AEE EAE NEN EEE EN FAGAN EP, For the Month of May Banker Seecial CLEANED, STEAMED and Moth Proofed Mildew and Odor Proof SEALED IN A CEDARIZED PLASTIC BAG $1.00 Brubaker’s Dry Cleaning Phone 665-2221 22 SOUTH MAIN STRETT MANHEIM EERE AREER E ESRI ANNE ARENA REE AREA REERER WHE We Carry The COMPLETE LINE SCOTTS LAWN PRODUCTS FREE USE OF SCOTTS SPREADER WITH ANY SCOTTS PURCHASE BIG SELECTION POWER MOWERS o tauren THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 18’ Rotary Power Mower with 2%s HP 2-Cycle Engine 1 to 3-inch cuf adjustment, chremed handle and heavy duty wheels. Big Valve! ] OPEN TUESDAY AND FRIDAY NITES ‘TIL 8S P.M. e LAWN BOY Powerful engine, easy to operate. Quality features: rewind starter, Choke-A-Matic, ——— ATHLETE'S FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT. IN 3 DAYS if not pleased with strong T-4-1, liquid, your 48¢ back at any drug store. Watch infected skin slough off. Watch healthy skin replace it. No more itch and burning! Use antiseptic, soothing T-4-L. FOOT POWDER too—fine for hweaty feet, foot odrr stays active in the skin for hours. NOW at SLOAN’'S PHARMACY, Mount Joy. ® Over The Back (From page 1) day may be enough to show damage Don't take chances with any atrizine on tobacco land. IF MOIST ground conditions continue during the spring planting season, the problem of cutworms in corn and to- bacco fields may give some trouble. We suggest that the growers consider the practice of spraving the entire field before plantings with chlor- dane, dieldrin, or heptachlor. After spraying on the sur- face of the ground, the area should not be cultivated for at least three to five days. Cutworm activity is on top of the ground during the night hours. THE ESTER forms of 2.4-D are more potent weed killers than the amine form; they are also more dangerous from the standpoint of unwanted damage to nearby crops and nlants. From now until Oct. we discourage the use of any form of ester 2.4-D because of the many experiences of 7-4c Wednesday, May 13, 1964 Page 5 | PANT ceo nee VINYL LATEX SURFA TONE WALL FINISH EASY-TO-APPLY SCRUBBABLE Special $ 77 Gal. WASHABLE Reg. $4.89 BRUSHES. .... .... .......c. > Pkg. of 3 88¢c Parole Refl et 22: § 9 — — — — — — —— — — — — — — ROLLER REFILL COVER ......... 57c pkg. TURPENTINE ca. $1 17 SQUART PAINT BUCKET 2 for 7c G. CG. Murphy way ~ OPEN FRL - SAT. TIL 9:00 ~ damage to tobacco, tomatoes. | legumes, grapes, and shade | trees. The vapors or from this kind of material will travel up to a mile and do damage to some susceptible ee —— TURN TO SPECIALISTS! Our large prescription volume makes it necessary for us to carry ample stocks of a great variety of drugs. Thus we are prepared to compound any prescription promptly —and precisely as the Doctor directs; also to fill all your needs for DRUGS and health aids. Goshert’'s Pharmacy 11 S. Main St. 665-2145 MANHEIM, PA. at rm mt fumes! | corn. Since danger of a buildup residue | when using | eral years, | broadleaf weeds in between | the may atrizine spray when needed. i STAINLESS FOR 'muter cars are considerably i Because they are encased in crop or plant. There is great risk by using any of the es- during the growin son. We urge only the use of) |the amine forms of 2,4-D Inj SPRECHER’S Shoe Repairing | ters g sea- |t his county during the sum- [Fier and SHOES {I LIKE the SINCE 1950 {ing between various weed | sprays in corn where the far- | mer growing continuous there is some 222 West High Street MANHEIM, PA. idea of Sterne is The rate at which food is digested or absorbed in no that | way affects its calorie value. the | 1f total calorie intake exceeds your expenditure of energy, you will gain weight. atrizine for we suggest to kill sev- | [2,4-D be used atrizine years; grasses be controlled with the A narrow but highly scien- tific survey of medication er- rors at a 300-bed hospital in COMMUTERS Florida showed the ratio to | Although they weigh one- be not one error in 17,000 third less. modern nickel | treatment, but on the aver- | stainless steel railway com-[28€, one in every six treat- 3 ments. roomier and more durable than their early counterparts. God bless America for a sense of humor.—Will Rogers nickel stainless steel, they also do not require painting. Look what happens with Patronize our Advertisers. ero By 0 0 TO EVERYONE WHO PURCHASES A NEW OIL BURNER—CONVERSION || OR REPLACEMENT OIL BURNER BEFORE JUNE 30, 1964 '5 YEARS TO PAY FREE ESTIMATE — NO DOWN PAYMENT INSTALLATION AT YOUR CONVENIENCE THE SICO COMPANY MT. JOY, PENNSYLVANIA Serving the entire Southeastern area of Pennsylvania GALLONS FUEL OIL FREE! e The easiest wall cant to use * No tedious stirring e Clings to brush or roller e Dries in 20 minutes e For any room, woodwork too » Stays cleaner, cleans easier HH Cn . ci z b Tinted colors siightly higher M. K. Hoke Estate South Main Sireet MANHEIM. PA.