SA I. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1965 Shutter-bugs are having a field- day on Canadian National's new sceneramic cars, operating through the Canadian Rockies. With the view afforded from the upper deck of Canada’s only full-length glass-topped passen- ger cars, camera shutters are clicking away. The majestic and sometimes bewildering scenery of the Ca- nadian Rockies is being served up in mountainous quantities for CN transcontinental train travelers. Canadian National Railways’ crack mainliners, the Panorama and Super Continental both equipped with Sceneramic cars are giving passengers sights they have never been able to see or photograph from a train ‘before, | which, with an altitude of 3,717 Traveling Shutter-Bugs: Photo Courtesy: Canadian National Railways On Its westbound trip, the Panorama is the country’s only transcontinental passenger train to make a complete day- light trip through the Rockies. The schedule of the Pano- rama, first new cross-country passenger train since 1955, calls for it to pull out of Jasper, Alta, at 6:00 a.m., and from then on the steady 529-mile passage through the mountain valleys begins, ending at Vancouver the same day at 9:30 p.m. It's generally believed that the Jasper-Vancouver trip is through only one range of mountains, while in fact it is through three: The Rockies, the Selkirk Range and the Coast Range, On the mainline 17 miles west of Jasper is Yellowhead feet, is the highest point on the line. Beyond Yellowhead. it is a slow descent to the Pacific Coast, it is just beyond Red Pass Junction, after crossing the Fraser River, that Mount Rob- son appears. Here the train stops for a few minutes so that passengers may have a leisure ly view of the tallest peak in the Canadian Rockies. Towering 12,972 feet, Mount Robson, often called the Monarch of the Canadian Rockies, is the em- bodiment of all that man’s mind thinks a mountain ought to be. There are some 27 major points of interest on the Pano- rama’s trip from Jasper to Van- couver, each framed by the broad picture window of the train from sunup to sundown. « F.N.S. What Advertising Does - - - When someone Someone starts When someone Someone starts When someone Someone starts When someone Someone starts When someone Someone starts When someone Someone starts buying; starts buying, selling; starts selling, making; starts making, working; earning; buying: starts working, starts earning, starts advertising, An endless chain, so to speak, and the merchant who doesn’t advertise and advertise regularly is doing noth- ing if he isn’t endless chain. breaking links in this Bimo!v Dial 3-9661 Mt. Joy, and a skiled ad writer of The Bulletin, a newspaper brimful ~f reader interest—about everything that happens in this community —wil be glad to place your merchondise before the reading public. THE BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA. ce = THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. ® Church. News (From page 6) St. Mark's E. U. B. Church Moun: Jey, Pa. C. E. Ulrich, Minister Saturday 9:30 a.m. Instruction Class (Jr High). 10:30 am. Instruction Class (Jr. Group). Sunday 9:00 a. m. Sunday Schoo. 10:15 a.m. Worship Service 6:30 p.m. Y Hour, YF 7:30 p.m. Evening Service in Fellowship Hall Monday 7:30 pm. County YF in the Church Sanctuary and Fel- lowship Hall (Refreshments). 7:30 p.m. Bible Study Les- son No. 47 in the Prayer Room Wednesday 6:00 p.m. Instruction Class 7:3¢ p.m. Cottage Prayer & (Jr. High) in Church office. Bible Study Florin District — Mr. and Wm. Vogel, 717 West Main St.; Leader, Henry R. Zerph- ey; Study, Gen. 12:1-9. Southwest District: Home - Mrs. Elizabeth Strickler, 27 W. Donegal; Leader, Arthur D. Sprecher; Study, Phile- mon Southeast District: Home - Mr. and Mrs. Karl Haines, Longenecker Rd..; Leader - Ralph Geib; Study - Luke 19:1-10. Northeast District: Home of Mrs. Arline Lutz, 204 North Barbara St.; Leader, William Emenheiser; Study - Third Epistle of John. Northwest District: The parsonage, 35 East Main St.; Leader, John D. Hershey. Study I Tim. 1:12-2:7. hursday 7:00 and 8:00 pm. Choir Rehearsals 7:30 p.m Dorcas Society at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Will, R.D. 2. Calvary Bible Church Donegal Heights Pastor, Donald A. Urey Saturday 8:00 p.m. Teen banquet at the residence of Miss Phyllis Wolgemuth Sunday 9:15 a.m. Bible School. 10:30 a. m. Morning Wor ship Service. 10:30 a.m. Jr. Church 6:30 p.m. Bible School teachers and officers meeting 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship Studies in the Colossian Epistle. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Jr. Prayer meet- ing. Church of the Brefnren Rev. Howard Bernhard Moderator Henry Becker Jr., Supt. Sunday ! 8:50 p.m. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Morning Wor ship. Message by Rev. William Longenecker. Wednesday 7:00 pm. Bible Study. Teacher; Dr. Carl Ziegler, Bible teacher at E-town Col: lege. Thursday 7:00 p.m. Jr. Choir Prac- tice. 7:30 p.m. Sr. Choir Prac- tice. PAGE SEVEN Presbyterian - Home News - Winter-time visitors are scarce ! Paul Stoner, Mount Joy, and Charles E. Gillespie, of Devon, visited and toured the Home. Miss Ruth E. Darvon and Mrs. Emma Schaeberle, York, visited Miss Sarah Emswiler and Miss Maude Treadway. Charles Passmore, Lancast- er, visited Miss Mary Gregg. i Mrs. Ada L. Kruger, Mrs. Marabelle C. Fisher, Miss Annabel R. Leaman, Miss Clare Brenneman and Miss Elizabeth Landis, Lancaster, for Mrs. Mary Sales. Miss Laura Deremer enjoy- ed a visit with Mrs. Mabel Mitchell and her son from Unionville, Pa. % Robt. Schroll (From page 1) was elected to serve as presi- dent, treasurer and director, the position he now holds. He has been a life time member of the Mount Joy Church of God, having serv- ed as a deacon and trustee for some years. He is a charter member of the Mount Joy Lions Chib having attended each meet- ing since its organization in 1945. BUS SERVICE BUSES FOR ALL OCCASIONS FLORIN, PA. fhone 653-0321 FOR SNES SEEN INE REE ERE En SEDSEESEREEENERENEREY. No Trespassing Signs BIG 11in. x 14 in. SIZE PRINTED IN RED MOUNT JOY BULLETIN VENEER EERE EEE AENEAN EREEENIENENERR SALE Vv