WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1964 THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. PAGE SEVEN ® Church News (From page 6) former pastor of the Calvary Independent church, Harris- burg, wll be speaking in both morning and evening worship services. Rev. and Mrs. Urey will be with Rev. and Mrs. Ray Lu- pold, in Lunard, West Va. Monday 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Pastor’s Study Class. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. 7:30 p.m. Jr. Prayer Meet- ing. Sunday, Nov. 22 through Wednesday, Nov. 25. Prophet- ic Conference with Rev. Ger- ald Stover. Brethren In Christ Church Maytown Rev. Avery Musser, Pastor 9:15 am. Sunday school, Abram Brownsberger, sup- erintendent. 10:15 a.m. Morning Worship ship. Sermon, “Conserving Rev.val Gains,” by the pas- tor. 7:00 p.m. Communion Ser- vice. Rtv. B. E. Thuma, Mt. Joy, guest speaker. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Stury. Glossbrenner Church Evangelical United Brethren Charles W. Wolfe, Pastor Sunday 9:30 a.m. Divine Worship Christian Instruction. 5:45 p.m. Youth Fellow- ship. 7:15 p.m. Evening Bible Study Monday 7:30 p. m. Commitee on Stewardship & Finance. Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Midweek Service. 8:00 p.m. Local Conference Thursday 6:30 p.m. Junior Choir re- hearsal. 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir Re- hearsal. 7:30 p.m. Good Cheer Class Meeting Friday 7:00 p.m. Boy and Girl Fellowship Saturday, Nov. 21 7:30 p.m. Young Adults’ Class Meeting. Church of the Brethren Elizabethiown, Pa. Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor Sunday g:30 a.m. Church School classes for adults and youth; two hour Extended Sessions for all pre-schoo! children. 10:30 a. m. Morning Wor- ship; Dedication of Parents and Children; sermon “Con- viet'ons That Hold”. by Dr. Zuck. 6:00 p.m. All-Church Re- ception for new members, in the Fellowship Hall. Chnarch of God Mount Joy. Penna Raph C. Warner, Pastor Sunday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Morning Wor- ship Service. Evange'ictic Services wll begin Sunday evening, Nov. 15 and continue through Sun- day evening Nov. 22, n'ghtly at 7:30 o'clock. There will be Gospel Music, the Bible mes- sages and a spirit of worship. Spec al vocal selections each evening. The pubic is invited to at tend this series of spec:al services. Trinity Lutheran Church The Rev. W. L. Koaer Sunde 9:30 =. Sunday School 10:45 =m. Morning Wor- ship. Wednesda 7:15 p.m. Lu heran Church Men. Thursday 6:30 p.m. Junjor Choir. 7:30 p.m. Senior Chor 7:00 p.m. Catechetical class Donegal Presbyierian William Helsey, Supt. Sunday 9:15 am. Morning Worship Service. 10:20 a.m. Church School Nov. 15 the World Cloth- ing Serv.ce Drive closes, so bring your dona ions of good used clothing and put them in our vestibule. Wednesday 8:30 p.m. Donegal Session will meet after the Mount Joy Session. Thursday 7:30 p.m. Circle meeting at ‘he home of Mrs. J. W. Hei- sey. First Presbyterian Church Mount Joy. Pa. Millard Sherk, Supt. Thursday 7:00 p.m. Junior Choir practice 8:00 p.m. Senior Choir practice. Sunday 9:30 a.m. Church School. 10:20 a.m. Morning Worsh- ip Service. Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Session meeting. Roman Catholic Church Saint Mary's Mount Joy. Pa. Rev. Francis X. Butler Pastor Rev. William Sullivan, Asst. Sunday 8:00 a.m. Mass Presbyterian - Home News - This week’s visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lane of Wayne, for Miss Martha Stauffer Mrs. Robert Johnson, San Pedro, California, Warren S. Bechtel, Mr. and Mrs. George Enterl ne, Harrisburg for Miss Ethel Henry. Mrs. Marg. Hoskin, Mrs. Souders, Reading Mrs. Cora Mayberry. Harold E. Hickernell and Al Legoza, Middletown, for Mrs. Margaret Koerting. The M.sses Clara A. Bren- neman and Elizabeth C. Lan- dis, Lancaster, for Mrs. Mary Sales. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor, Yoe, Pa., for Miss Maude Tredway. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Fern- sler, Lebanon, and Mrs. C. S. Jackson, Pen Argyl, Pa. for Miss Blanche M. Speer. Miss Sara Habecker and Mrs. Paul Stoner, Mount Joy for Miss Martha Stauffer. On Tuesday last week M:ss Blanche M. Speer, Supervis- or, Mrs. Jap Heisey, Rheems, and Mrs. Barbara Fellen- baum, attended the annual Board and Auxiliary meeting of the Presbyterian Homes of Central Pennsyi- vania at the Penn Harris Hotel, Harrisburg. and for PLAN DANCE The ladies auxiliary to the Mount Joy fire company wll have a dance from 7 to 10! pm. Saturday night at the fire hall. > LEGAL NOTICES —— AN ORDINANCE AMEND- ING THE FIREARMS OR- DINANCE OF THE BOR- OUGH OF MOUNT JOY, BY REPEALING THE EX- EMPTION OF LICENSED HUNTING It is hereby ordained by he Borough Council of the Borough of Mount Joy, as follows: Section I. Subsection (d) of Section 3 of the Firearms Ord nance of the Borough of Mount Joy, approved Sep- tember 13, 1948, which now provides that {he said ordin- ance shall not apply to and no permit shall be required for “(d) Lawful game hunting by a person 18 years old, or over, hunting license”, repealed. Ordained by Borough Council this 5h day of Octo- ber, 1964. GEORGE D. GROFF President of Council is hereby Attest: Frank Walter, Jr., Secretary Approved Oectober 5. 1964 Frank Walter Mayor 33-1c hav'ng a valid State! Dcnaldson Bros. At Local Church The Donaldson Brothers of Garland, Texas, will return to Chiques Methodist church for a second year of Special Serv.ces, Nov. 20-29 nightly at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Bud Donaldson will be the Evangelist. He is a graduate of Cen.enary Col- lege, Asbury Theological REV. BUD DONALDSON Seminary, and has a Th.M. from Brite College of the Bible, Texas Chr stian Uni- versity. He also is president of Global Harvester’'s Foun- dation Inc.-He has held cam- paigns in 27 d fferent coun- tries recently returning from Mexico, the Bahama Islands, and Guatemala this summer. He will be accompan ed by his wife, Joyce Donaldson, who will be the soloist for the meetings. She is a record- ‘ng artist, having made rec- ords for four different com- panies and has had exien- TV and Radio studios. Rev. Donaldson will be the song leader and chalk Each even ng he will draw a religious picture as the con- gregation “watches and then give it to some member of the congregation. He is a graduate of Asbury college and has done extensive mis- sionary work in Lain Am- erict, preach'ng fluently in Spanish. He will also preach at the Spanish-speaking Methodist church in Lancast- er whle he is in the area. He miraculously survived a plane crash this summer (and is once again engaging in ni t me evangelistic work. The public is invited to at- Semi- (tend these services. BASIC TRAINING Curtis R. Pierce, 17, son of Mrs. Evelyn F. P.erce of 313 Birchland Ave., has be- i gun basic training at the Na- val Training Center, Great Lakes, Ill. The training in- cludes naval orientation, his- tory and organization, sea- manship, ordnance and gun- nery, military dr.ll, first aid and survival. During the training re- cruits receive tests and in- terviews which determine their future ass gnmen s in the Navy. Upon completing the program they are assign- ed to service schools for technical trainng or to ships and s'ations for on-the- job training in a Navy rating specialty. MASTERSONVILLE P.T.A. All parents are invited to attend the P. T. A. mee ing to" be held at Mastersonville Elementary school, Thursday, Nov. 19. Room v sitation will begin at 7 pm. and ‘he meeting will follow at 7:30. Pastor Ruoss will be the moderator for a panel discus- sion on “New Adventure in P.T.A. Leadership and Res- pons bility in Human Rights”. A group discussion period will follow and the Social Hour will conclude tht mee:- ing. Patronize our Advertisers 29000044000000000000000000000000040000007300000090030000000000008 : ee ~ MISS TEE . - % . : s : f el es oo anSWers questions : Ss 5 oF SEE about Junior Miss i -. : . . . : y or etiquette, groonung : 3 is and interests, - . H . . - : . . ® Q. My dates and T have no trouble with conversation until that agonizing good night scene at the door. I could die as I shift from one foot to the other and stammer, “. . . guess I'll be seeing you” for the millionth time. How can 1 develop a graceful exit technique? A. By planning ahead just as you did in getting ready for the date, Locate your keys, exe press your feeling about the good time you had, make the small talk on the way to the door, let him unlock.and open the door for you. Don't linger, Say your final "wonderful time. good night,” and allow your smile to float back briefly as you disappear behind the close ing door, If you work it right, he may be disappointed, but not offended! Q. This is my first big holi. day season and the list of parties is almost endless. I am terrified that | may commit some social error and not even know it, Are there any definite party- going rules I could learn for insurance? A. There probably are as many rules as there are parties, but here are three tips which provide a general rule of thumb. Always try to be helpe ful, cooperative about any specs ial party plans, and a happy conversationalist. (If you're not good at small talk, be an ene thusfastie listener!) Be as | thoughtful about the family and their home as you would want people to be about your own, | Express your thanks for a good time and leave promptly when the party is over. These guides posts should make you the most popular guest of the season, Q. Older people make me self-conscious. I always feel they are critical of me because of all the talk about wild teen agers, Should I just avoid them whenever possible? A. The sooner you learn to deal casually and respectfully with older adults the better, They will be coming into youg life more and more as you go away to school or out into the job market, Begin by relaxing and being as natural as possible, Remember, adults like to be put at their ease, too. Just as you don't like to be considered a “wild teenager,” adults don’t ! like to be thought of as “hase beens’ or ‘critical old fuddye duddies.” Try to listen for the likenesses between you instead of the differences. (For more answers to your questions on daling, etiquette and beauty, write for the free booklet, "Are You In The Know?” Send your name and address to: Miss Deb, Box 551-P, Kimberly-Clark Corp. Neenah, Wis.) 000000000800 00080000000000800000000000000000000000000000000400000 Good Halloween Behavior With certain reserva ions, Mount Joy authorities. have offered words of commenda- tion to the boys and girls of this commun ty for their ac- tions during the recent Hal- loween season. tain amount ef mischief, gen- erally speak ng the amoun: of real damage was at a low level. Police Chief Bruce Kline reported several cases of damage to Borough Council last week and itemized some of the losses. There was even mum of window a mni- soapings loween has been observed wih more restra.nt than in years gone by. And, the boys and girls of the Mount Joy community have been congratulated for [ their good sense. Although there was a cer-| SCOUT MOTHERS AUX. The Mothers’ Auxilary of Boy Scout, Troop 39 will meet at the home of Jean Weaver, Manheim Street, on Tuesday, Nov. 17 at 7:30 p. 1m. MALY and of pranks throughout] the communi y. Although not completely confined to the night before Halloween, the bulk of the “trick or treat” activ.ty was held to the one night. Many have been quick to point out that recently, Hal JOHNSON BUS SERVICE | BUSES FOR | | ALL OCCASIONS FLORIN, PA. Phone 653-0321 IE Dec. 1 thru Dec. 5 Weekdays 8:10 P.M. Saturday 1, 5,9 PM. SHIPSTADS 4 ie JOHNSON ICE FOLLIES PRICES RICES: $4.25, $4.00, $3.50, $3.00 Tax Incl. Children Under 12 Half Price Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Cail Hershey 533-9101 i WOR REE Don’t dread those seemingly endless years of misery and discomfort, of sudden hot flushes, waves of weakness and irritability. There is a special woman’s medicine which can relieve those heat waves, weak- ness, nervousness, SO you can enjoy life again. So that you can once more be an affection- ate wife and mother. If you are going through the change, don’t despair. Do as countless thousands of women RIED? NERVOUS Over Change-of-Life? Ease your mind. Get welcome relief with special woman's medicine do—take a special woman’s medicine—Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Compound — devel- oped by a woman —specially to help women by relieving such functionally caused female distress. In doctors’ tests woman after woman found that Pinkham’s Compound gave dramatic help to all this without costly shots. Irritability is soothed, hot flashes subside. So don’t sit and brood and feel unable to help yourself. You can feel better. Get gentle Lydia E. inkham Vegetable Compound today. The gentle medicine with the gentle name LYDIA E.PINKHAM