Page 6 Prayer Of The Week - - - The prayer this week is by the Rev. David McKinney, D.D., Cincinnati, Ohio: “Our Father, we thank Thee for Thy goodness to us during the night. Thou hast watched over us whilst we slept. Now we pray Thee to guard and guide us through this day. May Thy presence be with us. As our day, so may our strength be. ‘Wednesday, August 5, 1964 “May Thy love be in our hearts and manifest in our conduct. Enable us to resist evil, to endure trial, to overcome difficulties, and in all things to do Thy will. Whatsoever our hands find to do, may we do it with our might. “Keep us from becoming discouraged.” May Thy joy be our strength. May we not grow weary in well- doing. May Thy Word be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Keep our hearts and minds. May we think of the things which are pure and lovely and of a good report. Supply all our needs this day. Make all things work together for our good. We ask in Jesus, name. Amen.” by Dr. Geo. W. Crane The Worry Clinic Among the 2,000,000 high schoolers I have addres- sed in recent years, the most common question arising in our forum discussions is this: “Dr. Crane, what do you think about the idea of going steady in high school? Psychologists, Judges, Counsellors on family problems, all agree on the facts below, so get hep, teen-agers; CASE P-405: When Leo Sullivan asked me to address the six high school assemblies in Peru, Indiana, and sur- rounding area, I received many questions from the teen- agers. “Dr. Crane,” came a constant query from every high school group, “is it wise to go steady while in high school?” No. for those who want to go steady usually are some- | what cowardly. For they are afraid to take a chance on NOT being invited to a dance or school event. So they sell out, like Biblic- al Esau, for the lazy comfort of always having a date for every school activity. But they cheat themselves and here’s why: (1) Teen-agers are supposed to acquire a wide social ex- perience and learn how to a- dapt to the various types of personality in the opposite sex. Thus, when a girl goes “steady” she loses some of this social adaptability. Besires, she may often wish she could date a new- comer to the school, but she is left alone, like poison, by the other boys. (2) Those who go tend to degenerate steady, into a stodgy relationship. And this | APPLEY'S GLASS GARDENS Daily Floral Deliveries to All Hospitals and Funeral Homes PHONE 426-3611 17 East Market Street MARIETTA AND COLUMBIA FLORISTS TELEGRAPH DELIVERY : leads to dangers. “We're almost the same as married,” is the theme that many such boys will preach, so such a couple is much more likely to indulge in il- licit affairs. Beware, for a much larger number of unwed mothers and shotgun weddings occur among the teen-agers. who go steady. [3) Those who go steady are far more likely to marry young. If they aren't forced into a wedding before gradu- ation, they may marry with- in a few months after Com- mencement. Yet the average boy of 18 or 19 is obviously not equip- ped to support a wife and children in this competitive modern age. For he has no trade or pro- fession, so he must pick up any laboring job available. So he and his wife start out with a serious financial handicap. They hardly get started making payments on furniture and a jalopy till the first baby arrives. Then doctor bills, hospital expenses, and numerous oth- er demands keep them con- stantly broke and quarreling over money matters. “Why don’t we have good times like other young folks? they may grumble. For they see their former high school pals (who went on to Business College or a Jamboree Days Specials Roc-N-Recline Chairs Recliner Chair Hi Back Wing Chairs NOW $85.00 NOW $65.00 NOW $62.00 NOW $55.00 Maple Buffet and Hutch with Drop leaf table and 5 mates chairs $223.75 NOW $195.00 All Summer Furniture, Discontinued Patterns in Box Springs and Mattresses, and many items throuchiout the store reduced 20%. Keech Furniture 52 SOUTH MAIN STREET MANHEIM, PA. Member Retail Merchant's Association Liberal Arts eampus) now earning better salaries, driv- ing swankier cars, and living in the better residential sec- tions. : The fact they brought their unhappy marital ar- rangement on themselves then makes them gripe at government and demand more welfare checks. Then with their ballots they try to make up for their former lack of brains as they expect Uncle Sam to coddle them in easy luxury. Actually, they were cow- ards in high school or they would have played the field instead of taking the line of least resistance and thus go- ing steady. So look ahead. Have en- ough guts to play the field. You shouldn’t plan to mar anyway, till you are at leas 21, if you really have the best interests of your future children at stake. You high school juniors and seniors “make your own bad”, as the old proverb states. You can marry young and lead an impoverished, cat- and-dog existence or use your brains and set up a happy, secure family life. But it is YOUR decision, so get hep. (Always write to Dr. Cra: in care oI this newspaper »nclosing a long 5c stampec addressed envelope and 20: to cover typing and printing costs when you send for on: of his booklets.) Patronize our Advertisers .predi that women titute over one third of the nation’s work force by 1975. When all is said and done, there’s usually more said than done. HEN'S PASTRY SHOP 22 East Gramby Street MANHEIM, PA. 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