965 ck ‘Oe he ne be 1S ly r= 1e ar ), = = . d oY Le w 3 Sw Fo hay wd ww Nw US a Lr - Ve we rm WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1965 LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Whitmer G. Sol- lenberger, dec'd. late of Mount Joy, Penna. Letters testamentary on said estate having been gran- ted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav- ing claims or demands a- gainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement to the undersigned, UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK, Mount Joy, Pa. Harris S. Arnold, Jr. Attorney 5-2¢ LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following sections of the sewer system of the Borough of Mount Joy have been com- pleted and are ready for pub- lic use: 1. Sewers ir Pink Alley from manhole F93 to man- hole F92, from manhole F92 to manhole F91, from man- hole F91 to manhole F90, from manhole F90 to man- hole ¥'89, from manhole 89 to manhole F88, from man- hole F83 to manhole F87, from manhole F87 to man- hole F86, and from manhole F835 to manhole F84, inclus- ive, and 2. Sewers in Plum Street from manhole F95 to man- hole F93, inclusive, and 3. Sewers in Main Street from F98 to manhole F97, from manhole F97 to man- hole F96, from manhole F98 to manhole F95, inclusive and 4. Sewers in Green Alley from manhole F127 to man- hole F126, from manhole F126 to manhole F125, from | thrown about and files dis- manhole F125 to manhole F102 and from manhole to F102 to manhole F88, inclu- sive, and 5. Sewers in Church Street from manhole F108 to man- hole F107, from manhole F107 to manhole F106, from manhole F106 to manhoel F105, from manhole F105 to manhole F104, from manhole F104 to manhole F103 and from manhole F103 to man- hole F102, inclusive, and 6. Sewers in Angle Street from manhole F112 to man- hol F111, from manhole FIII to manhole F110 and from manhole - F110 to manhole F103, inclusive, and 7. Sewers in Water Street from manhole F113 to man- hole F111, also manhole F128 to manhole F126, inclusive, and 8. Sewers in Hill Street from manhole F114 to man- hole F112, inclusive, and 9. Sewers in Market Street from manhole F117 to 'man- hole F116, - frem manhole F116 to manhole F115, from manhole F115 to manhole F105, also - from manhole F101 to manhole F91 and from manhole F91 to man- hole F100, inclusive, and 10. Sewers in Peach Alley from manhole F109 to man- hole F106, -inclusive, all as identified. on Construction Drawings for Sewerage Sys- tem Additions, prepared by Gannett Fleming = Corddry and Carpenter, Inc., England, for Mt. Joy Borough Author- ity, Lancaster County, Penn- sylvania. The sewers above describ- ed may be used by all own- ers of property accessible thereto subject to the pay- ment of any connection and of annual sewer rentals in amounts as may from time to time be fixed by the Auth- ority. 1 This notice is given pur- suant to an ordinance duly enacted by the Council of the] Borough of Mount Joy on May 23, 1956, which ordin- ance is entitled as follows: “AN ~~ ORDINANCE RE- QUIRTNG THAT ALL OC- CUPTED BUILDINGS IN THE BOROUGH OF MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUN- TY, PFNNSYLVANIA, RE CONNECTED WITH THE SANITARY SEWER SVS- TEM; MAKING IT UNLAW- FUL TO CONSTRUCT OR MAINTAIN PRIVIES. CESS- POOLS. SFPTIC TANKS, OR OTHFR DEVICES FOR RE- CEIVING SFWAGE OR CON- DUITS FOR THE DIS- CHARGF OW SEWAGE FX- CEPT INTO SAID SANI- TARY SEWERS: PROVID- ING FOR RULES AND REG- { | | ULATIONS; AND PRESCRI- BING PENALTIES.” GEORGE D. GROFF President, Mount Joy Borough Council 6-1c DONEGAL UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET AND PER CAPITA TAX NOTICE The proposed 1965-66 Bud- get of the Donegal Union School District is available for inspection during school hours at the office of the Donegal High School, R. D. ‘#1, Mount Joy, Penna., and will be presented for final adoption at a school board meeting in said high school at 7:30 P.M. (daylight saving time), Thursday, May 20, 1965. Persons becoming inhabi- tants of the school district or attaining the age of 21 years therein, are required by law, within 12 months thereafter (under penalty of payment of a doubled per capita tax) to give notice of such acquis- ition of residence or attain- ment of age. Please contact the secretary of the board, Dorothy J. Engle, at Donegal High School, R. D. #1, Mount Joy or mail to P. O. Box 297, Mount Joy, Penna. DONEGAL UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT By: Dorothy J. Engle Secretary Vandals Enter Paper Box Plant Vandals ransacked the Mount Joy Paper Box Co. offices Saturday night or early Sunday morning. Police said entry was 6-3c made through five broken windows. The only items missing are a watchman’s time clock and keys to the firm’s gas pump. Papers were arranged. The break was discovered Sunday morning by two em- ployes of the firm. THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Sewer Digging Near End Work on the laying of the final main line of the new Florin area sewer system is progressing slowly but sure- ly in the vicinity of the Cross Roads church. Last week and early this week, workmen were hamp- ered by rock but the antici- pation was that the strata would run out soon and things would move more rap- idly. Because the line is just a few feet east of the front door of the church, it is be- ing encased in concrete, fur- ther slowing the progress. Workers and bystanders were interested to note that the excavation for the line, which is very deep, clearly indicated the old roadbed of the main highway as it form- erly ran near the church be- fore Angle street was im- proved and the roadway changed. Meanwhile, work was star- ted last week to permantly resurface of streets which were opened for ditching. Weather, however, has not been favorable this week for blacktoping and oil tanks have been standing idle. Too, workmen have been experiencing difficulties and PEGGY L. BROWN Tax Collector Your Support Will Be Greatly Appreciated On May 18 6-3p Zing into spring! Chevrolet Impala Chevrolet Impala Super Sport Coupe=one of two bucket-seated beauties for "65. have been obliged to repeat preparation work in some in- stances. Huge tampers pound stone into the top of the prepared ditch, ready for oil and macadam. However, motorists later have been driving through the stones. Small tires and wheels ‘‘chew up” the sur- face and make it necessary to repack and prepare again. Select Models For B.P.W. Show Nineteen women and girls have been selected to serve as models for the annual spring Fashion Show and Dessert card party, to be sponsored Monday, May 10, by the Mount Joy Business and Professional Women's club. The affair will be held at the Mount Joy American Le- gion home. The models, including 16 members of the B.P.W. and three girls-of-the month, are: Mrs. Samuel Balsbaugh, Mrs. Clayton Bell, Mrs. Al- vin Bigler, Mrs. Edward Brown, Mrs. J. Eugene Eich- erly, Mrs. Joseph Germer, Mrs. Robert Hoffmaster, Mrs. Earl Koser, Mrs. John W. Melhorn, Mrs. A. P. Mitaka- vich, Mrs. Jay Meckley, Bar- bie Meckley, Mrs. Michael Pricio, Mrs. Ralph G. Thome, Mrs. John Wealand, and Misses Susan Musser, Sher- ry Wolgemuth, and Cathy Brown. The public is attend this event. invited to Fashions will be from Kitty’s Dress Shop. The Finance Committee will be in charge of the ev- PAGE FIVE Candidates For Primary Election Republican and Democrat voters in. Mount Joy will nominate party candidates in the May 18 primary election from the following list: REPUBLICAN Mayor— James E. Hockenberry Frank B. Walter Tax Collector— John W. Anderson Peggy L. Brown Robert E. Kline William Mateer John E. Tyndall Glenn M. Wolgemuth Council - East Ward— (One to be nominated) George Groff James Spangler Council - East Ward— (Two to be nominated) Clark G. Berrier Simeon A. Horton Harold M. Milligan DEMOCRAT Tax Collector— Henry FE. Becker, Jr. James Roberts. ening. Mrs. A. P. Mitakavich, chairman; Mrs. Woodrow Fitzkee, Mrs. C. Raymond Gilbert, Mrs. Alvin Bigler, Mrs. Jay Greider, Mrs. Hans Helms, Helen C. Schule, Mrs. Arthur Sprecher and Mrs. Frank Young. When in need of printing remember The Bulletin. RCE SAVEMONEY BY READING THE ADS PA ats People who buy other hig expensive-looking cars get one thing you won't (big expensive-looking payments) expensive cars look so expensive. How about "the ride? Chevrolet engineers took the Jet- smooth one and smoothed it out even more this year. Also made it more stable by widen- ing the wheel stance. Price? That's where Chevrolets fall way short of the other big expensive-looking cars. But we wouldn’t have it any other way. Would you? One last question: How soon can you make a good spring buy on a Chevrolet? One last answer: Just as soon as you can get down to your Chevrolet dealer’s. It looks like a big car. And is—by almost any standard you want to apply. Width? Nobody builds a car as much as one inch wider. Length? It grew three inches this year. Roominess? Every closed model’s got three inches more shoulder room, front and rear, and more leg and foot room up front too. Luxury? Nice little touches like the look of mellow walnut across the Impala’s instru- ment panel. And big touches. Like the fine- ness of the same Body by Fisher workman- ship that makes some of America’s most Zing into spring in a new Chevrolet, Chevelle, Gorvair, Ch CHEVROLET HIGH TIME TO TRADE AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER'S 37-5770 NEWCOMER MOTORS, Inc. WEST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY PHONE 653-4821