 p.m. at the home of
Area Senior high school, |[Mrs. Martin Thomas, 3155
starting Thursday, Feb. 17 Harrisburg Pike.
and ending Saturday evening mien
Feb. 19, were as follows: The Sertoma
John Althouse, Susan Bie- club met Wednesday, Feb. 16
miller, Lynette Bogart, Judy (Turn to page 5)
An 'Editorian’
(From page 1)

it is a word.
* * * *
Remember the story about the “thing” which
walked like a duck, swam like a duck, quacked like a
duck and looked like a duck and was therefore called
a duck?
* * WH k
That's the way we now feel about an “editorian,”
which incidentally, is a perfectly good combination of
the Latin wod “editus” and the Greek word ‘stentor.”
Authority Takes Courageous Step
Mount Jdy is taking a forward step to solve its water
problem and to insure that in the immediate future the
community has enough of the precious commodity to pro-
vide for its own and to make possible reasonable growth.
The Borough Authority is to be congratulated for its
courage to take this step. It is an expensive step, takem
with fear and almost trembling. Yet, in the 1960’s things
are not as they were 20 years ago, not even as they were
10 years ago.
If Mount Joy is to grow and prosper, water in large
quantities must be available.
When it comes to signing the contracts, borrowing the
money and developing the Florin Water system, the Auth-
ority, within the bounds of reasonable conservatism should
not look back. Look forward.
The water Mount Joy can provide for itself now, ie
water which may keep us going when some other boroughs
in the area are bending every physical effort to keep the
dust out of their water pipes.
People who have been on the “inside” of recent studies
of) the water problem in this area are willing to bet that
within the not too distant future some communities in the
area which now believe that they have adequate water will
be pumping out of the Susquehanna river.
When they do, the investment will be terrific and the
cost of water will be high.
Such a situation sounds now like a dream. But, as the
years roll on and water supplies continue to be harder and
harder to maintain, many who now are gritting their teeth
a? the 1966 cost will be glad that Mount Joy has water
when others are either parched or paying.
sk * bo sh
Lititz Sees Need For Additional Water
If there is one single vital ingredient for communi-
ty growth and well being, it is water! ;
No other necessity is more difficult to come by or
becomes more important when the supply runs low.
Mount Joy has faced up to the problem in this bor-
ough. Others must do the same thing. Here follows the
thoughts of the editorial writer of the ‘ Lititz Reeord’
as his community takes a look at its water supply:
Borough lL.ooks Ahead On Water
According to a statement released last week to The
Record by Borough Manager George D.-Steedle, a stu-
dy of the water situation in Lititz points up the need
for an additional well to handle -the anticipated popu-
lation growth and increased customer use.
The study shows that the present water supply is
adequate for immediate needs, but two problems are
pinpointed. One, the natural forcees which replenish
our underground water supply are operating at a slight
deficit. Two, the number of customers drawing on that
supply has increased, and is expected to continue to in-
crease in the coming years.
We congratulate the Borough for having the fore-
sight to tackle this problem before it reaches serious
proportions. Some areas have neglected this responsi-

bility, secure in the knowledge that their immediate
needs were provided for. Suddenly, they have found
themselves without water and wondered what went
Also, in seeking an additional water supply, the
Borough shows wisdom in planning to tap some source
other than the central underground reservoir which
now supplies our four wells. Another well in the same
area would simply lower that supply at a faster rate,
as the study suggests.
Most of us will live to see the day when the avail-
ability of water will be of far greater concern in our
everyday lives than is presently the case. The commu-
nities that don’t look ahead today on this vital matter
may not only be out of luck at some future date, they
may also be out of water.