CLASS You can Buy and Sell, Rent and Hire Profitably Through the WANT ADS "4 OWAYET OY WOIMTAT FOR SALE Singer automatic zig-zag sewing machine, re-possessed. Pay balance of $64.50 at $6 per mo. Makes buttonholes, sews on buttons, overcasts, does fancy stitches, etc. Free service. Call Lancaster 393- 9629. 35-tfc TYPEWRITERS, add. mach, cash reg., check inter-coms, pafes, files, off. furn,, new & used. At Roots Sale Tuesday. “Worth trip” ENGLE, 20 South Market St.. E-town. 37-tfc 16-ft. Fan travel trailer, sleeps 5, like new. Can be seen anytime. Frank Germer, Rear 121 N. Barbara Street, Mount Joy. 8-2¢ COLLIE PUPPIES For Sale. Call 653-2331. 8-2p Two Bamboo Awnings, 10 fi. wide, 8 ft. long. Call 653- 8402 after 4 p.m. 8-1p CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank everyone for their cards, flowers other kindnesses, and espec- ially Rev. Charles Wolfe for his concern. The family of Mrs. Emma Keener. We wish to thank the many friends who remembered me and other kindnesses during a Philadelphoa Mrs. John (Helen); I wish to express my ap- preciation to my and many friends get-well-cards visits I received during my stay in the hospital Mrs. Osborne Nix HELP WANTED FEMALE ees LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTORS NOTICE Estate of J. Weiser Young, dec’d., late of the Borough of Mount Joy, Lancaster Coun- ty. Letters testamentary on said estate having been gran- ted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav- ing claims or demands a- gainst the same will present them without delay to the undersigned. THE LANCASTER COUNTY NATIONAL BANK 23 East King Street Lancaster, Pennsylvania May, Grove & Stork, Atty’s 49 North Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. 6-3¢ NOTICE The Donegal Union School District plans to employ two or more women to do clean- ing in some of its school buildings during the school year. Hours will be three or more per day after 3:00 p.m. for five days per week. Information can be secured from Mr. Ralph Leed, Head Custodian, at the high school building. Phone 653-2711. Application forms are avail- able at the school district of- fice in the high school build- ing. 7-2¢ EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Estate of Edward Gromling, dec”’d., late of Rapho Town- ship, Lancaster County, Pa. Letters of Administration on said estate having been gran- ted to the undersigned, ‘all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav- ing claims or demands a- gainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement to the undersigned EDWARD GROMLING, JR. Mount Joy R2, Pa. JOSEPH GROMLING, Mount Joy R1,, Pa. and LANCASTER COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, c/o Mt, Joy Branch, Lancas- ter County National Bank, Mount Joy, Pa. William R. Howard Attorney 7-3c ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Estate of Herbert E. Reedy, dec’'d., late of Mount Joy, Lancaster Co., Pa. Letters testamentary on said estate having been gran- ted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav- ing claims or demands a- gainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement, to the undersigned, THE LANCASTER COUN- TY NATIONAL BANK, Lancaster, Pa. May, Grove & Stork Attorneys 7-3¢ Ambitious women wanted, work for one of the largest toy party-plan companies. Yuletide party sales. ter Mowrer, and Donald Ney, with Harry Smith as chaperon. plant Com- | search “ NANTINT TOW WITH NAVAL RESERVES Gerald Kirkpatrick, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. James E, Kirkpatrick of 820 West Square St., Florin, is under- going two weeks active Naval Reservist training duty as a seaman recruit at the Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. : The training includes naval orientation and history, cus- toms and etiquette, organiza- tion and military law, ord- nance and gunnery, seaman- ship and basic shipboard rou- tine, damage control, sentry duty, military drill, physical fitness, swimming, first aid and survival. Among the academic phas- es are lectures by Navy chap- lains and written examina- tions which must be passed by each man in order to com- plete the training satisfact- orily. B On Six-Wks. Trip Seven boys who graduated from Donegal high school this year and are members of the Witness Oak Chapter of Future Farmers are tak- ing a six weeks tour of the western United States. They left July 8th. They are Rein- hold Berg, Jay Bixler, Larry Brubaker, Carl Ginder, Wal- Glenn Musser, They toured a Seed Corn in Indiana; Purina re- farms in Missouri; mission plus bonus. Call col-| Echo Ranch in Kansas which lect, “Dee” at 768-3157. consists of 4,000 acres; Carls- 50-10c| had Caverns in New Mexico; FULL or PART-TIME —| Visited across the border in Housewives and mothers| Mexico; Grand Canyon of needed in sales. No experi;{ Arizona, They arrived in ence need to start. We train. | California July 20, visited Open territories in Mount| Disneyland and expect to East Rtpho, Gladys M. Write Joy, Twps. on or call 944-3750, Middle- Donegal spend about one week in : California. The boys met the Smith, U. O. Box 392, Leban- Manheim: FPA. group at one of the laundromats. They town. 8-6¢ : are going to the state of Washington after leaving California. REAL ESTATE a ® Limb ROOMS FOR RENT: By day, week or month. Joy Tavern, 2 W. Main St., Mount Joy. (From page 1) big limb from high on the 11-tfc. | west side of the tree came crashing down onto the east FOR SALE OR RENT: Furn-| side of the building, striking ished Cabin a Sries. Beag. the new passageway between onaby orced. toy the old part of the historic les Barnes, Ickesburg, Pa. Phone 438-2092. 7-2p APT. FOR RENT: 4 rooms & church and the new church education addition. cleared The debris was bath, 2 persons, at 389 North| away Tuesday. Barbara St., Mount Joy. Call Even to notice the damage Lancaster 393-3556. 7-3c now, onc must stand under APT. FOR RENT: In ex-| the tree and look closely to change for part time help on|be sure of the exact spot dairy farm. Call 898-7507, where the limb was attached. 8-1c| There is no visible splinter- LOST considering the purchase of ing area as viewed from the ground. At the time the limb fell, church members were Fox terrier, black, brown &| additional property adjacent Mount Joy street, Mount Joy. Answers to name “Tiger” i white, Sunday in vicinity of|to the historic church site. As finally settled, the con- gregation plans to buy what Call 653-2971 between 4 and amounts to three additional 5 p.m. 8-1c Florence Starr Asks $5,000 t parcels from the estate. on which an house is located just east of Cameron The three include the lot older brick he parking lot, another and Florence L. Starr, 122 N.| power brick home next east Barbara Street, has County courthouse seeking in 1 filed a : 3 occupied b Grant Miller, damage suit at the Lancaster and Die y “L” shaped tract of and which includes about excess of $5,000 as a result 31% acres. of an accident last June at The acreage is an area the intersection of Main &| north of the two houses and Market streets. The complaint John B. Van Stone, a driver for the Falco Products Com: pany, Philadelphia, was neg- ligent when his truck struck her car after running through a red light. f east, adjoining the property states that of H. F. Gieg. B ® Vote to Change (From page 1) Teachers, apparently pre- er the ‘“double-loaded corri- Damages represent auto re-| dor” style. One teacher was pairs, loss of wages. B The Colebrook Lutheran|r annual Sunday School picnic will be held on the picnic “This open-court, injuries incurred, and|quoted as saying, “If you do build the building, “double-loaded”’ may I change my oom into that section!” Schoolmen commented that construct- grounds adjoining the church|{on may be all right for a on Saturday, July 27. There| milder climate.” will be music by the Malta band. i Everyone welcome, ® Although the board’s think- ng now is different, it felt at the time the two element- PA ary buildings were construc- ted that the most space and the most facility was being purchased for the dollars be- ing spent. Both buildings include all-purpose rooms. Although no architectural drawings have been made, it is assumed at this time that the addition at Grandview will probably extend west- ward from the present build- ing. Presently, the schoolmen are thinking in terms of six class rooms, a kindergarten room and a library (which is mandated by the state.) A proposed special education room was turned down last Thursday night. The anticipation is that the addition will be built and ready for use in the fall of 1964. A contract for painting the Maytown elementary school was awarded at the Thurs- day night meeting. The successful low bidder was Harold Kling, whose bid included $670, exterior, and $108 for the gymnasium. Three other bids were sub- mitted. The board approved a sug- gestion by the committee for the employment of a woman janitor and authorized adver- tising for a woman to work from 3 to 6 p.m, at $1.35 per hour. It was announced that three light standards will be in use at the Marietta ele- mentary school at a rental of $4 per month. New mowing equipment for the Washington School, Florin, was purchased for $432. It was announced that an improved bus schedule will be possible with the addition of four more buses, bringing the total to 13. FOR SALE IN MOUNT Joy |} BEAUTIFUL 1-STORY 3-bedroom brick ranch type home with three fireplaces, 1% baths, garage and many other i fine features. FOUR NEW THREE- BEDROOM brick and i frame ranch homes, ceramic bath, modern kitchen with appliances, i and garage. $14,900 TWO STORY four-bed- room frame, with mod- { ern kitchen, 12 baths, stoker heat, $12,000 VERY NICE three-bed- room, 1% - story brick with attached garage. This property is in ex- cellent condition and located near schools. INVESTMENT PROP- ERTY., Four-unit apart- ment house with excel- lent return. These apart- ments are almost never | vacant. $13,900 NEAR MOUNT JOY EXTREMELY NICE 2- bedroom home with at- tached garage, oil heal, modern kitchen, lent location. excel- $13,900 MAYTOWN TWO-STORY three bed- { room home, recently re- modeled, 112 baths, ! modern kitchen, $11,900 COMING SOON NO DOWN PAYMENT 2-story semi - detached brick in excellent loca- tion. For further infor- matios call JONESSZINK | 119 South Market i § ELizaBETHTOWN PENNA. i 367-1159 4 Register this week PAGE 7 Employed were Miss Dol ores Vaytko, a graduate of Slippery Rock State College, girls’ health and physical education, and Miss Olive A. Binner, a Lebanon Valley College graduate, English and social studies. Vacancies still exist in Grades 1 and 2, Marietta; Grades 2 and 6, Maytown; and girls physical education at the annex and English and special education, at the high school. Another vacancy in the teaching staff was created this week by the resignation of Carlin E. Brightbill, high school mathematics teacher. He will join Remington-Rand as technician connected with electronic machines. The ° board established two policies which cons cern 12th grade students whose parents move from Donegal district; pupils hav- ing completed elementary school and high school up to and including eleventh grade and who have moved from the district may return to grade 12, tuition free, with transportation to be provided by the parents to the school or to the nearest bus stop; and pupils completing grades 7-11 may return to grade 12 on a tuition basis. Mrs. Katherine Bennett, cafeteria supervisor, submit- ted for approval a list of companies from whom sup- plies are purchased, MOUNT JOY CIRCUS GROUNDS AUSPICES JAYCEES WORLD'S GREATEST ENTERTAINMENT VALUE FUN FOR THE FAMILY! THE WORLD ITS FIELD} ITS TRIUMPHS REACH BEYOND THE SEAS! | 20 FEATURE DISPLAYS 20 STAR STUDDED PERFORMANCE HOXIE BROS. Peforming Pachyderms EVI KROLEY AND HER DANCING STALLIONS MISS DERISKIE WIRE WALKER SUPREME AERIAL BALLET OF BEAUTIFUL GIRLS GEHURAK TROUPE TUMBLING MARVELS 8 — FUNNY CLOWNS — 8 WILD AND DOMESTIC ANIMAL DISPLAYS TWO PERFORMANCES 2 P.M. AND 8 P.M. DOORS OPEN 1 & 7 P.M. Adults $1.00—Children 50¢ Reserved Seats 25¢ Additional THE ONLY BIG CIRCUS * COMING THIS SEASON FOR FREE TYPING CLASSES open to all ages. Children 8 to 10 have preference. J.M.ENGLE CO.,20 S. Market, E-town