The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 19, 1966, Image 3

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" ’
By. Richard A. Snyder
State Senator

Some of the proposed a-
mendments to the State Con- |
stitution which failed to pass
in the session just ended will
be brought up again this
year, and we hope they will
be enacted.
One of these would per-
mit the Governor to succeed
himself and serve a total of
eight years.
It is a pity that this is not
already in effect. Governor
Scranton would merit reelec-
tion to continue his program,
particularly in the fields of
education, highways, welfare
-and attracting new enter-
prise to the state.
The same proposed amend-
ment would permit the Gov-
ernor to appoint and remove
a superintendent of public
instruction at will. Lack of
this power made several
years of Secranton’s adminis-
tration difficult, precisely at
a time when we had a new
state board of education, new
school subsdies, new scholar-

ship and loan plans, and ad-
ditional sums for colleges.
The same proposed amend-
ment to the constitution
would permit a majority of
the Senate to confirm the
Governor's appointments. As
matters now stand, it takes a
two-thirds vote, which means
that at least six members of
the minority party must join
the 28 majority Senators in
order to confirm a nominee.
The practical effect of this
is that the minority party has
a veto power on the Govern-
or’s choice of officials, even
though people will blame the
Governor if the job isn't
There have been deplor-
able examples of failure to
conform an official who was
in office already and doing
an excellent job. A note-
worthy example is Malcom
M. Campbell, chairman of
the Unemployment Compen-
sation Board. He was an ex-
pert on the staff of the State
Chamber of Commerce, and
was drafted by Scranton for
this job because of his know-
ledge of this field. He proved
his ability quickly by work-
ing hard and reducing the
backlog of case work. Futh-
er, he orgnized the work by
the referees over the state so
that they in turn caught up
on their work.
Net effect of this was that
unemployed with just claims
had them handled quickly.
Yet when the long session
adjourned January 4, Mr.
Campbell, unconfirmed, was
off the payroll. If the consti-
tution permitted a simple
majority to confirm nomina-

tions, the responsibility
would be lodged with one
party and this, we feel,
is as it should be.
Several other proposed
constitutional a mendments
will probably be brought up
this year, including those to
permit direct borrowing by
the state rather than the
cumbersome “authority”
method; permit the legisla-
ture a freer hand in provid-
ing optional forms of local
government; liberalizing the
requirements for voting and
providing for constitutional
review every fifteen years.
As a partial step towards
modernizing the State Con-
stitution, the House and Sen-
ate agreed on some amend-
ments adding a civil rights
section, making the legisla-
ture a continuing body, and
others. This is at least a be-
There are a total of thir-
teen amendments pending or

proposed, and a group called '

‘A Modern Constitution for
Pennsylvaena, Inc.’ is active
for them. It is headed by
Richard C. Bond, head of the
Wanamaker Store in Phila-
Show 5 Paintings
At Library
Five oil paintings by local
artists are now at the Mount
Joy Library and will be on
display until early in Febru-
They . are: “Reflections,”
and “Spring” both by Kath-
ryn Erb; ‘Old Central House’
by Warren Foley; '‘Back
Yard in Brooklyn,” by Jami
Phillips, and “Pink Barn’ by
Jeanne Holmes.
Science Club
Hears About TV
Gerald Hostetter, local ra-
dio repairman and U.S. mail
carrier, was the speaker for
the Donegal Annex Science
Club on Friday, Jan. 14.
He explained the workings
and operations of television
sets. The boys, under the fac-
ulty supervision of Paul
Coleman, had been working
with an old, damaged tv set.
Beating a path to the
County Farmers Bank. .
The patter of
little feet.. .]

The eager gait of
the teen-ager...

"The hurried step of
the junior executive ,,. :

And the patient tread of
the senior citizen. . .

Our customers, all . . .
Here the services are tailored to the needs |
of people in every walk of life. a
7:00 a.m. - News -
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Listen regularly to these County Farmers Bank radio
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- ed
Green and White
Day at Annex
Friday, Jan. 14, was Green
and White Day at Donegal
And what is Green and
White Day?
Students wear clothing
which s green and white.
That's what Green & White
Day is. It becomes a visabe
support of the school to
wear its colors.
The Junior high sehool
cheerleaders sponsored a
contest in the Annex, urging
the observance. The home
room which had the highest
count of ’'‘wearers of the
green’ and white were giver
an ice cream treat. Theodore
Greider’s homeroom of 8th
graders was winner.
Every child in the room
displayed his colors.
® Main Street
(From page 1)
® oO ©
That was not a typograph-
ica mistake. That’s just what
the two bodies did, each in
its respective meeting.
® ® @
The correct figure, appar-
ently, is $307,000 and it may
take a little legal untangling
of red tape to set the matter
straight — just off the ree-
® o ©
One of Mount Joy's good,
responsible citizens this week
stopped us in the post office
to detail how he and his wife
were driving along New Ha-
ven street just last week and
how they narrowly escaped
being smeared by someone
driving eastward on Donegal.
® ® ®
The Donegal street vehic-
le came blasting through the
stop sign and “he would
have hit us if my wife had
net mentioned as we neared
the corner ‘this is a bad one’
and I had not been slowing
down,” our friend related.
@ ® @®
A somewhat detailed re-
port of other traffic ‘problem’
spots in the borough has been
made by the police depari-
ment, submitted to the Bor-
ough Council and is now in
the hands of Mayor Frank
® oo o
To return to the Chamber
of Commerce One of
Mount Joy’s chief expendi-
tures of energy currently
should be to make every ef-
fort to have the proposed vo-
cational — technical school
located in or at the edge of
Mount Joy.
® @® ®-
The advantages are so
many and so obvious that it
might seem almost a fore-
gone conclusion that the
school will be located here.
However, such is not the
case. Most any community a-
round would welcome the
location of the new school on
its doorstep.
® @ ®
There are excellent loca-
tions in our town which
should not be passed up. But
the project needs more
® © o
The Chamber of Commerce
has done work in this direct-
ion, has suggested sites, and
pointed out the advantages
of Mount Joy. What is need-
ed is for more people te
“talk it up,” write letters
and ‘button hole” the people
in charge of the site select-
® oo eo
For approximately 50 years
the Frank famiy has held am
annual Good Friday auctiom
® © $
Word now is that there
will be no such sale this
The first man to fiy am
airplane over both the North
and South Peles was Admiral
Richard BE. Byrd.

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