Rettew’s 45th IRTHDAY SALE COMBINED WITH BEN FRANKLIN DOLLAR STRETCHER DAYS STARTS FRIDAY 8:30 AM ENDS NEXT SAT., OCT. 10th RETTEW'S REPEAT ENTIRE DEPARTMENT SHOE SALE Rettew’s Will Give You, Yes, Rettew’s will give you $1.00 for each pair of shies you buy (except infants and Specal ® Priced Close Outs) at any time during the 8 K days of the 45th Birthday Sale. O00 EACH PAIR : The entire stock of the Shoe Department f Nothing held back ... Men's, Women's: Boy's, Misses’, and Children’s. Values are from $3.98 to $19.98 Buy Any Pair of Shoes You Want at the Regular Price and Rettews’ will Give You $1.00 For Each Pair. Warehouse ShoeBargainRacks REDUCED NEXT TO SHOE DEPT. "MEN'S — WOMEN’S — CHILDREN'S 30 Po to 60 % wu WN 100% VIRGIN $4.49 WOVEN Bed Spread 59% Single or Double Bed Size. Completely wash- able. NEW FALL PATTERNS 49¢ PRINTED ACRILAN FLANNEL | | BLANKET On Sale 4... On Sale 5G Reg. $9.98. Size 72x90 Nylon Binding 36 in. Wide. Full Rolls. HERSHEY'S AND REESE'S 5c CANDIES ENTIRE STOCK LADIES DRESSES 1/5 PRICE Reg. $3.49 - $3.98 - $4.98 and $5.98. Regular and Half Sizes. | THREAD He 325 yd. spools - Blk. & white. 40-50-60. BE .- . C each Milk Choc. - Krackle - Hersheyetts » Peanut Butter Cups 1 BIG RACK LADIES $4.98 & $5.98 Suede Flats $30. 2 PAIR $5.00 All Sizes 42 t0 9 NEW FALL BOYS $2.99 SLIM LINE PANTS MENS’ $2.98 LONG-SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS $919 SIZES S-M-L $19 Polished Cotton. Black or Tan. Sizes 6 to 16. 2 BIG BARGAINS IN MEN'S WORK PANTS $349 MEN'S COVERY, Sizes 29/3042 .................. ....... $2.37 $33.33 MEN'S MATCH TAN, Sizes 29 1040 ........................ $2.87 Rettew’s-manuEmM ; Adam’s by Dr. Geo. W. Crane The Worry Clinic Matthew duplicated Adam’s clever invention in the ancient Garden of Eden. Scrapbook this case and will you parents please heed the advice about Bible story reading at bedtime? Also, send for the vital booklet below, which will help insure your child the know-how to enter college! CASE P-487: Matthew, aged Judy’s oldest child. 31%, is our daughter Judy reads Bible stories to her children at bedtime. Recently she gave them the story of the Garden of Eden. She explained how the Serpent had caused Eve to violate God’s commandment to avoid eating the forbidden fruit. A few days later Judy was watching her two older boys as they played in the back yard. She saw Matthew strike his younger brother Peter. So Judy opened the back door and sharply called Mat- thew into the house. “Why did you strike Pe- ter?’ she demanded. “I saw you hit your little brother, so what made you do it?” Matthew looked downcast. “Mother,” he began, ‘that mean old Serpent just whis- pered in my ear.” Judy could hardly suppress a smile. For Matthew had hit upon great invention of buck-passing. You Bible scholars may re- call that God sharply deman- ded of Adam why Adam-had Ta A Friends Hao use the Eoad is Hever Long 710° This versatile design in cross-stitch may be arranged on a luncheon cloth or used to decorate your wall as a sampler. Hot-iron transfer pattern No. 710 contains mo- tif about 10 by 14 inches with complete instructions. Our Fall & Winter Needle- work bqok containing a cou- pon or a pattern of your choice is 50 cents. Send 35c¢ pus postage in coins for this pattern to MARTHA MADISON (care of this newspaper), Box 1490, New York 1, N.Y. Add 15c for first cass mail. tasted the forbidden fruit. Adam was thus on the spot. It was - mankind's first at- tempt at worrying out a solu- tion to a crucial problem. But Adam came up with a super duper answer. For Ad- am passed the buck. Notice Adam’s exact reply, as quoted from Genesis 3;12 in the Bible; “ ...The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.” So God turned to the wo- man and asked, “What is this (Turn to page 13) - en ee——— ALL WAYS BEST Russell Stover, CANDIES ' 2 Ibs. $3.15 MANY ASSORTMENTS TO GIYE AND ENJCY Sloan's Pharmacy MOUNT JOY, PA. Free Parking in rear of store 1964 CHRYSLER 300 CONVERTIBLE Fully Equipped, Scarcely used, one owner Car. A Real Dreamboat 1963 FORD GALAXIE 4-DR. SEDAN Radio & Heater - Power Steering. 6 cyl. A Real Beautiful Car. $3.395 $1.895 One Owner 1962 FORD GALAXIE 500 CONV. COUPE $1795 All Power and Clean as a whistle - 1 owner. 1962 CHEVROLET CORVAN $1.295 Power Glide - Radio - 1 Owner - Low Mileage - Van 1961 FALCON 2-DOOR SEDAN $1.095 Fordomatic, Radio and Heater. Very Sharp, 1 owner 1960 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN $895 Power Glide, very clean - Must see PHILLIPS FORD 300 South Main Street 665-223? MANHEIM, PENNA.