YY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1965 ® Church News (From page 6) Florin Church of Brethren Mount Joy Rev. Howard Bernhard Moderator Henry Becker Jr., Supt. Sunday 8:50 pm. Sunday School 10.00 a.m. Worship Service Sermon; Rev. Becker Ginder from Manheim R. D. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. Message by Rev. Henry Bec- ker. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Business Meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Midweek Service - Home News - Our visitors for the week: The Rev. Albert L. Schart- ner, Assistant Administrator of the Presbyterian Homes of Central Penna., Dillsburg, was our guest for dinner on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Harvey Roberts, Miss Mae Brenner, Mrs. Ann Hay- nes, Miss Clare Brennaman, Miss Elizabeth Hammond, Mrs. Ralph Houser, Mrs. Martin Hess, Lancaster, for Mrs. Mary Sales. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hen- ry, Harrisburg, for Miss Eth- el Henry. Mrs. Percy Walker, Harris- burg, visited several resi- dents. E. W. Kaufhold, Akron, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Britton and Mrs. Virginia B. Ax, Hershey, for Miss Carrie Kaufhold. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Seidel, Middletown, for Mrs. Mar- garet Koerting. Mrs. Evelyn Hershey spent a few days with Lancaster relatives. Florin Lions Club Holds Meeting The Florin Lions Club held it’s bi-monthly meeting on Monday, August 9, at the Mount Joy Diner. Donald Miller presided over the meeting in the absence of President George Fitzkee. Jt was decided that the next meeting on August 23, will be cancelled because of the annual baseball game be- tween the Mount Joy Lions on Tuesday, Aug. 17. The meeting on Sept. 13th, will be held at Ben Staley’s Cot- tage at Long Level. ‘Entertainment for the eve- ning was furnished by Joe Taylor, who showed films of the 1965 International Lions Convention at Howill and the 1965 Mt. Joy Memorial Day parade. RR Say 4 i _ when you move | g®., ...when a . $¥3 new baby @\\ arrives KD Zh hs Your Welcome Wagon Hostess will call with a basket of gifts . . . and friendly greetings from our reli ‘gious, civic and business leaders. Just let us know... WELCOME N=. "ERS! ; 4 Use this coupon to let us know you're here. i E: Name. Address — City. i [7 Please have the Welcome Wagon { i E Hostess call on me [J | would like to subscribe to the i E71 already subscribe to the i Fill out coupon and mail to Circulation $ Dept. MAYTOWN NEWS NOTES Miss Grace Henderson Mrs. Creta Sload celebrat- ed her 84th birthday anniver- sary last Monday. On Sun- day she was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith of Elizabethtown R.D. In the afternoon they had 28 of her friends drop-in to help her celebrate. On Monday even- ing she was invited for din- ner at the Posey Flowers home in Marietta and Tues- day she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Fry, Lititz. Robert Morris celebrated his birthday anniversary last Tuesday. Linda Houseal her 15th birthday sary last Friday. Keith and Kevin Hender- son, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Jere Henderson, were entertained in honor of their fifth birthday anniversary at the home of your correspon- dent last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wetzel are vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wetzel at their cabin in Perry County. Mrs. Goldie Yordy was in- stalled as 1st Vice President of the County Council. The meeting was held Tuesday evening at the Lancaster Am- erican Legion Home. The following persons from town attended the wedding ceremony of Trudy Fries and Barry Brandt last Saturday afternoon in St. John’s Epis- copal church, Lancaster: Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shenk, Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Greer, Mrs. Margaret Brandt, Mr. celebrated anniver- and Mrs. Lawrence Barnhart, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barn- hart, Samuel Wlliams, Jr., Mrs. May Hicks and your correspondent. They also at- tended the reception at the Conestoga Country Club, Mrs. Beatrice Larkie is a patient in St. Joseph's hos- pital suffering from hepatitis. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hous- eal entertained Mrs. Annie Arnold, Jay Houseal and Mrs. James Drohan last Sunday in honor of their birthday anniversaries. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mas- ters, Coral Gables, Florida, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Morris on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheetz vacationed in Wildwood, N. J. last week. Billy and Audrey Smith returned on Sunday after several weeks’ vacation with their grandparents at Mec- Keesport. The Everready Class of the Church of God will meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Drace. Mrs. Ney will be the hostess. The Illuminator class of the above church will meet Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Strominger. FROZEN FRUITS Serve frozen fruits as soon as they are thawed. They will look and taste much better than if held after thawing, say food specialists at the U. S. Department of Agricul- ture. Patronize Our Advertisers THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. YOUR LEGASLATOR'S im REPORT Mees Edwin D. Eshleman The former Democratic Speaker of the House of Rep- resentatives —The Honorable Hiram G. Andrews — an el- derly gentleman for whom I have the utmost respect — sends me a periodic news- letter, he writes, called “DIS- PELLING THE FOG.” 1 want to share with you the first three paragraphs of one of his most recent newslet- ters: ‘Pennsylvania’s General Assembly should be a forum in which ideas contend like gladiators. Members of the General Assembly, members of the body politic, and edi- tors —— particularly editors— should be the fountainheads from which ideas flow. Since the beginning of this session of the General Assem- bly the Democratic high command and its spokesmen quite evidently have not been relying upon ideas. The big chief (Frank Smith, Chairman of Philadelphia Democratic Party) who dic- tates Democratic Party legis lative policy, sometimes by proxy, evidently suffers from a wheeler-dealer complex. The Democratic Governor. Frank Smith, Chairman of Philadelphia Democrat Par- ty) who uses Philadelphia as a base, apparently has con- vinced himself that political patronage is the salt that that keeps party action pure and undefiled. It would seem that for some time the Democratic Governor who rules from PAGE SEVEN Philadelphia, says, doubtless by proxy, to the Republican Governor who rules at Har- risburg: “Let's talk turkey. You give me this: I'll give you that.” The Democratic Governor doubtless relies upon his ability to outsmart the Republican Governor.” Please bear in mind the above was written by a Dem- crat and a former Speaker of the House of Representatives who has a total of 24 years service, including 4 years as Speaker of the House, worth your wait in il You couldn’t pick a better time than now to buy a Chevrolet! r ee aN, ein : | rs rng HR Chevrolet Impala { Sport Coupe. «. Plenty of beautiful driving weather ahead, and your Chevrolet dealer is making allowances for your old car that are Corvair Monza Sport Coupe. Now's the time to get a No.1 buy on the No.1 cars. CHEVROLET Chevelle Malibu Sport Coupe. DEALER oy 37-5770 NEWCOMER MOTORS, Inc. WEST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY PHONE 653-4821