by Dr. Geo. W. Crane The Worry Clinic Eric wants some advice to help 8,000,000 3 tne young voters in 1964 who were too young to cast their ballots in 1960. So discuss the fallacies and political trickery used by politicians, as outlined below. CASE P-430: Eric G., aged 28, is an insurance executive “Dr. Crane,” he began, “you have mentioned that eight million young people will come of voting age by 1964 who were too young to cast their ballots in 1960. “Even if only 50% of them vote, that means 4,000,000 entirely new voters. “And President Kennedy won by less than 115,000 in 1960; So please outline some of the common fallacies in logic to help these young people.” Common Fallacies First, we might mention the “Either-Or” fallacy which is simply a version of the old two-horned dilemma. Recently the government used this to socialize Ameri- can medicine by suggesting that “either” Uncle Sam must become a doctor “or” old people would all die, scream- ing in pain and without any aid from physicians or den- tists. Actually, every American Iready has access to private medical insurance firms or to charity hospitals. And whenever Uncle Sam takes over ANY function that formerly was offered by pri- vate concerns, Uncle Sam pavs no taxes. So the less Uncle Sam runs our lives, the more private firms will still be on the lo cal tax assessor’s books. A variation of this “Either - Or” is also the “Good Bad” dilemma. The Peace Corps is a typic- | al example. It is not a choice of “good” vs. “bad” but-0of “good” vs. “better” plans. Those opposed to the $60.- | | 000,000 spent on 9.000 Peace | Corps volunteers did not de- ny it would do some good. But they argued churches could have sent 10 times as many missionaries into those developed foreign for that same cost. Besides, when Uncle Sam un- i / wy ede in ns Three pieces that give a very smart total look, since they are made for each other: and yet prove good friends with your other separates No. 3324 comes in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. In size 14, the eased jacket takes 1 yard. 54 inch; skirt, 1 yard 54-inch; short-sleeved blouse, 17% 35-inch. Send 35c¢ plus for this pattern to IRIS LANE (care of this newspa- per), Box 1490, New York 1, N. Y. Add 15c for first class mail and special handling Free pattern is waiting for you. Send 50 cents for our Pattern Book which contains coupon for pattern of your vrs 3c postage vs. | that the | teachers and | countries ! invades the function of the churches, he is violating the intent of our Founding Fath- ers just as much as when he tries to run farms or steel mills in competition with us taxpayers. The ‘hasty generalization” is a second fallacy which in- volves too quick conclusions from inadequate facts. A third fallacy is called the “ad hominem” wherein a man’s logic is sidestepped by trying to besmirch the man personally. As an example, you may recall the report that Presi- | dent Kennedy was once mar- ried to a Protestant, but had an annulment before he later | married Jacqueline. Since a Catholic annul- (Turn to page 6) Page 4 Wednesday, July 15, 1964 3 ty. Beauty Pick-Me-Up Summer sun and spray take all the lustre and bounce out of your hairdo? Let us restyle and recondition your hair to restore its beau- #% J Three Hair Stylists at your service. PHONE: 569-9821 BAILEY’S HAIR STYLING SALON 1810 State St., East Petersburg, Pa. “For The Finest in Beauty Care’ M. L. Bailey, Pron. Sealy FIR Guaranteed till 1974* Save now-don't wait! You'll Never get a better value for your mat- tress dollar; compare these fine features for only $39.95 o Edge Gards® end sagging borders « Smooth, button-free surface « Hundreds of tempered steel coils o Heavy 8-0z. woven stripe cover SET GUARANTEED 10 YRS. / Nini ah M Go lden Sleeper i 7 Guaranteed till 1979* Value plus—compare with mat- tresses many dollars more! Yours now for only $49.95 by taking ad- vantage of Sealy’s famous, once- a-year sale. Come in now! e Rich, decorator Sealon cover ®. Quilted to Sealyfoam® e 312 tempered steel coils e Edge Gards® end sagging edges SET GUARANTEED 15 YRS. / TIE, SLEEP FIRM QUILTED Golden > Sealy Sleep Supreme ‘40% Fullor twin size matching box - spring at same price, . If structurally defective, free repair first year. Proportionate annual use charges thereafter. Made by the makers of famous TER YE '309% Full or twin size matching box spring same price, If structurally defective, free repair first year. Proportionate annual use charges thereafter. choice. Telescope Foldin BIG SPECIALS ON. — g Lawn Furniture AND BUNTING GLIDERS MYER'S FURNITURE STORE CARPETS — CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING OF FURNITURE “THRIFTY BUYERS SHOP AT MYERS” ARE 936 Lanc. Road on Route 72 — MANHEIM, PA. — Phone 665-5781 STORE HOURS: — OPEN DAILY 7 A.M. ‘TIL 5:30 P.M., TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. 7 A.M. ‘TILL 8 P.M.