EXECUTOR’'S NOTICE Estate of John W. Rinehart dec'd., Mount Joy Borough, Penna. Letters of Administration on said estate having been gran- ted to the undersigned, all persons: indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav- claims or demands a- gainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement to the undersigned LANCASTER COUNTY FARMERS NATIONAL BANK, 5 5 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Clarence C. Newcomer, Attorney 15-3c FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN pursuant to the provis- ions of the Act of Assembly, approved May 24, 1945, PL. 967, as amended, of intention to file in the Office of the Secretary of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania and in the Office of the Prothono- tary of Lancaster County on July 24, 1964, application for the conduct of business in Lancaster County, Penn- sylvania, under the assumed or fictitious name, style or designation of Berkley’s Washington House, with the principal place of business located at 78-80 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Pennsyl- vania. The names and addresses of the persons owning or in- terested in said business are: Roger M. Berkley and Mary E. Berkley, husband and wife, of 78-80 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Pennsyl- vania. Law Offices John G. Williams, 24 North Second Streeet Harrisburg, Pennsylvania LEGAL NOTICE Sealed proposals for the furnishing of all necessary labor, materials, and equip- ment, and performing all work for the separate Con- tracts noted below will be received by the MT. JOY BOROUGH AUTHORITY, at the Mt. Joy Borough Author- ity office, 81 East Main St., Mount Joy, Lancaster Coun- ty, Pennsylvania. until 7:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Sav- ing Time, Tuesday, August 4, 1964, and shortly thereafter they will be publicly opened a —— ket St., Mount Joy, Penna. check or bid bond in an a- mount not less than 20 per- cent of the bid total, all in accordance with the provis- ions contained in the Con- tract Documents. Copies of the Contract Documents, in- cluding Drawings and Speci- fications, not to exceed two (2) sets. of any particular con- tract to a prospective bidder, may be obtained only, from Gannett Fleming Corddry & Carpenter, Inc., 600 North Second Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, upon deposit of the following indicated a- mounts for each set: Cheeks for deposits shall be made payable to Gannett Fleming Corddry and Carpenter, Inc. Contract ONE - SEWERAGE SYSTEM ADDITIONS $40.00 Contract TWO - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION OF NEW AND ALTERATION WORK FOR SEWAGE PUMPING & TREATMENT ACLS Contract THREE - ELECT- RICAL CONSTRUCTION OF NEW AND ALTERATION WORK FOR SEWAGE PUMP- ING FACILITIES - - $20.00 Contract Documents, in- cluding Drawings and Speci- fications, will be on file and may be seen, at the main of- fice of Gannett Fleming Cord- dry and Carpenter, Inc., 600 North Second Street, Harris- burg, Pa., at their branch of- fice at 12 East Montgomery Ave., Ardmore, Pa., and at the Mt. Joy Borough Author- ity office at the address given above. Full refund will be made only to actual bidders on the Contracts stated above, for return of one (1) set, no more, of a particular Con- tract in good condition with- in twenty (20) calendar days, after bid opening. Refund for return of all other sets in good. condition within the same period, whether taken out by bidders or non-bid- ders, will be fifty (50) per- cent of deposit. No refund of deposit will be made for Con- tract Documents returned la- ter than twenty (20) calendar days after bid opening. MT. JOY BOROUGH AUTHORITY, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Gannett Fleming Corddry and Carpenter, Inc., Engineers. 16-1c Bulletin advertisement pavsa PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate & P ersonal Property SAT., JULY 18, 1964 In the Borough of Elizabethtown at 24 and 26 East Park Street. A lot of land 57x65 more or less, thereon erected a 2% Story Brick Double House containing six rooms and bath on either side; with coal fired furnace, hot water heat. This is a very desir- able living place right in the center of the Borough. Also at the same time and place a lot of household goods, Majestic kitchen range, Crystal Star gas stove, General Electric refrigerator, lounge, radio, victrola, ‘bookcase and desk combi nation, 3-piece parlor room suite, parlor table with ball and claw feet. Bed springs, mattresses, washstands anl bureaus, wardrobes, exten- sion table, small tables, chairs, blanket chest, dro top cupboard, brass stand Shelf clock-horse and rider, dishes, linens, bedding, electric sweeper, end tables, plank bottom pleaf table, pine sideboard, , chairs and rocking chairs. cooking utensils, electric lamps, Bis- sell sweeper, traveling bags, organ stool, trunks, room commode, pictures and picture frames, lantern, tabor- ets, tools, bench vise, empty crocks, jugs and jars, and a lot of articles too numerous to mention. Arrangements to view calling Elizabethtown 367- 12:30 P. M., real estate to be offered at 2:00 P. conditions will be made known by property can be made by 1116. Sale to commence at First National Bank & Trust Company EXECUTORS IN THE ESTATE OF J. DOC. KEENARD JACK B. HORNER, ESQ., ATTORNEY 3 - AUCTIONEER a 2 ARES SOLLER: WALTER AF v } " ; ki at a read- at the Mount Joy] ‘Borough Firehall, North Mar- Each proposal shall be ac-{p companied by a certified} M. “hen, Estate of Levi N. Brubak- er, - late of Rapho Towmship, Letters. testamentary on 3aid estate having been gran- ted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav- ing claims or demands a- gainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement, to the undersigned, LANCASTER COUNTY FARMERS NATIONAL BANK, Executor May, Grove & Stork Attorneys 16-3¢ @ NEWTOWN Mrs. Norman Brosey Weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gamber were Mr. and Mrs. Havard Johnston of Lancaster. Oth- er visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gamber and family of Manheim. Thomas Nace of Lancaster, called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fogie and son Richard. Mrs. Irvin Witmer and daughter visited with Mrs. Anna Kauffman of Columbia BR.D. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frank Sr., were Mr. and Mrs. Russel Herr and daughter of Columbia R. D. Mr. and Mrs. Jan Morin- chin and family of Sporting Hill. Harold Myers, and son Michael spent Sunday in Philadelphia where they en- joyed the ball game. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Witmer and family were Lizzie Heinicke, Man- heim. Visitors during the past week of Mr. and Mrs. Norm- an Brosey and Family were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brenner, Mrs. Annie Melhorn, all of Salunga. Mr. and Mrs. Fran- cis Brosey of E-town R. D.. Mr. and Mrs. Levern Lucas, Columbia, Rev. and Mrs. Os- car Buch of Manheim. Frank Sweigart of Reinholds. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gam- ber called on Mr. and Mrs. Salem Gamber of Columbia RD, and Mr. and Mrs. Hav- ard Johnston of Lancaster. . Miss Linda Brosey, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brosey will celebrate her 15th birthday on July 18th. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haines and son were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Alex- ander and family of Mount Joy. Mr. and Mrs. John Gam- ber of Columbia visited with Mrs. Susan Gamber and daughter Minnie. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Witmer and family were Mr. and Mrs. Shewood Deitz and son and Mrs. Ver- na Landis, all of Lititz. Mrs. Irvin Witmer and son visited with Mrs. Anna Kauf- man of Columbia R. D. Mrs. Susan Gamber cele- brated her 83rd birthday an- niversary July 3. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Isler and daughters and Mrs. Ir- ene Snyder visited with Mrs. Beatrice Wittle of E-town. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haines and son were Mrs. Henry Rollman of Lit- itz. Mrs. Giles Urban and daughter Mary Ann of Lan- caster, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nentwig, Mrs. Daryl Davies and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Alexander and family, all of Mount Joy. Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Norman -Bros- ey and family were Mr. and Mrs. Levern Lucas of Colum- bia. Mr. and Mrs. Havard Johnston of Lancaster called on Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Isler and daughters, and Mrs. Ir- ene Snyder. : Visitors during the past week of Mrs. Susan. Gamber and daughter Minnie were Mrs. Emma Givens of Middle Gamber; -of -Columbit R..D., ‘Mark Winters, all of Man: heim, Mr. and Mrs. Havard Johnston of Lancaster, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Arndt of Millersville. : : pr Florin Lions Club Holds Meeting The Florin Lions Club held its regular meeting at the Mount Joy Restaurant on Monday evening. Guests pres- ent from Mount Joy Lions Club were Gerald Sheetz, William Batzel, and Grant Kent. President Josiah Bargar presented a 10 year, 100 per cent attendance pin to Jay Snyder. One-year, 100 per- cent attendance pins were presented to George Fitzkee, To Hospital Fifteen individuals were honored at the State Hospit- al for Crippled Children’s semi-arinual Volunteer Recog- nition Night Tuesday evening July 7. A husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. David Witmer, of Mount Joy RI1, received the 100-hour pin for volunteer service. Thirteen others re. ceived 50 hour certificates. William R. Skillen, direct- or of development for the de- velopment for the Pennsyl- vania Society for Crippled Children and Adults spoke. A film entitled “Meet Randy” featuring the camping pro- Woodrow Fitzkee, Reuben)|8ram of the State Society Goodling, Donald Miller,| Was shown. ? Robert Shenk and Ben Stal- Bulletin advertisement pays ey. PUREBRED GUERNSEY SALE THURSDAY NIGHT, JULY 23, 7:30 P.M. : At the Ass'n. Sales Pavilion, 6 miles East of Lancas- ter, Pa. on Route #30. 55 HEAD, 2 Bulls, Balance Cows and Bred Heifers, 25 fresh or due in June or July, balance in August The extremely dry weather in the southeastern part of the state has caused a drop in milk production gen- erally, which in turn should mean an increased Class I percentage in your milk check. The smart operator is ready to take advantage of this situation and at the same time conserves his valuable feed by giving it to cows which will immediately pay dividends through their production. This is a quality sale with a large number of heavy producers and heifers out of high record dams. Come early and look them over, then be ready to buy. Sale Managed By: PENNSYLVANIA GUERNSEY BREEDERS’ ASS”N P. O. Box 458 Camp Hill, Pa. 17011 PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE SAT., JULY 25, 1964 In the Borough of Elizagbethtown at Nos. 45 and 47 East Washington Street. i A lot of land 45x164 more or less, thereon erectel a 2% Story Frame Double House with 13 rooms and bath. No. 45 has a large living room, commode and washbowl on first floor, com- mode in cellar, large cedar lined closet on second floor. Oil fired furnaces, steam and hot water heat, summer and winter hookup. LARGE TWO STORY FRAME SHOP on rear of lot along macadamized alley. Also, at same time and place a lot of household gools, antiques and shop tools. G.E. refrigerator, gas stove, kitchen stool, 3- piece living room suite, bed- room suite, beds, springs, mattresses, washstands, and dressers. ANTIQUES, Large walnut music stand with cher- ubims and painting of musical instruments, walnut secretary with large top, large walnut sideboard with mirror, cherry dropleaf table, cedar dropleaf table, plank bottom chairs, reproduction Windsor back chairs made of Osage orange wool: large mirror with inlaid frame, other mirrors, inlaid picture of horse, baptis- mal certificate in cherry frame in very good condition; 6x9 oriental rug, and throw rugs, 9x12 rug, porch rug, 2 medium sized urns with painted decoration and two small ones to match. Red glass wine bottle, red top water glass, cups and saucers, glass chickens, coal oil lamps, Sunrise quilt like new, old keys; large two sec- tion woodbox, grass kettle, horse and rider for top of section bookcase, J. A. Wilmore Bible, published 1893; home physician book Ross Publishing House, and oth- er books. ° Small tables, Zenith TV, taborets, pictures and pic- ture frames, Hoover electric sweeper and attachments, bedding, linens and crochet work, electric lamps, foot- stools, clothes trees, jardinieres, lawn bench, step lad- ders, small extension ladder; Craftsman woodworking F WAL AR. AN, lathes with motor and tools, tilt top table saw, jig saw, Craftsmen power sander, wood benches - one with wood vise, bench vise, C clamps, large metal furniture clamps, saws, hammers, grindstone, paints; garden tools, large fluorescent lamp, Penna. hand mower, wooden doors, slat shutters, and lot of articles too nu- merous to mention. Arrangements to view property can be made by calling Elizabethtown phone 367-1116. Sale to com- mence at 12:30 P. M. Real Estate to be offered at 2:00 P. M. when conditions will be made known by. First National Bank & Trust Company FOR MRS MARY Z. GRIFFITH ALFRED €. ALSPACH, ESQ! ATTORNEY ~~ 2D. 0 Gi ‘Honored For Aid mantle clock, small wood stove, cloverleaf table, three" OF ELIZABETHTOWN.ATTORNEY-IN-FACT _