The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 26, 1963, Image 7

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Kraybill, Bronx, N. Y.
7:30 p.m. Bible Study and
Prayer Meeting.
St. Mark's E.U.B. Church
Mount Joy, Pa.
C. E. Ulrich, Minister
8:00 a.m. Thanksgiving
Breakfast (Youth Fellowship)

YF Convention at Albright
College, Reading.
9:00 a. m. Sunday Schoo.
10:15 a.m. Thank-Offering
Service. Sermon by Rev.
Dean Gilliland of Nigeria,
West Africa.
3:00 p. m. Personnel Com-
mittee meeting.
5:45 p.m. YF Business
Meeting and service.
7:30 p.m. “Baskets of Bles-
sings’ service.
7:30 p.m. Bible Study Les-
son No. 30.
7:30 p.m. Family Night
7:00 and 8:00 p.m. Choir
Mt. Pleasant Brethren In
Christ Church
J. Earl Martin, Jr., Pastor !
9:00 a.m. Sunday School
William P. Neyer, Supt.
10:15 a.m. Morning Wor-
ship. Message by Rev. Sam-
uel Wolgemuth, Wheaton, Ill.
7:30 p. m.
Prayer Meet-
Newtown E. U. B. Church
Rev. Lloyd Lefever, Pastor
November 27th.
Special Thanksgiving eve
9:00 a.m. Sunday Sehool
10:00 a.m. Morning Wor-
7:30 p.m. Christian Endea
8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting
Church of the Brethren
Bruce Avenue
Rev. Howard Bernhard
Henry Becker Jr., Supt.
8:50 p.m, Sunday School
10:00 a. m. Morning Wor-
ship. Sermon; Rev. James
7:30 p.m. Union Thanks-
giving services at the Cross
Roads Brethren in Christ
9:30 a. m. Thanksgiving
services. Message; Rev. Paul
Forney, pastor of the Swat-
ara Hill Church of the Breth-
7:00 p.m. Jr. Choir Rehear-
7:45 pm. Sr. Choir Re-
Church of God
Mount Joy, Penna.
T. E. Bowers, Pastor
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 am. Worship.
7:30 p.m. Evening Service.
Prayer Service and Bible
Saturday (Nov. 30)
Youth Retreat at Lancaster
Church of God.
Calvary Bible Church
New Haven & Henry Sts.
Mount Joy, Pa.
Pastor, Donald A. Urey
9:15 a.m. Bible School.
10:30 a. m. Morning Wor:
ship Service.
Message subjects, “Tongues
in the Bible.”
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship
Guest speaker, Rev. and Mrs.
Paul Lowery, missionaries to
Central America.
7:30 p.m. Mr. Ted Dencher,
converted Jehovah's Witness
will hold rally in church au-
Public is invited to attend
and bring tape recorders or
Bulletin advertisement p2vs.

pencil and paper,
7:30 p.m. John Berry, Mis-
sionary appointee to France,

Chiques Methodist Church
U. S. 230 East, Mt. Joy, Pa.
Menno E. Good, Minister
9:15 a. m. Sunday School,
Mr. Jay Mueller, Supt.
10:30 a. m. Morning Wor-
ship, Nursery, Sermon by the
Rev. Bud Donaldson.
6:30 p.m. Four Fellowship
7:30 p.m. Special Service
with Rev. Donaldson preach-
ing and Rev. Don Donaldson,
song leader, soloist and chalk
Monday - Saturday
7:00 p.m. Prayer Service
7:30 p. m. Special Services
nightly with Rev, Bud Don-
aldson preaching, and Rev.
Don Donaldson, song leader,
soloist, and chalk artist.

- Home News -

Visitors for the week:
The Rev. Mr. Robert Hen-
ry, Pastor of the Monaghan
Presbyterian Church, and
Mrs. Henry, Mrs. M. McWil-
liams, Mrs. H. Spoerlein and
Mrs. Richard Knaub of Dills-
burg, for Mrs. Jeanette Hard-
ing and Mrs. Betty Heikes.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snyder,
Carlisle, for Miss Maude
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Diet-
rich, Lancaster, for Mrs.
Ruth Ensor.
Mrs. Joseph Martan and
daughters Joan and Carol, of
Lancaster, for Mrs. Mabel
Miss Margery Ramsay, of
West Chester for Mrs. Ram-
Mrs. Ethel Hoskins and
Mrs. Mary Souders, Reading,
for Mrs. Mayberry.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Nord-
ley and sons, Philadelphia,
for Mrs. McCord.
Mr. and Mrs. Haber and
sons, Kennet Square for Mrs.
Mrs. Ruth Ensor spent two
days last week with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Edith Aurand of
Mrs. Mabel Myers visited
her sister, Mrs. Louis Chance
at Christiana.
Mrs. Evelyn Hershey spent
the week-end with Mrs.
Lloyd Hershey, Lancaster.
Sunday eening a group of
twenty children accompanied
by several adults from Mid-
dle Octorara, visited the
Home and entertained us
with a delightful program.

Mrs. Norman Brosey

Recent visitors of Mrs. Su-
san Gamber and daughter
were Mr. and Mrs. Salem
Gamber, Columbfa R.D.; Mr
and Mrs. Ray Gamber and
family of Manheim. John
Gamber of Columbia, and
Mrs. John Gochenaur of town
Mrs. Wm. Haines of town,
Mrs. John Gochenaur also of
town, Mrs. Nelson Sentz of
Mount Joy R.D. called on
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fogie.
Mr. and Mrs. Salem Gam-
ber of Columbia R.D., Mrs.
Ada Blough, Mrs. Charles
Martin, both of Bloomsburg
visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Gamber.
Mrs. Irvin Witmer and
daughter Jean visited with
Mrs. Anna Kauffman, Mrs.
Howard Witmer and family,
all of Columbia R.D. and Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Garner of
York County.
Visitors at the Frysinger
home were Mrs. Paul Fitzkee
Sr., Paul Fitzkee Jr. and sons
all of Mount Joy. and Mrs.
Evelyn Eckman and daughter
of Marietta.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Herr

and daughter Debbie of Col-
umbia RD., and Mr. and Mrs.
Jan Morinchin and family of
Sporting Hill called on Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Frank.
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Haines and son were],
Mrs. Henry Rollman of Lititz
Mrs. Kenneth Alexander and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Nentwig and daughter Linda,
all of Mount Joy.
Monday evening visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brosey
and family were Mrs. Edith
Witmer and son John of Eli-
zabethtown RD., and Miss
Joyce Graybill of Columbia
Two Linden Hall juniors
spoke to classes at Hempfield
Senior High school recently.
Miss Nili Arenbik of Vienna,
Austria gave a brief sum-
mary of the Austrian school
system, industry, government
and dating habits to five
classes of first, second and
third year German students.
Miss Diana Fourer of Paris,
France spoke on good groom-
ing, and dating to seventh,
eight and ninth grade
French, English, history and
home economics classes.
Question and answer peri-
ods followed each discussion.
The all-day program was ar-
ranged by German teacher,
George Withers.
* *

Among the local singers
who performed at the Hool-
enany given Saturday, Nov.
23 from 8 to 11 p.m. at Cone-
stoga Valley high school,
were Bill Hendrix, Joanne
Stoner and Ed Myers from
Hempfield Union high school.
The program was sponsored
by the school’s student coun-
* * *
The Landisville - Salunga
Auxiliary to the Lancaster
General hospital made Christ-
mas tray favors for hospital
patients on Monday evening,
November 25 at 8 p.m. in
the basement of Zion Luther-
an church, Landisville.
Mrs. David Messersmith
was chairman of the program
Hostesses included Mrs. Rich-
ard Bryson, Mrs. Earl Hum-
mel, Mrs. John Ruhl and Mrs.
James Eshelman.
¥ * ®
The Hempfield high school
student council held a meet-
ing in the high school audi-
torium Tuesday evening, No-
vember 19 at 7:30 p.m. for
interested parents desiring
information about an ex-
change student from the Am-
erican Field Service.
A representative from the
American Field Service ex-
piained the program and al
so answered questions.
Mr. A. Landis Brackbill
Jr., is the student council
adviser and helped arrange
the program.
* * =
The Senior Class of Hemp-
field high school will take
their trip to Washington on
Wednesday, November 27.
They will leave at 5 a.m.
and return at 10 p.m.
The tour will include the
following places-: White
House, Congress, Arlington
cemetery, F.B.I.; Smithson-
ian Institute, Washington
Monument, and the Airport.
Pupils who do not go on
the trip are excused from
school for the day.
* * *
The Salunga Women’s club
and the Auxiliary to the Fire
Company will hold their
joint Christmas meeting on
Monday, Dec. 2 at 7:45 p.m.
at the home of Mrs. Edna
Nissley, South Ave. Landis-
ville. Each person should
bring $1.00 gift for exchange
Gift items for the Harrisburg
State hospital should be
brought to the home of Mrs
Charlotte Hiestand, Main St.,
Salunga before November 30.
* * *
The Hempfield Sertoma
Club met Wednesday even-
ing, November 20 at 6:30 p.
m. at the Mount Joy Ameri-

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Buller
are celebrating their 59th
wedding anniversary.

The scheduled Thank offer-
ing service for theW.S.W.S..
of the Florin E.U.B. church,
has been postponed until Le-
cember 8, so the morning ser-
vice could be held as a mem-
orial Service for the late
President, John F. Kennedy.
The Community residents
will gather to give thanks on
Wednesday evening, Nov 27,
7:30 in the Cross Roads
Brethren in Christ Church.
Rev. Bowers, pastor of the
Church of God, will preach
the sermon.
Next Sunday, Dec. 1,
the first Sunday in Advent,
which calls to mind the reas-
ons for which Christ came
into the world.
The Florin EUB Men held
their meeting at 6:45 p.m. on
Monday, Nov. 25. and at 7:15
left to attend services at the
Mount Joy E U B Church.
Speaker was Ted Dencher.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shoe-
Conveyed to
The Mount Joy Fire Com-
pany ambulance took Steph-
en Leatherman, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Leatherman,
Mount Joy R1, from the St.
Joseph's hospital to Johns-
town Rehabilitation center
on Monday, Nov. 18. Stephen
had suffered a broken neck
and paralysis when hs motor-
cycle collided with a car
near Ephrata on August 20.
The three months since then
he has been in St. Joseph's
hospital, Lancaster. He is
still paralyzed from the
chest down, with his fingers
also involved.
He was accepted by the
State Vocational Rehabilita-
tion Bureau for rehabilitation
training at the Johnstown
Rehabilitation center.
Leatherman was transfer-
red to Johnstown in the new
Mount Joy Fire Company
ambulance. The ambulance,
driven by Elwood Young and
Robert Williams, started the
journey at 7:45 a.m., and re-
turned to Mount Joy at 6:15
p.m. having
miles. Near Florin the ambul-
ance detoured from the main |
road to drive around the
farm buildings where Leath-
erman had been farming pri-
or to his accident. His 97-
year-old great grandmother

can Legion Post home.
A representative from RCA
who spent some years in
Japan for the company spoke
on the customs, etc. of Japan.
The annual Christmas par-
ty of the American Legion
Auxiliary of Post 185 will be
held Thursday evening, Dec.
5 on the form of a banquet
beginning at 7 o'clock.
Each person is asked to
bring $1.00 gift for exchange.
Reservations should be in not
later than 5 p. m. Decem-
ber 3 either to Post Home or
contact Mrs. Don Buehler Jr,
Phone 392-0542.
*® * *
Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Hos-
tetter, 135 Farm Lane, Lan-
disville are the parents of a
son, born at the Lancaster
General hospital on Thurs-
day, Nov. 21.
covered 397
maker called on Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Kreider of Mt.
Joy R1 Sunday afternocn
Raymond Rutledge, freight
agent for the P. R. R. for the
Mount Joy - Florin area is a
patient at the St. Joseph's
Wayne Campbell, Colum-
bia, called on Mr. and Mrs.
William Campbell of Florin
Ward on Sunday.
Florin Church of the
Brethren will hold its
Thanksgiving service. Thurs-
day morning at 9:30 o'clock.
Guest speaker is Paul Forney
of Swatara Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Barr
and son Stuart of Lake
Worth, Fla. and Mrs. Jane
Gladfelter of Mount Joy cal-
led on Mr. and Mrs. Benj.
Kauffman on Wednesday.
The Florin Fire Company
will hold a dance on Friday
evening at the Donegal an-
nex in Mount Joy.
The ladies auxiliary of the
Mount Joy Fire company
met Nov. 21 with 22 mem-
bers present. : Mrs. Esther
Laughman * became a new
member at this time. An-
nouncement was made of the
Christmas party to be held
Dec. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at Hos-
Nominations for new oflic-
ers were as follows: Edith
| Etsell, president; Evelyn
| Naugle, first vice-president;
{Myrtle Parsons, second vice-
president; Dorothy Chapin,
i financial and recording secre-
tary; Grace Geltmacher,
{ treasurer; Thelma Heisey,
i cor. secretary; Helen Rice,
chaplain, and interim chair-
lady, Kathryn Geltmacher.

was there in a wheelchair to
wave a goodbye to him, and
, his grandparents as well. The
patient traveled facing front
and was able to enjoy the
scenery. He was accompanied
by the nurse, Mrs. Drace,
and his mother. His father
has already returned to Tan-
ganyki where he is a mission-
ary, and where the paralysis
patient .was born and spent
the first 15 years of his life.
The ambulance service was
| provided by five Sunday
: School classes and a few in-
dividuals of the Mount Joy
Mennonite church, of which
| Leatherman is a member.

Phone 533-9101
for the
Nov.26 thruNov. 30
Eves. 8:10 P.M. — Sat. 9 P.M,
Mat. Thurs. 3 PM.—Sat. 1 & 5 P.M.
Res. Seats: $2, $3, $3.75 Tax Incl.
Children Under 12: 13 Price
Tues. & Wed.
Camera Nite Nov. 26