It has been mentioned to us that we should note that the Mount Joy Junior Cham- ber of Commerce actually “doubled” the christmas cheer offered by Lancaster Jaycees. Instead of the $5 in the city, Messiah children had $10 for their Christmas shopping tour. 4 ® There are so many, many facets to the Kennedy assas- sination. e oo o For instance, from AMA, News publication of the Am- erican Medical association, we read in a long, long story about how the Parkland Hos- pital in Dallas responded to the Nov. 22 tragedy. ® © @ For instance, the emergen- cy room in which Kennedy was treated and died, had a wreath on the door Nov. 23, the day of his funeral, and no patients were treated in that room that day. ® © o Nine other emergencies were treated at Parkland be- tween the time the president arrived and his body remov- ed at 2:19 p.m. The hospital treats an average of 272 em- ergencies per day. Joycees Hold Yule Party The Mount Joy Joycees held their annual Progres- sive Dinner on Tuesday, Dec. 17. The appetizer course was served at Julia Grove’s home, the main course ‘and salad were served at the home of Gloria Straub, and the des- sert followed by the business meeting was held at Barbara Bair’'s home. Appreciation was expressed to all com- mittees responsible for the preparation of a superb meal. During the meeting, future plans were made for the forthcoming Fashion Show Card Party to be held March 5, 1964 at the Donegal High School Annex. Co-chairmen for the event are Pat Moran and Dottie Mackinson. Pro- ceeds from the fashion show will be used for the 75 plus Banquet which is held in co- operation with the Mt. Joy Jaycees in the Spring. Board meeting will be held at the home of Pat Gib- ble on Monday, January 13 at 8 p.m. The next meeting of the Mount Joy Joycees will be held Tuesday, January 21 at the Mount Joy Diner at which time instructions in emergency First Aid will be given by Mrs. Sadie Brooks. The following girls were welcomed into the organiza- tion: Dottie Davis, Bonnie McClellan, Nancy Rademach- er and Joyce Smigel. Parking Meters Mount Joy's ‘parking me- ter vacation” will end Fri- day morning, January 3rd. The three-weeks of free parking on Main street and in the business district was granted by the Mount Jo¥ Borough Council during the Christmas shopping season, beginning Friday, Dec. 13. LICENSED TO WED Jay Richard Myers, of Rheems and Marian E. Kline, of 833 W. Main street Mount Joy. : dis BULLETIN DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS AND WELFARE OF MOUNT JOY AND ITS AREA VOL. 63. NO. 30 MOUNT JOY, PA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1963 SEVEN CENTS Bh CT Th Th TE TE TE RE BE BE A RR RR AE RR BE BBE ZG ASON par— -s- GR AR NE RAN SNA ARATE RRA NES GIVE PARTY The Mount Joy Business & Professional Women’s club gave a Christmas Party Dec. 19 for children at the Day Care center at Grandview school. Paul Hipple served as Santa and distributed gifts to the children and teachers. Refreshments were served. CHRISTMAS PARTY The Office of Henry G Carpenter held their annual Christmas Party at Hostel- ters banquet hall on Thurs- day, Dec. 19. Several read- ngs and organ solos were presented by the employees. Group singing and distribu- tion of gifts closed the affair. As a public service, The Bulletin lists the following physician, who may be reached for emergency ser vice or by those who are unable to contact their family physician: Sunday Dr. David Schlosser NEW YEARS EVE AND NEW YEAR'S DAY Dr. John Gates prose bused TING PERRET ‘Of This and That’ by the editor's wife More about the cascade of beautiful, interesting, friend- ly, thoughtful Christmas cards that have continued to bless our home this holiday season: lovely one Donald Feick, Luke's Episco- pal church. It contains a transparent reproduction of the gorgeous rose window .in the Washington Cathedral in Washington, D.C. There is the from the Rev. pastor of St. Held toward the light, it reveals an intricate pattern of blue, red, and amber. (The card has added signific- ance this year, as the origin- al of this particular rose win- dow looked down upon memorial services for our as- sassinated president just one short month ago.) Another card “fat” before we opened it. And no wonder! Enclosed with an attractive English print of the nativity scene were two lovely little gifts— a pure silk headscarf in a horse print for our Libby, and a snowy white handker- chief for us with a gay Christmas tree in the corner! The Jere Hendersons’ card felt very had a Christmas photo of the three-year-old twins, Keith and Kevin, enclosed . . . an- other card was in the form of a small newspaper, with the name of the senders in the headline . . . the Marsh- all Dussingers sent a photo card with the children bear- ing “gifts” to the baby in a nativity scene . . . The George Alberts’ card shows the heads of Prince, Vera, Mitch and Scott in line drawings of Santa and his reindeer . the Rev. Harlan Durfees’ card has the heads of the children, two girls and two boys, under a line draw- ing of a Christmas tree . the Glenn Forney’s card is of their adorable children, Todd and -Beth. Kind words came with some of the local cards: “We just wanted you to know we have enjoyed your ‘newsy’ Bulletin each week and, in (From page 2) THIS ISSUE Three Sections 16 PAGES '63 IN REVIEW List Year's Top Ten Local Events Mount Joy's top twelve stories in 1963, could actual- ly be expanded into the ‘top twenty,” a look at the past twelve months reveals. A review of the highlights in the local news this past year show the following: FLORIN ANNEXATION— Annexation of the Florin area into Mount Joy includes a number of high-priority news stories, beginning early in the year and running thru the twelve-month period. Almost as important as the annexation itself was the es- tablishment of door-to-door mail delivery. Plans are more than launched for installing sewers in the area next vear. A knotty taxing silua- tion was finally solved, mem- bers of the borough council were elected and borough services were extended, all of which have been much in the public eye in 1963. NATIONAL - STANDARD —During the year National- Standard has built a fine, big factory and is now vir- tually ready to begin pro- duction. Most all the visa- ble activity connected with the new industry in Mount Joy has been done during 1963. The construction included installing a long run of sew- er, water and high pressure gas lines. The company now owns a- bout 30 acres of land at the east edge of the borough. MEMORIAL DAY WEEK- END — A bg cooperatve pro- gram was staged in Mt. Joy over a four-day period as the community turned full atten- tion to a Memorial day cele- bration which featured a number of recently complet- ed civic projects. STREET COMPLETED During the year, Mt. Joy's Main street was finally com- pleted, ending a rebuilding job begun the summer before and only partially completed before the hard winter of '62- ’63 (which in itself merits mention as a top news story) MOVIE THEATRE CLOSES —The Joy theatre, hit finan- cially by the changing pat- tern of American life, closed its doors. Efforts to keep the amusement center in operas tion were not successful. POLIO VACCINE CLINIC— Two of three polio clinics, at which Sabin Oral vaccine was administered was held in the area, pushed by the Com- (Turn to page 3) NEW ARRIVALS Donald and Judith (Herr) Livingston, 211 E. Main St. a daughter at Osteopathic hospital Friday, Dec. 20. Ronald and Vivian (Sump- man) Shank, Rheems, a daughter, Wednesday, Dec- 18, at St. Joseph's hospital. Robert W. and Sandra (Carol) Shutt, 329 East Main Street, a daughter, born Sun- day, Dec. 22, at St. . Joseph's hospital;