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' dren, meeting and as a result Lion Franklin Eichler and Lion Hen- 1044 ry Zerphey went to Mount Joy Borough Council on May 1st, 'ip. Se ‘ = i . I; Spong 1961, to see if permission would be given to build a pool on sermo 7 Borough property. Wedne 7:30 As first proposed the pool would have been built below . ; . : : 1 the tennis courts in the park. Mr. Moseman from the Mose- 2 T man Construction Co. came to one of the meetings of the ! Sunda : - ‘ ; ol I 9:30 Lions Club and explained the pros and cons of building a " Proges pool on the basis which had been considered. Financing of 1 Wig : : : ship S such a pool setup would be almost impossible. Wedne 7:30 At this point the idea of building a pool was gently ny B - Lou ® laid aside for a while. The need for a pool in the area was ning a so great, however, that it was decided to try to get a pool {on th are St started under the noteholder plan. Accordingly, a meeting 1 Thursc : : : : 41 NA: . $ 7:30 P R O G R A M was held with the Lions in charge of the Millersville pool, hire J and the plan as it is now in operation was developed. Pub! S A site committee, under Lion Lloyd Derr was ap- J ATTY Te > ~ A nT = NE RQ 0L2 . . . . SWIMMING POOL DEDICATION JUNE 8, 1963 pointed to pick a site for the pool. A pool committee, under § J. Ea c : . ; os : ; . a Sunda; . Lion Franklin Eichler, was appointed to pick a style of pool 9:00 Donegal Stage Band : ; : Will and a builder for same. tl 1. ao 10:1 {ati tine Lander Tian Clarald GQ : oo : ar. w ship. 1 National Anthem Song Leader Lion Gerald Sheetz After the selection of the type of pool, and the site for d Pistric it, the real work of the building began, to wit; planning to E Tene Invocation teverend Howard Bernhard get enough money to build it. The amount of money involv- ers. M Vice President Mount Joy Ministerium } si : { : Wedne ed in the finished project was estimated to be approximately Bp we 30 7:8 Vestal : v " $100,000. ool committee, consisting of Lions Jay Meckley Presentation and Raising of Flag Scout Troop #3 5 j A pool committee, consisting of Lions Jay free ey: Mi J Franklin Eichler and Henry Zerphey, made the plans to get ‘ A 3 fo Lions Song Mount Joy Lions Club the project under way. . Sunda; s g £ sg 9:00 \ sli In March of 1562 the drive to sell notes began. The ’ ao Tords of Welce , i reside ‘harles Ashenfelte ; . Ca : i y Wedne Words of Welcome Lion President Charles Ashenfelter drive was successful, and in April the ground was broken ler 7180 for the pool. At the present time, most of the available | 2 wud So Etonettes notes have been sold, and it is anticipated that before the 12 Cal Remarks by Mayor Frank Walter opening of the pool for the 1963 season all of the notes will Iw isi have been sold. i. 1 Pas Donegal Stage Band A v( Sunday . 7 ue . 0 It is only fitting that some recognition be given to the 9% Address F. F. Bailey Millersville Lions Club members for the help that they have ship Sc President of Penna. State Association given us in planning this project and avoiding their costly wo! of Lions International Counsellors ® : = . 4 : Ephes pitfalls. The help they have given us has saved many dol- st 6:45 ‘ Lead Etonette lars, and we wish to express our thanks. 7:30 sh Studies Ribbon Cutting Ceremony District Governor Lion Lee Lefever The swimming pool is under the control of the Mount Wation. 2 ' : ‘ . . . ‘ Wednes Joy Lions Swimming Pool Authority Committee. One mem- of Sass The dedication of the pool will be followed by a water exhibition ber of this Committee is elected each year to serve a term and Bil given tha nwanster V MC Sra; o' exhibiti ; « Tackio gh " : 5 of June 1 given by the Lancaster Y.M.C.A., and a diving exhibition by Miss Jacki of five years. The present members of the Committee are: ¢ 7:00 Henry, National A.A.U. Junior 3 Meter Diving Champion. . y : . ‘ a 3 2 oti paar Lions Jay Meckley, Henry Zerphey, Franklin Eichler, James ven RAIN DATE: JUNE 9 - 1:45 P.M. Klinedinst and Robert Sherk. | ¢ Chique [- fv. 5. 2 {i ! Menn bu Sunday 8 : 9:15 : } Mr. J EhiClasses ef 10:30 LClship. 1 T 10Monday 0 6 bb be abe bs as iPr Pst aOn as os a® 0% 0% 0% o%0 6% 0% 0% oe o%0 6% a 6% 6% 4% 0% 5% «00 0% 6%0 4% 0%0.0% 0% 0% 620.6% 0% 6% 620 670 620 470 6%0.0%0 476.470 656 6% 670.6% 6% 670.620 +20 425 605 625.6% 620 676 6% 6% 4% 6% 0% 425 6%0.0%0.6% 0% 6% 6% +7 +20 6% 6% 6% +0 +00 o% | ole ste ale 030 ste 030 40 030 400 60 430 400 420 SLO 400 TH LI SLO LI SONI ISIS II II CI IS 0S 0450030050050 030630030. 670 470.430 630.620 630 600 050 0 20 0 0 SP SL S00 TO SISO O00 SI ED OIG GT0 SII STII SLI I 4TI OT HT0 0TH 00 4470000 070 000 070 600 0T0 seeds qe ojesle +3 Gpefeipairipieiedsd 9:00 eatfees,