The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 10, 1965, Image 3

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MN rmcrimence

Mrs. William K. Risser

The student council of
Hempfield Union high school
collected 1,000 bags of cloth-
ing for the Save the Child-
ren Foundation program,
clothing will be shipped to
the Southern Appalachian
Mountain area.
The council is headed by
Mary Ellen Franck, with
John Wolf and Will Risser
as faculty advisers.
* * »
Russell H. Cooper, 52
Main St., Salunga, died un-
expectedly Wednesday, Mar.
3 at his home.
He was an automobile me-
chanic and operated a gar-
age in Salunga.
Surviving are his wife,
Mary and one son, Russell,
three granchildren, three
brothers and two sisters.
* % *
West Hempfield Township
Planning Commission was
given the powers of a town-
ship zoning commission re-
A resolution was adopted
according to Kenneth L. Mus-
ser, chairman of supervisors,
“conferring and imposing on
the Township Planning Com-
mission of the powers and
duties of the Township Zon-
in7 Commission and employ-
inz a consulting engineer to
prepare a comprehensive
plan, official maps, and a
zoning ordinance for the
Township of West Hemp-
*® ® *
Landisville Cub Scout
Pack 37 presented the fol-
lowing awards at a recent
Blue and Gold banquet held

at Hostetter’'s in Mount Joy.
Wolf badges: Steven New-
ell, Dennis Rentschler, Stev-
en Garfield, Charles Irvin,
Ronald Buch, Jimmy Sim-
mons, David Baer; Bear
badge, Ricky Dougherty,
Hank Nader; Gold Arrow
points, Newell, Chuck Fin-
ney, Jas. Eshelman, Buch,
Baer, Mike Grube, Irvin
Dougherty; Silver Arrow
points, Newell, Finney, Esh-
elman, Buch, Kenneth Lew-
is, Baer, Allen Whitemore,
Mike John.
* * *
Hempfield Union School
Board met recently and ap-
proved a slight reduction in
Commissions paid to tax col-
lectors for the district. The
board also approved installa-
tion of water lines from the
Columbia Water Co. to the
Farmdale Elementary School
Two men were
nominated to serve on an
advisory committee for the
area vocational technical
schools. They are James
Snavely of the J. C. Snavely
Co., Landisville, and Robert
Graybill of Miller & Bush-
ong, Rohrerstown.
* w* *
Ed Sheckard scored 23
points and Jim Paul 22 to
lead the St. Joe Catholic
Club basketball team to an
87-81 victory over a Hemp-
field team on Wednesday,
March 3. Sam Shertzer led
the losers with 20 points.
* * *
The student council and
American Field Service Club
of Hempfield Union high
school held a hoagie sale on

Let George doit!
(and we'll pay George)



County Farmers Bank is just as near to you as
Let the postman make your de-
posit for you in one of our postage-free envelopes.
your mailbox.
Not that we don't
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In good weather or bad . . . County Farmers
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12 Convenient Offices to Serve You
Banking Hours: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday thru Thursday
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“county | Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. |“coumrvy |
NATIONAL. A Trustee for The Lancaster County NATIONAL
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want you to visit

Saturday, March 6.
The student council will
also sponsor a basketball
game between faculty mem-
bers of the junior and sen-
ior high schools on Friday,
March 12 at 8 p.m. A pre-
liminary game between girl
students will start at 7:15.
Proceeds of both are for the
Hempfield Foreign Exchange
Student program.
w \ *
On Tuesday, March 9, the
children attending Landis-
ville Elementary School were
dismissed at 1:15 p.m. enab-
ling the teachers to attend a
workshop meeting concern-
ing the courses of study for
an elementary school evalu-
ation which is being planned
for the Hempfield Union
School District.
* w *
Hempfield Union H. S.
placed first in the senior di-
vision at the annual Lancas-
ter County cheerleading con-
test held recently at Colum-
bia high school.
Members of the squad are
as follows: Tish Fiedler,
Karen Wingender, Kitty
Fiscus, Mary Ellen Franck,
Barbara Hassel, Jo Ann
Stoner and Holly Kamp.
® Of This 'n That
(From page 1)
bration when - he delivered
his “1000th Baby”’—but that
was nearly 20 years ago, so
we have no idea what the
“count” is now!
He served with Ambulance
Unit #302 during World War |
I, and has had Indiana auto
license plate #302 on his
successive Fords each year
since then!
He was named “Indiana
Doctor of the year” in 1949.
His wife, Flora, is still liv-
ing. They. have no children,
as their only son died as a
young man Dr. Crampton’s
sister, Mindwell Wilson, also
lives in Delphi. Articulate,
irrepressible Mindwell
writes a column in the Del-
phi newspaper of which her
father (and Dr. Crampton’s,
of course) was publisher for
many years.
When we think of Dr.
Crampton, active yet at 93
in healing the physical ills
of mankind, we think also of
a contemporary of his, Dr.
Albert Schweitzer, who re-
cently observed his 90th
birthday by working at his
hospital in Lambarene, Af-
“Reverence for life,” Dr.
Schweitzer calls the admir-
able philosophy which he
has thought out for himself
during his lifetime.
Northern Indiana — or the
African jungle — ‘reverence
for life” must be the philiso-
phy that these two fine none-
genarian doctors surely
* w *
Mount Joy’s new Library
continues to expand its cul-
tural services to the commu-
nity! The “fountain of know-
‘ledge’ bubbles higher and
This week 58 long-playing
record albums were put into
circulation for Library pa-
A gift from the Columbia
Broadcasting System, the
records are diversified and
appeal to widely varying
‘tastes. They may be borrow-
ed for a brief time, just like
* * *
We understand that during
fthe first-night performance
of the Lions Club’s “Distel-
‘fink Lady,” the live goat
which is very much a part
of the musical, jumped out
‘of his pen on the stage.
The cast was aghast—but
only for a moment! Ad-lib-
bing cleverly, Roberta Sing-
er and the others on stage,
quickly maneuvered the goat
back into his pen—and the
|| show went on!
Fellow we know put down
an area code instead of a zip

ied to a phone booth.
code. His letter was deliver-
“x wm ow om -
still |
St. Joseph’s
Creamed Cod On
specialty, too.)
frozen. The sauce is a cinch to
zesty grapefruit juice are added
with onion and chervil.
6 tablespoons butter or
1/4 cup chopped onion
14 cup flour
2 cups milk
1/, teaspoon sali
1/; teaspoon chervil
Waffles For Lem

Here’s a brand-new, tasty menu idea for a lunch or light sup-
per dish during Lent. Crisp waffles top:
sauce of creamed cod flavored with tart-sweet fresh Florida
grapefruit juice. (This could be an unusual brunch or buffet
ped: with a luscious het
Make the waffles from your own favorite recipe or huy them
prepare; flaked frozen cod amd
to a simple white sauce flavored
This season, Florida grapefruit are somewhat smaller than
usual, making them easy to handle for juicing. The juice mot
only adds bright flavor to this recipe, but you'll find it deliciously
refreshing as a breakfast beverage, too.
Creamed Cod On Waffles
1 package (12 ounces) frozen
cod (about 2 cups flaked
3 cup Florida grapefruit
14 cup light cream
8 waffles
Melt butter with onion in heavy saucepan over low heat. Cook
about 3 minutes. Slowly add flour; stirring until smooth. Add
milk slowly, stirring constantly. Sprinkle in salt and chervil.
Cook, stirring, to a simmer. Do not boil. Add cod and grapefruit
juice cooking until eod is heated thoroughly. Remove from heat;
stir in cream and serve immediately over waffles,
YIELD: 4 to 6 servings (4 cups creamed cod).

Miss Grace

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mil-
ler and children and Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Yordy, of
Sunbury, visited Mr. and
| Mrs. Chester Yordy last Sun-
Robert Zoller, Freemont,
Ohio, and Bruce Kissell, of
Tiffan, Ohio, spent several
days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Barnhart.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keo-
hane, Harrisburg, called on
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frank
last week.
The following awards were
made last week at the Cub
Scout Blue and Gold Ban-
quet: Silver Arrow, Bill
Wagner, Randy Bowers and
Larry Gilham; Gold Arrow,
Larry Gilham; Wolf badge,
Jo Heasley and Warren
Crills; Bear badge, Kenneth
Boose; Lion Badge, Steve
Ney and David Blake.
The Maytown Athletic As-
sociation completed an un
defeated basketball season
in the Chiques Recreation
League. It was their twelfth
win. They are now looking
forward to starting the Soft-
ball League.
Room- 4, Grade-6 of the
Maytown Elementary School
had a surprise party for Miss
Mischlich last Wednesday in
honor of her birthday anni-
versary. They presented her
with a basket of fruit.
A Sixth Grade Spelling
Bee was held last Thursday
morning in the Maytown El-
ementary School auditorium
to select the champion spel-
lers to compete at Donegal
Annex March 19. After sev-
eral elimination contests in
each sixth grade homeroom,
ten pupils were chosen from
each room to enter the Spel-
ling Bee on Thursday. The
following boys were the
winners: 1st, David Spickler;
2nd, John Kintz; 3rd, David
Fisher and 4th, Steve Tros-
tle. Steve is the alternate.
They will compete with 6th
grade students from Mariet-
ta, Seiler and Grand View,
also 7th and 8th grade stu-
‘dents from the Annex. Miss
Henderson pronounced the
words for the Bee at May-
Lynn Watts was rushed to

“aw Pw Emw
last Friday morning. He suf-
fered a coronary attack.
Miss Helen Sload is a pa-
tient in St. Joseph's hospital.
Kenneth Wolfe is a patient
in the General hospital.
Mrs. Wilbur Allison is
slowly improving and is able
to be out of bed for short
Capt. Wayne Warner, who
recently returned from Viet
Nam, visited his mother and
brother last week. Wayne
will be stationed at a base ia
Miss Elizabeth Fletcher, of
Coatesville, spent the week-
end with the Harold Engles.
Mrs. Fred Wetzel was con-
fined to the house for the
past two weeks because eof
Mr. and Mrs. George Wal-
ler were on the sick list for
the past two weeks. George
had virus pneumonia and
Mrs. Waller had a bad case
of virus.
The Ladies Auxiliary of
the Fire Co. will hold a rum-
mage sale at the old Donegal
Insurance office at Marietta
on Friday, March 12.
An executive meeting of
the Maytown Civic Associa-
tion will be held on Thurs-
day evening, March 18 at
7:30. This meeting wil lbe in
charge of the playground
chairman, Mrs. Norman
Houseal. The public is in-
vited to hear a presenta:
tion of the summer play-
ground activities by Marshal
Gemberling, playground di-
rector. This meeting is for
the benefit of all persons who
have children who will . at-
tend the playground this
summer. Members of the
Civic Association are also
urged to be present to find
out why we sponsor this pro-
gram. There will be a ques-
tion and answer period fel-
Ll lowing Mr. Gemberling’s
presentation. Other members
of the Playground committee
are: Mrs. Leslie Blake, Mrs.
Ivan Hess, Mrs. Paul Hay
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mrs. Helen Hostetter, . of
Palmerton, Mrs. David Doeh-
lert and children, Newark,
Del. called on Miss Marie

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