PAGE FOUR . THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANDISVILLE-SALUNGA The Hempfield Union High School presented ‘Bloomer Girl” with music by Harold Arlen on Friday and Satur- day, April 3 and 4 in Hack- man auditorium, Landisville. Lead roles were played by Cheryl Spiese, Nancy Freder- iksen, JoAnn Stoner, David Haag, Barbara Meredith, Jack Myers, and Bill Hen- drix. The play was under the direction of the following faculty members: Richard Kline, production; Miss Mary Lee Forney, dramatiecs and make-up; Mrs. Sue Hendricks, dances; Mrs. Hazel Griffith, costumes; Henry Kensinger, art work; John Evans, Thea- ter Arts club; Paul Herr, tic- ket printing. The Key club; under Dean Lowry, was in charge of tickets, * * ® The officers of the women of Zion Lutheran church met at the home of Mrs. John Keene, 1136 Hermosa Ave. recently. The afternoon circle met at the church Thursday, April 3 at 1:30 p.m. * » * The Hempfield Sertoma club met Wednesday, April 2 at 6:30 p. m. at the Mount Joy Legion Post Home. Mr. Wainwright Dawson, execu- tive director of the Lancaster Chapter of ACES, spoke on ‘Integrity of Free Enterprise’. * * * Mrs. Peter K. Honaman of Landisville, State Republican vice chairman, hosted a meet- ing of wives of GOP candi- dates for Congress and the State Legislature on Saturday April 4. The meeting of the wives was held in conjunc- tion with the candidates meeting with State GOP chairman Craig Truax for a one - day “school” session. * * * Thomas A. Harper, son of Mrs. Sally Harper, 2355 Har- For Sale SHORT cuT TOBACCO STEMS Mechanically Baled H.Roy Nissly & Co. Inc. Corner Wood & Market Ave. (Florin Station) MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 2-3¢ risburg Ave., and a junior at Hempfield high school won first place in the “Physics Division at the Science Fair held last week. * * * Hempfield Union High in- ducted new members into Al- pha Chapter of the National Honor Society last week. The president, Mary Ellen Mum- ma, presided. Seniors taken into mem- bership were Barbara Ander- son, Carolyn Bare, Sandra Boose, Herbert Cooper, Elva Conley, Carol Hartman, Jo Ann Holsinger, Julia Kauff- man, Lynn Liddell, Brenda Shunk, Carole Smith and Barry Witmer. Juniors inducted were Gretchen Anderman, Kenneth Brown, Jacob Conley, Robert Dum, Mary Ellen Franck, Thomas Hall, William Hen- drix, Emily Holtzinger, Thom- as Holtzinger, James Kain, Kenneth Kinney, Philip Koehler, Annette Koser, Ed- ward Myers, Linda Sirianni, Cheryl Spiese, Judy Stoner and Ann York. The program included speeches on leadership, char- acter, scholarship and service given by Lois Zimmerman, Daniel Miller, Jack Forney, and Barbara Gard. Sandra Myers and Carol Eshelman presented a piano- organ selection, with Barbara Meredith closing the program reading a poem. A tea was held in the library following the ceremony for new mem- bers and their parents. Wel- coming the inductees were faculty members Miss Mary Lee Forney, Mrs. Margaret Simmons and Chapter Advis- or, Miss E. Mae Shenk. * » * Mr. and Mrs. David Brandt of 355 Brandt Drive, Landis- ville are the parents of -a daughter; born atthe Lancas- ter “General” hospital on Fri- day, April 3. Mrs. Brandt ig the - formers Anna Mary “Zer- phey. » "w * The Hempfield E U. B. Church Men's Group will meet at-the church on Wed- nesday, April 8 at 1:30 p.m. with the commission on Christian training in charge of the program. »” * * Mrs. John Long, wife of the pastor of the Lancaster Church of the Brethren will be the guest speaker at the -Salunga Church of the Breth- ren Sunday morning, . April 12 at 10 o'clock worship ser- vice. Her subject will be cen- tered on a “Family Life” message. *® * * On Wednesday, April 15, PUBLIC SALE OF — , VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1964 In the Borough of Elizabethtown at No. 142 East Willow Street. A lot of land 40x160 ft. ted a , more or less, thereon erec- 2%» STORY FRAME DWELLING covered with asbestos shingles, containing 7 » rooms and bath, also a commode and washbowl on first floor; gas- fired furnace, forced hot air heat, gas hot water heater. Frame barn on rear of lot used as a 2-car garage. This is a good location and a desirable community to live in. Dwelling is in good condition. Arrangements to view property can be made by town 367-5826. calling Elizabeth- Real Estate to be offered at 6:30 P.M. when condi- tions will be made known by First National Bank & Trust Company ELIZABETHTOWN, PA., ADMINISTRATOR C.T.A., DANIEL B. HARLEY ESTATE JACK B. HORNER, ATTORNEY JACOB GERBERICH, AUCTIONEER 3-3¢ the Prayer & Bible Study program held at the Salunga Church of the Brethren at 7:30 will be in charge of Dr. Ralph Schlosser, professor at E-town College. He will be using the Book of James as his subject. The public is in- vited. * * * The Women’s Fellowship Group of the Salunga Church of the Brethren, entertained the women of the community churches at a meeting held on April 7. Two films were shown. * *® * The Hempfield Jaycees, in conjunction with the Hemp- field Jaycee-ettes, held their 11th annual inaugural ban- quet recently at the Timbers, Mt.. Gretna, and named Wm. Gribble Jaycee of the Year. Jaycee officers inducted were Burnell Wagaman, pres- ident; Burnell A. Hostetter, first vice president; Gribble, second vice president; Donald C. Emich, treasurer; Richard M. Miller Jr., secretary; Wm. Knapp and Jere Mumma, di- rectors. Installation was held by Robert Kaley, a past presi- dent. Jaycee-ette officers instal- led were Mrs. Glenn Redcay, president; Mrs. Joseph Hem- ler, vice president: Mrs. Mil- ler, secretary; Mrs. Emich, treasurer; Mrs. Ronald Myers director. Installation was held by immediate past presi- dent, Mrs. Wagaman. Gribble, the Jaycee of the year, was a state director and chairman of the member- ships, biddy basketball tourn- ament and the post prom par- ty committees. A special a- ward of merit honored Miller for outstanding work as a di- rector. Joseph K. Hemler, immeri- ate past president, presided. H. Grant Hurst was guest speaker. SAUER KRAUT SUPPER . A sauer Kraut will bé held at the St. Luke's Episcopal church. on Saturday, April: 11 from 4 to 8 p.m.,: sponsored by the church. The public is invited. CHICKEN BARBECUE A chicken barbecue will be held at the‘ Mastersonville Fire Hall of Saturday even- ing, April 11, from 4 to 8 p.m. RUMMAGE SALE The Women’s Association of the Presbyterian church will have a rummage sale on Friday, May 1, from 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p.m. in the thea- tre building, Mount Joy. @® Move Toward (I a¥eg woiy) Board of Tax Adjustment to ftll . vacancies left by. the res- ignations of Glenn Y. Forney and James Heilig. First look at the 1964 sum- mer street program was tak- en . when street committee chairman S. A. Horton pre- sented proposals which carry estimates totaling a little ov- er $30,000. The budget, how- ever, calls for only $20,000 for streets this summer Specifications and bid pre- parations are to be made by the borough's engineer. Although what improve- ments will be made will de- pend upon bid prices and the council's final selections, gen- erally, the original plan cal- led for Market street from the railroad bridge north to the park and from Columbia avenue south; one block of Delta street; 3,400 feet of Frank street; Ice avenue and Zemo Great for Minor Burns, Cuts Zemo, a doctor’s formula, liquid or ointment, soothes, helps heal minor burns, cuts, bruises. Family antiseptic, .eases itch of surface rashes, eczema, teen-age pimples, athlete’s foot. Stops por ay so aids faster healing. For stubborn cases, get Extra Strength Zemo. PA. portions of Manheim -and New streets. Two ordinance amendments were passed. One was design- ed to better spell out how curbs are to be built and the other clarified the borough’s bicycle ordinance. Four new street lights were ordered installed — one near the VFW home on Longenec- ker road and three mercury at the Angle street railroad bridge in Florin. A $50 donation to the Mem- orial Day parade committee was voted. CONFERENCE “Fifty Years of Friendli- ness and Service” is the theme of the 50th annual Ro- tary Conference scheduled for Hershey April 12, 13; at which time Rotarians and Rotary Anns from th 36-club district 739 of Central Penn- sylvania will be guests of the host 101-member Rotary Club of Hershey. District Governor is W. Al- len Hammond, retired Prin- cipal of Milton Hershey School, and a. charter mem- ber of the Hershey club. Co-chairmen of the Confer- ence are William E. Dearden, immediate past President of the Hershey Rotary Club, and Kenneth V. Hatt, a Director of the host organization. Dearden is Products Manag- __ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1964 er at Hershey Chocolate Cor- poration; and Hatt is Comp- troller of Hershey Estates. Both men are graduates of Milton Hershey School, The Conference will open on Sunday, April 12, with 1:00 p.m. registration in the Community Center Lobby and close with a program in the Community Theatre at 8:30 p.m. on Monday, April 13. There will be three Plen- ary Sessions, a buffet supper an organ recital, a Rotary Worship Service, a Friend- ship Hour, a buffet breakfast, a men’s buffet luncheon in connection with the regular weekly meeting of the Her- shey club, and a banquet. REMOVE WARTS! Amazing Compound Dissolves Common Warts Away Without Cutting or Burning Doctors warn picking or scratch- ing at warts may cause bleeding, spreading. Now amazing Com- pound W® penetrates into warts, destroys their cells, actually melts warts away without cutting or burning. Painless, colorless Compound W, used as directed, removes common warts safely, effectively, leaves no ugly scars. PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Joy. on erected a Fri. Eve'g, April 10, 1964 On the premises located along road leading .from Mount Joy to Mastersonville, 4 miles North of Mount Small farm containing 11 acres, more or Jess, there- 21, STORY FRAME HOUSE covered with asbestos shingles and insulated, contain- ing 8 rooms and bath, with modern kitchen. FRAME BANK BARN. room to house 2000 laying hens, stable room for 12 steers. TWO-CAR GARAGE: ANOTHER BUILDING 10x18; TWO CORN CRIBS. Concrete floors stables, entry, and other building. Two wells of never failing water, with electric wa- ter system. All buildings have electricity and water. This is a very desirable living place. All buildings are in very good condition. Arrangements to view property can be made by calling Mount Joy 653-3736. Real Estate to be offered at 7:00 P. M., when con: ditions will be made known by John L. Zeager 1-3¢ J DAVID YOUNG, ATTORNEY WALTER DUPES, AUCTIONEER PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1964. On the premises located in the Borough of Eliza- bethtown, at No. 601 corner of South Market Street and Arch Sireet. Lot of land 50x172 ft., thereon erected a 2%» STORY BRICK HOUSE consisting of three apartments, each containing four rooms & bath. LARGE TWO STORY FRAME BARN, room for four cars and a lot of room on second floor. This is a good location and a well built house.. Im- mediate possession can be given. Arrangements to view house can be made by call ing Elizabethtown Phone 367-6749. Real Estate to be offered at 2:00 P. M., when condi- tions will be made known by LILLIE H. HERR and J. Z. HERR ALFRED C. ALSPACH, ATTORNEY WALTER DUPES, AUCTIONEER 1-3¢