WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1965 PAGE TWO THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. which does not contemplate i lar St., Mount Joy. | APPLE DUMPLING ems pecuniary gain or Profit, B Miss Allison was graduated FESTIVAL cident + otherwise, to Its Q Caske i iC ; LEGAL NOTICES le Engagements Stok SacCaskey high school 4, apple dumpling festiv- Articles of Amendment | === ee EEE RES hs al will be held at the Master —— Ee — have been filed in the} ,c.y __ ALLISON Her fiance was graduated |sonville Fire Hall, sponsored SEALED PROPOSALS Sealed proposals will be re- ceived by the MT. JOY BOR- OUGH AUTHORITY, Bor- ough Hall, North Market Street, Mount Joy, Penna. until 8:00 P.M., ES.T. on No- vember 2, 1965, for the furn- ishing and delivering of one 14 Ton Pickup Truck after allowance for trade in of 1954 Ford V8 '2 Ton Pickup Truck. : Specifications and Bid Pro- posal Forms can be obtained at the office of the Authority, 81 E. Main Street, Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, during busi- ness hours. D. Wolgemuth, Sec'y. 30-1c SEALED PROPOSALS Sealed proposals will be received and publicly opened and read by the supervisors of East Donegal Township, at the township office, Maytown, Lancaster County, Pa., until 9 o'clock p.m. (EST) Thurs- day, Nov. 11, 1965 for one industrial tractor. Specification forms and contracts and instructions to bidders may be obtained at the home of Lloyd H. Fuhr- man, secretary of the board of supervisors, RD 1, Mariet- ta. All proposals must be submitted on forms furnished bv the undersigned. The supervisors reserve the right to reject any and ail bids. Lloyd H. Fuhrman, Sec'y. East Donegal Township Board of Supervisors. 30-2¢ EXECUTORS’ NOTICE Estate of Jeanrette T Brown, dec'd. late of Mount Joy Borough, Penna. Letters testamentary on said estate having been gran- ted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav- ing claims or demands a- gainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement. to the undersigned, ELMER E. BROWN Pinkerton Road, Mount Joy, Penna. Carl R. Hallgren, Attorney 28-3¢c ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Estate of Minnie Nentwig, Se of Mount Joy Borough, a. Letters of Administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons ‘indebted thereto are requested to make imme- diate payment, and those hav- ing claims or demands against the same will present them without delay. for settlement to the undersigned, ALBERT NENTWIG 672 Wood Street Mount Joy, Pennsylvania Clarence C. Newcomer Attorney 30-3¢ NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an application will be pre- sented to the Court of Com- mon Pleas of Lancaster Coun- tv, Pennsvlvania, 'on Friday, October 29, 1965 at 9:30 o'- clock A. M. for the approval of the amendments to the Articles of Incorporation and the granting of an amended charter of the GERMAN EVANGFLICAL LUTHFRAN CONGREGATION of MOUNT JOY, Pennsvlvania, to be amended under the provis- ions of the Non-Profit Cor- poration Law of the Common- wealth nf Pennsvivania ab- proved Mav 5. 1933, P1.. 289 as amended, for the follow- ing purposes: To establish operate and maintain a Lutheran Church in the Borouch of Mount Joy. to buv. manage and run and hoid real and personal prop- erty necessary and proper for a nlare of prhlie wor ship. school and parish house. carrv on educational and charitable work. under rules and regulations of a econstitu- tion to be adooted by the congregation of the above ramed church. the constitu- tion to be in harmony with these Articles of Incorpora- tion and the laws of the Com- monwealth of Pennsvlvania and this is a corporation Office of the Prothonotary of Lancaster County, Penna. Clarence C. Newcomer but don’t lend it to neighbor. ’ ¥ 30-1¢ Solicitor Borrow trouble for your- self, if that’s your nature, your AN INVESTOR-OWNED ELECTRIC UTILITY Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Allison, 635 S. Franklin St, Lancaster, announce the en- gagement of their daughter Betty Ann Allison, to Bernell Heisey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Heisey, 107 Pop- from Donegal high school in 1959, attended Messiah col- lege, and was graduated from Electronic Institutes. He is a member of the 104th Avia- tion Co., PARNG. Both are employed by El- ectronic Test Equipment Co., Lancaster, by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Fire Company on Satur- day, Oct. 23, from 4 to 8 p.m. Looking before you leap often gives you the jump on your competitors. Patronize Our Advertisers Sli cst. a Ra - Cooking, td \ i ! i 4 Mr. and Mrs. John Ferich’s all-electric home at 6 Pleasant View Avenue, Willow Street, Pa, Lighting. *If PP&L’s new low rates had been in effect throughout the entire heating season, the average monthly cost would have been even lower, IN THE SERVICE OF THE PUBLIC The Ferich family paid an average of ONLY : 1 0. 70. month for Total Electric Living including Electric Home Heating, Water Heating, and all their other electric services. That's why we say, to make an honest comparison of costs of various types of heating you must add together all costs. When you add together the costs of flame-type heating and electric service for other needs, chances are you'll find Total Electric Living—one service, one bill, no mainte- nance or service contracts—is your truly economical buy. Before you build or remodel, see your Reddy Kilowatt Recommended Electric Home Heating Dealer for an electric heating estimate, which he'll back up with a guarantee! X., PENNSYLVANIA 2° POWER ¢ LIGHT COMPANY ’ a