po WAR Ly MLA LVIDIIN 10, 1Y05 — ns. Landisville-Salunga Mrs. William K. Risser East Hempfield Guild to the Osteopathic hospital will hold a Christmas party at Kauffman's Tea Room, East Petersburg, on Wednesday, Dec. 18. Each member is to bring a gift for exchange. * * * A children’s Christmas pro- gram was presented in the Hempfield EUB Church Sun- day, Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. * * * A membersnip meeting was held by the Hempfield Jaycee-Etts, Dec. 12 at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Ralph Myers, 165 Home Lane Landisville. Mrs. Donald Em- ich was co-hostess. Members brought food to pack in Christmas baskets for the needy. A Christmas program and . gift exchange completed the program. * * * The Salunga Fire Company met recently and elected the following officers: President, Raymond Sumpman; 1st vice president, Jim Wickenheiser; JOHNSON BUS SERVICE BUSES FOR ALL OCCASIONS FLORIN, PA. Phone 653-0321 THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. 2nd vice president, Roy Weil. zel; secretary, Ronald Myers; treasurer, Benjamin Kendig, trustee, Robert Brubaker, Sr. and Clarence Mowery; Chief, Wilbur Hiestand: 1st asst chief, Larry Hiestand; 2nd asst. chief, Charles Myers; engineers, Robert Brubaker and Russell Cooper; Operat- ors, Stanley Hosler, Jim Wickenheiser, Ray Sump- man, Roy Weitzel, Barry Myers, *® »* * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kulp, 383% Main St., disville, are the parents of a daughter, born at St. Josephs hospital Thursday, Dec. 12. * * * L. The Hempfield Union high school held a Christmas can- dlelight concert on Saturday, Dec. 14, at 8 pm. and on Sunday at 3 p.m. in Hack- man auditorium. Directors were Miss Zoe | Cummings, Mrs. Helen S. Le- | Page and Richard Kline. The | following school groups par- ticipated in the program: Hempfield Singers, Interme- diate Orchestra, Seventh Grade Chorus, Senior Sym- phony, Junior Singers, and the Girls Choral Club. Ac- companists were Carol Eshel- man, Annette Koser, Mack Dougherty, Melinda Winger, Deborah Laurence, Linda Rhen and Nancy Hollinger. Ushers were members of the Girls Choral Club. * * * The completion of improv- ed street lighting in Rohrers- town and Landisville areas of East Hempfield Twp. was authorized recently by the tounship supervisors. Super- visors made tentative plans for a joint meeting with the township planning and zon- ing commission, a representa- tive of Hempfield Union ( Lan- | School Board and Henry F. Huth Engineers, Inc. to re- view the township's role in the proposed cooperative sewer project for the subur- ban area. * *® * Robert E. Laurence, Land isville, received a citation recently for a quarter of a century of service as an em- ploye of the First National Bank of Landisville. Laurence who * began his career in November, 1938, as a clerk in the bank, is now the assistant cashier. The ci- tation was made at the an- nual Christmas party of em- ployes and directors of the institution at the Foodergong Restaurant Robert Good, bank secre- tary was toastmaster at the dinner, which aso featured the distribution of one-week extra pay as Christmas bon- uses to the empoyes. * * * The Hempfield Sertoma Club met Wednesday even- ing, Dec. 11 at 6:30 p.m. at the Mount Joy Legion home. For the program a sound- color film produced by the Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp. In the film “March of Progress” you follow the explorers in their search for natural gas de- posits in Texas and Louisia- na. * * * The Explorer Scouts 141, of Landisville will selling Christmas trees at the Salunga pavilion from now until Christmas — each day from 5 p. m. to 9 p. m. and on Saturday from 9 a.m. Post be to 1¢ pm. - If the steak is so tough that it is inedible then tell yourself it has wonderful flavor. The Mount Joy (50 Issues Editor and Publisher Richard A. Rainbolt PAGE 3 BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Published Weekly on Wednesdays Except Fourth of July Week and Christmas Week Per Year) 11 EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. In the heart of fabulous Lancaster County. Subscription Rate - $2.50 per year by mail. Advertising Rates upon request. Entered as the post office at Mount Joy, Penna., as see- ond class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. The Florin Community tree has been erected in front of the bank in Florin ward. The annual Christmas program of caroling will be held on Dec. 23 at 7:30 at the bank. Every one is invited to come out and enjoy an evening of close fellowship. Little Sonya Smith, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smith is recuperating afte: having had her {tonsils re- moved last week. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barn- hart of Lancaster called on Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shetter on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Barn- hart of E-town also called on the Shetters on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Barn- hart of E-town visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shetter Friday evening. The W.S.W.S of the Florin Over 50,000 Members in Lancaster County enjoy these services + » 365 days of driving pleasure ThE IDEAL GIFT EASY TO BUY —SURE TO PLEASE For Christmas, give a membership in the Lancaster Automobile Club PACKAGED IN A COLORFUL HOLIDAY BOX PERSONAL EMERGENCY SCHOOL PATROLS * LEGISLATION ORIVER EDUCATION GOOD ROADS AND MANY OTHERS COAST TO COAST ACCIDENT INSURANCE ROAD SERVICE Entrance Fee , TOTAL ....... To Address Seno gift package direct OQ ‘Sender's Name LANCASTER AUTOMOBILE CLUB 15 N. PRINCE ST., LANCASTER Please send 0 CHRISTMAS GIFT membership This application 10 be used for NEW MEMBERS ONLY MUST RESIDE IN LANCASTER COUNTY INDICATE (X) HOW YOU WANT DELIVERY MADE Send to me OO a rae Address No entrance fee for a per- { son residing with a present member, FEE ,,...... $1.50 FLORIN NEIGHBORHOOD news Glossbrenner E U B church had their monthly meeting Monday night at which time Ralph Rice showed colored pictures of the Holy Lands. Ruth Wittle and Mary Hamilton spent Saturday in Lancaster Christmas shop- ping. The Ladies of the Florin Fire Company had their Christmas party last Wednes- day evening at ‘Slim’ Miller's Mount Joy Restaurant. There were about 40 ladies present. Miss Mary Hamilton of Florin, fell Monday evening on her way home from work and broke her wrist. Pick Candidate John Hay, a ninth grade student at Donegal high school, has been selected as Donegal’s candidate for the Junior Citizen's Award, which is sponsored annually by the Optimist Club of Lan- caster. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hay, 14 S. Queen Street, Maytown. His activities in high school have included basket- bail, football, band, Student Council, talent assemblies and the Boy Scouts. Last year he wns elected Sir Val- entine at the Donegal high school annex He has also re- ceived the American Legion Citizenship Award. John and his parents atten- ded a dinner honoring Lan- caster County Junior Citizens which was held recently in Lancaster. ABOARD DESTROYER Douglas W. Rehrer, fire control technician seaman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Rehrer, 214 Mount Joy St. is serving aboard the destroyer USS Edson which operates out of Long Beach, Calif. Edson is flagship of Com- mander Destroyer Squadron 13, a unit of the First Fleet, and participates in operations along the coast of Southern California. COMPLETES TRAINING William E. Charles, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ S. Charles, 18 Pine Street, has completed basic training at the Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Ill. The nine-week training in- cludes naval orientation, his- tory and organization, sea- manship, ordnance and gun- nery, military drill, first aid and survival. ® Maytown (From page 2) Civic Association on Sunday evening at the Square at 8:30 p.m. A large attendance is desired. The group will then proceed to the homes of shut- ins to sing. The time has come to say “Merry Christma” and in the words of Dickens “May the New Year be a happy one to you, happy to many more whose happiness depends on you.”