4 po be 4 4 Ne ¢ CF et lal TH ya Yoel LE PS a Re ¥. -¥ ve I - CTT J ® Of This 'n That (From page 1) Someone else will tell you how they have attended auc- tion sales, found terrific bar- gains, and refinished them into priceless treasures. Others will mention a fab- ulous collection of auto license plates for every one of the last fifty years! It’s a collect- or’s world allright! “Scratch” just anyone and you will dis- cover a lover of antiques! Now that we are being ini- tiated we can see where the fascination lies. The acquiring of nothing else which we own brought a greater thrill than finding a beautiful seven-piece wash- bowl and pitcher set at an auction sale in Manheim re- cently—and having the good fortune to be the successful bidder for it! No piece of furniture in our house is lovelier to us at the moment than the old- fashioned spool cabinet made of oak, chestnut and cherry woods, which we found at a recent antiques show. Its mellow luster, earned by the passage of time, is singularly beautiful. ter TN TTT I Tuesday Evening Special Steamed Clams 3 dozen $1:00 Thursday Special Steamed Jumbo Shrimp 50c per order 3 And the fact that it serves as a little table beside a rock- ing chair which belonged to the editor’s great grand- mother, and seems to match it perfectly, makes it doubly precious. Our own “family” antiques now serve as a nucleus for our new interest. Things we have always taken for grant- ed suddenly have more sig- nificance and meaning. The litte ruby and clear glass dated “1896 . . Indiana State Fair . . Ruth” (bought by his father, for the editor's mother) is a real treasure. A white bowl with a deli- cate pink border, with “Grindley & Co., England, 1898” on the back takes on new value. Even our high headboard bed and marble top dresser, with their intri- cate carvings of a ship’s wheel at the top, suddenly are not only functional but beautiful. We recall that when a dear friend of the family gave us the bed and dresser she told us that it came out from the East many, many years ago to northern India- na on a boat on the Wabash and Erie Canal. (We had it brought back to the East eight years ago via the Penn: sylvania Turnpike in a huge moving van!) We see our little parlor or- gan in a new night, too. It was my grandfather’s, and has witnessed many, many “family sings” through the years. We had never exactly realized it was interesting other than as a sentimental treasure. And so it goes. We intend to study and learn how to know the value of old things. We expect to be fairly regul- ar attendants at auction sales in the area. We hope to learn how to refinish some of the things we buy, thereby in- creasing their value to us be- cause of our labor in their behalf! And we fully intend to Also Daily Specials “see’” with new eyes the countless treasures that are cherished by others, thus 'by his school receives a for- Score High In Merit Tests Donegal , and commended students to- high school have been hon-|gether constitute about two ored for their high perform-| percent of all high school ance on the National Merit | seniors. "his certainly signi- Scholarship Qualifying Test | fies noteworthy accomplish- (NMSQT), given last spring. iment by all these bright Each student who is endorsed | | young people.” | The National Merit {arship Corp. gives Two seniors at Schol- mal Letter of Commendation | . recogni- students in each state and in U. S. territories. Some 14,000 semifinalists takes a second examination to establish fur- ther their eligibility to be- come finalists and to receive consideration for Merit Sch- olarships. The commended students were among the high school juniors in approximately 17,- 000 schools who took the NMSQT last March. The test ance on the qualifying test. We wish to call attention in this way to their high aca- demic acehivement. “Although they did not reach the status of semifinal- ists in the current Merit Pro- gram, they are very capable students. The semi-finalists { BIRTHDAY PARTY TO GEORGIA The Rev. Donald Feick, rector of St. Luke’s Episco- pal church, is in Atlanta, Ga., this week as a diocesan delegate to the National Convention on the church in town and country. MOUNT JOY Member enjoying their pleasure in antiques as well as our own! ee aring, ane tion to two groups of stu-|is a 3-hour examination that Merit Scholarship Corpora- | dents who achieve high|covers five separate areas of tion. fre on ne NHSQT. The Sducatiornl Sevelopment. Jt semifinalist group is com-|was the first step in e ais, Hart, he Soc) {posed of the highest-scoring!annual Merit Program. that the commended students | are: Debra Wolgemuth and | Shelby Chunko. John M. Stalnaker, presi-| dent of the National Merit | Scholarship Corp., said: | : “Letters of Commendation | Where, are being awarded to 38,000] students throughout t he| oh, where country in recognition of] their outstanding perform- does your money all go! Mrs. Roy Wagner, Florin : Avenue, Mount Joy, enter- Just pay by tained with a Halloween Par- check and ty Oct. 2 in honor of her daughter, Denise, on her 11th then you'll birthday. Schoolmates - and friends were guests. Games, know! favors, prizes and refresh- ments were carried out in the Halloween motif. The guest of honor received many lovely gifts. IN ANY AMOUNT, YOUR ACCOUNT IS WELCOME! Union National Mount Joy Bank MAYTOWN F.D.I.C. - MR. aod MRS. ROBERT ss G. ZARTMAN ’ Spring Lake, R. D. 1, Sheridan Se mea ——————————— ~, MR. and MRS. VAN B. ABEL . 4 East Maple Street, East Prospect Do what 1 these smart homeowners did... Get just for switching to Flameless ELECTRIC HOME HEATING _— ——— ~~? PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Mail to Your Local District Office of , 27 We would like to know more about FLAMELESS ELECTRIC HOME HEATING. Please have a home heating specialist visit our home soon. _ Tradei in your flame-type heating system and gets $150 allowance for regular home heating system $100 allowance for mobile home heating system -. —— $ 75 allowance for each apartment (individually metered) fashioned heating system pay part of the cost. Heating dealer. (Call PP&L for the name of one near you.) Name Address’ ... Phone : City a State Zip Code - PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY +3150 _— - —— — ee— Switch to flameless electric home heating and let the trade-in allowance on your old- This offer is good only through your Reddy Kilowatt Recommended Electric Home He'll also guarantee the operating cost of heating your home electrically for the first two years at PP&L’s special total electric living rates , . . now nearly 14 lower than they were just three years ago, : 1