The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 25, 1963, Image 1

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As the season progresses,
one of the topics of conversa-
tion is the beauty of the flow-

Ee Ad

ers on Mount Joy's Main
. & @
Many many people have
used the areas at the foot of
the new, little trees for such
colorful planting as petunias
and other summer flowers.
ec eo ©
One of the most attractive
spots is in front of Dr. Ken-
dig’s home at Main and Mari-
etta. Others are no less beau-
tiful but the situation at the
intersection and the way the
sidewalk was finished is a
fine addition.
® ©& o
It has been mentioned and
is worthy of repetition here
that there has been little, if
any vandalism in connection
with the new trees and the
flowers. Seems we all appre-
ciate them and everyone is
doing his part to protect
®e oo o
(Turn to page 8)

VOL. 63. NO 8

This Is Your NEW
Mount Joy Bulletin
This is your NEW Mount Joy Bulletin!
This week your hometown newspaper joins a
strengthening tide of publications across the na-
tion which are appearing in tabloid form.
Many, many people has expressed themselves
as preferring a smaller
sheet-size paper. “I can
handle it better,” is a common comment of readers
of tabloids.
Advertisers, too, find the smaller size to their
liking. The five-column layout lends itself to good
readership, better attention at economical prices
and gives them an opportunity to tell their stories
without exploding budget arrangements.
The shift of the Bulletin to a tabloid size is
one of a series
of changes
and improvements
which the readers will be seeing within the next
few weeks.
In the meantime, try the NEW Mount Joy
Bulletin for size.
We know you will like it!

Vote To Change School Architecture
At Proposed Addition To Grandview
Styles in school buildings
And, it now appears that
the Donegal Union School
District is ready to change
the style pattern set a few
years ago when the, Grand-
view and Seiler buildings
were erected.
Both are “open court” type
buildings with “outside”
corridors. The former is
built in the form of a block
“172, The latter is in the
form. of a double ‘“U”, or ac-
tually more like the letter
Now, the Donegal district
is looking gorward to the
need for additional classes
and a building program at
When the original rooms
were built there, it was sup-
posed that the “U” shape
would be completed into an
“H” so that it would be very
similar to Seiler.
However, times and ex-
perience play an influencing
hand and on Thursday night
of last week, as the Donegal

Jefferson S. Hartzler, of
Belleville, and Gwendolyn K.
Witmer, Mount Joy RI,


Harold M. and Doris (Eag-
er) Baer, Salunga, a daughter
on Friday, July 19, at Gen-
eral hospital.
William E. and Catherine
(Davenport) Wilkinscn, 136
West High street, Maytown, a
son, Tuesday, July 16, at St.
Joseph's hospital.
David and Mary (Martin)
Hurst, Mount Joy R2, a son.
Wednesday, July 24, at the
Lancaster St. Joseph's hospit-

As a public service, The
Bulletin lists the following
physician, who may be
reached for emergency ser
vice or by those who are
unable to contact their
family physician:
Dr. Thomas O'Connor
Board of Education held its
July meeting, a poll of the
members indicated that they
prefer to change the architec-
tural arrangements.
Without exception, the 10
members voted to instruct
their architect to design a
“double loaded corridor”
type building addition,
The “double loaded corri-
dor” refers to a long, straight
hallway with classrooms op-
ening off each side.
So definite were the school-
men in their opinion that
they asked the consideration
be given the possibility of
“filling-in” the courtway of
the present Grandview biuld-
ing with new class rooms.
The matter of heating the
building which is of the “op-
en court” type was mention-
ed as one influencing factor,
(Turn to page 5)

Limb From Witness Oak
Falls on Donegal Church
A huge limb from Done-
gal’'s Witness Oak landed
much in the news this week.
The somewhat mysterious
afair happened Monday eve-
ning about 8:30 o'clock, but
by Wednesday there was lit-
tle at the scene to show what
had happened.
A smashed section of the
wrought iron fence was tilted
on its side, a pane of glass in
a window was broken, a few
shingles had been replaced
on the roof and the smell oi

Hit By Car
Dennis Engle, 7, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Engle,
Wood street, suffered contus-
ions of the head and a frac-
tured arm Tuesday about
5:15 when he was struck by
a car while riding his bicycle
He = was crossing Main
street on his bike when he
was struck by a car, headed
east, driven by Donald E.
Good of New Holland.
The accident occurred in
the 400 block on west Main
street. The boy was taken to
the General hospital in the
Friendship Fire company
The boy,
brother and a buddy, were
returning home from the
swimming pool when the ac-
cident occurred.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kreider
of Cedar Lane, recently spent
four days at Atlantic City as
guests at Chalfonte Haddon
vith an older

fresh sawdust filled the air.
During a congregational
meeting of the Donegal
church, without warning, a
(Turn to Page 5)
Se Sh,
Class Reunion
The Donegal high school
class of 1958 will hold its
five-year reunion on Sunday
August 4, beginning at 12:30
p.m. at Long's Park in Lan-
caster in pavilion #1.
A short business meeting
will be held at 2:30 to dis-
cuss future plans. All class
members and their families
are invited. This will be a
bring-your-own-lunch picnic.
The class will provide cold
drinks and ice cream,
. Br
Firemen from the Friend-
ship and Florin fire company
stood by Monday evening at
the Raymond Witmer farm,
south of Mount Joy, while an
old chicken house was inten-
tionally burned.
Florin used a tank of wa-
ter to wet down the site
when the fire subsided.
James R. Bennett,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
J. Bennett Jr., 257 Marietta
ave. scheduled to com-
plete six weeks of training at
the Reserve Officer Training
Corps (ROTC) summer camp
at Fort Bragg, N. C., July 26.
Cadet Bennett is a 1960
graduate of Donegal Union
High School and is active in
the ROTC program at College
of William and Mary in Wil-

Florin To Have New
Mail Carrier Service
Door-to-Door Delivery to Begin Aug. 31;
Donald Eichler Named New Deliveryman
Beginning August 31,
mail service!
Florin is to have
Orders to install the service were received Tuesday,
July 23, by Mount Joy Postmaster Elmer Zerphey from
At the close of business the day before, the Florin post
office becomes a “Classified finance station of the Mount Joy

To Fly Christian
Flag On Sunday
Something new is to be ad-
Shortly a Christian flag is
to fly from the staff in Mount
Joy’s Memorial park, it was
announced this week by Geo.
Albert, president of the Com-
munity Council,
The plan is to raise the
Christian flag each Sunday,
flying it with Old Glory until
The red, white and blue
fiag, which features a Chris-
tian cross, will appear above
the National Emblem. It is
the only banner authorized
to be displayed atop the
United States flag.
ET, | iT
Notice to bowlers was giv-
en this week by Lee Holtz-
man, operator of the Lincoln
Alleys, that leagues for 1963-
1964 play are now being
“If there are bowlers,” he
said, “who wish te roll with
a sanctioned league this sea-
son, they should leave their
names at the alleys at once.” _
Field Fire
Friendship Fire company
was called Wednesday after-
noon about 2 o'clock to ex-
tinguish a blaze on the War-
ren G. Shenk farm, Lefever
The fire, caused by child-
ren carelessly using matches,
was in a wheat stubble field
and about a quarter acre of
area was burned over.
nD i
Ambulance Drive
Sometime in August—at a
date yet to be determined —
the Friendship Fire company
plans a door-to-door solicita-
Chief John Myers said
this week that the solicita-
tion will be for the benefit of
the new ambulance, members
of the company making the

Golf Tourney
annual Mount
Chamber of Com-
tournament will
be held on Sunday, August
25, it was announced this
week by Gerald Hostetter.
As in the past, the tourney
will be played over the Cool
Creek Course at Wrightsville.
Hagtetter manager of
the tBurney for the Jaycees.
“The bathtub was invented
in 1850, and the telephone in
1875. Had you been living in
1850, you could have sat in
the bathtub for 25 years
The Joy
merce golf

without the darn phone ring-
ing once.”
In a lengthy and detailed
instruction, the Director of
Local Services Division said
that Jack Liggins, Florin
postmaster, is to become su-
perintendent of the ~ Florin
He will handle the station
but will be attached to the
Mount Joy office, for person-
nel and report purposes.
Name Carrier
Donald Eichler Jr., who is
now classified as a substitute
career clerk at Florin, will
be moved to the Mount Joy
office and will become a
“substitute career carrier.”
In that capacity, he will be
the Florin letter carrier.
He will have no loss of
status in the service.
As planned, the carrier
route will service the newly-
annexed portion of Mount
Joy, which was formerly
However, Postmaster Zer-
phey said that patrons living
on Donegal Springs Road
who have been served by ru-
ral carrier No. 1 will contin-
ue to be served in that same
Slots and Boxes
In some cases it may be
necessary for patrons to erect
boxes to make service avail-
However, all patrons must
make arrangements before
August 31 with a satisfactory
mail box on the front of
their home or a satisfactory
mail slot through the door.
Another detail mentioned
by Postmaster Zrphey con-
cerned the use of Market
AVENUE by persons living
on Market avenue in Florin,
Route Surveyed
A survey to lay out the
carrier's route already has
been made by the postal ser-
vice. At about the same time,
members of the Florin Lions
Club did a great deal of de-
tail work when they set up a
door number arrangement
and encouraged residents of
the area to install door num-
A casual inspection of the
area indicates that most peo-
ple have placed the proper
numbers on their door al-
miami] tte ies
Break Ground
Ground was broken this
week for the new addition to
the © Union National Mount
Joy Bank building at Main
and Barbara streets, To be
jocated on the east side of
the present structure, the
addition will feature ground-
level entrance and many new
Elam Groff. who has been
a patient at the hospital in
Lancaster for about a week,
was to return to his home in

—Ward Lowe Florin today,