Page 10 Wednesday, November 11, 1964 by Dr. Geo. W. Crane The Worry Clinic Ronnie’s well-intentioned teacher is likely to make him a, confirmed stutterer. And now his helping “fix” the nuisance habit. parents are So _ s.udy th.s case carefuily and the follow-up tomorrow, for I shall out- line the psych:atric fac.s by which a stutterer can even cure himself. CASE Q-431: “But, Dr. Crane, stutters! Ronnie Z., aged 4, ” his worried mother began, is a bright little boy. “Ronn.e “He has attended nursery school the past six months. And his teacher is a very meticulous woman. “So she noticed his stutter- ing and has urged us to cor- rect it at once. “But despite the fact Ron- nie’'s. daddy and I try to Atlantic Breeders Cooperative Always A Choice Of Quality Sires @® 5 Dairy Breeds (Holstein, Guernsey, Jersey, Ayrshire, Brown Swiss) ® 3 Beef Breeds (Angus, Hereford, Charolais) ® Proven for Performance ® Popular Bloodlines ® Free of Diseases For more information, call— |°* MANHEIM - - - 628-2383 MT, JOY - - - 653-1451 (weekends) OR 569-0411 (every day) ATLANTIC BREEDERS COOPERATIVE LANCASTER. PA make him slow down in his speech and repeat h.s words more slowly, we seem to have made matters worse. So what else can we do?” NATURAL STUTTERING Stuttering is a normal and na. ural thing in pre-school children. “For their “understanding” vocabulary then runs far a- head of their ‘speaking’ vo- cabulary. And that is not only natur- al among toddlers, but is likew se normal for aduils who are learning a foreign language. Your comprehension of words generally is more ad- vanced than your ab. lity to talk in that foreign tongue. That’s why college stu- dents may be able to read French or German rather flu- ently, yet still not be able to speak those languages well. So you parents should ig- nore the s.uttering of the toddler! iH you don’t, and iH you then make an issue of his gs uttering, as Ronnie's teach- er did, then you may “Aix that normal stuttering until t becomes an entrenched ABNORMAL speech habit. Neuro ic parents or teach- ers, who constantly shout “No, No, Ronnie,” can thus |, pr oduce a confirmed teen-a ge s ulterer! After a kindergarten ch'ld | ie acquires a big enough speak- ing vocabulary {0 keep up with the swift flow of his ideas, then that pre-school should subside | spontaneously. But if misguided parents Shade Trees Now! We have an excellent variety of top quality Shade Trees growing in our nurseries. Tag Now — Plant at Proper Time SELECT YOUR ONLY A FEW WEEKS LEFT TO TCH BULBS LANT DU ? AUTO REPAIR a ——— a tt. gt me. STALEY'S GARAGE General Repairs Used Cars - Inspections LORIN, PA. 653-5951 * AUTOMOTIVE Wissler & Petticoffer PHONE 367-1280 Dependable Used Cars ELIZABETHTOWN * BEAUTY SHOP Ed Barr's Beauty Salon 229 South Market Street ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. PHONE: 367-7437 (Closed Mondays) BOLOGNA You'll LIKE ITi BAUM’'S BOLOGNA “A Select Product” LIZABETHTOWN. R. D. 3 this neuro ic parents) via the ff | tering patiern was first “fix”? that stuitering by mak- ing it an emotional complex, and the child then reaches ‘eens as a stutter- er, then employ the follow- ing strategy: 1. Extrovert the child (and Comp. ment Club” tech- nique. This turns his attention ou ward so he is less shy and self-analyt cal. And it makes him more assured socially, for extrov- er s are more at home in so- cial gather ngs. 2. Then make a triangle as a pattern to illusirate the mechanics of stut ering. The three corners of your triangle represent (a) Normal speaking situation, |b) While using Engl sh, (¢) Talking to other human beings. For those three elements were present when the stut- “set” “fixed.” Al er any one of those three corners of the ‘“‘Stutter or HURRY! Time is running out for plani- ing that spring garden you want, Come in and choose from a complete seleciion of fine, clean, healthy bulbs —all from Holland. BEAUTIFUL POTTED MUMS AS LOW ROS ES . A fantastic buy on A¥1 Po’ted Roses, including Granada, Aztec, Pcture, Floribundas, Grandifloras Christian Dior, many more, TREE ROSES (Reg. $6.35) 5 Hybrid Teas, Duet, Royal H'ghness and NOW ONLY $3.25 FOR BETTER VALUES. ie Koos Nuzseries | TET ETT I "RC ors” Phona §98-6611 Tues. BETWEEN MANNER AND EK PETERSSORR 8% FT, 12 Mon., Wed. & Thurs. To 6 P.M.—Sat. to 5 P.M. , & Fri- Till 9 P.M. — Closed Sunday Triangle” and you help free [the stutterer from his slav- ery. For example, let h'm in- 'dulge in ven'riloquy or sing lor read aloud, and you will alter (a). Or let him p:.tch his | voice higher or lower. | Or, like Demosthenes, let him hold pebbles in his mouth or bite down on his itongue and ho'd it imprison- ed between his jaw ieeth as he starts to speak. (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of th's newspaper, en- closing a long stamped, ad- dressed envelope and 20c to cover typing and prin‘ing | costs when you send for one of his booklets.) RINGS THE BELLS In Switzerland, bell ring- ing is a Chr.stmas tradition and each community prides itself on the harmony of its bells. The church bells of Zur ch have rung in harmony for hundreds of years, each Christmas calling the fai.h- ful to church services. When in need of printing Garl B. Drohan, Inc. | { | ® INSURANCE RAY N. WILEY Independent Mutual Agent 72 East Main Street Phone 653-1481 MOUNT JOY, PA. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Convenient Reference To Firms Serving Community ® LOANS | Installment Loan Service Inc. (LOANS TO $600) Instalment Consumer Discount Co. (LOANS TO $3500) 23. Cent. Sqr., Elizabethiown PHONE 367-1185 ® BUILDING SUPPLIES AND HOME IMPROVEMENTS ELIZABETHTOWN BUILDING & SUPPLY CO. PARTS we ihe Frown 7 PAN \ A400 WEST BAINBRIDGE STREET J pr— BUILDING SUPPLIES Ph. 653-1491 Manheim Rd. Mount Joy ® DAIRY PRODUCTS R.D. 2, Ph. Mt. Joy 653-8191 £-Town ® EXCAVATING ELWOOD MARTIN PENSUPREME PRODUCTS MILK & ICE CREAM ®* DRUG STORES PRESCRIPTIONS WHEEL CHAIRS -WALKERS Sale or Rent Kreamer Pharmacy 367-1262 remember The Bulletin. C. ROBERT FRY GENERAL EXCAVATING ® Residential ® Industrial R. D. 2. MANHEIM, PA. Phone Mt. Joy 653-1253 EXCAVATING AND BACKIIOE WORK Formerly operated by Harold Forwood Free Estimates KENDIG - MAURER CALL 653.6639 Upholstered furniture - Rugs 35 Old Market St., ® FURNITURE ®¢ MASONRY JORRY MILLER MASONRY WORK 102 Poplar St., Mount Joy Free Estimates 653-1732 LESTER P. ESHELMAN MASONRY Brick - Block - Stone New and Repair Jobs Donegal Springs Road 653-0291 ® OIL SERVICE HOLLINGER OIL SERVICE FLORIN, PA. 653-3483 If no answer call 653-4938 ATLANTIC PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Oil Burner Sales & Service ® PAINT & BODY WORK Carriger Paint & Body Shop Cars painted, Wrecks re-built Wheel alignment Services Rheems 367-6450 © PLASTERING JAMES A. MILLER Plastering & Patch Work 21 South Fulton Street Manheim, Pa. Ph. 665-5235 ————ee ® PLUMBING —f H. S. MECKLEY & SON PLUMBING — HEATING OIL. BURNERS Sales and Service 15 W. Main St., Ph. 653-5981 Leo Kob, Inc. Heating — Plumbing Air Conditioning “Since 1904” 24 South Market Street Elizabethtown, Pa. ———————— ee A—— A ——— J ——————— © ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT Large, furnished. Hot and cold water. New beds - single or double. References. EICHERLY'S 78 East Main St., Mount Joy Eberly Furniture & Floor Covering ELIZABETHTOWN R. D. 3 12 Mi. East along Manheim Road Call 367-5468 SHAMPOJING Auto Interiors Shampooed Restoring Or ginal Beau.y C. NAGEL Mount Joy Phone 653-1223 - 653-3652 Try Classified a =—==0 ® SERVICE STATION Er ———— NEY'S CITIES . SERVICE Phone 653-1104 FLORIN. PA. THE WASSAIL BOWL “Wassail’”’ derives from two Old English words, “waes” and “hale,” meaning “Be well.” It was the custom in ancient England for the host to hand a new guest a cup of beverage (a m xture of beer, spices and frui: juices) and say, ‘“Waes hael!” In return, the guest bowed, touched his cup to the host's, and replied “Drink hale!” or “Dr.nk in for quick results health.”