PAGE EIGHT THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. tacker, Marlin Haines, Joan, Playground Program Ends The Mount Joyplayground held its annual awards night Wednesday, Aug. 5, at the borough park with an esti- mated attendance of 90. Trophies were presented to the following point leaders: Beginner girls, Cynthia Gainer, 1st, and Suzanne Mateer, 2nd; Intermediate girls, Sandra Stahl, 1st and Kathy Gephart, 2nd; Senior girls, Debbie Perry, 1st and Dawn Heisey, 2nd; Beginner boys, Howard Mott, 1st, and Mark Halstead 2nd; Intermediate boys, Doug Estock, 1st and Martin Heis- ey, 2nd; Senior boys, Richard Hopple, 1st and Kenneth Gephart, 2nd. Awards also were present- ed for the best arts & crafts followed by refreshments for all the guests. Florin Playground Tuesday morning, Aug. 4, ten boys and girls entered the Hobo contest. The child- ren were: Georgeanne Fitz- kee, Debbie Fitzkee, Sheri Zerphey, Tina Coen, Brenda Coen, Susan Miller, Steve Zerphey, Greg McKain, Tim Emenheiser, and Cynthia Ma- theny. Winners of the Bike Rodea were, Seniors, Tim Emenbhei- ser, Intermediates, Bob Mec- Quate; Beginners, Chris Cole- man. Tournament winners were Intermediate Chinese check- ers, Jesse Landis; Hand teth- erball. Seniors, Keith Bright- bill; Intermediate, Don Mus- ser; Tetherball, Beginners, Steve Landis; Nok hockey winners were, Seniors, Tim Emenheiser, Intermediates, Georgeanne Fitzkee; Begin- ners, Debbie Fitzkee. Win- ners of the “Cootie’”’ tourna- ment were, Beginners, Cyn- thia Alexander; Intermedi- ates, Elaine Lorah. Seniors, Buddy Rolfs. Thursday, Aug. 6, was the annual Awards Night. Many boys and their fathers, play- ed a “Father & Son Softball game. There also was an Arts & Crafts show. Trophies were given to the first place winners and loving cups were given to the second place winners. The winners were as follows, Beginners, Girls, Debbie Fitzkee and Sheri Zerphey; Intermediates girls, Georgeanne Fitzkee and Susan Rolfs. Seniar girls, Nancy Rolfs and Karen John- son: Beginners, boys, Greg McKain and Steve Landis; Intermediate boys, Donald Musser and Bob McQuate; Senior boys, Tim Emenheiser and Buddy Rolfs. Arts and Crafts The climax of the arts and crafts program for this year was a show at which the boys and girls displayed the articles they had made dur- ing this summer. The Arts & Crafts show was part of the Awards night at the Mount Joy and Florin playgrounds. Awards were given to the first, second and third place winners in each age group. The winners at the Mount Joy playgrounds were: Begin- ners, Debbie Gainer, first, Billy Zimerman, second, Howard Mott, third. Inter- mediates, Mary Ann Koser, first: Delbert Flowers, second Kathy Gephart, third. Sen- jors, Debbie Perry, first; San- dy Stahl, second; Ken Gep- hart, third. The winners at playground were: Beginners, Tina Cowen, first: Debbie Fitzkee, second; Cynthia Al- exander, third: Intermediates, Georgeanne Kitzkee, first; Su- sie Rolfs, second; Phil Nissley third. Seniors, Nancy Rolfs, first: Brenda Cowen, second; Karen Johnson, third. Maytown Playground A quoit tournament was brought to a close on Mon- day, Aug. 3 with an exciting play-off match for the inter- mediate championship. Steve Trostle and Marlin Haines beat Gary Mohr and Dennis Ginder in a best-of-three ser- the Florin ies. A girls’ overnight hike was successful. On Tuesday evening, 15 Maytown girls and 16 Marietta girls went to Circle Creek Farm. A chess tournament was held Thursday morning for all age groups. Winners were Palmer Hossler, Jeff Kendig, and Phil Hossler. The playground season was climaxed by Award Night, on Thursday evening, Aug. 6. Events for the beginners and intermediates included a peanut scramble, a bubble gum blowing contest, a mar- ble race, a cracker-eating and whistling contest, and bingo. A dance was held for the seniors. Trophies for point winners were awarded to Timmy Good, Cathy Drace, Jerry Heisey, Jean Kendig, Phil Hossler and Ruth Mec- Connell. Loving cups for the runner-ups were awarded to Palmer Hossler, Eva Glat- Kendig, Jeff Kendig, and Paula Faus. Three Members Of Nursing Class Three Mount Joy people are members of the Septem- ber class which will be grad- uated Friday, August 14, at commencement exercises for the Practical Nurse Program o the Lancaster School dis- trict. The eleventh annual com- mencement will be held at Robert Fulton school auditor- ium, beginning at 10 a.m. Diplomas will be presented by John E. Hambright, presi- dent of the board of direct- ors of the Lancaster School District. ; The three local candidates include: Mrs. Dorothy Brown, E. Main street; Joyce Bru- baker, Mount Joy R2, and Mary Myers, Mount Joy R1. 205 ® Music For Everyone “Mr. Sandman,” “Dream”, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1964 (From Page 1) “Sposin’,” and “Basin Street” by the Etonettes; “I Touched the Heart of God in Prayer,” and “Jesus, Wonderful Name,” by the St Paul’s E. U. B. church quartet of Elizabethtown; oot. enanny by The Shannons and the Young Waters and harmony by the Dixielanders. : The program will begin at 7:30 p.m. Those attend- ing should take their own chairs and blankets. C. E. Ashenfelter will serve as master of cere- monies. Donald Eby will be accompanist. In case of bad weather, the program will be held at the Donegal Annex. NEW ARRIVALS M. Richard and Esther (Fittery) Swope, Rheems, a daughter, Wednesday, Aug. 5 at the Lancaster St. Joseph’s hospital. Nelson and Geraldine (Swope), Mount Joy R2, a daughter, Monday, August 10, at St. Joseph's hospital. FLORIN LIONS MET Florin Lions Club held its regular meeting Monday eve- ning at the Mount Joy Res- taurant. An interesting pro- gram was given by Frank Hassinger who showed color- ed slides he took of his re- cent trip to ‘the New York's World Fair. The club made final ar- rangements for the ice cream sale they will hold on Friday evening, August 14. LOW, LOW Prices Plus . . . J GREEN STAMPS! \ E! DOUBLE a 5 Thursday thru Saturday CUT FROM YOUNG CORN-FED BEEF! o Lancaster Brand Tender :T-BONE or :PORTERHOUSE :. o> SIRLOIN O[EAKS Ib 13% 89: 000000000 CN00000000000. . .vrowowddoso Prices Plus . . . VEAL REE UREN aba Sass Seth pbs pmas - NS TO OE FREITITR IE WSS Rump or Leg ROAST 99 v i POPP OPOTOUPTOIOPOOOPOOOOIIIIIOOO P0000 000OO0OBOOOOS - MORRELL’S Ready to Eat! CANNED HAMS 34908