The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 26, 1965, Image 11

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    : er and Sermon.
Community Memorial Park.
- i1Extended Sessions for all
. ates; Sermon,
~ speaker,
® Church News
(From page 6)
9:30 am. Morning Prayer
and Church School
11:00 a.m. Morning Pray:
7:30 p.m. Vespers in the
Saint Mary's
Roman Catholic Church
Rev. Francis J. Hudak
- 8:00 am. Mass
Church of God
Mount Joy. Penna.
Ralph C. Warner, Pastor
9:30 a.m. Bible School
10:30 a. m. Morning Wor-
ship Service.
6:45 p.m. Young Peoples
7:30 pim|{ Evening Worship
7:30 p.m. Midweek Bible
Study Classes.
No Senior Choir practice.
Glossbrenner Church
Evangelical United Brethren
Charles W. Wolfe, Pastor
9:30 a.m. Divine Worship
and Christian Instruction.
10:30 a.m. Instruction
Class for new Members.
6:45 p.m. Youth Fellow-
7:00 p.m. Midweek Service
8:00 p.m. Senior Choir
Church of the Brethren
Elizabethtown, Pa.
Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor
John W. Gosnell,
Minister of Education
9:30 a.m. Church School
for Adults and Youth, and
pre-school children.
10:30 a.m. Morning Wor-
ship; Recognition of Gradu-
“lI Am Under
Orders,” by Pastor Zuck.
7:30 p. m. Elizabethtown
Area High School Baccalau-
rate Service, in the high
School Auditorium. Dr.
Zuck will preach on “Blessed
Are The Misfits.”
7:00 p.m. Congregational
Business Meeting.
Brethren in Christ Church
Rev. Avery Musser. Pastor
9:15 am. Sunday school,
Abram Brownsberger, sup
10:15 a. m. Morning wor.
ship. College Day. Guest
Mr. Martin H.
Schrag, Associate Professor
of Christian History, at Mes-
siah College. Grantham, Pa.
7:00 p.m. The Christ’s Cru-
saders present James Shelly,
who will speak and show
pictures taken while he was
in Africa.
7:30 p.m. Bible Study and
- Presbyterian
- Home News -
Our visitors this past week
numbered about 80 which
includes three groups as fol-
On Wednesday afternoon
last week about 20 members
of Circle #4 of the First
Presbv‘~rian church, York,
visite” ~r Home for their
monthlv meeting with Mrs.
Alice Cr-»-haw, Circle lead-
er, presi“'~2. Mrs. Helen
Spangler. €- led the devo-
tions folle-~* hv a duet. The
Bible Studv “The Freedom
of Sonship, based on the book
of Galatians. was given by
Mrs. John Walton. All joined
hands for the closing prayer.
Each resident was presented
with a “White Bible” labeled
“Wash Away Mv Sin” and
enclosed was a cake of Ivory

soap, — Very clever! We al-
ways "enjoy the social hour
with refreshments.
Also on Wednesday after-
noon Miss Ethel Henry re-
ceived eleven guests from
Circles 1 and 2 of the Olivet
Presbyterian church, Harris-
burg, entertaining them in
the solarium. At our evening
meal we enjoyed ice cream
which these visitors brought
for us.
18 members of Brown-
ie Troop 29, sponsored by
the Mount Joy Presbyterian
church, entertained the resi-
dents of Schock Home Satur-
day afternoon with songs, re-
citations, dancing and a pup-
pet show which was greatly
enjoyed. Mrs. Ervin Weaver
is the Den Mother, assisted
by Mrs. Brubaker.
W. Irvin Galt, Treasurer
for the Presbyterian Homes
of Central Penna., and Mrs
Galt, Carlisle, were our Sun-
day dinner guests.
Other visitors came from
Lancaster, Christiana, Coates,
ville, Wilmington, Del., York,
Middletown, and Kingston.
Miss Mabel Walmer visited
friends in Lebanon for a
few days.
Miss Blanche Speer and
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Har-
rison E. Flory of Bangor, Pa.
were luncheon guests of Mrs.
Ruth Bender, Annville, Mon-
day noon.
Mrs. Sara Waite was called
to Lancaster Monday evening
because of the death of her
sister, Miss Martha Buchan-
an, of 740 N. Duke St.
Church Quiz
Team is Winner
Five young people of the
Cross - Roads Brethren in
Christ youth group compose
a Quiz Team which has com-
peted with eight other teams
of the Atlantic Conference.
At the final playoff, held at
the Skyline View church, in
Harrisburg, May 16, the
Cross Roads team came thru}
with flying colors, winning
two out of three final: con-
Members of the team ' are:
June Wolgemuth, Ronald
Hess, Jay Musser, Roy Hess
and David Mumma. Serving
as an alternate was Marion
At the General Conference
of the Brethren in Christ, to
be held in Upland, Calif on
June 9 - 14, they will com-
pete in the denominational
Bible Quiz Play-off with
teams representing the other
regional conferences.
Two Young Bike
Riders Injured
Two Mount Joy young-
sters, within two hours, were
injured Thursday afternoon,
May 20—one seriously, the
other slightly.
Eugene R. Hess, 8 Wood
street, son of Eugene Hess,
sustained brush burns on his
leg and was back in school
on Friday.
Charles Dale Kepple, 5,
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Rich-
ard Kepple, south Market
street, however, remains in
the General hospital, but is
improving nicely. He under-
went an operation on Tues-
day of this week. His injuries
included a fractured skull,
fractured left leg and cuts
and bruises.
Hess was injured at 4:40
p.m. when he rode his bike
out of a blind alley near his
home into the path of a car
driven by Ray Burgess, 43,
At 6:30 p.m., the Kepple
child, also near his home,
rode out of a driveway into
the path of a car operated by
Kenneth C. Ginder, 21, of
398 south Market Avenue.
Oils Everything
Prevents Rust

The final meeting of the
Donegal Neighborhood Girl
Scout was held May 18 at
Sico Park.
A drawing for desserts
preceded the business meet-
ing, which was conducted by
the Neighborhood Chairman,
Mrs. Donald Straub. Mrs.
Wm. C. Dommel was invest-
ed as Administrative Assist-
ant; Mrs. Jean. Reich was in-
vested as Maytown Organiz-
er; and Mrs. Donald Zerphey
was rededicated as Mount
Joy Organizer. A number of
yearly service awards were
also presented. Mrs. LeRoy
Bates reported on Day Camp
preparations. Cadette Troop
No. 30 of Mount Joy was in


charge of the flag ceremony
and Senior Troop 31 of Mari-
etta presented a skit,
No further meetings are
planned until the fall season.
Leaders were reminded that
all Donegal Day Camp regis-
trations must be turned in by
May 26.
Brownie Troop #29 enter-
tained the folks at the Pres.
byterian Home on Saturday,
May 22. The program. includ-
ed several songs by the group
plus a dance, and original
numbers by several of the
girls. Following the program
the troop held a doggie roast
at Sico Park. Twelve girls re-
ceived stars and eight receiv-
ed World Friendship pins.
Junior Troop 35 presented
a talent show at its regular
meeting on Tuesday, May 25.
Guests of the group were
Brownie Troop 29. Refresh-
ments followed the enter-
tainment. Leaders in charge

are Mrs. Jay Loraw and Mrs.
E. Eugene Bender.
Girl Scout Troop #27 held
a Mother and Daughter cov-
ered dish supper, "Monday,
May 24, It was planned com-
pletely by the following girls
in ordér to earn ‘their Social
Dependability Challenge:
Nancy Rolfs, Elaine - Brown.
Vickie - Little and Melissa
There were approximately
35 people at the supper. It
was held at the Evangelical
Cong. church. The girls of
the troop performed their
Moori game ‘and dance as
part of the entertainment.
The four girls mentioned
above plus Alice Kleiner will
be Senior Scouts next year.
Certainly woman is the more
efficient sex. Her vocabulary
is no larger than her hus-
band’s, but she makes far
greater use of it.

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heater. The dealer or plumber will then credit you with $15
toward the purchase price. (Most dealers and plumbers are
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PP&L office for the names of participating dealers and plumb-
ers near you).
When the installation has been certified by the Company as
being eligible for PP&L’s low-cost water heating rate, PP&L,
will give you its Certificate of Guaranteed Satisfaction, cov=
ering both cost of operation and performance for six months
after date of installation.
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And, what's more, because your new electric water heater
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‘Install an electric water heater now while you can get the
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HURRY! This offer ends June 26.
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