The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 22, 1964, Image 4

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_Engagements | & MAYTOWN | Look Behind The Scenes At New Bank

Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Kos-
er, 64 E. Main St., announce
the engagement of their
daughter, Linda Lee Koser,
to Charles H. Weidman, 514
Poplar St., Lancaster.
Miss Koser was graduated
from Donegal high school in
1960 and is employed by K.
L. Shirk Jr., as a legal secre-
lary. Mr. Weidman was grad-
uated from Hempfield High
School in 1958, attended the
U. S. Air Force Academy atl
Denver, Colo., and is a senior
at Millersville State College.
Miss Grace Henderson

Joseph Huntzinger cele-
brated his birthday anniver-
sary last Tuesday.
Mary Jane Sager celebrat-
ed her ninth birthday anni-
versary last Tuesday.
Mrs. James Miller, Landis-
ville, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Huntzinger last Wed-
Adrienne Reynolds, Lan-
caster, spent the weekend
with her aunt Mary Witmer.
In a message from Airman
Larry E. Henderson from Ft.

By The Editor
Well, I sat in the director's
Yes, sir, Monday afternoon
while on a special tour
through the new Lancaster
County Farmers National
bank building I sat. in the
place at the director’s table
which belongs to Mount
Joy’s official management
Like all the other chairs
around the big, new oval
table, S. Nissley Gingrich’s
chair had a brass name
plate attached to the back.
Thus, as members of the
press—following a luncheon
one of the tour directors — a
vice-president, no less—show-
ed us a $1,000 bill.
“Does anyone know whose
picture appears on this big
bill? he asked showing us
only the back.
No one knew. It was then
that he indicated that had
anyone had the correct an-
ser they would have won the
bill as a prize for special
He allowed a few report-
ers, whose eyes were as
green as Cleveland’s picture,
to gently fondle the money—
all the while the hovering
bank cashier kept an alert
prompt answers to most all
questions, that matter defied
any possible supposition.
We enjoyed seeing two lo-
cal banking people busy at
their desks—Miss Lois Miller
and Robert Sherk, both of
whom were familiar faces in
Mount Joy.
Whom else dide we see?
Generally speaking that’s it
but we were reminded that
many of the areas we were
treading are not usually open
to the public.
No one was searched as we
left the hallowed halls of
$96,000,000 but reporters
who traditionally count
LEININGER— MEINHARDT | Worth, Texas, he stated they |at the Hamilton club—toured themselves lucky to rub one
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B.|had at least 12 inches of|the building, they could call|YE On the Fourth Estate. side of George Washington
Meinhardt, of 260 W. Bain-|snow last Thursday. This was|the roll of top management| What else impressed the|against the other did move
bridge St., Elizabethtown, an-|the largest accumulation |by simply walking around |Press? Most everything. The| with awe and fitting respect.
nounce the engagement of |known since the first weather [the table and reading off the |Size of the oil tank and the! We did note one other
their daughter, Barbara Ann [records were kept in 1913.|pames. number of pretty girls. thing—most of the writers
Meinhardt, to - David Alan
Leininger, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon J. Leininger, of
Mount Joy RI.
Miss Meinhardt was gradu-
ated from Elizabethtown
Area high school in 1962 and
is employed in the standariz-
ing department at RCA. Her
fiance is a graduate of Done-
gal high school in 1962, at-
tended Millersville State Col-
lege , and is employed by
Rea and Derick Drug Store.
A June wedding is plan-
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Winsett
of 123 W. Main St., announce
the engagement of their
daughter, Bonnie Lou, to
Clayton Eugene Frey, son of
Mrs. Clayton R. Frey, 219 N.
Market Street, Elizabethtown
Larry was very happy to see
the snow.
As it was elsewhere, so it
was in Maytown— too much
snow. The people who clear-
ed the sidewalks did not
know what to do with the
snow. It was quite amusing
to watch Charlie and Ronnie
Johns digging out their cars
and trying to clear a space
large enough to park the
family’s three cars. Charlie
shoveled the snow from - the
street to the sidewalk and
Ronnie shoveled it from there
to their yard. What a pile of
snow they had when finished!
The annual Congregational
meeting was held at the Uni-
ted Church of Christ Wednes-
day evening.
Achievement tests were
given at the Maytown Elem-
entary School last week. Con-
ple will stay at home and

Invitation to have a pre-
view of the Lan-
caster’s newest banking house
came to our office because
Mount Joy is directly involv-
ed. Two of LCFNB’s 11
banks are in Mount Joy.
What does one see when a
bank is opened?
Naturally, the new bank
building—new and sparkling,
plush and fresh, modern and
attractive. But, additionally,
one sees money. For instance,

Church Women met at the
home of Mrs. Rose Neiman
on Monday evening.
Fantastic electronic devices
do the work, the girls, how-
ever also were busy — too
busy to give the news report-
ers a second look. =
A few workmen still were
busy in the corridors. One
was seen with a file in his
hand. He was standing near
a vault door. Security gave
him another checkout—which
he passed :
Money - hungry newsmen
ogled the rows and rows of
safety deposit boxes in one
of the six big vaults and won-
dered how many hundreds or
thousands, or hundreds of
thousands of dollars worth of

Patronize our Advertisers.
treasures were locked inside.
While the guides had

took special notes of who and
how to see the people in the
individual loan department.
The ladies’ auxiliary to
the Friendship Fire company
will have a record hop from
7 to 10 p.m. Saturday even-
ing, Jan. 25, at the fire hall.
Spot dance winners at the
last dance were Debbie Sag-
er, Jim Geltmacher, Sonny
Herr, Bernell Swords and
Marilyn Winsett.
Many men owe the grand-
eur of their lives to their tre-
mendous difficulties.

Market Steet, Elabeinionn nia seve 1 week conf Tg Gelghrate the Opening of Our New Main Office
Does Union wa scot Jon 20 on tris sy te veo | LANCASTER COUNTY FARMERS NATIONAL BANK
and is employed by the 2
Moose Theater, Elizabeth- | the parents will go to school.
town. Mrs. Linda Michner is a Offers You An Opportunity To Acquire
Her fianee attended Eliza-|patient in St. Joseph's hospit
bethtown Area high school

and is employed by D. F. Pastor Ronald Pierson is
Roeting Garage, Elizabeth- Shing Doshgradunie Work a to grace your table, .. and the first five-piece place setting is
own. ; a : Sou Si Seminary every our gift — ABSOLUTELY FREE — to new Savers at any office of
£ epruary we in 1S - ve [ -
planned. : g The annual congregational COUNTY FARMERS BANK.
Hiram Detwiler, S. Delta
meeting of St. John’s Luther-
an Church was held Sunday
evening at the church.
Miss Marija Jemenejs, Car-

Here's the way to get your free gift—and then to build your complete
service for 6, 8, or 12-place settings.
Simply open a new Savings Account with an initial deposit of $25 or
mord. ..
or add $25 to your present Savings Account. And the first five-
street, suffered an attack a|acas, Venezuela, is a guest of : 1 : h
few days ago and is a patient [the Rev. and Mrs. Ronald blece place setting is yours.
in the Lancaster General hos- Pierson. Then you become eligible for the County Farmers Bank’s special offer to
pital. He is in room 549.
Group 2 of the Lutheran

Savers. For each additional $25 deposited in your new or present Savings
Account, you may obtain another place setting for only $2.25—a fraction
of the true retail value.
7 ~~.
’ Gee 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 bbb
IS S E E B $5000 Pr Grieder fa eaode da ifeaedeidrifrape
ie Wh
: : * Friday, January 24 — 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. *
“ . a »
+ « + « answers questions . * Saturday, January 25 — 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. **
about Junior Miss : : “he EVERYONE’ %*
etiquette, grooming - : we D f S INVITED Gea oo
: and interests, ky : & oor Prizes re Souvenir Gifts!

Q. How do you handle a
phone call gracefully if a boy
¢alls when you're entertain.
fing another date? What if you
like the guy on the phone’
etter than the one in the
ving room?
A. No matter who you like
best, it's a matter of basic
¢lating manners not to chat on
the phone when you have a
guest. When the phone rings,
be brief. Tell him you have
a guest and can talk only a
minute, And remember—the
same principle holds if that
guest is a girl friend.
Q. My parents have agreed
¢hat I can use makeup on
special occasions. What color
foundation is best fo start out
with? A friend of mine uses
a deep tan and it looks great
on her, Are dark tones the
most flattering?
A. What looks good on your
friend may be wrong for you,
The safest and surest way to
select a flattering foundation
is to choose a color closest to
our own natural skin tone,
here are three basic skin
tones: rose, beige and ivory.
Take a good, hard look at
yourself in daylight and de.
¢ide where you fit in the
color scale. Rose-toned skins
are warm complexions,
brushed with a tint of pink.
Beige.toned skins include
complexions with light tan,
olive and golden tints. Ivory.

foned skins are a creamy
white gardenia. Another word
about foundation and make.
up in general. Practice makes
perfect — so experiment in
private before you make your
first public appearance.
Q. When you're invited to
dinner at a friend’s home, is
it necessary to bring a gift?
My parents invited a friend
of min: to dinner and she
brought a box of candy. I've
been to her home several
times, but never brought a
gift. Was I impolite?
A. If the invitation is just a
casual , , . “stay for dinner,”
a gift would be. out of place,
But if the dinner is a special
occasion, and the invitation is
given well in advance, a
small hostess gift is both ap.
propriate and thoughtful. The
gift should never be elabor.
ate (it's the thought that
counts), and gifts of food are
always in good taste. Next
time you're invited to a specs
ial dinner, why not make up
a batch of fudge, or your
favorite cookies? Demonstrate
your artistic talents by pack.
ing the cookies in a colorful
box that is a gift. in itself,
For example: cover a shoe
box with pink Marvalon ad.
hesive covering, line it with
white adhesive and trim the
lid with white daisy cutouts,
This type of hostess gift rates
you tops as a guest,


You Are Welcome At These 11 Convenient Offices
23 East King Street
52 East King Street - 138 North Queen Street
Prince and James Sireeis - 926 Manor Street
566 New Holland Avenue - 1643 Lincoln Highway East
1847 Columbia Avnue
QUARRYVILLE, PA., State and Church Sireets
MOUNT JOY, PA. One West Main Street - 801 Main Street
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Member Federal Reserve System