ABUNDANT LIFE » by ORAL ROBERTS THE MEANING OF LIFE Some time ago a leading magazine told of a group of Pol- ish students who asked their Communist professor a serious question, They asked him to ex- plain to them the meaning of life. According to the article, he could not. The professor couldn’t give his students a sat- isfactory answer because Com- munism cannot provide real ‘meaning for life. Communists deny God and live atheistic lives, Without.God, no life can have meaning, People—old and young, rich and poor=look for something to give life meaning. They search in different ways—in different places. But the answer is the same for all. The meaning of life is the living Christ! He is an individual-not merely some mysterious spirit or power ten million miles out in space. As a personal Saviour and individu- al friend, Christ is everything you and I need. He makes liv- ing worthwhile and meaningful, I have known men who spent fortunes and traveled over the world trying to satisfy the long- ing within their souls. I have seen rich, powerful and influ. ential men turn to alcohol and other vices in an effort to find life's meaning, But none of them ever truly succeeded until he accepted Christ. The Bible says, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36). Christ is the only answer. Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life , .,” (John 10:10). Many times when you ex- perience sorrow, pain and dis- appointment, you feel that life has lost its meaning—that there is no reason for your existence, You must realize that Jesus is life itself and that He su plies life’s meaning. Give your my aches and losses to Him. He is the restorer of life’s treasures and the fulfillment of all your needs. He transcends every earthly limitation, He is the way beyond death—the way beyond loss. He is the answer. Many people believe that God wants them to be grieved, brok- en in spirit, poverty-stricken and distressed. But it is not true. God does not send evil, but is a very present help to deliver you in time of trouble. He is very near to you. His presence is as close to you as the breath in your nostrils, God has an abundance of health, love, spir- ituality, faith and prosperity for you. Yes, Christ is the meaning of life. ‘When you accept Him and dedicate your life to His service, you have abundant life. It is then that your life has meaning. ‘© MAYTOWN The Kenneth Strominger family spent last Saturday at Atlantic City, N. J. Mrs. Anna Houseal is con- fined to the house with a broken leg. Mrs. Helen Hostetter, Pal- merton, spent the weekend with her sister, Miss Marie Harter. Robert Warner is vacation- ing in California for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wetzel spent Sunday in Milton, Pa. Sharon Arnold returned from a week's stay at Dub- ling Gap. Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Fink and son Joe, vacationed in New York State and Mass, last week. Mrs. Cora Derr was treated at St. Joseph's hospital for a lacerated finger. Mrs. Harold Engle and daughter Dorothy spent sev- eral days at the seashore last week. David Miller, Landisville, spent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Barnhart. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cle- ments and sons, New Castle, Del., spent several days last week with Mrs. Mildred Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Shenk and daughters vacationed at Niagara Falls last week, Roland Hemsley, Brommall, spent several days last week with Mrs. Marguerite Culp. Mrs. Margaret Brandt, Mrs Rose Neiman and Miss Grace Henderson returned on Sun- day evening from a 30-day tour of the Pacific Northwest. Your correspondent, while on this tour, was entertained by two former pupils. The one was John P. Hauenstein, who is a representative of Mitchell, Lewis & Starver, Portland, Oregon. They sell waler systems for irrigation purposes. The other one was Charles Reed Engle, who is an aeronautical instructor at West High Technical School in Cleveland, Ohio, Miss Anna Culy was enter- tained on Tuesday by Mrs. C. H. Hiestand, in honor of her 81st birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fryber- ger, Baltimore visited the Ray Frybergers Sunday. Mrs. Orie Smith celebrated her 90th birthday anniver- sary on Wednesday, She was entertained on Sunday with a family dinner, Mr. Kermit Smith, New Jersey, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith, Indepen- dence, Mo. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Prescott, Bainbridge, were some of the guests. Mr. and Mrs, Charles De- Long, Philadelphia, passed away July 26 and 27. They were buried in the Mount Joy Cemetery Tuesday. Mrs. Delong was the former Annie Houseal, Maytown. Thomas Mayers, a former resident of Maytown passed away on Sunday at the Fair- view Manor Convalescent Home, Columbia. Mrs. Joseph Keener is slow- ly improving at the General hospital. B ® Girls on Bikes (From Page 1 from her bike and suffered assorted skinned elbows and knees, Another roly-poly lass was sleeping in her sleeping bag atop a picnic table at Brubaker’s Sunday night. In her sleep she turned and rolled off the table. No phys- ical injury—just embarrased. The girls, who made the return trip Wednesday after- noon, arrived about 2:30, ap- pearing no worse for their outing. They still were full of pep and energy and said that the 27 miles was ped- dled in about 5% hours — including time out for lunch and refreshments along the way. Why did they stop in Mt. Joy? When the trip was planned, adult advisors “scouted” the trip and rec- ognized a good spot when they saw it and made the ar- rangements. In charge of the girls were Misses Nancy and Debby Skeats of York. B VISITED HERE Mrs. Cecelia Santana, for- merly of this city and now living in Puerto Rico, was in Mount Joy Wednesday visit- AMP Earnings At New High Net sales and earnings of AMP Incorporated, its domes- tic and European subsidiaries and its affiliate, Pamcor, Inc. in the six months to June 30, were the highest for any half-year in history, U. A. Whitaker, Chairman of the Board and G. A. Ingalls, President, reported to share- holders, Combined sales for the six months to June 30, reached a record $40,691,633 for an increase of 17 percent over sales of $34,778,983 in the corresponding six months of 1962. Combined net income for the first half of this year set a new record at $3,981 - 939, equal to 66 cents per share on the 6,059,910 En- dorsed Shares outstanding at ”) June 30. This was an in- crease of 13 percent over combined net income of $3.- 526,159 or 58 cents a share on 6,053,291 Endorsed Shares in the six months ended on June 30, 1962. In reporting the record fig- ures, the AMP officials point- ed out that wh ether this pace can be maintained thru- out the entire year depends to a great extent on general econimic conditions. The AMP officials report- ed the backlog of unfilled or- ders was $13,600,000 at June 30. This compared with $13,- 800,000 at the year end ’62 and $12,700,000 one year ago. B Bulletin advertisement pays PE ® NEWTOWN Mrs. Norman Brosey ——— Visitors of Mrs. Susan Gamber and daughter Minnie were John Gamber of Colum- bia, Mr. and Mrs, Mark Win- ters of Manheim. Mrs. Howard Witmer cal- led on Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Witmer and family of Colum- bia R. D. Miss Ann Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Myers, is spending a week in Philadelphia with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mich- ael Tronco. Visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Howard Gamber were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Haldeman and family of Mount Joy R. D., Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gamber, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Winters and family all of Manheim, Visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Myers and family were Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Kem- rer of Landisville. Mrs. Irvin Witmer and fa- mily visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Kauffman and fa- mily of Conestoga R. D. Visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Brosey and family were Mr. and Mrs. Levern Lucas, George Witmer, all of Columbia. Robert Witmer of Marietta. Mrs. Jere Mumma and family of Lancaster R.D. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miller and family of Columbia R, D. B HOME FROM HOSPITAL Oliver Funk just returned home from the St. Joseph hospital after having an em- ergency operation. NEW & USED CARS Specializing In CHRYSLER PRODUCTS Delta & Henry Streets MOUNT JOY, PA. Phone 653-8271 S. F. ULRICH, INC. Authorized BUICK — RAMBLER Sales - Service Body Work 505 North Market Street E’town, Pa. Ph. 367-1175 ® AUTO REPAIR OLDWEILER’'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIRS R. D. 2, Mount Joy, Pa. Phone 653-7485 STALEY'S GARAGE General Repairs Used Cars - Inspections FLORIN, PA. 653-5951 Phone 653-4071 ® AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ® CLEANERS Cis pm ——— CLEANING - PRESSING JOY MOTORS TAILORING Rug and Fur Cleaning Storage - Laundry Service EICHERLY'S We Call EY ® DAIRY PRODUCTS ELWOOD MARTIN PENSUPREME PRODUCTS MILK & ICE CREAM R.D. 2, Ph. Mt. Joy 653-8191 ® EXCAVATING C. ROBERT FRY GENERAL EXCAVATING @ Residential ® Industrial R. D. 2, MANHEIM, PA. Phone Mt. Joy 653-1253 —_—_—————e— ® INSURANCE RAY N. WILEY IMA 72 East Main Street Phone 653-1481 MOUNT JOY, PA. ® BUILDING SUPPLIES Carl B. Drohan, Inc. BUILDING SUPPLIES NEW HOURS Mon. to Fri. 7 to 5 Saturday 7:00 to 12:00 Ph. 653-6401 Manheim Rd. ing with friends. Mount Joy ® LOAN SERVICE EAN VES OAR GEVECN 23 (nler Saunsd Liavttn ok “Money When You Need It” SCHOOL ENROLLMENT An increase of nealy 120 pupils at Donegal high school is anticipated this fall, Principal John G. Hart said this week that plans are being made to accept a class of about 230 boys and girls into the ninth grade in Sep. tember. Only 103 seniors were graduated last spring. Thus, it is anticipated that there will be nearly 750 pu- pils this fall as compared with 632 in 1962-1963. Attend services this week at your own Jeo worship WELCOME WAGON Ph.653-6882 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Convenient Reference To Firms Serving Community ® OIL SERVICE HOLLINGER OIL SERVICE FLORIN, PA. 653-3488 If no answer call 653-4938 ATLANTIC PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Oil Burner Sales & Service ® MEMORIALS a | KEEENER MEMORIALS Phone Marietta 426-3531 MAYTOWN, PA. ® PLUMBING — H. S. MECELEY & SON PLUMBING — HEATING OIL BURNERS Sales and Service 15 W. Main St., Ph. 653-5981 ® SERVICE STATION NEY'S CITIES SERVICE Phone 653-5796 FLORIN. PA. ® TIRES Kelly Springfie\d Tires and Service GEO. W. LEAMAN MASONRY Brick - Block - Stone New and Repair Jobs Donegal Springs Road 653-0291 J. P. Glass, Manager MAIN ST. Ph. 653-9351 ———————————e——— ® MASONRY ® TELEVISION . EE — EET TIT————————— LESTER P. ESHELMAN PHILIP C. DAY Radio & TV Service 47 E. MAIN ST., MT. JOY PHONE 653-8021