The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 20, 1964, Image 7

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% s Hempfield Manheim. Sy
@ Presbyterian Florin Church To With this position, Mrs. Foley 4-H CLUB NEWS Engagements
(From page 6) Is also 2 member of the Penn The third meeting of the a
called on all the ladies who
are members of the First
Presbyterian church of Lan-
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ramsay
of West Chester visited Mrs.
Retta Ramsay.
Mrs. Ada Stewart had the
following guests: Mrs. Robert
H. Stewart, Mrs. Grace But-
cher and Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mrs. Clara Wallick and
Mary and Ralph Nonemaker
from York visited Miss Ems-
wiler. *
Earl, June, Bevy and Ruth
Ann Mayberry from Potts-
town called on Mrs. Cora
Mrs. William Mann and
Mrs. Lester Hug from Lancas-
ter visited and toured the
Home on Monday.

® Main Street
(From page 1)
fore in this column, the Li-
brary project is not dead. In
fact, as of this week, there
is considerable activity be-
hind the scenes.
® © o
At this point it seems that
the location of the new li-
brary might be ready for an-
nouncement within the next
few days.
® o o
At a recent meeting of the
Mount Joy Community Coun-
cil, that group stepped for-
ward to say that it will pay
the first month’s rent.
® © o
At the same time, the Aux-
iliary of the Friendship Fire
company announced that it
will give $250 toward the Li-
brary opening.
The ladies’ auxiliary to the
Ffiendship fire company will
have a food and bake sale on
Saturday, May 23, at the fire
hall, beginning at 11 a.m.
Hold Hymn Sing
An inspirational hymn-sing
will be held in Glossbrenner
E. U. B. church, on Sunday
evening, May 24, at 7:15 o’
clock. The director will be
Jack Boyer of Lemoyne, Pa.
A large choir, consisting
of the present senior choir
and all former members, will
sing several anthems and also
lead the congregational sing-
ing of familiar hymns. Other
various presentations will
make this service an out-
standing event to which the
public is invited.
Scouts Meet
The Donegal Neighborhood
of Girl Scouts had an out-
door meeting at the Cove on
Tuesday, May 19. Each per-
son brought her own meal to
make over the fire. Members
of the service team brought
the same meal but each used
a different type of cooking
(one a pot, stick, aluminum
foil and copper can). The
Neighborhood will be holding
the Day Camp June 15-19 at
the Cove and on part of the
Sportsmen’s grounds.
Mrs. Warren Foley, acting
Neighborhood chairman, in-
troduced Mrs. Donald Straub,
newly-elected chairman. Oth-
ers elected were: Miss Linda
Shireman, Marietta, secre-
tary, and Mrs. Oliver Holmes
and Mrs. Charles Shoemaker,
alternate Council delegates.
The Neighborhood service
team consists of Mrs. Eric Ol-
son and Mrs. Jane Harner, |
troop consultants; Mrs. Jno. |
Frey and Mrs. Gerald Sheetz,
troop organizers; and Mrs.
Roy Longenecker and . Mrs.
Eric Olson, delegates.
Mrs. Foley announced to
the group that as of May Ist
she was appointed Witness
Tree district chairman. This]
district is made up of five]
Neighborhoods — Elizabeth-
board, replacing Mrs. Roscoe
Thome, who held
tion for nine years.
Mrs. Thome was honored at
the April
with a thank you badge for
her service. She is now serv-
ing on the Council nominat-
ing committee.

The annual Vacation Bible
School course will be taught
at Trinity E. C. church on 10
evenings, June 15 to 26, 6:30
to 8:45 p.m., with the closing
June 26 at 7:30 o’clock.
A full staff will be teaching
Scripture Press
entitled, “Making Time Count
for Christ.”
The graded course
duces new songs for the chil-
dren, excellent lesson plan-
interesting handwork
projects, and is designed
impress biblical truth upon
young hearts and minds.
All are welcome to attend.
Orientation Day
Slate 6th Grade
The annual Orientation Day
for sixth grade
the Donegal Union school dis-
trict will be held on Friday,
May 22, at the
nex The eighth grade will be
going to the high school for
he same day. :
Sixth grade students from |
View and Seiler will be tak-
en in a tour of
building by
Donegal An-
seventh grade
students, in groups of 10-12,
followed by a meeting
the Auditorium,
| time R. F. Hallgren, principal
will explain such new areas
as guidance, home economics,
industrial ‘arts, physical edu-
cation, library, instrumental
Elizabethtown - Donegal 4-H
Community Club was held
Tuesday, May 12, at Donegal
high school with a baseball
game at 7 p.m. and the busi-
ness meeting at 8 p.m.
The club members report-
ed on their projects.
President Larry Brubaker
will represent the club at
Penn State University at
Club Congress. The alternate
is Mary Hess.
Eight club members will
participate in a TV presenta-
tion on June 3 at 12:30 from
WGAL. They are: Larry Bru-
baker, Jay Bixler, Janis Bix-
ler, Barry Borry, Mary Hess,
Pat Yuninger, Nancy Frey,
and Bill Hackman.
Nancy Frey gave a demon-
stration explaining the “Hot
The local leaders, Mrs.
Herr, Mr Bixler, Mr. Hess,
Mr. Hackman and Mr. Miller
gave talks.
Carl Ginder, State FFA
president, showed a few films

May Day Dance
Mary Ann Hallgren was
crowned Queen of the Done-
gal Annex May Day dance
on Friday evening, May 8th.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ober-
holtzer, Manheim R4. an-
nounce the engagement of
their daughter, Verna May to
Glenn Joseph Schwartz, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Schwartz, Hellam, Pa.
Miss Oberholtzer is a sen-
ior at Messiah College, Grant-
ham, Pa. and plans to teach
at the New Cumberland Jr.
High School this fall. Her
fiance, a junior at the college
has recently returned from a
two year term of missionary
service in Africa.
No date has been set for
the wedding.

Grades 7 and 8
Give Program
Grades 7 and 8 held an as-
sembly on Friday afterncon,
May 15, in the Donegal high
school annex auditorivm,
The Encyclopaedia Britannica
movie on “Rembrandt” was
introduced by Mr. Hallgren
and $hown for the first 27
The Student Council presi-
dential campaign speeches
were explained after which
Cory Funk and the three ean-
didates, Phil Hossler, Tim

The crown was placed on her |
head by Lilli Ann Wivell, a |
former Annex queen. Attend- |
ants were Rose Mattera, Joan |
Brommer, Joanne Herr, Cher- |
yl Stohler and Linda Mowrer |
Their escorts were Barry
Meckley, Wayne Kolbeck, |
Dave Swope, Richard Herr |
and Rodney Wagner. Cory |
Funk served as announcer |
for the program. Approxi- |
mately 200 students attended |
the dance, and the chaper-
ones included Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Price. Mrs. Hubert |
| Peters, Mrs. Madeline Edgett, |
Mrs. Glenn Oelke, R. James |
Neely, Mrs. RoAnn Lau, Miss |
Olive Binner, Paul Coleman |
and R. F. Hallgren, together |

Bulletin advertisement navsa

town, Columbia, Donegal,
music and health.
with a number of parents.
Yes, Its True!
Miller and Joe Wivell came
to the stage where Cory in-
troduced them and each of
them spoke about their plat-
form, plans and campaigned
in various ways.
Mr. Hallgren introdueed
‘The Four Winds’, John Hart,
Warren Hoffman, Tom Hay-
den and Tom Long who play-
ed several songs and sang
and entertained the assembly
for about 15 - 20 minutes.
The Youth Fellowship of
St. Mark's E.U B. church will
present the .Gospeltones, a
male quartet, at the church at
7:30 p. m. Sunday evening,
May 24.

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