ee eens. A Wo. bc i. een, Landisville-Salunga Mrs. William K. Risser Elected Officers The Landisvil'e Church of God recently elected the fol- lowing church school officers: Samuel Bender, gen. supt.;|ial awards to Alfred Steele, Clarence Newcomer, David|Randy Duke, Dennis Myers, Yoder, adult department su-| Donald Rettew and Mike Sie- perintendent; Elaine Bender, | etowski. secretary, James Snavely, fi- * » * nancial secretary; Ethel Herr Bible Week librarian; Esther Rohrer, pia- A denominational Bible nist; Norman Sellers, Choris- ter; Mrs. Frank Denlinger, | field Evangelical United Home Dept.; Lou Yoder, cra-|Brethren Church recently. dle roll; Marvin Burkhart, . * * Youth Dept.; Irene Heisey, PTA Meeting Junior Dept.; and Mae Liv- ingston, nursery. ®e oO Dismissed Early Landisville schools were dismissed at 2 p.m. on Wed- nesday, Oct. 2 due to a teach- ers’ meeting. LJ Announce Birth Dr. and Mrs. Dewey Nel- son, Wilmington, Del, are the the parents of a son born at Delaware hospital, Wil- mington on Thursday, Oct. 3. Mrs. Nelson is the former Jean Nolt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nolt, Cooper Ave., Landisville. * * * Couples Club The Couples Club of Zion Lutheran church, Landisville met at the church Friday, Oc- tober 4 at 8 p.m. The pro- gram was an illustrated talk on a summer visit to Europe, presented by Amos Herr. Mr. and Mrs. George Shenk were chairmen, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Nissley, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Shaffer | Americanism, Mrs. Ruth Rin- and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey |eer; Child Welfare, Mrs. Wm. Gross. Shiffer; Civil Defense, Mrs. . 9 9 John Wissler; Community Supervisors Report The East Hempfield Twp. supervisors Thursday night, Oct. 3 went on record endors- ing the state’s proposed Pro- ject 70. Clifford B. Huffman, caster County chairman of the Citizens Committee for Project 70, briefly discussed the program with supervis- ors. Supervisors announced that all road work is com- pleted, but some mowing of weeds and fence painting re- mains. They also announce the hiring of about ten fire policemen to assist regular police during the Halloween season. Lan- * * Rally Day Rally Day was observed in the Sunday School session in Hempfield E. U. B. Church Sunday, Oct. 6 at 10:30 a.m. The guest speaker was Wa'lace Bork. Adam Shaub was soloist. A World Wide Communion service was held at 7:30) p.m. New members were receiv- ed at the morning and even- ing services. * * * *® Boy Scouts Promotion in rank, merit badges & attendance awards were presented to members of Boy Scout Troop 41 of Landisville at a court of hon- | | or recently. Receiving awards | Dennis Weidman, Greg La- moreaux, Alfred Steele, Per- ry Johnson, Carl Diffenbaugh two-year pins; Donald Ret- tew, Randy Gable, Mike Sie- pietowski, James Grube, Ronald Warfel, Donald Weid- man, three-year pins; Harold Dunkelberger, one-year per- fect attendance; Donald Ret- tew, two-year bar; and spec- Week was held by the Hemp- The Landisville Element- ary School PTA held its first meeting of the term on Tuesday, Oct. 8 with room visitation from 7:30 to 8 p.m. with the meeting at 8 p.m. The speaker for the evening was Edgar Lawton, Element- ary supervisor at Warwick Union, Topic, “Modern Math, What Is It”. * * * Fellowship Supper Grant Hurst will speak at the annual fellowship supper sponsored by the Men’s Bible Class of Landisville Church of God, Thursday, Oct. 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the church fol- lowed by a brief business ses- sion. Legion Auxiliary The regular meeting of the auxiliary to Walter S. Eber- sole Post 185 American Leg- ion was held Thursday, Oct. 3 at the Post Home. Presi- dent Mrs. James Buehler pre- sided. Mrs. Buehler named com- mittee chairmen as follows: Service, Mrs. Harry Blessing: Constitution & By Laws, Mrs. '® NEWTOWN Mrs. Norman Brosey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood, of Marietta and Miss Kath- ryn Weaver of Lancaster, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Weaver. Mrs. Irvin Witmer and daughter Jean called on Mrs. Anna Kauffman of Columbia R. D Master Barry Brosey atten- ded the birthday party of Da- vid Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller of town. David celebrated his sixth birthday. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frank were Mr. and Mrs. Russel Herr and daugh- ter of Columbia R. D., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frank Jr. and family of Red Lion RD, Mr. and Mrs. Jan Morinchin and family of Sporting Hill, and Mrs. Charles. Hershey and family of Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bro- sey and children Linda and Barry spent the week-end in| Perry County. Rotarians See Richard Spiess Coupons, Mrs Erlene Ziegler; Education & Scholarship, Mrs Romaine Cooper; Juniors, Mrs. James | be Buehler, Jr.,, and Mrs. Tom Harnish; Membership, Mrs Ruth Mateer; Poppy, Mrs Harry Blessing; Press and | Publication, Mrs. Ruth Ma- teer; Unit Activities, Mrs Harold Kuhn; Mrs. Caroline Shiffer, Child Welfare chair- man gave a report in the units newly adopted child at Scotland school. He is six years of age and his name is Jeff Coover. Membership dues are now open, and anyone wishing to pay dues please notify Mrs. Ruth Mateer, Mount Joy. The Unit sent 25 lbs. of candy to Veterans hospital. The pro- ject was won by Mrs. Ruth | Mateer. Meeting was adjourn- ed, after which refreshments were served. ® Of This 'n That (From page 1) bowls, trays and spoons for serving the soup. There was modern electriccrowd as “fell to,” when the ystem close at|meat was carved and served the “potluck” of vege. salads and desserts by the women of even a huge dishwashing so that the bowls could | with used over and over again | tables, in a hurry! Iron cranes and a | prepared system the | the group. Presiding at hand, conveyor took the kettles from the fire to the | roasting place where the soup was event was Sam Kaylor of ladled out to the long lines of | Landisville, a relative of waiting customers! It was | many people in the Mount Joy area. Sam was ably as. | sisted by his nephew, Jay, Pig Roast [and Bill Johns of Pequea RI, Then, just two weeks after | Max Nettke of Lancaster, and went [Joe Smith of Manheim, quite a sight! the Bean Festival, we up into the mountains near Prize Jam Ephrata, to Lebzelter’'s Grove | But now, lest we leave the at Mount Airy, for a Rally of |; recsion that “the fields the travel trailer club. |far off are greener,” we Here we were treated 10| would say that the bean soup another feast! Hosts for the|and the roast pig were no rally had arranged an open|petter than that delectable charcoal pit, and roasted four | jam which was given to us a young pigs, to the amazement | week or so ago by one of our and delight of the 250 people good Mount Joy friends, Mrs. assemb’ed there! Barbara Fellenbaum, South We saw the pigs put on the | Market street. spit, and watched them turn Made of peaches and mara- from chalky white to a rich, |schino cherries, it is particul- golden brown in the 6 hours|arly delicious, and we won- that they were on the fire.|der if perhaps that might be Such a heavenly aroma as|because of another ingredi- spread through the beautiful (ent, the kindness and grac- oak grove, and such a hungry 'iousness of its maker! EEEEE EF By vl el bs A bonus from PP&L When you buy a “BETTER THAN SUNSHINE" FLAMELESS ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER from your electric appliance dealer You'll be doing your family and yourself a favor by drying clothes electrically, And, if you buy a FLAMELESS electric clothes dryer now . . , you'll get a double bonus. . . a new homemaking convenience when you dry clothes the carefree electric way AND a 3600 S&H Green Stamp Bonus from PP&L! Just bring or mail the copy of your electric dryer purchase order, together with your (customer’s) portion of a’ recent PP&L electric service bill, to your PP&L office and we'll give you 3600 S&H Green Stamps, A FLAMELESS electric clothes dryer does the job even bet- ter than sunshine. So, see your electric appliance retailer today! IMPORTANT: Electric clothes dryers must he purchased from an appliance retailer between October 1 and AN INVESTOR-OWNED © F November 30, 1963. Request for BLESTRIC uUTiLiry // 0 Nogber ds 63. tequest for INCThE SeamiaiTy /7 RD obl0 S&H Green Stamp Bonus OF THE PUBLIC Pee must be made no later December 9, 1963! than were Harold Dunkelberger, . s first class; Charles Hart 5 Banking Movie star; Lynn Reheard, Mike] A fujicolored movie, Siepietowski, Charles Hart, “Money on the Move,” was Tommy Lowry, merit badges; | presented by for Mount Joy Harold Dunkelberger, Greg|Rotarians Tuesday noon at Myers, Terry Frey, Jerry their weekly 'uncheon meet- Rudy, Terry Burkhart, one- ing, held at Hostetters. year pins; Lynn Reheard, Issued by the Federal Re- Brad Bentzel, Scott Lupold,|gerve bank system, the film explained the working of the banking organization and List ZIP Code how i operates to serve the The program was arranged Numbers of Area by Lester Hostetter. ¢ Bainbridge 17502 | Elizabethtown 17022 POSTPONED East Petersburg 175201 The Mount Joy Sportsmen's Florin 17526 | ham supper, scheduled for Landisville 17538 Saturday, Oct. 12, has been Manheim 17545 | postponed until Saturday, Marietta 17547 Oct. 26. Maytown 1755/ ——i Rheems 17570 | When in needa or printing | Mount Joy 17552 "remember The Bulletin,