Page 2 Wednesday, April 8, 1964 Prayer Of The Week - - - The prayer this week is again an evening prayer by John Baillie: O God, the Father of all mankind, I would bring before Thee tonight the burden of the world’s life. I would join myself to the great scattered company of those who, in every corner of every land, are now cry- ing out to Thee in their need. Hear us, O God, and look in pity upon our manifold necessities, since Thou alone art able to satisfy all our desire. “Especially do I commend to Thy holy keeping: All who tonight are far from home and friends: All who tonight must lie down hungry or cold: All who suffer pain: ; All who are kept awake by anxiety or suspense: All who are facing danger: All who must toil or keep watch while others sleep: Give to them all, I pray, such a sense of Thy pres- ence with them as may turn their loneliness into com- fort and their trouble into peace. Amen.” @ Over The Back (From page 1) ize to meet soil test needs in Ta For The Best Work— | order to get maximum AND THE growth and cover. MOST REASONABLE fe whit . ; | a number oO re- PRICES — | arts from farmers who ‘would like to thicken their Have Your Printing lold stand of alfalfa or clover by broadcasting some seed or Done At The top of the field during the Mount Jo Bulletin early spring. This is about the y same as sowing seed on poor- |ly prepared land; the chances 11 East Main Sireet of success are equally as poor. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. | In addition, there will be a = |10t of competition from the old stand of legume and the possse ly, {4 332 3 3 ee ii dIt333222220x Choice of Hamburg or Fried Chicken Choice of Two Vegetables TUESDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS ONLY... ALL THIS MONTH - H “Clean Your Plate And Get A Free Balloon or Lollipop” Children’s menu always available DUTCH PANTRY WHERE FOOD MAKES FRIENDS ; ROUTE 230 1 MILE EAST OF ELIZABETHTOWN : ria at Ine I a I rr I a nT a eee ote A i i310 53022922222 2 : weeds. We would discourage this practice in favor of pre- paring a good seed-bed and make a new seeding. THE VALUE of liberal am- ounts of fresh water for all livestock and poultry at all times is very important. As we visit and observe farm operations, we continue to see animals limited on water intake. When we consider that water makes up over 50 per cent of the body tissues and is vital to heavy milk production from cows, every effort should be made to per- mit free choice at all times. Feed intake may be limited or removed for days at a time without serious damage to the health of the animal, ar! ! 5, 2 pp f e x 0 i : Ee — SPEEDWAY FOR b 2% 3 : 3 = ool PHONE 426-9091 FOR FREE DELIVERY ee od 5 x Ge Foy rake . ES A a ] A TAT) » 2 AR 2 &, er AT Beak g bh ied WE 3 Safety however, if water intake is removed or limited, tissues become dehydrated and di- gestion and production are inhibited. For maximum, ef- ficient gains and production be sure that fresh water is available at all times. GOOD FARM management is very important for success in today’s agriculture; this abil- ity often separates the men (Turn to page 3) Sauer Kraut Supper SAT., APR. 11 SERVING 4:00 P. M. UNTIL 8:00 P. M. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 3-1¢ | Limited Time 4 where your dollar buys MILES more BAKER'S PHILLIPS 66 i MAIN & BARBARA STREETS OFFER n lires Also 500 NYLONS NO TRADE-IN NEEDED Buy First Tire at Regular Price EVERY NIGHT TILL MOUNT JOY 653-5241 GRIFF’S MKT. MARIETTA, PA. BEEF BONELESS RUMP ROAST ROUND STEAK BONELESS ROUND ROAST 1b 7 Se bd Se Boneless SIRLOIN TIP ROAST 1 8 Oe bf Oe RIB (1%) LOIN PORK LOIN RIB END Up to 31 Ibs LOIN END Up to 3% Ibs (Ya) CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS 1 §9Oe ib Se ib 4 Oe b 58e¢ Ib 59 ECKHOFFS BOILED HAM |. FRUIT COCKTAIL . » OO. 2 No. 215 can 2/69- NBC DUET CREME SANDWICH COOKIES =u: 2/8O- SPECIALS FOR APRIL 9, 10 & 11, 1964