The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 14, 1964, Image 11

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® Church News
(From page 10)
7:30 p. m. UTO In-Gather-
ing in the Church.
8:00 p.m. St. Mary's Guild
meeting in the Undercroft of
the Church.
Trinity Lutheran Church
The Rev. W. L. Koaer
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:45 -am. Morning Wor-
12:00 Noon Baptismal Ser-
vice for children.
6:30 p.m. Father and Son
Church ot God
Mount Joy, Penna
T. E. Bowers, Pastor
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a. m. Morning Wor-
"ship Service.
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship
7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer
7:30 p.m. Senior Choir re-
Brethren In Christ Church
Rev. Avery Musser, Pastor
9:15 a.m. Sunday school,
Abram Brownsberger, sup
10:15 a.m. Morning Worship
Harvest-Praise service. Mes-
sage: “A Year Crowned with
Goodness,” by the pastor.
7:00 p.m. Christ's Crusad-
ers program and a message
by the pastor.
7:45 p.m. Prayer and Bible
Church ot the Brethren
Eiizabethtown, Pa.
Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor
9:30 a.m. Church School
classes for adults and youth;
twa, hour Extended Sessions
for all children through
gradé 5.
10:30 a. m. Morning Wor-
ship; Sermon, “Piety and
Public Affairs’”’, by Pastor
7:30 pm. Laymen’s Service,
sponsored by the Women of
the Church; Rev. Opal Pence
will be the speaker.
Glossbrenner Church
Evangelical United Brethren
Charles W. Wolfe, Pastor
9:30 am. Divine Worship
(Men's Day) and Christian
5:45 pm. Youth Fellow-
7:15 p.m. Evening Bible
7:30 pm. WSWS Meeting.
8:00 p.m. Trustee Board
Wednesday a
7:00 p.m. Midweek Service.
6:30 p.m. Junior Choir re-
7:30 p.m. Senior Choir Re-

Friday :
7:00 p.m. Boy and Girl
St.” Mark’s E.U.B. Church
Mouni Joy. Pa.
C. E. Ulrich, Minister
9:00 a. m. Sunday Schoo.
10:15 a.m. Worship Service
Men's Day. EUB Men in
charge. Dr. Roy E. McAuley,
president of Elizabethtown
Co’lege. Guest speaker.
7:0" ~ m. Evening Service
in Fel’ew-hip Hall. Address
and pi~* es of Puerto Rico,
by Mrs. 17. A. Wilt, Annville.
7:30 p.m» ‘ble Study Les-
son No. 44 kt; Mrs. Sprecher.
7-30 p.m. Midweek Prayer
and Bible Study.
Thursday .
7:00 and 8:00 p.m. Choir
Even at eighty years of age
Shenks Home From Africa
Rev. and Mrs. Jacob Shenk
who have completed their
first tour of service in Africa
returned home by plane re-
cently and are now living in
the area on Manheim R4.
They have been at Matopo
Mission, located on the edge
of the famed Matopo Hil s of
scenic and historic fame.
They were there from 1953
until this past month.
Rev. Shenk’s first assign-
ment was that of
master in the Matopo Secon-
dary school. Mrs. Shenk
taught music and helped
with other mission duties.
While carrying on their
teaching duties, they were in
charge of the church work in
the Bulwayo African loca-
tions for a year.
‘Each Sunday we left Ma-
topo early in. the morning
‘and returned late in the ev-
ening after conducting three
to five services. This was
sometimes tiring but always
rewarding, Rev. Shenk says.
science |
their term in Africa, they
served as superintendent
and matron of Matopo Mis-
sion—a demanding task and
ied facets of African life
and character.
ed in deputation work dur-
ling much of their furlough.
Evangelist At
Trinity. E.C.
The Rev. David L. Grimm,
Educational Secretary of
i the Penna. Temperance Lea-
‘gue, will be serving as Evan-
‘gelist in a week of services,
Oct. 18 through 25, at Trini-
ity E. C. Church, Donegal &
New Haven Sts.
Rev. Grimm served E. C.
Church in Northampton, Le-
high County, Lawnton, and
Cresswell-Conestoga before
accepting the position which

During the latter part of he presently holds. His deep

Fall Rally Services wil
and Sunday School, Sunday
morning, Oct. 19. in a com-;
bined service
concern for youth led him
into his present ministry
which takes, him to High
Schools and Colleges through
out the state of Pennsylvania
Special music will be pre-
held in Trinity E.C. Church {sented by Trinity's choirs
and organist. Gospel hymn
;and chorus singing under
beginning at |the direction of the pastor
9:15 a.m.
The Rev. Donald Potter of
Reading, will address the
will be featured in each of
the evening services which
will be held Sunday even-
Adult department, and Mrs. 'ings at 7 p.m. and Monday
Bernice Givens, associated
with the Child Evangelism
Fel owship, will speak to
the Youth department. Spec-
ial music will be presented
by Russell Sumpman.
The service will be under
the direction of the Rev.|
Melvin Klase, S. S. Supt.
through Saturday evenings
at 7:30 p.m. Saturday even-
ing, October 24 wil be
Youth Emphasis night with
the program centered around
the young people of the
church and the community.
All are welcome to attend |crashed with
these services.
one which brought them in-!
to close touch with the var-|
The Shenk’s will be engag- |
or "\
Q. At our last school dance I
got stuck with a real sad Sam.
I was miserable, My girl friends
say I should have said no when
he asked me to dance. Would I
have been wrong to refuse?
A. It is perfectly proper to
refuse if you don’t care for the
boy, but be as polite as pos-
sible. If you should get stuck
again, you may suggest leav-
ing the dance floor, under the
pretext that there are too many
couples dancing or that joining
the - gang at the refreshment
table might be more fun. Make
it clear to him that you're refus-
ing the dance, not the boy.
Q. My boy friend got a sports
car for his birthday and every
time we go for a ride he gets
speed-happy. How can I let him
know that I'm afraid every
ride will be my last if he
doesn’t slow down? I don’t want
him to think I'm chicken.
A. Better a live chick than a
dead duck. Driving above the
regulation speed limit is a
serious and dangerous matter.
Don't be embarrassed to ask
him to slow down. He should
respect your feelings (and the
« + o Qnswers questions
about Junior Miss
etiquette, grooming
and interests, :

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law). If he doesn’t, insist that
he let you out close to other
transportation. You can always
find another boy friend with a
sports car, but you have only
one life.
Q. The best looking boy in
my class has invited me to a
school party, but I don’t know
if I should accept. If I wear
perks I'm two inches taller than
is. ;
A. What if he isn’t tall? Yo
said yourself he is the best
looking boy in class. Come
down to earth and swap your
high heels for the medium kind.
They're better fashion this fall
anyway, Just remember to be
poised and proud. Stooping
doesn’t make you any shorter,
only less attractive. Besides,
most fashion models are on the
tall side.
(For more answers to your
questions on dating, etiquette,
and beauty, write for the free
booklet, “Are You In the
Know?” Send your name and
address to Miss Deb, Box
551-P, Kimberly-Clark Corpor
ation, Neenah, Wis.)

In Crash
Terry M. Hostetter, eigh-
teen, Mount Joy R2, suffered
‘cuts of the hands and face
Sunday evening, Oct. 11

| when he lost control of his
car while quieting a dog in
the auto, police said. He
two parked
cars on Donegal Springs Rd.
The parked cars were own-
ed by Treva P. Strickler, 53
Donegal Springs Rd., and
Ruth M. Palmer, 621 Walnut
St., Columbia.
Publishers of books edit
the manuscripts for bad
grammar; why don’t the pub-
lishers of popular songs do

this for the lyrics?

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