PAGE FOUR 10,000th Electric Home Is Wired Pennsylvania Power and Light Company has announc- ed its 10,000th electric home heating customer in Central Eastern Pennsylvania. Join- ing the swing to electric heat- ing is the Quentin E. Getz family of Mechanicsburg. The Getzes moved into their new home late last month, He teaches problems of democracy and is athletic director at Mechanicsburg Area high school. The history of modern, flameless electric heat for homes in PP&L’s service area has been one of phenom- enal growth — from 787 just four years ago to 10,000 homes at present, and expec- tations are that the 12,000 mark will be reached by the end of this year. Further, P.- P. & L. projections now call for at least 50,000 electrical- ly heated homes in the area by 1970. THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Sales of electric space heating in industrial and commercial categories are al- so experiencing solid growth, the Company reported. As of August 1, electric heat was installed in 205 industrial- type buildings and 630 offices schools, churches, restaurants stores, motels and other com- mercial establishments in Central Eastern Penna. Contributing to this in- crease in all PP&L electric heating categories has been the program of eight rate re- JUNIOR FHA The Donegal Annex chap- ter of Junior Future Home- makers of America has org- anized for this school year. Officers elected are: Ann Nissley, president; Laverne Kreider, vice-president; Mar- ian Hess, secretary; Betty Martin, treasurer; Mary Eng- le, song leader, and Donna Robinson, reporter. Mrs. Rob- ert Brown is club sponsor. Patronize Our Advertisers ductions totaling $13.5 mil-| lion in the past four years which lowered by 41 percent | the cost of heating electric- ally. The Company hopes to! continue this incentive pro- gram by reducing rates by an additional $7.5 million by 1970. ® Of This n That (From page 1) jority of their collection, dis- playing them to advantage. What a sight that will be! Meat platters — and music “platters” — what interesting hobbies people have! * * * The New York World's Fair will soon be a thing of the past. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bair and young sons and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Forney were among those who last week took advantage of a bus trip to have “just one more look”, * * * Also in New York City for this distinction, Fellenbaum ' Stoner Sr., who joined a bus trip of Elizabethtown women to visit the United Nation and the huge new Church Women’s building. * * * Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Chunko, Columbia avenue, are among those parents in Mount Joy this fall who have two mem- bers of the family in college. Shelby, who graduated from Donegal high school in June, is a freshman at Penn State, majoring in psychology. Tom, married and living in Lancaster, is a junior at Mil- lersville State college, in ad- dition to holding down a full time job. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stal- ey, Park Avenue, also qualify as their twins, Jean and Joan, are seniors in college in North Carolina. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Mari- ner, Longenecker Road, are even more honored: Jeff, who received a degree. from Penn State in June, is doing grad- last week were Mrs. Reuben uate work in physics at Mich- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 and Mrs. Pauligan State University at Lan. oo sing, Robert is a junior at Temple University, and a daughter, Jackie, now Mrs. Paul Benner, a graduate of Penn State, is doing work to. ward a degree in library science at Rutgers! Deaf Man Perfects Midget Transistor Hearing Aid If you can hear people talk and can't make out the words clearly, then this will be your answer. An extremely small hearing aid using a tiny energized unit, has been perfected by a man who him. self is hard of hearing and has been for over 10 years. With his new aid, even whis- pers are crystal clear. If in. terested it is suggested you write HEARING, 32 E. 9th St., Erie, Pa. You will re- ceive full information at no cost or obligation whatso- ever. —Adv. “Do you mean we can't have 2 if we put in electric heat; RTI & “No, dear. | said we don't need a chimney with electric heat, be cause it's flameless. You don’t need an escape route for smoke or fumes as you do with flame-type heating systems." “We can have a fireplace, then, with a chimney if we want one?” “Of course, dear, but more important, we'll have all the benefits of modern electric living. . . it’s so clean, comfortable, convenient and space-saving. There are no flames, no soot, no fumes, no odors. Best of all, electric heat is so economical.” Join the better than 10,000 PP&L.- served families already enjoying clean, flameless electric home heating. See your builder or your Reddy Kilowatt Recommended Home Heating Dealer (listed in the Yellow Pages). ELECTRIC Chimney AN INVESTOR-OWNED & UTILITY //\ IN THE SERVICE OF THE PUBLIC IQ