® Some Super (From page 2) 1 small clove garlic, crushed 2 tablespoons sugar JTHEEERRREE IEEE FE NNER HERA RARER RERYg 1953 Chevrolet 73 LY Main hy 3 1964 Chevrolet Bisc., 8 Cyl., 4-Door, S. S. 1963 Chevrolet Impala V8 Sport Coupe 1962 Chevrolet %2-Ton Pick Up. long W. B. 1962 Oldsmobile Sedan 1962 Oldsmobile F85 Sport Coupe 1961 Rambler Station Wagon 1961 Chevrolet Biscane 2-Door 6, S. S. 1961 Ford Custom 6. 2-Door S. S, 1961 Ford Galaxie Sedan, FM, P.S. 1959 Ford Y2 Ton Pick Up 1953 Chevrolet Bel. V 8, Sport Sedan, P. G. 1959 Chev. Brookwood Station Wagon, 6 cyl.. S.5. 1958 Mercury Commuters Station Wagon V2 Ton.Pick up Newcomer Motors, Inc. Cor. Main & New Haven Sts. Phone 653-4821 EE EENEEE EEE ENE EE SESE NRE EI SEE EERE Ey Kodak Processing New - Faster Service on Kodak Processing 15 cup red wine vinegar 15 cup olive oil 14 cup catsup 1 teaspoon salt 15 teaspoon powdered mus- tard 15 teaspoon paprika MOUNT JOY of 8mm Movie Film and 35mm Slide Film. KODACHROME — EKTACHROME FILM LEFT BY 5:30 P. M. BACK SEC ONp MORNING AT 8:30 A.M. EXAMPLE—Film left here by 5:30 Monday Evening ready Wednesday Morning at 8:30 THE Rexall DRUG STORE Phone 665- 2223 PVT J 1 4 1 ogg i ein sa hee hm ct - | | | Fall-Winter { which contains | pattern of your choice. and blend well Buffet Salad. Makes approxi- mately 11% cups dressing. TART FRENCH DRESSING and blend well. Buffet Salad. Makes approxi- mately 1 cup dressing. * * ‘MELLOW LOBSTER SALAD ling, salted water according to 1% teaspoon oregano leaves Wednesday, July 22, 1964 SNR NNOPREIGS 2000000000000 0000000000RTBBRINNNRENRRRG“RR RIND Combine all ingredients Serve with 25 cup olive oil 14 cup tarragon or dill vinegar 145 teaspoon seasoned salt 15 teaspoon basil leaves 15 cup chopped parsley Combine all ingredients Serve with * 3 9-0z. packages frozen lobster tails 4 cup tarragon vinegar 15 cup salad oil 15 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1; teaspoon marjoram leaves 15; teaspoon basil leaves 15 ttaspoon celery seed 15 cup commercial sour cream 1 cup slivered cooked ham 2 cups melon balls Cook lobster tails in boil- (Turn to page 8) ere ONAN NG a 5 Arar ~ | for LANE (care of | pe { N. | mail and special handling. !yvou. Send 50 cents for our 5 yards of Send 35s plus this pattern to “IRIS | this newspa- | r). Box 1490, New York 1,]| Y. Add 15c¢ for first los Free pattern is waiting for Book for Pattern coupon } © MISS | 0000060000000 0800 Q. When I go to the beach, I look as if I'm off on a threes month safari. I'd rather perish than go without all my cos- metics. By the time I get all the bottles into my beach bag, I'm stuck with a lumpy load. Some- times one of the bottles breaks and then I have a drippy towel. What's the solution? A. Your basic plan for beauty at the beach is a good one! All you need is organization. One smart gal we know made a beach beauty box by covering and lining an old cigar box with Marvalon adhesive cover- ing to match her swimsuit and beach towel. Why not copy the idea and also invest in three or four small, inexpensive plastic bottles for your make-up or lotions. It's a good idea to fill these bottles as “extras” and keep them in your beauty box along with an extra lipstick, mirror and Pocket Pack tissues. Then you'll always have your prettiest face turned to that important beach public. Q. I'm tall and slender. People tell me I look like a model, but I think I look like a telephone pole. What clothes can I wear to look shorter? A. Lucky you!! Cash in on the lithesome, model look by choosing two-piece outfits and dresses that have a definite waist line, Dresses in two colors Page 3 1 TEEN AGER « « « answers questions about Junior Miss etiquette, grooming and interests, and skirts and blouses also are good. To avoid turning your model look into a stringbean appearance stay away from long-line styles that go from shoulder to hem without a break. Some full skirts are be» coming on tall girls, but choose them carefully. Do wear bold patterns, plaids and horizontal stripes. Don’t try for frilly, baby-doll styles or o wild with color, contrast oe high fashion lines. Stand tall and ignore those green-with-envy glances from the pint-sized gals, Q. My boy friend and I had a fight the other day because three people telephoned me while he was there and we were a little late getting to the movies. He said I should have got off the phone faster than I did. I can’t help it if friends call me, Wouldn't it be rude to rush them off the phone? A. Isn't it more rude to keep your date waiting while you chatter on.and on? No one will feel affronted if you explain in a friendly manner that you're on your way out and must leave to be on time. Say you'll call back — and do! But to ignore your escort for long talks with casual telephoners implies that they're more important to you than your date with him. Is that the impression you wanted to make? Longenecker Hardware MANHEIM, PENNA. @ CLEARANCE SALE & D EXTRA QUIET ‘1964 BEDROOM MOD PORTABLE AIR COND Iya WB ae ® Specially designed for bedroom use—it’s whisper quiet * Installs in minutes—just set it in the window and plug it in * Carry handles for easy portability * Automatic ther= mostat. Doubles as a dehumidifier —squeezes up to 6 gallons of mois« ture a day from the air, SRN EAEEARAEEACANENEEREARANNARNENENERAA ANNA EAR AE ANA R A ARAS TARE i Put it in the window and plug it in, SPECIAL PURCHASE! Stock Up NOW « and SAVE! AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING REFRIGERATOR! BIG SEPARATE ZERO DEGREE FREEZER! 228 ® 100 6-0z. Cold Cups With Trade Yellow, Pink and Blue ® 3 shelves—one slides out * Porce- lain vegetable bin eo Zero degree freezer has exira storage space on door, REGULAR 98c 1 0 pke SEE RETTEW'S VARIETY BASEMENT FOR COMPLETE SELECTION OF PICNIC SUPPLIES RETTEW’S MANHEIM You'll. want LOTS of these sturdy paper cups for picnics, back-yard barbecues, or. just to lighten your dish-washing load. Packed in sanitary plastic bag. HERA ER REE RINE EE RE ERR, fl heeetetetebebeetetebebbe LL LLL LL LL LL LL LLL LR DLT TOOT ERT LITLLT /