Accidents Cost Huge Amount The enormous cost of acci- dents throughout the United States in 1963 totaled more than $16,100,000,000, accord- ing to an analysis by Key- stone Automobile Club of the latest available figures from the National Safety Council. Administrative and claim settlement costs of insurance accounted for $3,350,000,000; property damage in motor- vehicle accidents amounted Here’s a shift that you can make in a jiffy. It has a want fitted neckline and a soft lit- tle sash. No. 3298 comes in misses’ sizes 10, 12, 14, 186. Size 14 takes 31s yards of 35- inch fabric or 27% yords of 42-inch. Send 35c¢ plus 5c postage for this pattern to IRIS LANE (care of this newspaper), Bo 1490, New York 1, N. Y. Add 15c¢ for first class mail and special handling. Free pattern is waiting for vou. Send 50 cents for our Fall-Winter Pattern Book which contains coupon for pattern of your choice. APPLEY'S GLASS GARDENS Daily Floral Deliveries to Al Hospitals and Funeral Homes PHONE 426-3611 17 East Market Street MARIETTA AND COLUMBIA FLORISTS TELEGRAPH DELIVERY CONNBNOINNNNEB0C00R00000000000030000000000700000000000000%00000000 . MISS TEEN AGER Sebo orecoesoRORPeRRRY Q, Talking on the telephone at our house is like address. ing a public meeting. We have extensions all over the house, and I have a little brother for every extension. Their fav. orite game is listening in when I’m talking to friends, especially boys. Not only do they listen, but they make funny noises, like moans and taps. I've threatened them with everything I can think of, but nothing does any good, A. Have a talk with your mother and father and enlist their backing for telephone privacy. You can show your own good faith by promising to observe telephone courtesy yourself. For example, don’t make yourself a target for eavesdroppers by monopoliz. ing the phone. Be as polite to your brothers’ friends when they call as you are to your own. And one more tip — don’t show your irritation. If the kids don’t think you care, they'll get bored and leave you alone. Q. There’s a girl in our crowd everybody calls “Cafe- teria” because she helps her- self to whatever she wants, She’s always borrowing things without asking first — pencils from other people’s desks, paper, tissues from our locker if she happens to be there when the door is open. She G@80000000000000000000ROOPYRRROREYY to $2,600,000,000; medical fees and hospital expenses topped $1,550,000,000 wage losses soared to $4,700, 000,000. Altogether, motor - vehicle accident costs were put at $7,700,000,000 in 1963. That total includes the aforemen- tioned $2,600,000,C00 of prop- rty damage and an estimat- ed $5,100.000.000 cost of in- juries and insurance. "It should be noted that the administrative and claim set- tlement cost of insurance is the difference between pre- miums and is part of the ac- cident cost total. Claims paid by insurance companies are not identified separately in the total. Motor - vehicle were responsible for 43,600 deaths in 1963, when 101,000 persons died in. all accidents recorded in the United States Falls accounted for the next greatest number of accidental deaths. Fires and burns took a toll of 8,100 A communist who borrows your cook your goose in. pot to Ya Poy ~OT ae 1964 Oldsmobile F85 Del. 4-Door, 11,000 miles. 1963 Chevrolet Impala V8 Sport Coupe 1962 Chevrolet Y2-Ton Pick Up. long W. B. 1962 Oldsmobile F85 Sport Coupe 1960 Corvair 700 4-Door, P. G. 1960 Corvair 500 2-Door, S. S. 1960 Chevrolet Belair 4-Door. 8 cyl. S. S. 1959 Ford 2 Ton Pick Up 1959 Chevrolet Bel. V 8. 1958 Mercury Commuters Station Wagon 1958 Chevrolet Bisc. 4-Door. P.G., P. S. 1956 Plymonth 4-Door V 8, A. T. Newcomer Motors, Inc. Main & New Haven Sts Phone 653-4821 SERINE EEE FEE EEE SAREE FE NAS UAE EEEES SERRE: Sedan, P. G. MOUNT JOY « » + GNSWEFS questions about Junior Miss etiquette, grooming and interests, and | accidents | | 19,700, | is a fellow! — 0000 ccecnnncoeoonRt has even opened by purse and used my lipstick without asking. Is there any tactful way to make her realize how rude this is? A. Be direct, Call her bor. rowing ways to her attention, Tell her it’s okay but . . . next time ask me, okay? A few pointed examples will help, too. Q. I'm giving a very infor. mal party, and I have almost everything planned except the food. I'd like to serve some- thing a little different, and was thinking of a shrimp fry. But I want something that can be eaten with the fingers, since everybody will ‘be sit. ting on the floor. Would it be ,0kay to serve shrimp this way? A. Absolutely. Treat the shrimp just as though it were fried chicken at a picnic and serve it in individual baskets, This way you won't even have plates to wash after the party. Just line the baskets with Kleenex table napkins — and be sure to have plenty of ad- ditional napkins within easy reach. If you like, you can carry the picnic theme further. Use bigger baskets for serving dishes for the po- tato chips, french fries, or whatever you'plan to serve T2200 0000%00000000 lives and some 6,400 persons were . drowned. ‘Other accident fatalities: Railroad accidents, 2,100; | firearms, 2,200; poisons, 2,000 and poison gases 1,400. All other types of accidents, in- volving machinery, air trans- | portation, excessive heat, ‘cataclysm and suffocation ac- | counted for the remainder. Motor-vehicle accident fa- | talities in 1963 were 7 per cent greater than in 1962. In 1963, there were 23 times as many deaths as in 1910, but there were more than 180 times as many vehicles on {tHe highway and they were traveling farther and faster. Wednesday, August 19, 1964 ATE So [o kes BICYCLE Flashy model features chrome-plated rims and fenders. Bendix coaster brake, twin headlights and Firestone whitewall Speed Cushion tires. Boy's model is black with red trim; girl's model is red with white trim. 26” and 24”, SWEIGART FIRESTONE 54 S. MAIN ST. 665-2258 MANHEIM, PA. rth EINE ENN EEE NEA ENE ENE ENE NEW Sun High and Triogen Peaches SUMMER RAMBO APPLES Large Irish Cobbler Potatoes $1.65 2 bu. Second Potatoes 50 1b. 85¢c. 2 hu. 65¢ FRESH SWEET CORN AND CANTALOUPES CANNING TOMATOES - $1.15 1% bushel PLASTIC FREEZER BOXES 10 QUART BOXES $1.35 — 16 PINT BOXES $1.35 JARS AND CANNING SUPPLIES HERE, NOW! EGGS — 3 DOZ. CRACKS $1.00 - 2 DOZ. LARGE 89c WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MARKET Ja MILE WEST OF FLORIN PHONE 653-5661 New Store Hours—Daily 8-8, Except Wed. & Sat. 8-6; Closed Sundays EEE SE NEE EN NEAR CORN SENPNENG SSE NRNENY MOLLIE’S INN HOME-MADE ROOT BEER (SINCE 1925) BAR-B-Q HAMBURGS HOT DOGS FRENCH FRIES 10 Minutes North of Manheim 10 Minutes South of Lebanon on Route #72 12-12¢ | / A w 4 FURNITURE STORE Annual August Reductions FURNITURE - BEDDING - CHAIRS ISS MARTINDALE (I~ Mt. 807 Pl Modern Bedroom Suites SOLID WOOD - PLASTIC TOP (Walnut Or Grey) MANY TO CHOOSE FROM Modern Living Room Suites $195.00 $169.00 NYLON COVER - FOAM CUSHIONS — MANY TO CHOOSE FROM Colonial Bedroom Suites SOLID MAPLE OR CHERRY Colonial Living Room Suites $295.00 $259.00 FLOOR SAMPLES 145 PRICE — We Specialize in Mattress and Box Springs — Any Width or Length Available. REG. NOW CA $198.00 $169.00 $298.00 $269.00 SUPER CONSTRUCTION 5-10 - 15 yr. Guarantee 2 MILES NORTH OF EPHRATA ALONG ROUTE 222 Wednesday OPEN FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Monday, Thursday & Friday Tuesday Saturday .............. $:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M, 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. pd. 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon