nTRErERrRRERARRARARAM Shop Before You Buy ‘Thanksgiving is a time for remembering, and the nicest way to remember yow family and friends is with thoughtful Hallmark “Thanksgiving cards. Sloan's Pharmacy Free Parking in rear of store Spacemakers Save Storage If you live in a temporary home and don't want to at tach permanent storage units or shelves to walls, tempor- ary or rented storage facili- ties may be one solution to your problem. Such space- makers can help to make your living more comfort able, too, points out Helen E. Bell, extension home man- agement specialist, The Penn- sylvania State University. Decide first what you need to store, then think where you can fit storage into your home. You may be able to use storage units in the same or different ways when you move to a permanent home. You might store baking equipment or school books and papers in a two-drawer FAST DEPENDABLE SERVICE fV — RADIO — PHONO LongeneckerHdw.Co. MANHEIM - PH. 665-249] INCLU DLL ELLE DELLE LLL LLL LLL LDL LULLED DL LLL CLEAN USED CARS 1960 Chev. Sta. Wgn. 6 cyl. Stick R& H Sharp $ 1495 1957Ford 2-dr H-Top V-8stick $795 1955 Buick 2-dr. H-Top 1954 Merc. 2-dr. H-Top R&H $295 $495 cumulated used tires room. COME IN AND MAKE NOTICE! Due to volume of new tire sales we have ac- which must go to make YOUR CHOICE WEAVER’S AUTO MART 176 MAIN STREET SALUNGA, PHONE 898-7461 OFFER ON TIRES OF PA. aEEEEENENEENEEEEEY EEEEENEUNSEE ENE ERERD. See how you save! Talk about timely! Just as onti-freeze time rolls around, we come along with these money. saving specials that make it DOU. BLY smart for you to get this ime portant freeze-protection NOWI i; NEW i DUPONT Z E R E X rN Perm. ANTI-FREEZE. multi-seae son, Gal. 98 WHITEY'S FIRESTONE MARIETTA, PA. tle in a XK 0 ; center or home office. You might consider rent. ing temporary storage, says Miss Bell. Many drycleaners now have storage boxes you could rent for storing out-of- season clothing. Bookcases can provide shelf storage in many ways and locations. You can use either finished or unfinished cases on the floor, next to a wall, or under a window. Al- so, you may set them on an- other piece of furniture or equipment or fit them into a closet. Don’t put a lot of money in- to temporary storage, Miss Bell advises. An inexpensive fiberboard chest may give you the storage needed and add design interest to the home. Where's Mom? She’s Working Time was when home-com- ing husbands and shavers em- ancipated from school could count on finding Mom in the kitchen, busily making onc of her famous apple pies, or muttering crossly to herself as she scrubbed away at the grass-stained spots on junior’s dungarees. Then we began to hear that Mom had turned into a chauffer, clashing fenders with all the other ladies of | the town as she drove lessly ties, committee-meetings, and trips to the orthodontist. Both examples of Mom are currently visible in the television commercials, where she gets operation of her washing machine from picturesque re- pairmen; chooses interior styling for the car she is go- ing to scratch up in 1964; or debates the merits of soap powders, boats, various brands of coffee, and some other items not mentionable in a family magazine (though (Turn to page 8) Spotlight on Teacher American Education Week, November 10-16 salutes our teachers for the excellent job they are doing in molding the industrial, government and spir- itual leaders of the future. America’s teachers are facing a greater responsibility than ever before. This year 51.5 mil- lion students are attending U. S. private and public schools and colleges. The teacher must absorb and pass on to these students the newest discoveries of a fast-changing society. Today's creative teacher stim- ulates her students with “liv- ing” subject matter projecied on a classroom screen. She can focus class attention on news events by making instant transparencies of newspaper clippings and projecting them with an overhead projector. Most important, she can tailor her presentation to the interests of the class, using the latest formation and new approaches to teaching any subject. Many companies are taking a more active interest in en- couraging creative teaching. The - 3M Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, for example, this fall established a $1.5 million as- sistance grant to education pro- gram which will give $3,000 worth of this visual communi- cations equipment to 500 schools throughout the country. Schools in every state will receive these grants in December. instruction on the | reck- | about on a ceaseless | round of errand, bridge par-| Trimmed—T-BONE Beef Steaks a REPEAT OF THIS POPULAR STEAK SPECIAL! SO GOOD — TENDER MEATY PORK CHOPS » 49 MARTINS v 49: ALL-PORK Skinless Franks |Fresh Sausage v BO ‘HAM SLICES “CUT FROM THE CENTER" © OO TENDERIZED — FLAVORFUL FRESHLY GROUND Hamburg +11] MADE OF MEAT MEAT MAKES THE BEST HAMBURG NO SECRET INGREDIENTS—JUST MEAT Hershey's Syrup Real Chocolate Flavor 2 5. 3Oec RICH - SMOOTH Adelphia Ice Cream Local 69: NESTLE'S TOLL HOUSE COOKIE MIX 39. MORE OF THAT GOOD Cauliflower Ib ec BIG SNOWY-WHITE | | | | HEADS DON'T MISS IT — IT'S CHEAP ENOUGH TO EAT NEW CROP GARDEN SPOT GROWN— BRIGHT RED GARDEN SPOT : GOOD Cranberries Red Delic. Apples b 2c CRISP HOME GROWN 3 Ibs 30 CELERY b 2Qe AND SO TENDER MOSEMANN’S The Store of Good Things to Eat 37 Market Square MANHEIM | “EASY PARKING" | —t