The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 26, 1965, Image 4

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Banquet Fetes Top Pupils
Dr. Charles M. Saffer Jr,
assistant director for re-
search planning for the Thio-
ol Chemical corporation, was
speaker for the annual Hon-
or Banquet at Donegal high
school Friday evening, May
14, in the high school cafeter-
ia. His subject was “Educa-
tion in the Aerospace Age,”
and with humor and great
sincerity he told his young
listeners that education in
history, literature and cul-
tural values, together with an
“understanding heart” were
the best preparation for liv-
ing in our present world.
Approximately 200 pupils,
faculty members and guests
attended the banquet, which
is held each spring to honor
those who have excelled in
scholarship. They must have
made the honor roll for
three of the five report peri-
ods. i
Philip Longenecker ‘was
toastmaster. June Wolgemuth
gave the invocation, remarks
were made by Supervising
Principal Wilbur I. Beahm
and Principal John G. Hart.
Donna Ray made the intro-
duction of guests and .Susan
Musser introduced the speak
Miss Lily Martin, guidance
counsellor and chairman of
the Banquet committee, pre-

Mrs. William K. Risser
sented special awards as fol-
Gold pins, for attending 4
Honor Banquets: Dale Heisey
Sherry Wolgemuth, Gray
Greiner, Linda Nolt, Joyce
Beamenderfer, Phillip Longe-
necker, Kathleen Brown and
Debra Wolgemuth.
Silver pins for attending
three years: Stephen Zuch,
Annette Cramer, Sandra
Trone and June Wolgemuth,
Bronze pins for attending
two . years; .Nathaniel Gil-
christ, Patricia Albano, Don-
na Ray, Glenn Sauder, Don:
na Ney and Jeffrey Haw-
Special awards, letters, for
two years not including 9th
grade: Juniors — Barrett
Borry, George Broske, Gary
Cupper, Theodore Fellen-
baum, Larry Hostetter, Susan
Hostetter, Rebecca Kling,
Gale Leber, Cindy Mumper,
Virginia Nix, Bonnie Reitz,
Karen Rice and Gale Sim-
mons; Seniors ~— Annette
Cramer, Nat Gilchrist and
Sandra Trone.
Faculty members assisting
Miss Martin in arranging for
the banquet were: Mrs. Betty
Lutze, John W. W. Loose,
Mrs. Mary Margaret Peraro,
Emerson Stehman, Bernard
Thome and Miss Catharine G.

‘Of This and
by the editor's wife
‘We prophesied that Mayfixing up!
would be an interesting,
busy month in Mount Joy.
It has certainly lived up to
its promise! Ask ANY ONE.
And it’s not over yet! The
climax comes this weekend,
with the parade, art show,
music in the park, vesper
services, memorial services,
a tour of homes, dedication
of the Library and many
other fascinating activities!
How fine it is that Mount
Joy has revived its old tra-
dition of really celebrating
Memorial Day.
® * *
We can be proud that our
town is looking nice, too,
ready for the big weekend.
“Clean up, paint up, fix up”
time was well observed, both
individually and collectively.
A rented truck swept the
streets . . . hundreds of gal-
lons of paint have been
spread, inside and out . . . .
flags and bunting decorate
several business establish-
ments . . . thousands of flo-
wers have been set out or
planted . . window and
porch boxes are filled . . .
roses are just ready to burst
into bloom everywhere . . .
traffic lines on Main Street
were even repainted this
Yes, even with the pre-
election forum, the election
itself, the golf tourney, the
many school concerts and
programs, Mount Joy found
time to “put its best foot for-
ward”! Take a drive around
town and see how pretty
things really are!
* * *
On a personal basis, May
has been a wonderful month.
We had two birthdays to
celebrate; we welcomed home
our college daughter, ready
to receive her degree from
Indiana University in com-
mencement exercises June 14
and begin teaching in Mount
Joy in the fall. We had an
unforgettable trip to Wash-
ington, D. C., escorting a
young man who was seeing
it for the first time, and at
its loveliest. We were guests
at the National Honor Socie- |
ty banquet May 14; we at-
tended one of Lancaster
County’s excellent horse
shows, and also Antiques
Shows and sales. In between
time we have spread paint,
washed windows, planted
flowers, set out plants, cut
grass, and tried to do our
“bit” of spring cleaning and
. | Debbie Schroll and Cynthia

The National Honor Socie-
ty banquet ‘was a high point,
as it always is. It is thrilling
to sit there and look out at
the more than 125 bright, al-
ert, eager, interested young
faces belonging to Donegal’s
top students.
The speaker this year was
excellent, the food delicious,
and it was wonderful to bea
part of such a happy occas-
ion. Athletes are guests of
honor at banquets in many
schools, but Donegal “pioner-
ed” in recognizing high ach-
ievement in scholarship by
that method.
Stage Talent
Show at Seiler
A Talent Program was pre-
sented by the pupils of Seiler
elementary school on Mon-
day, May 24, at 2 p.m. Toni
Leedom served as announcer
for the following numbers:
Clarinet Trio, Alison Feick
Myers; Vocal Duet, Debbie
Meckley, Kathy Gebhart;
Piano Solo, Jonathan Bridg-
ett; Routine, Jill Shupp and
Jean Nissley; Vocal Solo,
Donald Williams, Piano Solo,
Billy Martin; Trumpet Solo,
Robert Perlow; Vocal Duet,
Cynthia Walters, Linda Gris-
singer; Novelty Act, Peggy
Keller; Piano Solo, Scott Al-
bert; Trumpet Duet, Mark
Gainer, Alan Secrest; Piano
Solo, Linda Grissinger; Voc-
al Quartet, Jeanie Heilig,
Joani Little, Vickie Brown,
and Mary Sheetz.
Piano Solo, Corinda Zink;
Monologue, Carol Zimmer-
man; Piano Solo, Brent Zeller
Saxophone Solo, Barbara
Sloan; Piano Solo, Larry
Hendrix; Vocal Duet, Betsy
Hallgren, Susan Sager, Piano
Solo, Patricia Greiner; Sousa-
phone Solo, Donald Schwartz
Clarinet Duet, Joni Hoffmas-
ter and Carol Zimmerman.
Mrs. Peter Honaman, Lan-
disville, member of the Gov-
ernors’ Commission on the
Status of Women, will bring
greetings from Gov. Scranton
to the annual convention of
the Pennsylvania Federation
of Womens Clubs to be held
in Pittsburgh from May 26
to 28.
* * *
The Landisville Element-
ary School Parent Teacher's
Association held their annual
festival at the Salunga Fire
Co. pavilion on May 22.
William T. Newell and
Gordon Book were co-chair-
man assisted by the follow-
ing: Mrs. Lester Adams, Mrs.
Henry Duke, Mrs. Harold
Abel, food committee; Robert
Moss, Lester Adams, game
committee; Harold E. Whit-
temore, Howard Dieter, rides;
P. Glenn Stehman, electric-
ian; Fred Hamor, erection
crew; Mrs. John Booth, pos-
ters; Mrs. Wm. T. Newell,
Mrs. Joseph Whitacre, Robert
Brackbill, Charles Elliott,
Larin Weigard, ticket sales
on grounds.
- * *
The newly erected Zion
Lutheran church at Landis-
ville was dedicated Sunday,
May 23 at 10:45 a.m.
The service began at the
main doors of the narthex
when the contractor, Diller
Plank of Willow Street, de-
livered the church to the
The pastor, the Rev. G.
Martin Ruoss lead the acts of
dedication, assisted by semi-
narian J. Gary Brown, mem-
bers of the church council
and the executive building
council. The choir sang Pas-
tor Ruoss preached a sermon
and administered Holy Com-
munion. The building has
been under construction since
March 1, 1964.
Franklin and Marshall foot-
ball coach George Storck was
the guest speaker at Hemp-
field high athletic banquet on
Thursday night, May 20. It
was the largest banquet in
the history of the school.
Awards were presented to
all varsity athletes at the
school during the banquet.
* * ®
United Lutheran Church
Women of Zion Lutheran
Church, Landisville, spon-
sored a day bus trip to Old
Swede’s Church in Wilming-
ton, Del. and Winterthur Gar-
dens recently.
Mrs. William Adams has
been named president of the
United Lutheran Church
Women of Landisville.
Other new officers include:
Mrs. Donald Kiehl, vice pres-
ident; Mrs. Nelson Albright,
secretary; and the following
committee chairmen: Mrs.
Charles Miller, education;
Mrs. Charles Johnson, service
Mrs. Carl Stripe, hospitality;
Mrs. Jere Cooper, nursery
and Miss Caroline Glassmyer,
Altar Guild.
* * *
Landisville - Salunga Aux-
iliary to the Lancaster Gen-
eral hospital held election of
officers on Monday, May 24
at the Zion Lutheran church
at 8 p.m.
* * *
A leadership class on the
study of the life of St. Paul
will be held at Zion Luther-
an church, Landisville, Mon-
day, May 24 and May 31,
from 8 to 10 p.m.
% %* *
The Willing Workers Class
of Landisville Church of God

Piano Prelude numbers
were played by Nancy Ro-!
land, Marjorie Straub, Jeanie
Heilig, Joani Little, Laura
Beck, and Linda Nissley.

met Friday, May 21 at 8 p.m.
at the home of Mrs. Harry
Mumma, Landisville.
* * *
The Junior CE. Group of
Landisville Church of God
held a buffet supper and a
special program on Sunday,
May 23 at the church.
* * *
The Boy--Girl Fellowship
Group of Hempfield E. U. B.

Church visited Christ’s Home ||
Paradise on Sunday, May 23.
* w »
Bob Rivard of Hempfield
high school set a new state
record in the Class A javelin
with a heave of 218 feet, six
inches at the PIAA Track &
Field championship held at
Penn State University Satur-
day, May 22.
® Main Street
(From page 1)
ing on?
® oo +o
As a matter of public in-
formation, we are glad to
report that a situation at the
borough sewage plant which
had the community in an up-
roar a few weeks ago is
completely under control.
® oo ©
A sludge bed which was
empounded between the
buildings and creek bank has
been removed and the area
is being plowed. The inert
material which had been
completely digested before
being flowed into a lagoon
area has been hauled to a
farm field and plowed under.
. 9 © @ ’
An “extra” bit of interest
which will be available to
interested people over the
Memorial Day holiday is a
display of pictures and mem-
orabilia which will be in the
window of the room last oec-
cupied on Main street by
Bennett's . restaurant and
Mengle's bakery shop.
® © ©
0. K. Snyder will have on
display several things which
pertain to the business of his
grandfather, H. E. “Pappy”
Klugh. Klugh had a business
at various locations in the
area between 1897 and about
the late 1920s.
® © ©¢
Sewering of the Mount Joy
area is practically finished.
at least the underground pipe
pipe installations. This week
should see the finish of dig-
ging at the last spot, on An-
® o oo
Several months ago there
appeared — somewhat mys-


teriously — a huge circular
bed of roses, complete with
retaining dry wall, in War
Memorial Park,
® & o
This spring additional
work has been done, includ-
ing several loads of peat
moss spread over the bed
last weekend.
® © o
One of the show places by
Memorial Day should be this
colorful and beautiful rose
% Miss Mount
(From page 1)
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay
Meuller, Mount Joy R2, is
blonde, has green eyes, is
five feet, three inches tall;
weighs 115 pounds. She will
enter beautician school fol-
lowing graduation. Talent -
Modern Dance.
In addition to the talent
competition, the girls will ap-
pear in swim suits and even-
ing gowns, and will be inter-
viewed on stage. The scoring
of the contest will follow
that of Miss American Con-
Judges for
will be:
Mrs. Doris Herr, Columbia
R2, speech instructor at Penn
Manor high school; Dr. Ed-
ward L. Lancaster Jr. Lan-
caster, Orthopedic Surgeon.
Mrs. Irma Millard, ‘Elizabeth-
town R1, owner of Elizabeth-
town Studio of Fine Arts.
Mort Rosen, Harrisburg, Im-
mediate Past President of
Junior Cham-
ber of Commerce.
Mr. K. L. Shirk Jr., Esq.
Lancaster, attorney and Coun-
ty Republican Chairman.
Mrs. Donna Loar, -Lancas-
ter, Miss Pennsylvania 1963.
The winner of the Miss
Mount Joy title will repre-
sent Mount Joy in the Miss
Lancaster County pageant, to
be held later this year. All
the contestants will ride con-
vertibles in the Memorial
Day Parade Saturday, May
Ed Coles of Radio Station
WSBA will act as Master of
Ceremonies for the pageant.
Miss Carolyne Blantz, Miss
the pageant
Mount Joy of 1964, will pre-
sent the crown to the winner
this year. Music for the pag-
eant will be provided by Mrs.
Ethel Broske and by the Roy-
al Jeans.

out further notice.
property owners.
Be a Good Neighbor

Weeds growing in.the Borough of Mount
Joy must be CUT on or before June 15 and
KEPT CUT for the balance of the year with-
Failure to comply with this NOTICE and
the Borough Weed Ordinance will require
the borough to have the work done for which
COSTS plus 10 percent will be billed to the
Your Cooperation
Is Requested
and Cut Your Weeds
By Authority of the Mount Joy
Borough Council

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